472 resultados para excitation spectra


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Hexagonal nanopillars with a single InGaAs/GaAs quantum well (QW) were fabricated on a GaAs (111) B substrate by selective-area metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. The standard deviations in diameter and height of the nanopillars are about 2% and 5%, respectively. Zincblende structure and rotation twins were identified in both the GaAs and the InGaAs layers by electron diffraction. The excitation-power-density-dependent micro-photoluminescence (mu-PL) of the nanopillars was measured at 4.2, 50, 100 and 150 K. It was shown that, with increasing excitation power density, the mu-PL peak's positions shift to a higher energy, and their intensity and width increase, which were rationalized using a model that includes the effects of piezoelectricity, photon-screening and band-filling. It was also revealed that the rotation twins significantly reduce the diffusion length of the carriers in the nanopillars, compared to that in the regular semiconductors.


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The circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) is observed in InN at inter-band excitation. The function of the CPGE induced current on laser helicity is experimentally demonstrated and illustrated with the microscopic model. A spin-dependent current obtained in InN is one order larger than in the AlGaN/GaN heterostructures at inter-band excitation. The dependence of CPGE current amplitude on light power and incident angle can be well evaluated with phenomenological theory. This sizeable spin-dependent current not only provides an opportunity to realize spin polarized current at room temperature, but also can be utilized as a reliable tool of spin splitting investigation in semiconductors. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Excitation power-dependent micro-photoluminescence spectra and photon-correlation measurement are used to study the optical properties and photon statistics of single InAs quantum dots. Exciton and biexciton emissions, whose photoluminescence intensities have linear and quadratic excitation power dependences, respectively, are identified. Under pulsed laser excitation, the zero time delay peak of second order correlation function corresponding to exciton emission is well suppressed, which is a clear evidence of single photon emission.


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We report on the fabrication of the nanowires with InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures on the GaAs(111) B substrate using selective-area metal organic vapor phase epitaxy. Fabry-Perot microcavity modes were observed in the nanowires with perfect end facets dispersed onto the silicon substrate and not observed in the free-standing nanowires. We find that the calculated group refractive indices only considering the material dispersion do not agree with the experimentally determined values although this method was used by some researchers. The calculated group refractive indices considering both the material dispersion and the waveguide dispersion agree with the experimentally determined values well. We also find that Fabry-Perot microcavity modes are not observable in the nanowires with the width less than about 180 nm, which is mainly caused by their poor reflectivity at the end facets due to their weak confinement to the optical field. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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Both the peak position and linewidth in the photoluminescence spectrum of the InAs/GaAs quantum dots usually vary in an anomalous way with increasing temperature. Such anomalous optical behaviour is eliminated by inserting an In0.2Ga0.8As quantum well below the quantum dot layer in molecular beam epitaxy. The insensitivity of the photoluminescence spectra to temperature is explained in terms of the effective carrier redistribution between quantum dots through the In0.2Ga0.8As quantum well.


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Resonant tunnelling diodes with different structures were grown. Their photoluminescence spectra were investigated. By contrast, the luminescence in the quantum well is separated from that of other epilayers. The result is obtained that the exciton of the luminescence in the quantum well is partly come from the cap layer in the experiment. So the photoluminescence spectrum is closely related to the electron transport in the resonant tunnelling diode structure. This offers a method by which the important performance of resonant tunnelling diode could be forecast by analysing the integrated photoluminescence intensities.


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Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the GaInNAs/GaAs single quantum well (SQW) with different N compositions are carefully studied in a range of temperatures and excitation power densities. The anomalous S-shape temperature dependence of the PL peak is analysed based on the competition and switching-over between the peaks related to N-induced localized states and the peak related to interband excitonic recombination. It is found that with increasing N composition, the localized energy increases and the turning point of the S-shape temperature dependence occurs at higher temperature, where the localized carriers in the bandtail states obtain enough thermal activation energy to be dissociated and delocalized. The rapid thermal annealing (RTA) effectively reduces the localized energy and causes a decrease of the switching-over temperature.


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A gain measurement technique, based on Fourier series expansion of periodically extended single fringe of the amplified spontaneous emission spectrum, is proposed for Fabry-Perot semiconductor lasers. The underestimation of gain due to the limited resolution of the measurement system is corrected by a factor related to the system response function. The standard deviations of the gain-reflectivity product under low noise conditions are analyzed for the Fourier series expansion method and compared with those of the Hakki-Paoli method and Cassidy's method. The results show that the Fourier series expansion method is the least sensitive to noise among the three methods. The experiment results obtained by the three methods are also presented and compared.


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The composite films of the nanocrystalline GaAs1-xSbx-SiO2 have been successfully deposited on glass and GaSb substrates by radio frequency magnetron co-sputtering. The 10K photoluminescence (PL) properties of the nanocrystalline GaAs1-xSbx indicated that the PL peaks of the GaAs1-xSbx nanocrystals follow the quantum confinement model very closely. Optical transmittance spectra showed that there is a large blue shift of optical absorption edge in nanocrystalline GaAs1-xSbx-SiO2 composite films, as compared with that of the corresponding bulk semiconductor, which is due to the quantum confinement effect.


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We have investigated the evolution of exciton state filling as a function of excitation power density in InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs). In addition to the emission bands of exciton recombination corresponding to the atom-like S, P, and D, etc. shells of quantum dots, it was observed that some extra states, P-' (between the S and P shells) and D-' (between the P and D shells), appear in the spectra with increasing number of excitons occupying the QDs. The emergence of these intershell excitonic levels is an experimental demonstration of strong exciton-exciton exchange interaction and coupling as well as state mixing and hybridization of a multiexciton system in quantum dots.


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Microscopic luminescence and Raman scattering study was carried on AIInGaN quaternary alloy. Based on the analyses of SEM image and cathodoluminescence spectra measured around V-defects, the correlation between V-defect formation and indium segregation was clarified. Raman scattering of thin AlInGaN epilayers was investigated by using the short wavelength excitation of 325nm laser line. The frequency shift of A(1)(LO) phonon induced by the change of Al composition in alloy was observed. The Raman scattering of LO phonons was found to be resonantly enhanced with outgoing resonance, and it is attributed to the cascade-like electron-multiphonon interaction mechanism.


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A set of GaNxAs1-x samples with a small content of nitrogen (N) (< 1%) were investigated by continuous-wave photoluminescence (PL), pulse-wave excitation PL, and photo reflectance technology. Temperature-and excitation-dependence of PL disclosed the intrinsic band gap properties of alloy states in GaNxAs1-x, which was extremely different from the N-related impurity states. At the same time, PR spectra were also studied in this work.


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Under selective photo-excitation, the capacitance response of internal tunnelling coupling in quantum-dots-imbedded heterostructures is studied to clarify the electronic states and the number densities of electrons filling in the quantum dots (QDs). The random nature for both optical transitions and the filling in a QD assembly makes highly resolved capacitance peaks appear in the C-V characteristic after turning off the photo-excitation.


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Using micro-photoluminescence technique, we observed a new photoluminescence peak about 0.348 eV above the bandgap of GaAs (E-0). By analyzing its optical characteristics, we assigned this peak to the nonequilibrium luminescence emission from the E-0 + Delta(0) bandgap in semi-insulated GaAs, which was further verified by Raman results. The observed polarization, excitation power dependence and temperature dependence of the photoluminescence spectra from the E-0 + Delta(0) energy level were very similar to those from the E-0 of GaAs. This mainly resulted from the common conduction band around Gamma(6) that was involved in the two optical transition processes, and indicated that the optical properties of bulk GaAs were mainly determined by the intrinsic properties of the conduction band. Our results demonstrated that the micro-photoluminescence technique is a powerful tool to investigate the high energy states above the fundamental bandgap in semiconductor materials.