213 resultados para LiGaO2 substrates


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Low-temperature photoluminescence and excitation spectra from InAs monolayer quantum structures, grown on (311)A, (311)B, and (100) GaAs substrates, are investigated, The structures were grown simultaneously by conventional molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE), The experimental results show that the quality of InAs monolayer on (311)B GaAs substrate is obviously better in crystal quality than those on the two other oriented GaAs substrates. In addition, the transition peaks of the InAs layer grown on (311) GaAs substrates shift to higher energy with respect to that from the InAs layer grown on (100) GaAs substrate.


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Films of GaN have been grown using a modified MBE technique in which the active nitrogen is supplied from an RF plasma source. Wurtzite films grown on (001) oriented GaAs substrates show highly defective, ordered polycrystalline growth with a columnar structure, the (0001) planes of the layers being parallel to the (001) planes of the GaAs substrate. Films grown using a coincident As flux, however, have a single crystal zinc-blende growth mode. They have better structural and optical properties. To improve the properties of the wurtzite films we have studied the growth of such films on (111) oriented GaAs and GaP substrates. The improved structural properties of such films, assessed using X-ray and TEM method, correlate with better low-temperature FL.


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We have investigated the temperature dependence of photoluminescence (PL) properties of a number of self-organized InAs/GaAs heterostructures with InAs layer thickness ranging from 0.5 to 3 ML. The temperature dependence of InAs exciton emission and linewidth was found to display a significant difference when the InAs layer thickness is smaller or larger than the critical thickness around 1.7 ML. The fast redshift of PL energy and an anomalous decrease of linewidth with increasing temperature were observed and attributed to the efficient relaxation process of carriers in multilayer samples, resulting from the spread and penetration of the carrier wave functions in coupled InAs quantum dots. The measured thermal activation energies of different samples demonstrated that the InAs wetting layer may act as a barrier for the thermionic emission of carriers in high-quality InAs multilayers, while in InAs monolayers and submonolayers the carriers are required to overcome the GaAs barrier to escape thermally from the localized states.


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Heteroepitaxial growth of 3C-SiC on patterned Si substrates by low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) has been investigated to improve the crystal quality of 3C-SiC films. Si substrates were patterned with parallel lines, 1 to 10μm wide and spaced 1 to 10μm apart, which was carried out by photolithography and reactive ion etching. Growth behavior on the patterned substrates was systematically studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An air gap structure and a spherical shape were formed on the patterned Si substrates with different dimensions. The air gap formed after coalescence reduced the stress in the 3C-SiC films, solving the wafer warp and making it possible to grow thicker films. XRD patterns indicated that the films grown on the maskless patterned Si substrates were mainly composed of crystal planes with (111) orientation.


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50mm 3C-SiC epilayers are grown on (100) and (111) Si substrates in a newly developed horizontal lowpressure hot-wall CVD reactor under different growth pressures and flow rates of H_2 carrier gas. The structure,electrical properties, and thickness uniformity of the 3C-SiC epilayers are investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) ,sheet resistance measurement, and spectroscopic ellipsometry. XRD patterns show that the 3C-SiC films have excellent crystallinity. The narrowest full widths at half maximum of the SIC(200) and (111) peaks are 0.41° and 0.21°, respectively. The best electrical uniformity of the 50mm 3C-SiC films obtained by sheet resistance measurement is 2.15%. A σ/mean value of ± 5.7% in thickness uniformity is obtained.


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ZnO films were deposited on Si(100) substrates at 300℃ by metal - organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD). The effect of different ratios of DEZn to N2O on crystal quality was analyzed. It is found that the optimum ratio of DEZn to N2O is 2.1. And in this optimum growth condition, X - ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning probe morphology (SPM) images indicate that the films grow along the c - axis orientation. ZnO film exhibits a strong UV optical absorption near 388 nm. And the optical absorbance is close to zero,that indicates nearly 100% optical transparence. Photoluminescence (PL) spectrum shows only strong near - band - edge emissions with little or no deep - level emission related to defects. The full - width at half - maximum (FWHM) of the ultraviolet emission peak is 80meV. The results indicate that better crystal quality can be obtained.


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Space ordered 1.3μm self-assembled InAs QDs are grown on GaAs(100) vicinal substrates by MOCVD. Photoluminescence measurements show that the dots on vicinal substrates have a much higher PL intensity and a narrower FWHM than those of dots on exact substrates, which indicates better material quality. To obtain 1.3μm emissions of InAs QDs, the role of the so called InGaAs strain cap layer (SCL) and the strain buffer layer (SBL) in the strain relaxation process in quantum dots is studied. While the use of SBL results only in a small change of emission wavelength,SCL can extend the QD's emission over 1.3μm due to the effective strain reducing effect of SCL.


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This paper presents the development of LPCVD growth of 3C-SiC thin films grown on Si mesas and thermally oxidized SiO2 masks over Si with an area of 150 × 100μm^2 and SiO2/Si substrates. The growth has been performed via chemical vapor deposition using SiH4 and C2H4 precursor gases with carrier gas of H2. 3C-SiC films on these substrates were characterized by optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and room temperature Hall effect measurements. It is shown that there were no voids at the interface between 3C-SiC and SiO2.


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50mm SiC films with high electrical uniformity are grown on Si(111) by a newly developed vertical low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) reactor.Both in-situ n- and p-type doping of 3C-SiC are achieved by intentional introduction of ammonia and boron into the precursor gases.The dependence of growth rate and surface morphology on the C/Si ratio and optimized growth conditions is obtained.The best electrical uniformity of 50mm 3C-SiC films obtained by non-contact sheet resistance measurement is ±2.58%.GaN films are grown atop the as-grown 3C-SiC/Si(111) layers using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE).The data of both X-ray diffraction and low temperature photoluminescence of GaN/3C-SiC/Si(111) show that 3C-SiC is an appropriate substrate or buffer layer for the growth of Ⅲ-nitrides on Si substrates with no cracks.


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High quality crack free GaN epilayers were grown on Si(111) substrates. Low temperature AlN interlayer grown under low V/III ratio was used to effectively eliminate the formation of micro-cracks. It is found that tensile stress in the GaN epilayer decreases as the N/Al ratio decreases used for AlN interlayer growth. The high optical and structural qualities of the GaN/Si samples were characterized by RBS, PL and XRD measurements. The RT-PL FWHM of the band edge emission is only 39.5meV The XRD FWHM of the GaN/Si sample is 8.2arcmin, which is among the best values ever reported.


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Unintentionally doped and Si-doped single crystal n-GaN films have been grown on alpha-Al2O3 (0001) substrates by LP-MOCVD. Room temperature photoluminescence measurement showed that besides the bandedges, the spectrum of an undoped sample was a broad deep-level emission band peaking from 2.19 to 2.30eV, whereas the spectrum for a Si-doped sample was composed of a dominant peak of 2.19eV and a shoulder of 2.32eV. At different temperatures, photoconductance buildup and its decay were also observed for both samples.. The likely origins of persistent photoconductivity and yellow luminescence, which might be associated with deep defects inclusive of either Ga vacancy(V-Ga)/Ga vacancy complex induced by impurities or N antisite (N-Ga), will be proposed.


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Using Transmission Electron Microscopy, we studied the misfit and threading dislocations in InAs epilayers. All the samples, with thickness around 0.5 mu m, were grown on GaAs(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy under As-rich or in-rich conditions. The As-rich growth undergoes 2D-3D mode transition process, which was inhibited under In-rich surface. High step formation energy under As-deficient reconstruction inhibits the formation of 3D islands and leads to 2D growth. The mechanism of misfit dislocations formation was different under different growth condition which caused the variation of threading dislocation density in the epilayers.


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The heteroepitaxial growth of n-type and p-type 3C-SiC on (0001) sapphire substrates has been performed with a supply of SiH4+C2H4+H-2 system by introducing ammonia (NH3) and diborane (B2H6) precursors, respectively, into gas mixtures. Intentionally incorporated nitrogen impurity levels were affected by changing the Si/C ratio within the growth reactor. As an acceptor, boron can be added uniformly into the growing 3C-SiC epilayers. Nitrogen-doped 3C-SiC epilayers were n-type conduction, and boron-doped epilayers were p-type and probably heavily compensated.