246 resultados para 142


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Neutron irradiated high resistivity (4-6 kOMEGA-cm) silicon detectors in the neutron fluence (PHI(n)) range of 5 X 10(11) n/cm2 to 1 X 10(14) n/cm2 have been studied using a laser deep level transient spectroscopy (L-DLTS). It has been found that the A-center (oxygen-vacancy, E(c) = 0.17 eV) concentration increases with neutron fluence, reaching a maximum at PHI(n) almost-equal-to 5 X 10(12) n/cm2 before decreasing with PHI(n). A broad peak has been found between 200 K and 300 K, which is the result of the overlap of three single levels: the V-V- (E(c) = 0.38 eV), the E-center (P-V, E(c) = 0.44 eV), and a level at E(c) = 0.56 eV that is probably V-V0. At low neutron fluences (PHI(n) < 5 X 10(12) n/cm2), this broad peak is dominated by V-V- and the E-centers. However, as the fluence increases (PHI(n) greater-than-or-equal-to 5 X 10(12) n/cm2), the peak becomes dominated by the level of E(c) = 0.56 eV.


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This paper proposes a novel noise optimization technique. The technique gives analytical formulae for the noise performance of inductively degenerated CMOS low noise amplifier (LNA) circuits with an ideal gate inductor for a fixed bias voltage and nonideal gate inductor for a fixed power dissipation, respectively, by mathematical analysis and reasonable approximation methods. LNA circuits with required noise figure can be designed effectively and rapidly just by using hand calculations of the proposed formulae. We design a 1.8 GHz LNA in a TSMC 0.25 pan CMOS process. The measured results show a noise figure of 1.6 dB with a forward gain of 14.4 dB at a power consumption of 5 mW, demonstrating that the designed LNA circuits can achieve low noise figure levels at low power dissipation.


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A lithography-independent and wafer scale method to fabricate a metal nanogap structure is demon-strated. Polysilicon was first dry etched using photoresist (PR) as the etch mask patterned by photolithography.Then, by depositing conformal SiO_2 on the polysilicon pattern, etching back SiO_2 anisotropically in the perpendic-ular direction and removing the polysilicon with KOH, a sacrificial SiO_2 spacer was obtained. Finally, after metal evaporation and lifting-off of the SiO_2 spacer, an 82 nm metal-gap structure was achieved. The size of the nanogap is not determined by the photolithography, but by the thickness of the SiO_2. The method reported in this paper is compatible with modern semiconductor technology and can be used in mass production.


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在特定温控下对掺杂气体分子的状态和活性进行控制,建立了一套具有自主知识产权的气源分子束外延工艺生长SiGe/Si材料的原位掺杂控制技术。采用该技术生长的SiGe/Si HBT外延材料,可将硼杂质较好地限制在SiGe合金基区内,并能有效地提高磷烷对N型掺杂的浓度和外延硅层的生长速率,获得了理想N,P型杂质分布的SiGe/Si HBT外延材料。


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When a BPEL process is executed,it is necessary to dynamically monitor the process.BPEL is a executable language,which is not suitable for visual monitoring.On the other hand,BPMN is designed to visually describe business process and is more intuitive for monitoring.To visually monitor a BPEL process, transformation from BPEL to BPMN is necessary.However,current study of transformation from BPEL to BPMN does not support the transformation of"link"activity.Besides,no work has been done to add supplementary information into BPMN during transformation.In this paper,we transform nested BPEL process into a flat BPMN process graph without hierarchy through applying a flattening strategy.Especially, we analyze various scenarios of the transformation of link activity,and provide a method to deal with it. Besides,we analyze the mapping between BPEL activities and BPMN graph,through which we found out that some supplementary information cannot automatically obtained from BPEL process.These supplementary information need to be added during transformation.At the end of this paper,we present the structure of our monitoring tool which is based on our transformation algorithm.


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本文应用植物区系分析、数量分类(TWINSPAN)、相似性比较和生物多样性指数评估等方法对长白植物区维管束植物多样性及其格局进行了比较系统的研究。 本文对长白植物区维管束植物区系研究表明,本区共有维管束植物142科624属1881种,此区系属于温带性质,地理联系广泛,与东亚其它地区特别是与日本的联系最为密切。 通过对本区物种多样性的水平分布格局研究,提出了全区86县市的植物组成、分化指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、G-F指数和物种重要值IM的分布格局,并着重对本区六大山地和二大平原的物种多样性进行了分析,指出本区长白山植物分布最为集中。长白山、辽东山地、小兴安岭和张广才岭是本区植物多样性较高的地区。长白山、辽东山地和小兴安岭是本区物种分化中心。 对本区代表性山地长白山的物种多样性垂直分布格局研究表明,各植被垂直带的物种多样性指数(G-F指数)随海拔升高而递减。随海拔增高,温带性质的区系成分逐渐减弱,寒带亚寒带性质成分逐渐增强。热带性质的成分只影响到阔叶红松林带和暗针叶林带。 本文的对长白植物区重要山地阔叶红松林的物种多样性做了对比研究,提出长白山的阔叶红松林物种丰富度最高。各主要山地的多样性指数没有随纬度变化而呈单一升降关系。TWINSPAN 以属为单位的聚类结果表明,本区阔叶红松林的24个样地可以分为7个类型,阔叶红松林中的33个乔木树种划分为8个关联组。 本文提出了一种用于大尺度多样性评估的方法——物种重要值比较法。这种方法计算简便,结果可靠,对于改善目前大尺度生物多样性评价方法较少的状况有积极意义。此外本文首次将G-F指数引入植物多样性研究领域,并对G-F指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和IM值的测度结果进行评估,确认F指数和IM值的测度结果最令人满意。


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黄河三角洲丹顶鹤生境变化与评价 摘 要 从水禽角度出发,把影响其生境选择的因素划分为水、食物、隐蔽物和干扰四类。用遥感和地理信息系统软件对黄河三角洲地区3期TM数据进行处理,根据生境要素特征,对生境进行分类,获取该地区1986年、1996年和2001年3个时期各生境要素图。把生境要素图进行叠加,最终得到3个时期的黄河三角洲的水禽生境类型图。 通过对各生境要素图的面积、斑块数变化及转移矩阵的分析,可以看出各生境要素的结构发生了明显的变化,对水禽生境而言,总的结果是干扰加重、积水地区面积增多、植物性食物和适宜隐蔽物范围减小,通过对这种变化进行分析得出:人类有意识的活动(干扰)是引起各生境要素发生变化的主要驱动力。生境要素的变化造成黄河三角洲地区水禽生境质量的下降。 再以黄河三角洲生境分布图为基础,运用遥感和地理信息系统软件得出三个时期丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)生境分布图。选取一系列的景观指数,通过APACK软件进行计算,结合土地利用动态度的概念对黄河三角洲地区从1986—2001年丹顶鹤生境的动态变化进行量化分析。结果表明:适宜丹顶鹤栖息的总生境面积不断减小,该地区的生境破碎化程度也不断升高;相应的适应丹顶鹤栖息的各生境类型的面积除了轻干扰深积水鱼类苇田(人类活动造成)的面积增加外,其余大多呈减少趋势,总的来说丹顶鹤栖息生境质量呈下降趋势。人类活动是黄河三角洲丹顶鹤生境的变化的主要驱动力。 在利用景观连接度模型进行丹顶鹤生境评价的研究中发现:在黄河三角洲内尚有1062.63 km2适宜丹顶鹤生存的生境,占总面积6021.05 km2的17.65%。其中最适生境面积为205.84km2,占总面积的3.42%;适宜生境面积为142.47 km2,占总面积的2.37%;中等适宜面积为420.27 km2,占总面积的6.98%;勉强适宜面积为294.05 km2,占总面积的4.88%;不太适宜面积为2532.07 km2,占总面积的42.05%;不适宜面积为2426.36 km2,占总面积的40.30%。虽然适宜生境面积还很大,但在空间分布上十分零散,除了几个较大的斑块外,尚有许多较小斑块处于孤立状态,这些斑块将无法为丹顶鹤所利用。 黄河三角洲是我国最大的新生湿地生态系统,优越的生境条件使得该区物种丰富,成为许多水禽迁徙的重要中转站、越冬栖息地和繁殖地。本研究对区域生态保护和物种的生境评价研究有重要的理论和实践意义,为确保东亚鸟类迁飞网络的安全提供了科学的依据,这对黄河三角洲湿地生态系统、湿地鸟类及物种多样性的保护都意义重大。


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土壤侵蚀是土地退化的一种重要表现形式,是当今世界重大环境问题之一。水土保持林正是针对这一环境问题而采取的一项生态林业工程措施,对于防止土壤侵蚀,控制水土流失具有极其重要的作用。论文以大量的文献为基础,对土壤侵蚀的定义、成因、规律和研究进展,以及水土保持林的功能进行了分析研究,发现有关土壤侵蚀规律和水土保持林水文效应方面的研究较多,可是关于土壤侵蚀内在机制和水土保持林土壤改良效应方面的研究较少。而事实上,水土保持林防止土壤侵蚀和改善区域水文状况的作用,与其改良土壤的作用有着密切的关系。水土保持林对生态环境的改善,正是以改良土壤的作用为前提的基础的。通常认为,森林改良土壤就是改善土壤的理化性状,提高土壤的肥力水平。论文通过对国内外有关文献的分析和朝阳地区的区域性考察,首次提出水土保持林作为保持水土、防止土壤侵蚀的特有林种,它的土壤改良效应不仅体现在土壤肥力水平的提高,更重要地表现为土壤抗蚀性能和抗冲性能的增强。这恰恰体现了水土保持林保持水土、防止土壤侵蚀的功能所在。因此对水土保持林土壤改良效应内容的拓展,有利于进一步认识土壤改良效应与水土保持林功能之间的关系,为高效、多功能水土保持林体系的建设提供了理论依据。水土保持林土壤改良效应是通过林冠截留、枯枝落叶层的作用以及根系的活动来实现的。论文通过对不同类型水土保持林林冠层的厚度和面积、枯枝落叶层的现存量和分解状况、以及根系分布特点的分析,阐明针阔叶混交林与针叶纯林相比,其水土保持性能更有利于土壤改良。随着林龄的增长,林分的水土保持性能增强,土壤改良效果更好。论文还着重对水土保持林土壤改良效应进行了研究,明确指出水土保持林土壤改效应包括土壤肥力提高、土壤抗蚀性能增强和土壤抗冲性能增强三个方面的内容。并根据其各自的性质和特点,分别选择土壤酶活性、土壤有机质含量、有机-无机复合体和微团聚体等作为土壤肥力的评价指标:水稳性团聚体含量及其平均重量直径、团聚度、分散率等作为土壤抗蚀性能的指标:土壤硬度、渗透系数等作为土壤抗冲性能的指标。用这些指标对不同类型水土保持林土壤肥力、土壤抗蚀性能和抗冲性能进行评价,得出的结论是一致的,即:针阔叶混交林土壤肥力、土壤抗蚀性能和抗冲性能均高于针叶纯林:同一树种林龄越大的林分,土壤肥力越高,土壤抗蚀、抗冲性能越强。例如,以土壤中脲酶、磷酸酶和蔗糖酶活性对土壤肥力进行评价时得出:与纯林相比,混交林土壤中脲酶活性提高了6.4 ~ 142.36%,磷酸酶活性提高了20.55 ~ 99.04%,蔗糖酶活性提高了4.23 ~ 198.96%。以水稳性团聚体含量对土壤抗蚀性能进行评价时,混交林土壤中水稳性团粒含量比纯林增加了1.71 ~ 38.53%,48年生和28年生油松林比15年生油松林增加了89.94 ~ 149.27%,等等。因此论文指出,与针叶纯林相比,针阔叶混交林改良土壤的效果更好。林龄越大的林分,土壤改良效果越佳。森林效益评价是目前林业研究的热点,也是难点。论文在掌握足够文献的基础上,对水土保持林综合效益评价做了较为系统、全面的分析和论述,提出了一套比较完整的效益评价方法和步骤。水土保持林土壤改良效益是其综合效益的一个非常重要的方面,也是水土保持林最直接、最基本的一项效益。论文在水土保持林土壤改良效应研究的基础上,明确提出了效益评价的方法和思路,这在目前还是不多见的。在所取和参与专家意见的基础上,筛选出了水土保持林土壤改良效益的评价指标,建立了由指标维、时间维和地类维构成的三维效益评价指标体系,确定了由总目标层、准则层和指标层构成的指标维的结构图,指出总目标层为水土保持林土壤改良效益评价综合指标:准则层包括土壤肥力、土壤抗蚀性能和土壤抗冲性能;指标层有土壤酶活性、土壤有机质含量、水稳性团粒平均重理直径、分散率、团聚度、土壤硬度、土壤渗透系数和pH值等。进而用层次分析法确定了指标体系中各项指标的权重,用于的评价计算。论文按照效益结构图中的层次,分步求算得到了水土保持林土壤改良效益评价综合指数。并尝试用消除立地因子影响的方法,对效益评价综合指数进行了校正。文中还分别以林地枯落物生物量(x_1)、林分平均胸径(地径)生长量(x_2)、林分平均树高生长量(x_3)以及平均胸径(地径)平方和树高乘积(x_4)为自变量,以效益评价综合指数为因变量进行模拟运算,得到了水土保持林土壤改良效益的评价模型,模拟结果较好的模型有:y = 0.7 + 0.2208x_1 - 0.0053x_1~2 R~2 = 0.5396 y = 0.5815x_2~(0.4885) R~2 = 0.4827 y = 0.8529 + 0.1869x_3 - 0.004x_3~2 R~2 = 0.3391 y = 2.7695x_4~(0.1533) R~2 = 0.4410生产实践中,可根据实际情况选择适当的模型加以应用。论文根据计算得到的效益评价综合指数的相对值,将朝阳地区水土保持林土壤改良效益划分为四个等级,即相对值>3为好;2.5 ~ 3为较好;2 ~ 2.5为中等;<2为较差。最后,还通过实例说明了效益评估模型和评价标准在当地生产实践中的应用。


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本文系统研究了沈阳城市森林的布局与结构、城市森林功能、城市森林病虫害发生与树木健康状况和城市自然资源与社会经济状况等指标对沈阳城市森林生态系统健康与管理的影响。同时一,采用2种生态系统健康评价方法对沈阳城市森林生态系统健康状况进行了评价,并提出了沈阳城市森林生态系统健康管理的对策。研究结果如下:1、截至2004年末,沈阳城市森林植被覆盖率已经达到35%,城市森林林地分布基本合理,但需要进一步加强道路林地、居住区林地和城郊大面积生态林建设。2、沈阳城市森林以乔木为主,乔灌株数比为1.7:1,乔灌的覆盖度比约为7:1。3、沈阳城市森林不同类型林地中植物组成不同。公园林地中有74个属,137个种(变种);庭院林地中有53个属,104个种(变种);居住区林地中有45个属,81个种(变种);道路林地中有43个属,94个种(变种);运河风景林地中有75个属,142个种(变种);棋盘山风景林地中有48个属,118个种(变种)。4、公园林地、庭院林地、居住区林地、道路林地和运河风景林地的Shannon一Wiener多样性指数分别为2.78、3.05、3.15、3.18和3.18,均匀度指数分别为0.56、0.66、0.72、0.70和0.64。除了棋盘山风景林地外,沈阳城市森林中栽植总量超过乔木总量5%的乔木树种有7个属,分别为李、柳树、杨树、桧柏、榆树、槐树和银杏,7种树木总量达到了全部乔木总量的82.09%;栽植总量超过灌木总量5%的灌木树种也有7个属,分别为水腊、丁香、李属,小聚、玫瑰、忍冬和连翘,7个属灌木总量达到了全部灌木总量的87.92%。5、公园林地、庭院林地、道路林地和防护林地中OBH<20cm、20cm<DBH<60cm和DBH>60cm树木的比例分别为:57.9%、40.0%、2.1%,49.2%、47.8%、3.0%,65.3%、33.1%、1.6%和64.6%、34.9%、0.5%,表明沈阳城市森林树木的规格总体上偏小。6、经样方调查和CITYgreen模型计算,沈阳城市森林的生态效益约2.0亿USD/yr.。公园林地、庭院林地和风景林地的景观指标相对较高;道路林地和居住区林地的景观效果一般;防护林地的景观效果较差。7、目前已经发现的沈阳城市森林病害约600余种,虫害约700余种,其中杨树主要病虫害39种,柳树的主要病虫害有33种,榆树和槐树的主要病虫害均为,1种。杨柳树腐烂病、光肩星天牛、天幕毛虫、桃红颈天牛和美国白蛾等是近10年来沈阳城市森林中普遍发生和造成严重危害的主要病虫害。沈阳城市森林主要树木的平均健康指数为2.68,处于一般健康状态。8、沈阳城市森林的土壤和水资源状况均不利于树木的健康生长,沈阳的社会经济发展也有待于进一步提高。9、经过生物指示物法(光肩星天牛为生物指示物)、专家权重法、公众问卷调查和对比研究,沈阳城市森林生态系统总体上处于亚健康状态。10、通过对沈阳城市森林资源、管理状况的调查研究和健康状况的评价,本文提出了沈阳城市森林生态系统健康管理的对策,包括合理规划沈阳城市森林林地布局,增加道路林地、居住区林地和城郊林地的面积和植被覆盖率;调整树木种类组成,避免单一或少数树种的大量栽植,提高生物多样性水平;保护大树和古树;增加城市森林管理资金的投入;应用先进技术,采取科学的病虫害防治和植物养护方法,促进树木的健康生长等。This project systematically studied the urban forest ecosystem health and management in Shenyang. The study explored factors, such as urban forest structure, distribution, pests, aesthetic value, ecological benefit, natural resources and socieo-economic status, that affecting the urban forest ecosystem health and management. Two methods were used to evaluate the ecosystem health. This project also proposed Shenyang's urban forest ecosystem health management strategies. The research results can be summarized as follows: 1. As of the end of 2004, urban forest coverage in Shenyang is about 35%, and is in relatively even patch distribution pattern. However, the street trees and roadside forest patches, residential block forest patches should be enhanced. 2. Trees are the major component of the Shenyang s urban forest, followed by shrubs. The quantity ratio of tree to shrub is about 1.7:1, and the coverage ratio of trees to shrub is about 7:1. 3. Species composition varies by location. There are 74 genera, 137 species (including varieties) in the public parks; 53 genera, 104 species (and var.) in the green spaces of the institution (including school), factory, and company; 45 genera, 81 species (var.) in residential blocks; 43 genera, 94 species (var.) in streets and roadside forest patches; 75 genera, 142 species (var.) in the Canal landscape forest patches; 48 genera, 118 species (var.) in the Qipan Mountain recreation forest. 4. The Shannon-Woener indices varies in parks, in institution, factory, and company yards, in streets and roadside forest patches, in residential blocks.there are 2.78, 3.05, 3.18, 3.15, 3.18, respectively; and the evenness indices are 0.56, 0.66, 0.70, 0.72, 0.64, respectively. Besides the Qipan Mountain forest patches, trees of 7 genera, Prunus spp., Salix spp., Populus spp., Sabina spp., Ulmus spp., Robinia spp. and Ginkgo biloba are of more than 5% the total urban trees, respectively. In fact, trees from these 7 genera are about 82% of all trees in Shenyang's urban forests. In terms of shrubs, species of 7 genera, Ligustrum spp., Syringa spp., Prunus spp., Berberis spp., Rosa spp., Lonicera spp., and Forsythia spp. are more than 5% the total urban shrubs, respectively. 88% of all the shrubs in Shenyang s urban forest are from these 7 genera. 5. The diameter class of DBH<20cm, 20cm60cm of trees in parks, in institution, factory, and company yards, in in streets and roadside forests, and in protective forests are 57.9%, 40.0%, 2.1%; 49.2%, 47.8%, 3.0%; 65.3%, 33.1%, 1.6%; and 64.6%, 34.9%, 0.5%, respectively. The result indicated that the DBH is relatively small in Shenyang s urban forests. 6. Using random plots sampling and CITYgreen model calculation, the ecological benefit of Shenyang's urban is about 0.2 billion US dollars per year. The aesthetic value of parks, institution and company yards, and scenary forest patches is relative high; however, the aesthetic value of protective forest patches is low. 7. There are more than 600 types of diseases and more than 700 kinds of insects in Shenyang's urban forest. Among them, Populus spp., Salix spp., Ulmus spp. and Robinia spp., are attached mainly by 39, 33, 11, and 11, difference types of pests respectively. The rot disease of the Populus spp. and Salix spp., and the insects such as, Anoplophora glabripennis, Malacosoma neustria, Aromia bungii, and Hyphantria cunea are major pests in Shenyang s urban forest for the past 10 years. The trees health condition is relatively poor by having the average health index of 2.68 for major species. 8. The urban soil and water resource are not favorable to tree's growth in Shenyang, and so is the socieo-economic status. 9. Through using bio-indicator, professional and public evaluation, and comparision with other urban forests, it can be concluded that the status of Shenyang s urban forest is not very healthy in general. 10. To improve the urban forest ecosystem health in Shenyang, a better urban forest design need to be implemented to enhance the area and vegetation coverage of the street and roadside forests, the residential block forests, and the surburb forest Species biodiversity need to be enhanced by adjust the species composition of urban forest trees to reduce the single or several tree species populations and to plant more varieties. A better fundings for urban forest health management need to be budgeted. Advanced technologies in tree care and scientific measures to control pests need to be adopted to prove better care for plants and to keep trees grow healthfully.