342 resultados para Tuna industry
Charts with 3-months running means of thermal data collected during 1977-1982 are used to describe the seasonal variability of the circulation pattern off Mozambique, and to identify the areas of tuna vulnerability to surface gears. The main conclusions reached by Sætre and Jorge da Silva (1984) have received further support. Areas of potentially successful exploitation of tunas by surface methods have been identified during the whole year, with emphasis for November-April.
The paper describes the world tuna fishery, industry and markets and the trends for its future development. The prospects for developing a tuna export industry in Sri Lanka are discussed. Suggestions are given as to products composition, international co-operation and utilization of available processing facilities. The need for industry and export support is stressed, and it is concluded that preparations for the development should start well in time.
The experience of the Government in the recovery of loans for 28 foot mechanized vessels has been unsatisfactory. The author examines the various aspects which have contributed to this situation, and considers arrangements for financing purchase of such vessels. The risks associated with the investment in 38 foot vessels are high, and it seems that the reluctance of private investors to make the required contribution from personal funds is a result of fear of the unknown. Current incentives provided by the Government to the private sector for the purchase of 38 foot vessels are considered to be adequate.
A survey of processing hygiene in the Sri Lankan prawn industry has shown that the incoming raw material has extremely high bacterial loadings; about 50% of samples analysed had a total count in excess of 10,000,000/g. Although beheading reduces the count, ineffective temperature control during processing means that the final total count of raw, shell-on, P.U.D. and P.A.D. prawns, as well as cooked prawns, is in excess of 1,000,000/g. - the maximum level specified by many importing countries.
Of 262 personnel tested, 137 (52%) were found to be positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Among individual companies the prevalence of S. aureus ranged from 92% (Company No. 1) to 22% (Company No. 2). Although five companies provided a sanitiser hand-dip, this was found to be ineffective for the control of S. aureus. Provision of hand-washing facilities, of protective clothing and of toilet facilities was found to be inadequate for an export food industry.
Of fifteen processing plants surveyed in Sri Lanka, only five were found to have a prawn process which was adequately controlled. Most common process faults were: inadequate chilling of prawns after a wash in 30°C, mains water, the use of large blocks of ice to cool prawns, and high ratios of prawns to ice. There was also ample scope for cross-contamination of the processed prawns.
The wastage of prawns due to spoilage in processing factories accounted to about 0-12% in 1974, 0-35% in 1975, 0-3% in 1976 and 0-4% in 1977. Spoilage increases with the time lag between catching and processing and also due to defective icing. The paper discusses the counts of whole prawns required for obtaining meat of specified size grades.
The biochemical and nutrient compositions of red and white meat of tuna are reported. Based on the data the biochemical role and nutritional quality of red and white meat are discussed. The results show that red meat is adapted for slow and continuous activity and white meat for quick but occasional activity. In spite of comparatively low lysine content the red meat is adjudged more nutritious than white meat.
The role of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in food borne gastroenteritis outbreaks associated primarily with the consumption of contaminated seafoods has been well documented. Information pertaining to various aspects of its occurrence in seafoods, procedures for isolation and identification, generation time and inactivation profiles is discussed. Emphasis has been given to the response of V. parahaemolyticus to low temperatures, heating and antibacterial agents. The public health hazard posed by the pathogen is outlined and the guidelines for control are reviewed in detail.
Master cartons for fishery products collected from different prawn freezing factories were evaluated for bursting strength, puncture resistance, waterproofness, combined weight of liners, basis weight of the corrugating medium, weight of the carton, dimensions of the carton, wax content and saponifiable matter and discussed in the light of the ISI standards.
Waxed duplex cartons collected from different prawn freezing factories were evaluated for their physico-chemical properties such as bursting strength, puncture resistance, water proofness, tearing, strength, tensile strength, elongation, moisture content, thickness, weight of the carton, dimension, wax content and saponifiable matter. The results are discussed from the point of view of formulation of standards for this most widely employed packaging material for frozen fishery products in the country.
This paper provides the experimental details of canning of tuna in oil. The species utilized in the experiments were the skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Neothunnus macropterus) and bigeye tuna Parathunnus obesus mebachi) ranging it weight from 2.5-82 kg. The method worked out is applicable to all species of different size grades.