67 resultados para Alfonso Mateo Sagasta
Contenido: - Instalaciones de turbina de gas. - Análisis de los procesos termodinámicos. - Conceptos básicos para el análisis de turbinas de gas: a) Instalación de turbina de gas. b) Turbina como máquina térmica. - Análisis mediante el software Turgas.
308 p.
581 p.
ZIU edota EUetan, pazienteen egoera larria dela medio, hainbat konplikazio izaten dituzte egonaldi ospitalarioa nabarmen luzatzen bukatzen dutenak. Ondorioz, aho bidezko elikadura ematea posiblea ez den kasuetan, sedazio kasuetan, esaterako, gaur egun funtsezko euskarria den nutrizio artifiziala administratzen da. Hala eta guztiz ere, artikuluek erakusten dute kritiko unitateetan dauden gaixoen %40k malnutrizioa pairatzen duela. Beraz, egun erabiltzen diren gidak eguneratuta ez daudenez eta protokolo finko bat eratzea ezinbestekoa denez, Gurutzetako Unibertsitate Ospitalean aipaturiko kritiko unitateetan ikerketa esperimentala abian jarriko da. Horretan, entsegu kliniko kontsekutiboa burutuko da hiru gertakizun zehatzak konparatuz: lehenengo taldean, kontrol taldean, gaur egungo protokolo estandarrarekin jarraituko da. Hau da, lehenengo 48 ordutan ez zaio pazienteari nutrizio artifizialik administratuko. Bigarren eta hirugarren taldean, esperimentala 1 eta 2an, berriz, lehenengo 48 orduetan nutrizio enterala edo nutrizio parenterala administratuko da, hurrenez hurren. Esku-hartze horiek aurrera eramango dira pazientearen behar metabolikoak mantentzeko, funtzio sistematiko mantendu edo hobetzeko, nutrizio artifizial tratamenduarekin dagoen epea murrizteko eta ospitaleko egonaldia murrizteko, besteak beste.
Background: Contrary to what is generally thought schizophrenia is a very common mental health issue. For this, several animal models are used to assess the illness in order to develop a definitive. The most widely spread paradigm is the use of pharmacological models. Aim: The aim of this review is to display which are the most used insults for the assessment of social behaviour related negative symptoms in animal models as well as to ascertain which is the most adequate regime. Design: Literature review. Methods: PubMed database was used for this article by the search of the indexed “schizophrenia”, “animal models”, “social behaviour” and “negative symptoms” descriptors. With the exception of a single article due to it value this review is based on articles from 10 years onwards. Besides, only clinical trials and reviews written in English or Spanish and that had laboratory rodents as target population were accepted. Results: The studies assessed agree that pharmacological models (specially those regarding the NMDA receptor antagonists) are a valuable means for the experimental investigation of negative symptoms in schizophrenia with the necessity to emphasise that only some negative symptoms (anhedonia and social interaction, mainly) can be experimentally assessed. Conclusions: There is not enough evidence regarding the fours aspects of this review. PCP, Ketamine or MK-801 in sub-acute dosage regimes are currently the most indicated insults to mimic schizophrenic symptoms in rodents, although further research in needed, albeit other substances are valuable as well. (In English language exclusively)
389 p.
515 p.
In this paper, the architectures of three degrees of freedom (3-DoF) spatial, fully parallel manipulators (PMs), whose limbs are structurally identical, are obtained systematically. To do this, the methodology followed makes use of the concepts of the displacement group theory of rigid body motion. This theory works with so-called 'motion generators'. That is, every limb is a kinematic chain that produces a certain type of displacement in the mobile platform or end-effector. The laws of group algebra will determine the actual motion pattern of the end-effector. The structural synthesis is a combinatorial process of different kinematic chains' topologies employed in order to get all of the 3-DoF motion pattern possibilities in the end-effector of the fully parallel manipulator.
This paper presents a theoretical and experimental study of multidirectional steel fibers reinforced concrete slabs (SFRC). The study is based on a real building application using SFRC flag slabs. For the evaluation of the slabs bearing capacity, plastic calculations are performed both at section and structure levels. The section analysis uses the perfect plastic stress-strain diagram, with reference to the values of the strength characteristics of SFRC based on previous jobs that used similar fibers and dosages. In the structure analysis the plastic yield lines method has been used. This method relates the section last bearing moment and the plastic collapse load. The experimental campaign has consisted of the testing of six 2 m. diameter circular shaped slabs prototypes, and has allowed to verify the reference resistance used in the calculations.
[ES]El encargado como redactor del estudio de este proyecto es el alumno de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao, Pello Intxausti Rodriguez. Dicho proyecto, se encargará del análisis de diferentes tipos de juntas de madera laminada disponibles para una misma dificultad. Para ello, se diseñará una cercha tipo Warren (Figura 3) con el fin de hacer un estudio de esfuerzos del sistema y posteriormente se diseñarán distintas uniones para poder adoptar la solución más adecuada. Se empezará por la descripción del conflicto. La situación de la cercha en cuestión, el estudio climatológico y topográfico forman parte de este apartado. Se continuará con el estudio de diferentes soluciones de unión adoptables y la metodología que se va a seguir en el curso del proyecto, con objeto de poder encontrar una solución satisfactoria.
[ES]Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal la consecución de la calificación energética de la vivienda de Txomin Jauregui, y por consiguiente el estudio de las posibles mejoras que puedan llevarse a cabo en ella. Se trabajará con el programa informático CE3X y mediante un simple proceso se obtendrá el certificado. Una vez obtenida la calificación, se trabajará en las mejoras que puedan aplicarse para beneficio del propietario del inmueble. En este informe se recoge todo el proceso a seguir para obtener el certificado, las mejoras a aplicar y el nuevo certificado que se obtendrá tras la implantación de las mejoras. En los anexos se recoge información complementaria que facilitará la comprensión del proceso al lector de este documento.
[ES]Se realizará la certificación energética de la vivienda sita en Ctra. Basurto-Castrejana 23 2ºB, mediante la herramienta CE3x, facilitada por el Gobierno de España. Se proyectarán, además, mejoras técnicas a implementar en el edificio para elevar su calificación energética, las cuales se analizarán tanto técnica como económicamente, eligiendo finalmente la solución óptima.
Background: The high demanding computational requirements necessary to carry out protein motion simulations make it difficult to obtain information related to protein motion. On the one hand, molecular dynamics simulation requires huge computational resources to achieve satisfactory motion simulations. On the other hand, less accurate procedures such as interpolation methods, do not generate realistic morphs from the kinematic point of view. Analyzing a protein's movement is very similar to serial robots; thus, it is possible to treat the protein chain as a serial mechanism composed of rotational degrees of freedom. Recently, based on this hypothesis, new methodologies have arisen, based on mechanism and robot kinematics, to simulate protein motion. Probabilistic roadmap method, which discretizes the protein configurational space against a scoring function, or the kinetostatic compliance method that minimizes the torques that appear in bonds, aim to simulate protein motion with a reduced computational cost. Results: In this paper a new viewpoint for protein motion simulation, based on mechanism kinematics is presented. The paper describes a set of methodologies, combining different techniques such as structure normalization normalization processes, simulation algorithms and secondary structure detection procedures. The combination of all these procedures allows to obtain kinematic morphs of proteins achieving a very good computational cost-error rate, while maintaining the biological meaning of the obtained structures and the kinematic viability of the obtained motion. Conclusions: The procedure presented in this paper, implements different modules to perform the simulation of the conformational change suffered by a protein when exerting its function. The combination of a main simulation procedure assisted by a secondary structure process, and a side chain orientation strategy, allows to obtain a fast and reliable simulations of protein motion.
Proiektu honetan, futbolean jokatzen duten eta Aurreko Lotailu Gurutzatuko haustura jasan duten pertsonentzako erreadaptazio edo ber egokitzapen proposamen bat egin da. Honela, lanaren lehenengo zatia funtsean teorikoa da, baina oso garrantzitsua izango da ondorengo puntu hauek hobetu ulertu ahal izateko eta gaiaren gaur egungo egoeraz jabetzeko: futboleko lesioen duela urte gutxiko edo gaur egungo egoera, lesio horien maiztasun eta kokapena, bai eta lesio horien ezaugarriak. Ondoren, Aurreko Lotailu Gurutzatuan zentratu naiz, lotailu horren ezaugarriak, funtzioak, etab. aipatuz eta gero lotailu horren apurketan arreta jarri dut. Gero apurketa horrendako, diagnostikoa, tratamendua eta errehabilitazioa zein den aztertu eta izendatu dut, egile ezberdinen lanak eta ikerketak kontuan harturik. Azkenik, ber egokitzapen edo erreadaptazio proposamen bat egiten dut, modu praktiko batean, landu beharreko giharren eta eragina duten ahalmen fisiko ezberdinak kontuan hartuz, bai metodo eta ariketa egokiak aukeratzen
Idioma: Inglés Abstract: This project focuses on two indicators of prices, the GDP deflator and the consumer price index (CPI), and analyzes the differences and similarities they present. These price indexes have been chosen taking into account its great representativeness and importance to economic and social level, and its direct relationship to the overall functioning of the economy and, in particular, inflation. It should be also mentioned that this study was conducted for cases of the euro area and the United States, as the impact of these economies in the economic and social situation at international level is very significant.