33 resultados para Denver Pacific Railway and Telegraph Company.


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Optical modes of AlGaInP laser diodes with real refractive index guided self-aligned (RISA) structure were analyzed theoretically on the basis of two-dimension semivectorial finite-difference methods (SV-FDMs) and the computed simulation results were presented. The eigenvalue and eigenfunction of this two-dimension waveguide were obtained and the dependence of the confinement factor and beam divergence angles in the direction of parallel and perpendicular to the pn junction on the structure parameters such as the number of quantum wells, the Al composition of the cladding layers, the ridge width, the waveguide thickness and the residual thickness of the upper P-cladding layer were investigated. The results can provide optimized structure parameters and help us design and fabricate high performance AlGaInP laser diodes with a low beam aspect ratio required for optical storage applications.


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Effects of SiO2, encapsulation and rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on the optical properties of GaNAs/GaAs single quantum well (SQW) were studied by low temperature photoluminescence (PL). A blueshift of the PL peak energy for both the SiO2-capped region and the bare region was observed. The results were attributed to the nitrogen reorganization in the GaNAs/GaAs SQW. It was also shown that the nitrogen reorganization was obviously enhanced by SiO2 cap-layer. A simple model [1] was used to describe the SiO2-enhanced blueshift of the low temperature PL peak energy.


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A novel approach to achieving a polarization-insensitive semiconductor optical amplifier is presented. The active layer consists of graded tensile strained bulk-like structure. which can not only enhance TM mode material gain and further realize polarization-insensitivity, but also get a large 3dB bandwidth due to different strain introduced into the active layer. 3dB bandwidth more than 40nm. 65nm has been obtained in die experiment and theory, respectively. The characteristics of such polarization insensitive structure have been analyzed, The influence of the amount of strain and of the thickness of strain layer on the polarization insensitivity has been discussed.


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We show that the observed temperature dependence of the photoluminescence (PL) features can be consistently explained in terms of thermally activated carrier transfer processes in a multilayer structure of the self-organized Ge/Si(001) islands. The type II (electron confinement in Si) behavior of the Ge/Si islands is verified. With elevated temperature, the thermally activated electrons and holes enter the Ge islands from the Si and from the wetting layer (WL), respectively. An involvement of the type I (spatially direct) into type II (spatially indirect) recombination transition takes place at a high temperature.


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We report some investigations on vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) arrays and VCSEL based optoelectronic smart photonic multiple chip modules (MCM), consisting of 1 x 16 vertical cavity surface emitting laser array and 16-channel lasers driver 0.35 mum CMOS circuit. The hybrid integrated multiple chip modules based on VCSEL operate at more than 2GHz in -3dB frequency bandwidth.


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The semiconductor microlasers based on the equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) can be fabricated from the edge-emitting laser wafer by dry-etching technique, and the directional emission can be obtained by connecting an output waveguide to one of the vertices of the ETR. We investigate the mode characteristics, especially the mode quality factor, for the ETR with imperfect vertices, which is inevitable in the real technique process. The numerical simulations show that the confined modes can still have a high quality factor in the ETR with imperfect vertices. We can expect that the microlasers is a suitable light source for photonic integrated circuits.


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Planar punch through heterojunction phototransistors with a novel emitter control electrode and ion- implanted isolation (CE-PTHPT) are investigated. The phototransistors have a working voltage of 3-10V and high sensitivity at low input power. The base of the transistor is completely depleted under operating condition. Base current is zero. The CE-PTHPT has an increased speed and a decreased noise. The novel CE-PTHPT has been fabricated in this paper. The optical gain of GaAlAs/GaAs CE-PTHPT for the incident light power 1.3 and 43nw with the wavelength of 0.8 mu m reached 1260 and 8108. The input noise current calculated is 5.46 x 10(-16) A/H-z(1/2). For polysilicon emitter CE-PTHPT, the optical gain is 3083 at the input power of 0.174 mu w. The optical gain of InGaAs/InP CE-PTHPT reaches 350 for an incident power of 0.3 mu w at the wavelength of 1.55 mu m. The CE-PTHPT detectors is promising as photo detectors for optical fiber communication system.


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A GaInNAs/GaAs multiple quantum well (MQW) resonant-cavity enhanced (RCE) photodetector operating at 1.3 mum with the full-width at half-maximum of 5.5 nm was demonstrated. The GaInNAs RCE photodetector was grown by molecular-beam epitaxy using an ion-removed dc-plasma cell as nitrogen source. GaInNAs/GaAs MQW shows a strong exciton peak at room temperature that is very beneficial for applications in long-wavelength absorption devices. For a 100-mum diameter RCE photodetector, the dark current is 20 and 32 pA at biases of 0 and 6 V, respectively, and the breakdown voltage is -18 V. The measured 3-dB bandwidth is 308 MHz. The reasons resulting in the poor high speed property were analyzed. The tunable wavelength of 18 nm with the angle of incident light was observed.


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Si-based SiGe/Si strained MQW long-wavelength photodetectors (PD) with cycle type (Ring Shape) waveguide (CWG) and resonant-cavity-enhanced (RCE) structure have been investigated for the first time for improving the quantum efficiency and response time. The results show that the responsivities are higher than that of conventional PD with a same Ge content reported previously. In addition, RCE-PD has an obvious narrow band response with FWHM less than 6nm.


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The polarization of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) can be controlled by electro-optic birefringence. We calculated the birefringence resulted from external electric field which was imposed on the top DBR of VCSEL by assuming that the two polarization modes were in the same place of the gain spectra in the absence of electric field beginning. By modifying SFM, the affection of the electric field strength on the polarization switching currents between the two polarization modes had been shown.


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The theoretical analysis and experimental measurement on the angle dependence of quantum efficiency of GaAs based resonant cavity enhanced (RCE) photodetector is presented. By changing the angle of incoming light, about 40mn wavelength variation of peak quantum efficiency has been experimentally obtained. The peak quantum efficiency and optical bandwidth at different mode corresponding to different angle incidence have been characterized with different absorption dependence on wavelength. The convenient angle tuning of resonant mode will be helpful to relax the strict constraint of RCE photodetector to light source with narrow emission spectrum while especially applied in space optical detections and communications.


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The population genetic structure of the crimson snapper Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia was examined with a 427-bp hypervariable portion of the mtDNA control region. A total of 262 samples were collected and 75 haplotypes were obtained. Neutrality tests (Tajima's and Fu's) suggested that Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia had experienced a bottleneck followed by population expansion since the late Pleistocene. Despite the low phylogeographic structures in mtDNA haplotypes, a hierarchical examination of populations in 11 localities from four geographical regions using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated significant genetic differentiation among regions (Phi(CT) = 0.08564, p < 0.01). Limited gene flow between the eastern region (including a locality in the western Pacific Ocean and two localities in the East Sea) and three geographic regions of the South China Sea largely contributed to the genetic subdivision. However, comparisons among three geographic regions of the South China Sea showed little to no genetic difference. Populations of Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia are inferred to be divided into two major groups: an eastern group, including populations of the western Pacific Ocean and the East Sea, and a South China Sea group, consisting of populations from northern Malaysia to South China. The results suggest that fishery management should reflect the genetic differentiation and diversity in East Asia. (c) 2006 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two gravity piston cores (Cores 155 and 18) involved in this study were collected from the middle Okinawa Trough. Stratigraphy of the two cores was divided and classified based on the features of planktonic foraminifera oxygen isotope changes together with depositional sequence, millennium-scale climatic event comparison, carbonate cycles and AMS(14)C dating. Some paleoclimatic information contained in sediments of these cores was extracted to discuss the paleoclimatic change rules and the short-time scale events presented in interglacial period. Analysis on the variation of oxygen isotope values in stage two shows that the middle part of the Okinawa Trough may have been affected by fresh water from the Yellow River and the Yangtze River during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The oxygen isotope value oscillating ranges of the cores have verified that the marginal sea has an amplifying effect on climate changes. The delta(13)C of benthic foraminifera Uvigerina was lighter in the glacial period than that in the interglacial period, which indicates that the Paleo-Kuroshio's main stream moved eastward and its influence area decreased. According to the temperature difference during the "YD" period existing in Core 180 and other data, we can reach the conclusion that the climatic changes in the middle Okinawa Trough area were controlled by global climatic changes, but some regional factors had also considerable influence on the climate changes. Some results in this paper support Fairbanks's point that the "YD" event was a brief stagnation of sea level rising during the global warming up procession. Moreover, the falling of sea level in the glacial period weakened the exchange between the bottom water of the Okinawa Trough and the deep water of the northwestern Pacific Ocean and resulted in low oxygen state of bottom water in this area. These procedures are the reasons for carbonate cycle in the Okinawa Trough area being consistent with the "Atlantic type" carbonate cycle.


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中西太平洋富钴结壳稀有气体核素含量和同位素组成具有明显的区域性特征。依其He同位素比值与大洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)He同位素比值的相对大小,可将富钴结壳分为低3He/4He型和高3He/4He型两类,麦哲伦海山、马尔库斯-威克海岭、马绍尔群岛海山链和中太平洋海山产出低3He/4He型结壳,莱恩群岛海山链产出高3He/4He型结壳。 富钴结壳稀有气体以下地幔来源为主,低3He/4He型与高3He/4He型结壳稀有气体特征的差异是二者产出海山链下地幔源区类型不同的表现。低3He/4He型结壳中的稀有气体主要来自受俯冲再循环大洋地壳影响的HIMU型地幔源区,高3He/4He型结壳中的稀有气体主要来自受捕获大气组分沉积物再循环作用影响的EM型地幔源区。地幔源区类型的差异是引起两类结壳稀有气体组成差异的根本原因。 富钴结壳铂族元素(PGE)特征随海山链而变化,PGE各元素之间也有明显的分异,暗示了结壳PGE来源的多样性和富集机制的差异性。地外物质对富钴结壳PGE的贡献有限,富钴结壳PGE主要来自海底幔源岩石的蚀变作用和陆源物质输入。PGE来源印证了富钴结壳稀有气体的地幔来源说。 大洋岛屿玄武岩(OIB)低温蚀变作用研究和质量平衡理论计算表明,OIB低温蚀变作用为海水提供了大量金属,OIB是富钴结壳重要的矿源场。地幔在富钴结壳成矿中起着重要的作用。


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