65 resultados para Cutting Edge


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The photoluminescence of a GaAsN alloy with 0.1% nitrogen has been studied under pressures up to 8.5 GPa at 33, 70, and 130 K. At ambient pressure, emissions from both the GaAsN alloy conduction band edge and discrete nitrogen-related bound states are observed. Under applied pressure, these two types of emissions shift with rather different pressure coefficients: about 40 meV/GPa for the nitrogen-related features, and about 80 meV/GPa for the alloy band-edge emission. Beyond 1 GPa, these discrete nitrogen-related peaks broaden and evolve into a broad band. Three new photoluminescence bands emerge on the high-energy side of the broad band, when the pressure is above 2.5, 4.5, and 5.25 GPa, respectively, at 33 K. In view of their relative energy positions and pressure behavior, we have attributed these new emissions to the nitrogen-pair states NN3 and NN4, and the isolated nitrogen state N-x. In addition, we have attributed the high-energy component of the broad band formed above 1 GPa to resonant or near-resonant NN1 and NN2, and its main body to deeper cluster centers involving more than two nitrogen atoms. This study reveals the persistence of all the paired and isolated nitrogen-related impurity states, previously observed only in the dilute doping limit, into a rather high doping level. Additionally, we find that the responses of different N-related states to varying N-doping levels differ significantly and in a nontrivial manner.


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We have studied the temperature dependence of absorption edge of GaN thin films grown on sapphire substrate by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition using optical absorption spectroscopy. A shift in absorption edge of about 55 meV has been observed in temperature range 273-343 K. We have proposed a theoretical model to find the energy gap from absorption coefficient using alpha = alpha(max) + (alpha(min) - alpha(max))/[1 + exp 2(E - E-g + KT)/KT]. Temperature dependence of band gap has also been studied by finding an appropriate theoretical fit to our data using E-g(T) = E-g(273 K) - (8.8 x 10(-4)T(2))/(483 + T) + 0.088 (Varshni empirical formula) and E-g(T) = E-g(273 K)-0.231447/[exp(362/T)-1] + 0.082 relations. It has been found that data can be fitted accurately after adding a factor similar to 0.08 in above equations. Debye temperature (483 K) and Einstein temperature (362 K) in the respective equations are found mutually in good agreement.


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The temperature and pressure dependences of band-edge photo luminescence from ZnO microrods have been investigated. The energy separation between the free exciton (FX) and its first order phonon replica (FX-1LO) decreases at a rate of k(B)T with increasing temperature. The intensity ratio of the FX-1LO to the bound exciton (BX) emission is found to decrease slightly with increasing pressure. All of the exciton emission peaks show a blue shift with increasing pressure. The pressure coefficient of the FX transition, longitudinal optical (LO) phonon energy, and binding energy of BX are estimated to be 21.4, 0.5, and 0.9 meV/GPa, respectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An edge emitting laser based on two-dimensional photonic crystal slabs is proposed. The device consists of a square lattice microcavity, which is composed of two structures with the same period but different radius of air-holes, and a waveguide. In the cavity, laser resonance in the inner structure benelits from not only the anomalous dispersion characteristic of the first band-edge at the M point in the first Brillouin-zone but also zero photon states in the outer structure. A line defect waveguide is introduced in the outer structure for extracting photons from the inner cavity. Three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain simulations apparently show the in-plane laser output from the waveguide. The microcavity has an effective mode volume of about 3.2(lambda/eta(slab))(3) for oscillation -mode and the quality factor of the device including line defect waveguide is estimated to be as high as 1300.


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The effects of dislocations and Si doping on the electrical properties of n-type GaN grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) are investigated. It is found that both electron mobility and carrier concentration are strongly influenced by edge dislocations. A moderate Si doping during the GaN growth improves the electron mobility, but the best doping effect depends on the dislocation density of the sample. High quality about 4-mu m-thick MOCVD-grown GaN film with a room temperature electron mobility as high as 1005 cm(2)/V s is obtained by optimizing growth conditions. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate the origin of yellow luminescence in n-type GaN. It is found that the relative intensity of yellow luminescence increases as the full width at half maximum of the x-ray diffraction rocking curve at the (102) plane increases. This indicates that the yellow luminescence is related to the edge dislocation density. In addition, the relative intensity of yellow luminescence is confirmed to increase with increasing Si doping for the high quality GaN we have obtained. We propose that the yellow luminescence is effectively enhanced by the transition from donor impurities such as Si to acceptors around the edge dislocations in n-type GaN. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Chain-like Mg-doped ZnO nanoparticles were prepared using a wet chemical method combined with subsequent heat treatment. The blueshifted near-band-edge emission of the doped ZnO sample with respect to the undoped one was investigated by temperature-dependent photoluminescence. Based on the energy shift of the free-exciton transition, a band gap enlargement of similar to 83 meV was estimated, which seems to result in the equivalent shift of the bound-exciton transition. At 50 K, the transformation from the donor-acceptor-pair to free-to-acceptor emissions was observed for both the undoped and doped samples. The results show that Mg doping leads to the decrease of the acceptor binding energy. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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In this letter, we report on the observation of Fermi-edge singularity in a modulation-doped AlGaN/GaN heterostructure grown on a c-face sapphire substrate by NH3 source molecular beam epitaxy. The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) characteristic of the structure is manifested by variable temperature Hall effect measurements down to 7 K. Low-temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra show a broad emission band originating from the recombination of the 2DEG and localized holes. The enhancement in PL intensity in the high-energy side approaching Fermi level was observed at temperatures below 20 K. At higher temperatures, the enhancement disappears because of the thermal broadening of the Fermi edge. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(98)02543-1].


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A new ECTT-DHPT with InGaAsP(lambda=1.55 mu m) as base and InGaAsP(lambda=1.3 mu m) as collector as well as waveguide was designed and fabricated, the DC characteristics reveal that the ECTT-DRPT can perform good optoelectronic mix operation and linear amplification operation by optically biased at two appropriate value respectively. Responsivity of more than 52A/W and dark current of 70nA (when V-ce=1V) were obtained.


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FD SOI MOSFETs with MESA and Irradiated FD SOI MOSFETs with LOCOS isolation usually show the edge effect, that is, the leakage current called hump is generated in the subthreshold region. According to different reasons for generating the edge effect, rounded corner process and BTS structure are applied to improve device performance. The results indicate that the above two methods are effective to reduce the edge effect and qualified devices are fabricated successfully.


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A promising approach for positioning of InAs islands on (110)GaAs is demonstrated. By combining self-assembly of quantum dots with solid source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on cleaved edge of InGaAs/GaAs superlattice (SL), linear alignment of InAs islands on the InGaAs strain layers have been fabricated The cleaved edge of InGaAs/GaAs SL acts as strain nanopattern for InAs selective growth. Indium atoms incident on the surface will preferentially migrate to InGaAs regions where favorable bonding sites are available. The strain nanopattern's effect is studied by the different indium fraction and thickness of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs SL. The ordering of the InAs islands is found to depend on the properties of the underlying InGaAs strain layers.


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The self-organized InAs/In0.52Al0.48As nanostructure were grown on InP (001) using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The nanostructure has been studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The edge dislocations with the Burgers vector b = ([001]/2) and extending along the [$(110) over bar $] direction are observed. The results show that in the region near an edge dislocation, no InAs wires were formed, while in the regions free of dislocation, wire-like nanostructures were formed. The mechanisms for the formation of the [001]/2 edge dislocations were discussed.