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Local vibrational modes(LVMs) in tenths of InP samples reveal clearly existence of complexes related to hydrogen. Complexes of vacancy at indium site with one to four hydrogen atom(s) and isolated hydrogen or hydrogen dimers and complexes of hydrogen with various impurities and intrinsic defects are investigated by FTIR. Especially hydrogen related complexes between various transition metals and hydrogen or hydrogen related complexes between hydrogen with point defects. New LVMs related to hydrogen will be reported in this paper. Dynamical formation mechanism of defects in the annealed nominally undoped semiinsulating InP obtained by high pressure, high temperature annealing of ultra purity materials is proposed. Hydrogen can acts as actuator for antistructure defects production. Structural, electronic and vibrational properties of LVMs related to hydrogen as well as their temperature effects are discussed.


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We have designed and fabricated the visible vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSEL's) by using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). We use the 8 lambda optical cavities with 3 quantum wells in AlGaInP/AlGaAs red VCSEL's to reduce the drift leakage current and enhance the model gain in AlGaInP active region. The structure has a p-type stack with 36 DBR pairs on the top and an n-type with 55-1/2 pairs on the bottom. Using micro-area reflectance spectrum, we try to get a better concordance between the center wavelength of DBR and the emitting wavelength of the active region. We used a component graded layer of 0.05 lambda thick (x = 0.5 similar to 0.9) at the p-type DBR AlGaAs/AlAs interface to reduce the resistance of p-type DBR. We use selective oxidation to define the current injection path. Because the oxidation rate of a thick layer is faster than a thinner one, we grown a thick AlAs layer close to the active region. In this way, we got a smaller active region for efficient confinement of injected carriers (the aperture area is 3 x 3 mu m) to reduce the threshold and, at the same time, a bigger conductive area in the DBR layers to reduce the resistance. We employ Zn doping on the p-side of the junction to improve hole injection and control the Zn dopant diffusion to get proper p-i-n junction. At room temperature, pulse operation of the laser has been achieved with the low threshold current of 0.8mA; the wavelength is about 670nm.


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The behaviors of lateral propagating modes in the aperture and the oxidized regions are investigated numerically for selectively oxidized vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). The results show that the lateral propagating modes in the oxidized region are greatly affected by the oxide layer due to its low index, the modes are divergence for the VCSELs with sufficient thick double oxide layers. So the coupling between the modes in the aperture and oxidized regions is very weak, and we can expect that the lateral spontaneous emission is greatly affected in this case. Ignoring the contribution of the lateral spontaneous emission, we calculate spontaneous emission factor by counting the total number of the guided modes in selectively oxidized VCSELs with double oxide layers. The results agree very well with the reported measurements and are inversely proportional to the lateral index step.


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For an olfactory sensor or electronic nose the task is not only to detect the object concentration, but also to recognize it. It is well known that all the elements can be identified by their charge to mass ratio e+/m. We tried to use this principle for molecular recognition. Two kinds of sensors are used simultaneously in testing. One is Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) for detecting the change in mass, the other is Interdigital Electrode (IE) for detecting the change in conduction. In this paper the principle and the feasibility of this method are reported. The preliminary results on the recognition of alcohols are presented. The multisensor can be used as an instrument for research on material properties and kinetic process as well.


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In this study, we report the dependences of infrared luminescence properties of Er-implanted GaN thin films (GaN:Er) on the kinds of substrates used to grow GaN, the growth techniques of GaN, the implantation parameters and annealing procedures. The experimental results showed that the photoluminescence (PL) intensity at 1.54 mum was severely influenced by different kinds of substrates. The integrated PL peak intensity from GaN:Er /Al2O3 (00001) was three and five times stronger than that from GaN:Er /Si (111) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), respectively. The PL spectra observed from GaN:Er/Al2O3 (0001) grown by MOCVD and by MBE displayed a similar feature, but those samples grown by MOCVD exhibited a stronger 1.54 mum PL. It was also found that there was a strong correlation between the PL intensity with ion implantation parameters and annealing procedures. Ion implantation induced damage in host material could be only partly recovered by an appropriate annealing temperature procedure. The thermal quenching of PL from 15 to 300 K was also estimated. In comparison with the integrated PL intensity at 15 K, it is reduced by only about 30 % when going up to 300 K for GaN:Er/Al2O3 sample grown by MOCVD. Our results also show that the strongest PL intensity comes from GaN:Er grown on Al2O3 substrate by MOCVD. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of silicon film samples were prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) near the threshold from amorphous to nanocrystalline state by adjusting the plasma parameters and properly increasing the reactions between the hydrogen plasma and the growing surface. The microstucture of the films was studied by micro-Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The influences of the hydrogen dilution ratio of silane (R-H = [H-2]/[SiH4]) and the substrate temperature (T-s) on the microstructural and photoelectronic properties of silicon films were investigated in detail. With the increase of RH from 10 to 100, a notable improvement in the medium-range order (MRO) of the films was observed, and then the phase transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline phase occurred, which lead to the formation of diatomic hydrogen complex, H-2* and their congeries. With the increase of T-s from 150 to 275 degreesC, both the short-range order and the medium range order of the silicon films are obviously improved. The photoconductivity spectra and the light induced changes of the films show that the diphasic nc-Si/a-Si:H films with fine medium-range order present a broader light spectral response range in the longer wavelength and a lower degradation upon illumination than conventional a-Si:H films. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Si1-xGex/Si optoelectronic devices are promising for the monolithic integration with silicon-based microelectronics. SiGe/Si MQW RCE-PD (Resonant-Cavity-Enhanced photodiodes) with different structures were investigated in this work. Design and fabrication of top- and bottom-incident RCE-PD, such as growth of SiGe MQW (Multiple Quantum Wells) on Si and SOI (Si on insulator) wafers, bonding between SiGe epitaxial wafer and SOR (Surface Optical Reflector) consisting Of SiO2/Si DBR (Distributed Bragg Reflector) films on Si, and performances of RCE-PD, were presented. The responsivity of 44mA/W at 1.314 mum and the FWHM of 6nm were obtained at bias of 10V. The highest external quantum efficiency measured in the investigation is 4.2%.


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A new model of pattern recognition principles-Biomimetic Pattern Recognition, which is based on "matter cognition" instead of "matter classification", has been proposed. As a important means realizing Biomimetic Pattern Recognition, the mathematical model and analyzing method of ANN get breakthrough: a novel all-purpose mathematical model has been advanced, which can simulate all kinds of neuron architecture, including RBF and BP models. As the same time this model has been realized using hardware; the high-dimension space geometry method, a new means to analyzing ANN, has been researched.


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Self-assembled quantum dots and wires were obtained in the InxGa1-xAs/GaAs and InAs/In0.52Al0.48As/InP systems, respectively, using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Uniformity in the distribution, density, and spatial ordering of the nanostructures can be controlled to some extent by adjusting and optimizing the MBE growth parameters. In addition, some interesting observation on the InAs wire alignment on InP(001) is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Surface morphology and optical properties of 1.3 mum self-organized InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots structure grown by molecular beam epitaxy have been investigated by atomic force microscopy and photoluminescence measurements. It has been shown that the surface morphology evolution and emission wavelengths of InGaAs/GaAs QDs can be controlled effectively via cycled monolayer deposition methods due to the reduction of the surface strain. Our results provide important information for optimizing the epitaxial parameters for obtaining 1.3 mum long wavelength emission quantum dots structures. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The transport properties through a quantum dot are calculated using the recursion method. The results show that the electric fields can move the conductive peaks along the high- and low-energies. The electric field changes the intensity of conductance slightly. Our theoretical results should be useful for researching and making low-dimensional semiconductor optoelectronic devices. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glass spherical microcavities containing CdSSe semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) of a few microns in diameter are fabricated using a physical method. When a single glass microspherical cavity is excited by a laser beam at room temperature, very strong and sharp whispering gallery modes are shown on the background of PL spectra of CdSSe QDs, which confirms that coupling between the optical emission of embedded QDs and spherical cavity modes is realized. For a glass microsphere only 4.6 mum in diameter, it was found that the energy separation is nearly up to 26 nm both for TE and TM modes. With the increasing excitation intensity, the excitation intensity dependence of the emission intensity is not linear in the double-logarithmic scale. Above the threshold value, the linewidths of resonance modes become narrower. The lasing behavior is achieved at relatively low excitation intensity at room temperature. High optical stability and low threshold value make this optical system promising in visible microlaser applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The plasmon resonance absorption of the Ag/SiO2 nanocomposite film is investigated. The measured absorption spectra are compared with those calculated by the Mie theory. The results indicate that the Mie theory on the basis of classical electrodynamics can only partially explain the optical absorption spectra of the Ag/SiO2 nanocomposite film. We believe that the plasmon resonance absorption is mainly an intrinsic quality of the metal particle, and can be explained only with the electronic structure of the metal particle. In the latter, surface resonance state is introduced to systematically discuss the optical absorption spectra of the Ag/SiO2 nanocomposite film. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Argon gas, as a protective environment and carrier of latent heat, has an important effect on the temperature distribution in crystals and melts. Numeric simulation is a potent tool for solving engineering problems. In this paper, the relationship between argon gas flow and oxygen concentration in silicon crystals was studied systematically. A flowing stream of argon gas is described by numeric simulation for the first time. Therefore, the results of experiments can be explained, and the optimum argon flow with the lowest oxygen concentration can be achieved. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using the multiband quantum transmitting boundary method (MQTBM), hole resonant tunneling through AlGaAs/GaMnAs junctions is investigated theoretically. Because of band-edge splitting in the DMS layer, the current for holes with different spins are tuned in resonance at different biases. The bound levels of the "light" hole in the quantum well region turned out to be dominant in the tunneling channel for both "heavy" and "light" holes. The resonant tunneling structure can be used as a spin filter for holes for adjusting the Fermi energy and the thickness of the junctions.