46 resultados para Biological drugs


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Organic anion-transporting polypeptide 1B1 (OATP1B1), encoded by the SLCO1B1 gene, is an influx transporter expressed on the sinusoidal membrane of human hepatocytes. The common c.521T>C (p.Val174Ala) single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the SLCO1B1 gene has been associated with reduced OATP1B1 transport activity in vitro and increased plasma concentrations of several of its substrate drugs in vivo in humans. Another common SNP of the SLCO1B1 gene, c.388A>G (p.Asn130Asp), defining the SLCO1B1*1B (c.388G-c.521T) haplotype, has been associated with increased OATP1B1 transport activity in vitro. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of SLCO1B1 polymorphism in the pharmacokinetics of the oral antidiabetic drugs repaglinide, nateglinide, rosiglitazone, and pioglitazone. Furthermore, the effect of the SLCO1B1 c.521T>C SNP on the extent of interaction between gemfibrozil and repaglinide as well as the role of the SLCO1B1 c.521T>C SNP in the potential interaction between atorvastatin and repaglinide were evaluated. Five crossover studies with 2-4 phases were carried out, with 20-32 healthy volunteers in each study. The effects of the SLCO1B1 c.521T>C SNP on single doses of repaglinide, nateglinide, rosiglitazone, and pioglitazone were investigated in Studies I and V. In Study II, the effects of the c.521T>C SNP on repaglinide pharmacokinetics were investigated in a dose-escalation study, with repaglinide doses ranging from 0.25 to 2 mg. The effects of the SLCO1B1*1B/*1B genotype on repaglinide and nateglinide pharmacokinetics were investigated in Study III. In Study IV, the interactions of gemfibrozil and atorvastatin with repaglinide were evaluated in relation to the c.521T>C SNP. Plasma samples were collected for drug concentration determinations. The pharmacodynamics of repaglinide and nateglinide was assessed by measuring blood glucose concentrations. The mean area under the plasma repaglinide concentration-time curve (AUC) was ~70% larger in SLCO1B1 c.521CC participants than in c.521TT participants (P ≤ 0.001), but no differences existed in the pharmacokinetics of nateglinide, rosiglitazone, and pioglitazone between the two genotype groups. In the dose-escalation study, the AUC of repaglinide was 60-110% (P ≤ 0.001) larger in c.521CC participants than in c.521TT participants after different repaglinide doses. Moreover, the AUC of repaglinide increased linearly with repaglinide dose in both genotype groups (r > 0.88, P 0.001). The AUC of repaglinide was ~30% lower in SLCO1B1*1B/*1B participants than in SLCO1B1*1A/*1A (c.388AA-c.521TT) participants (P = 0.007), but no differences existed in the AUC of nateglinide between the two genotype groups. In the drug-drug interaction study, the mean increase in the repaglinide AUC by gemfibrozil was ~50% (P = 0.002) larger in c.521CC participants than in c.521TT participants, but the relative (7-8-fold) increases in the repaglinide AUC did not differ significantly between the genotype groups. In c.521TT participants, atorvastatin increased repaglinide peak plasma concentration and AUC by ~40% (P = 0.001) and ~20% (P = 0.033), respectively. In each study, after repaglinide administration, there was a tendency towards lower blood glucose concentrations in c.521CC participants than in c.521TT participants. In conclusion, the SLCO1B1 c.521CC genotype is associated with increased and the SLCO1B1*1B/*1B genotype with decreased plasma concentrations of repaglinide, consistent with reduced and enhanced hepatic uptake, respectively. Inhibition of OATP1B1 plays a limited role in the interaction between gemfibrozil and repaglinide. Atorvastatin slightly raises plasma repaglinide concentrations, probably by inhibiting OATP1B1. The findings on the effect of SLCO1B1 polymorphism on the pharmacokinetics of the drugs studied suggest that in vivo in humans OATP1B1 significantly contributes to the hepatic uptake of repaglinide, but not to that of nateglinide, rosiglitazone, or pioglitazone. SLCO1B1 polymorphism may be associated with clinically significant differences in blood glucose-lowering response to repaglinide, but probably has no effect on the response to nateglinide, rosiglitazone, or pioglitazone.


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Life of children exposed to alcohol or drugs in utero This study focused on the growth environment, physical development and socio-emotional development of children, aged 16 and under, who had been exposed to alcohol (n=78) or drugs (n=15) in utero. The aim of the study was to obtain a comprehensive picture of the living conditions of these children and to examine the role of the growth environment in their development. The study was carried out using questionnaires, written life stories and interviews. Attachment theory was used as a background theory in the study. Over half of the children exposed to alcohol were diagnosed with foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), one quarter was diagnosed with foetal alcohol effects (FAE), and one fifth had no diagnosis. Most of the children exposed to drugs had been exposed to either amphetamines or cannabis, and a smaller number to heroin. Some of the children exposed to alcohol were mentally handicapped or intellectually impaired. The children exposed to drugs did not exhibit any serious learning difficulties but a considerable number of them had socio-emotional development problems. Language and speech problems and attention, concentration and social interaction problems were typical among both the children exposed to alcohol and those exposed to drugs. Only one child had been placed into long-term foster care in a family immediately after leaving the maternity hospital. In biological families there had been neglect, violence, mental health problems, crime and unemployment, and many parents were already dead. Two of the children had been sexually abused and four were suspected of having been abused. From the point of view of the children's development, the three most critical issues were 1) the range of illnesses and handicaps that had impaired their functional capacity as a result of their prenatal exposure to alcohol, 2) child's age at the time of placement on a long-term basis, and 3) the number of their traumatic experiences. The relationship with their biological parents after placement also played a role. Children with symptoms were found in all diagnosis categories and types of exposure. Children with the smallest number of symptoms were found among those who had never lived with their biological parents. Almost all children were exhibiting strong symptoms at the time of placement in foster care. In most cases, they were behaving in a disorderly manner towards others, but some children were withdrawn. The most conspicuous feature among those with the most severe symptoms was their disorganized behaviour. Placement in a foster family enhanced the children's development, but did not solve the problems. The foster parents who brought these children up did not receive as much therapy for the children and support for the upbringing as they appear to have needed. In Finland, transfer to long-term custody is based on strict criteria. The rights of children prescribed in the child protection law are not fulfilled in practice. Key words: FASD, FAS, FAE, alcohol exposure, drugs exposure, illegal drugs, early interaction, child development, attachment


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Most new drug molecules discovered today suffer from poor bioavailability. Poor oral bioavailability results mainly from poor dissolution properties of hydrophobic drug molecules, because the drug dissolution is often the rate-limiting event of the drug’s absorption through the intestinal wall into the systemic circulation. During the last few years, the use of mesoporous silica and silicon particles as oral drug delivery vehicles has been widely studied, and there have been promising results of their suitability to enhance the physicochemical properties of poorly soluble drug molecules. Mesoporous silica and silicon particles can be used to enhance the solubility and dissolution rate of a drug by incorporating the drug inside the pores, which are only a few times larger than the drug molecules, and thus, breaking the crystalline structure into a disordered, amorphous form with better dissolution properties. Also, the high surface area of the mesoporous particles improves the dissolution rate of the incorporated drug. In addition, the mesoporous materials can also enhance the permeability of large, hydrophilic drug substances across biological barriers. T he loading process of drugs into silica and silicon mesopores is mainly based on the adsorption of drug molecules from a loading solution into the silica or silicon pore walls. There are several factors that affect the loading process: the surface area, the pore size, the total pore volume, the pore geometry and surface chemistry of the mesoporous material, as well as the chemical nature of the drugs and the solvents. Furthermore, both the pore and the surface structure of the particles also affect the drug release kinetics. In this study, the loading of itraconazole into mesoporous silica (Syloid AL-1 and Syloid 244) and silicon (TOPSi and TCPSi) microparticles was studied, as well as the release of itraconazole from the microparticles and its stability after loading. Itraconazole was selected for this study because of its highly hydrophobic and poorly soluble nature. Different mesoporous materials with different surface structures, pore volumes and surface areas were selected in order to evaluate the structural effect of the particles on the loading degree and dissolution behaviour of the drug using different loading parameters. The loaded particles were characterized with various analytical methods, and the drug release from the particles was assessed by in vitro dissolution tests. The results showed that the loaded drug was apparently in amorphous form after loading, and that the loading process did not alter the chemical structure of the silica or silicon surface. Both the mesoporous silica and silicon microparticles enhanced the solubility and dissolution rate of itraconazole. Moreover, the physicochemical properties of the particles and the loading procedure were shown to have an effect on the drug loading efficiency and drug release kinetics. Finally, the mesoporous silicon particles loaded with itraconazole were found to be unstable under stressed conditions (at 38 qC and 70 % relative humidity).


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Väärinkäytettyjen aineiden seulontaan käytetyn menetelmän tulee olla herkkä, selektiivinen, yksinkertainen, nopea ja toistettava. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää yksinkertainen, mutta herkkä, esikäsittelymenetelmä bentsodiatsepiinien ja amfetamiinijohdannaisten kvalitatiiviseen seulomiseen virtsasta mikropilarisähkösumutussirun (μPESI) avulla, mikä tarjoaisi vaihtoehdon seulonnassa käytetyille immunologisille menetelmille, joiden herkkyys ja selektiivisyys ovat puutteellisia. Tavoitteena oli samalla tarkastella mikropilarisähkösumutussirun toimivuutta biologisten näytteiden analyysissa. Esikäsittely optimoitiin erikseen bentsodiatsepiineille ja amfetamiinijohdannaisille. Käytettyjä esikäsittelymenetelmiä olivat neste-nesteuutto, kiinteäfaasiuutto Oasis HLB-patruunalla ja ZipTip®-pipetinkärjellä sekä laimennus ja suodatus ilman uuttoa. Mittausten perusteella keskityttiin optimoimaan ZipTip®-uuttoa. Optimoinnissa tutkittavia yhdisteitä spiikattiin 0-virtsaan niiden ennaltamääritetyn raja-arvon verran, bentsodiatsepiineja 200 ng/ml ja amfetamiinijohdannaisia 300 ng/ml. Bentsodiatsepiinien kohdalla optimoitiin kutakin uuton vaihetta ja optimoinnin tuloksena näytteen pH säädettiin arvoon 5, faasi kunnostettiin asetonitriililla, tasapainotettiin ja pestiin veden (pH 5) ja asetonitriilin (10 % v/v) seoksella ja eluoitiin asetonitriilin, muurahaishapon ja veden (95:1:4 v/v/v) seoksella. Amfetamiinijohdannaisten uutossa optimoitiin näytteen ja liuottimien pH-arvoja ja tuloksena näytteen pH säädettiin arvoon 10, faasi kunnostettiin veden ja ammoniumvetykarbonaatin(pH 10, 1:1 v/v) seoksella, tasapainotettiin ja pestiin asetonitriilin ja veden (1:5 v/v) seoksella ja eluoitiin metanolilla. Optimoituja uuttoja testattiin Yhtyneet Medix Laboratorioista toimitetuilla autenttisilla virtsanäytteillä ja saatuja tuloksia verrattiin kvantitatiivisen GC/MS-analyysin tuloksiin. Bentsodiatsepiininäytteet hydrolysoitiin ennen uuttoa herkkyyden parantamiseksi. Autenttiset näytteet analysoitiin Q-TOF-laitteella Viikissä. Lisäksi hydrolysoidut bentsodiatsepiininäytteet mitattiin Yhtyneet Medix Laboratorioiden TOF-laitteella. Kehitetty menetelmä vaatii tulosten perusteella lisää optimointia toimiakseen. Ongelmana oli etenkin toistoissa ilmennyt tulosten hajonta. Manuaalista näytteensyöttöä tulisi kehittää toistettavammaksi. Autenttisten bentsodiatsepiininäytteiden analyysissa ongelmana olivat virheelliset negatiiviset tulokset ja amfetamiinijohdannaisten analyysissa virheelliset positiiviset tulokset. Virheellisiä negatiivisia tuloksia selittää menetelmän herkkyyden puute ja virheellisiä positiivisia tuloksia mittalaitteen, sirujen tai liuottimien likaantuminen.


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The protein kinases (PKs) belong to the largest single family of enzymes, phosphotransferases, which catalyze the phosphorylation of other enzymes and proteins and function primarily in signal transduction. Consequently, PKs regulate cell mechanisms such as growth, differentiation, and proliferation. Dysfunction of these cellular mechanisms may lead to cancer, a major predicament in health care. Even though there is a range of clinically available cancer-fighting drugs, increasing number of cancer cases and setbacks such as drug resistance, constantly keep cancer research active. At the commencement of this study an isophthalic acid derivative had been suggested to bind to the regulatory domain of protein kinase C (PKC). In order to investigate the biological effects and structure-activity relationships (SARs) of this new chemical entity, a library of compounds was synthesized. The best compounds induced apoptosis in human leukemia HL-60 cells and were not cytotoxic in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. In addition, the best apoptosis inducers were neither cytotoxic nor mutagenic. Furthermore, results from binding affinity assays of PKC isoforms revealed the pharmacophores of these isophthalic acid derivatives. The best inhibition constants of the tested compounds were measured to 210 nM for PKCα and to 530 nM for PKCδ. Among natural compounds targeting the regulatory domain of PKC, the target of bistramide A has been a matter of debate. It was initially found to activate PKCδ; however, actin was recently reported as the main target. In order to clarify and to further study the biological effects of bistramide A, the total syntheses of the natural compound and two isomers were performed. Biological assays of the compounds revealed accumulation of 4n polyploid cells as the primary mode of action and the compounds showed similar overall antiproliferative activities. However, each compound showed a distinct distribution of antimitotic effect presumably via actin binding, proapoptotic effect presumably via PKCδ, and pro-differentiation effect as evidenced by CD11b expression. Furthermore, it was shown that the antimitotic and proapoptotic effects of bistramide A were not secondary effects of actin binding but independent effects. The third aim in this study was to synthesize a library of a new class of urea-based type II inhibitors targeted at the kinase domain of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK). The best compounds in this library showed IC50 values as low as 390 nM for ALK while the initial low cellular activities were successfully increased even by more than 70 times for NPM-ALK- positive BaF3 cells. More importantly, selective antiproliferative activity on ALK-positive cell lines was achieved; while the best compound affected the BaF3 and SU-DHL-1 cells with IC50 values of 0.5 and 0.8 μM, respectively, they were less toxic to the NPM-ALK-negative human leukemic cells U937 (IC50 = 3.2 μM) and BaF3 parental cells (IC50 = 5.4 μM). Furthermore, SAR studies of the synthesized compounds revealed functional groups and positions of the scaffold, which enhanced the enzymatic and cellular activities.


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Yhteenveto: Acinetobacter sp. metsäteollisuuden jätevesien biologisessa fosforinpoistossa


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Foreign compounds, such as drugs are metabolised in the body in numerous reactions. Metabolic reactions are divided into phase I (functionalisation) and phase II (conjugation) reactions. Uridine diphosphoglucuronosyltransferase enzymes (UGTs) are important catalysts of phase II metabolic system. They catalyse the transfer of glucuronic acid to small lipophilic molecules and convert them to hydrophilic and polar glucuronides that are readily excreted from the body. Liver is the main site of drug metabolism. Many drugs are racemic mixtures of two enantiomers. Glucuronidation of a racemic compound yields a pair of diastereomeric glucuronides. Stereoisomers are interesting substrates in glucuronidation studies since some UGTs display stereoselectivity. Diastereomeric glucuronides of O-desmethyltramadol (M1) and entacapone were selected as model compounds in this work. The investigations of the thesis deal with enzymatic glucuronidation and the development of analytical methods for drug metabolites, particularly diastereomeric glucuronides. The glucuronides were analysed from complex biological matrices, such as urine or from in vitro incubation matrices. Various pretreatment techniques were needed to purify, concentrate and isolate the analytes of interest. Analyses were carried out by liquid chromatography (LC) with ultraviolet (UV) or mass spectrometric (MS) detection or with capillary electromigration techniques. Commercial glucuronide standards were not available for the studies. Enzyme-assisted synthesis with rat liver microsomes was therefore used to produce M1 glucuronides as reference compounds. The glucuronides were isolated by LC/UV and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)/MS, while tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were employed in structural characterisation. The glucuronides were identified as phenolic O-glucuronides of M1. To identify the active UGT enzymes in (±)-M1 glucuronidation recombinant human UGTs and human tissue microsomes were incubated with (±)-M1. The study revealed that several UGTs can catalyse (±)-M1 glucuronidation. Glucuronidation in human liver microsomes like in rat liver microsomes is stereoselective. The results of the studies showed that UGT2B7, most probably, is the main UGT responsible for (±)-M1 glucuronidation in human liver. Large variation in stereoselectivity of UGTs toward (±)-M1 enantiomers was observed. Formation of M1 glucuronides was monitored with a fast and selective UPLC/MS method. Capillary electromigration techniques are known for their high resolution power. A method that relied on capillary electrophoresis (CE) with UV detection was developed for the separation of tramadol and its free and glucuronidated metabolites. The suitability of the method to identify tramadol metabolites in an authentic urine samples was tested. Unaltered tramadol and four of its main metabolites were detected in the electropherogram. A micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) /UV method was developed for the separation of the glucuronides of entacapone in human urine. The validated method was tested in the analysis of urine samples of patients. The glucuronides of entacapone could be quantified after oral entacapone dosing.


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New chemical entities with unfavorable water solubility properties are continuously emerging in drug discovery. Without pharmaceutical manipulations inefficient concentrations of these drugs in the systemic circulation are probable. Typically, in order to be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the drug has to be dissolved. Several methods have been developed to improve the dissolution of poorly soluble drugs. In this study, the applicability of different types of mesoporous (pore diameters between 2 and 50 nm) silicon- and silica-based materials as pharmaceutical carriers for poorly water soluble drugs was evaluated. Thermally oxidized and carbonized mesoporous silicon materials, ordered mesoporous silicas MCM-41 and SBA-15, and non-treated mesoporous silicon and silica gel were assessed in the experiments. The characteristic properties of these materials are the narrow pore diameters and the large surface areas up to over 900 m²/g. Loading of poorly water soluble drugs into these pores restricts their crystallization, and thus, improves drug dissolution from the materials as compared to the bulk drug molecules. In addition, the wide surface area provides possibilities for interactions between the loaded substance and the carrier particle, allowing the stabilization of the system. Ibuprofen, indomethacin and furosemide were selected as poorly soluble model drugs in this study. Their solubilities are strongly pH-dependent and the poorest (< 100 µg/ml) at low pH values. The pharmaceutical performance of the studied materials was evaluated by several methods. In this work, drug loading was performed successfully using rotavapor and fluid bed equipment in a larger scale and in a more efficient manner than with the commonly used immersion methods. It was shown that several carrier particle properties, in particular the pore diameter, affect the loading efficiency (typically ~25-40 w-%) and the release rate of the drug from the mesoporous carriers. A wide pore diameter provided easier loading and faster release of the drug. The ordering and length of the pores also affected the efficiency of the drug diffusion. However, these properties can also compensate the effects of each other. The surface treatment of porous silicon was important in stabilizing the system, as the non-treated mesoporous silicon was easily oxidized at room temperature. Different surface chemical treatments changed the hydrophilicity of the porous silicon materials and also the potential interactions between the loaded drug and the particle, which further affected the drug release properties. In all of the studies, it was demonstrated that loading into mesoporous silicon and silica materials improved the dissolution of the poorly soluble drugs as compared to the corresponding bulk compounds (e.g. after 30 min ~2-7 times more drug was dissolved depending on the materials). The release profile of the loaded substances remained similar also after 3 months of storage at 30°C/56% RH. The thermally carbonized mesoporous silicon did not compromise the Caco-2 monolayer integrity in the permeation studies and improved drug permeability was observed. The loaded mesoporous silica materials were also successfully compressed into tablets without compromising their characteristic structural and drug releasing properties. The results of this research indicated that mesoporous silicon/silica-based materials are promising materials to improve the dissolution of poorly water soluble drugs. Their feasibility in pharmaceutical laboratory scale processes was also confirmed in this thesis.


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Hypertension is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity. The advantages of antihypertensive therapy have been clearly demonstrated, but only about 30% of hypertensive patients have their blood pressure (BP) controlled by such treatment. One of the reasons for this poor BP control may lie in the difficulty in predicting BP response to antihypertensive treatment. The average BP reduction achieved is similar for each drug in the main classes of antihypertensive agents, but there is a marked individual variation in BP responses to any given drug. The purpose of the present study was to examine BP response to four different antihypertensive monotherapies with regard to demographic characteristics, laboratory test results and common genetic polymorphisms. The subjects of the present study are participants in the pharmacogenetic GENRES Study. A total of 208 subjects completed the whole study protocol including four drug treatment periods of four weeks, separated by four-week placebo periods. The study drugs were amlodipine, bisoprolol, hydrochlorothiazide and losartan. Both office (OBP) and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) measurements were carried out. BP response to study drugs were related to basic clinical characteristics, pretreatment laboratory test results and common polymorphisms in genes coding for components of the renin-angiotensin system, alpha-adducin (ADD1), beta1-adrenergic receptor (ADRB1) and beta2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2). Age was positively correlated with BP responses to amlodipine and with OBP and systolic ABP responses to hydrochlorothiazide, while body mass index was negatively correlated with ABP responses to amlodipine. Of the laboratory test results, plasma renin activity (PRA) correlated positively with BP responses to losartan, with ABP responses to bisoprolol, and negatively with ABP responses to hydrochlorothiazide. Uniquely to this study, it was found that serum total calcium level was negatively correlated with BP responses to amlodipine, whilst serum total cholesterol level was negatively correlated with ABP responses to amlodipine. There were no significant associations of angiotensin II type I receptor 1166A/C, angiotensin converting enzyme I/D, angiotensinogen Met235Thr, ADD1 Gly460Trp, ADRB1 Ser49Gly and Gly389Arg and ADRB2 Arg16Gly and Gln27Glu polymorphisms with BP responses to the study drugs. In conclusion, this study confirmed the relationship between pretreatment PRA levels and response to three classes of antihypertensive drugs. This study is the first to note a significant inverse relation between serum calcium level and responsiveness to a calcium channel blocker. However, this study could not replicate the observations that common polymorphisms in angiotensin II type I receptor, angiotensin converting enzyme, angiotensinogen, ADD1, ADRB1, or ADRB2 genes can predict BP response to antihypertensive drugs.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Bolivialaisten naisvankien (alkuperäisväestön) ja globaalin huumesodan ("War on Drugs") välistä yhteyttä. Keskustelu sijoitetaan laajemmin kokan viljelyn politiikkaan ja alkuperäisväestön kulttuuriin. Kokaa viljeleviä köyhiä maalaisia, joista huomattava osa on naisia, on vangittu Boliviassa kiihtyvää tahtia viime vuosikymmeninä. Moni naisista on kokan tuotannossa ja kaupassa mukana, sillä se on monesti ainoa keino taloudelliseen selviämiseen. Yleisesti ottaen naisvangit ja naisrikolliset ovat marginaalinen ilmiö. Kansainvälisesti tarkasteltuna naisvankien suhteellinen osuus koko vankilaväestöstä on noin 5,2 % (keskiarvo). Boliviassa osuus on vaihdellut 6,1 %:n ja 17,1 %:n välillä vuosina 2000-2008. Naisvankien määrä yleisesti ottaen on ollut rajussa kasvussa, suurin syy naisten vangitsemiseen on huumausaineisiin liittyvät rikokset. Näyttää myös siltä että vähemmistöt ja etnisen taustan omaavat henkilöt ovat yliedustettuina vankilaväestössä. Bolivia seuraa tätä kansainvälistä trendiä. Tämä tutkielma on rajattu kysymyksiin Bolivian intiaaniperäisten naisten osuudesta maan huumerikollisuudessa, sekä heidän suhteellisen korkeaa vangitsemisastetta selittäviin yhteiskunnallisiin tekijöihin. Kysymykset sukupuolesta, etnisyydestä ja kokan viljelyn politiikasta ovat keskiössä. Yleisiä kriminologisia teorioita peilataan kriittisesti suhteessa aineistoon ja Bolivian kontekstiin. Huumesodan ja Bolivian ankaran huumelainsäädännön seurauksista keskustellaan kriittisesti, sekä pohditaan köyhän alkuperäisväestön massavangitsemisen tarpeellisuutta. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat: mitkä tekijät selittävät kohtuullisen korkean intiaaniperäisten naisvankien määrän Boliviassa, ja mikä on heidän asemansa globaalissa huumesodassa? Tutkielmassa on analysoitu kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista aineistoa. Päälähteenä on ollut Bolivian tilastokeskuksen tuottamat rikostilastot. Tutkielman tärkeimpänä löydöksenä voidaan pitää havaintoa, että vastoin tiettyjä olettamuksia, intiaaniperäiset naiset ovat hyvinkin aktiivisia perinteisesti miehisiksi käsitetyillä aloilla kuten rikollisuudessa ja politiikassa. Tutkielmassa osoitetaan myös, että pidätysten määrät ovat moninkertaistuneet muutamassa vuosikymmenessä. Koska kokan viljelyssä on kyse pääasiallisesti taloudellisesta toimeentulosta, tämä tutkielma kysyy, onko hengissä pysyminen rikos?


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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a unique barrier that strictly regulates the entry of endogenous substrates and xenobiotics into the brain. This is due to its tight junctions and the array of transporters and metabolic enzymes that are expressed. The determination of brain concentrations in vivo is difficult, laborious and expensive which means that there is interest in developing predictive tools of brain distribution. Predicting brain concentrations is important even in early drug development to ensure efficacy of central nervous system (CNS) targeted drugs and safety of non-CNS drugs. The literature review covers the most common current in vitro, in vivo and in silico methods of studying transport into the brain, concentrating on transporter effects. The consequences of efflux mediated by p-glycoprotein, the most widely characterized transporter expressed at the BBB, is also discussed. The aim of the experimental study was to build a pharmacokinetic (PK) model to describe p-glycoprotein substrate drug concentrations in the brain using commonly measured in vivo parameters of brain distribution. The possibility of replacing in vivo parameter values with their in vitro counterparts was also studied. All data for the study was taken from the literature. A simple 2-compartment PK model was built using the Stella™ software. Brain concentrations of morphine, loperamide and quinidine were simulated and compared with published studies. Correlation of in vitro measured efflux ratio (ER) from different studies was evaluated in addition to studying correlation between in vitro and in vivo measured ER. A Stella™ model was also constructed to simulate an in vitro transcellular monolayer experiment, to study the sensitivity of measured ER to changes in passive permeability and Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameter values. Interspecies differences in rats and mice were investigated with regards to brain permeability and drug binding in brain tissue. Although the PK brain model was able to capture the concentration-time profiles for all 3 compounds in both brain and plasma and performed fairly well for morphine, for quinidine it underestimated and for loperamide it overestimated brain concentrations. Because the ratio of concentrations in brain and blood is dependent on the ER, it is suggested that the variable values cited for this parameter and its inaccuracy could be one explanation for the failure of predictions. Validation of the model with more compounds is needed to draw further conclusions. In vitro ER showed variable correlation between studies, indicating variability due to experimental factors such as test concentration, but overall differences were small. Good correlation between in vitro and in vivo ER at low concentrations supports the possibility of using of in vitro ER in the PK model. The in vitro simulation illustrated that in the simulation setting, efflux is significant only with low passive permeability, which highlights the fact that the cell model used to measure ER must have low enough paracellular permeability to correctly mimic the in vivo situation.