939 resultados para web platform
Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) process-based models are important tools for estimating and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and changes in soil C stocks. There is a need for continuous evaluation, development and adaptation of these models to improve scientific understanding, national inventories and assessment of mitigation options across the world. To date, much of the information needed to describe different processes like transpiration, photosynthesis, plant growth and maintenance, above and below ground carbon dynamics, decomposition and nitrogen mineralization. In ecosystem models remains inaccessible to the wider community, being stored within model computer source code, or held internally by modelling teams. Here we describe the Global Research Alliance Modelling Platform (GRAMP), a web-based modelling platform to link researchers with appropriate datasets, models and training material. It will provide access to model source code and an interactive platform for researchers to form a consensus on existing methods, and to synthesize new ideas, which will help to advance progress in this area. The platform will eventually support a variety of models, but to trial the platform and test the architecture and functionality, it was piloted with variants of the DNDC model. The intention is to form a worldwide collaborative network (a virtual laboratory) via an interactive website with access to models and best practice guidelines; appropriate datasets for testing, calibrating and evaluating models; on-line tutorials and links to modelling and data provider research groups, and their associated publications. A graphical user interface has been designed to view the model development tree and access all of the above functions.
Systematic evaluation of Learning Objects is essential to make high quality Web-based education possible. For this reason, several educational repositories and e-Learning systems have developed their own evaluation models and tools. However, the differences of the context in which Learning Objects are produced and consumed suggest that no single evaluation model is sufficient for all scenarios. Besides, no much effort has been put in developing open tools to facilitate Learning Object evaluation and use the quality information for the benefit of end users. This paper presents LOEP, an open source web platform that aims to facilitate Learning Object evaluation in different scenarios and educational settings by supporting and integrating several evaluation models and quality metrics. The work exposed in this paper shows that LOEP is capable of providing Learning Object evaluation to e-Learning systems in an open, low cost, reliable and effective way. Possible scenarios where LOEP could be used to implement quality control policies and to enhance search engines are also described. Finally, we report the results of a survey conducted among reviewers that used LOEP, showing that they perceived LOEP as a powerful and easy to use tool for evaluating Learning Objects.
Visualization of vector fields plays an important role in research activities nowadays -- Web applications allow a fast, multi-platform and multi-device access to data, which results in the need of optimized applications to be implemented in both high-performance and low-performance devices -- Point trajectory calculation procedures usually perform repeated calculations due to the fact that several points might lie over the same trajectory -- This paper presents a new methodology to calculate point trajectories over highly-dense and uniformly-distributed grid of points in which the trajectories are forced to lie over the points in the grid -- Its advantages rely on a highly parallel computing architecture implementation and in the reduction of the computational effort to calculate the stream paths since unnecessary calculations are avoided, reusing data through iterations -- As case study, the visualization of oceanic currents through in the web platform is presented and analyzed, using WebGL as the parallel computing architecture and the rendering Application Programming Interface
This paper tells the story of how a set of university lectures developed during the last six years. The idea is to show how (1) content, (2) communication and (3) assessment have evolved in steps which are named “generations of web learning”. The reader is offered a stepwise description of both didactic foundations of university lectures and practical implementation on a widely available web platform. The relative weight of directive elements has gradually decreased through the “three generations”, whereas characteristics of self-responsibility and self-guided learning have gained in importance. -Content was in early times presented and expected to be learned but in later phases expected to be constructed for examples of case studies. -Communication meant in early phases to deliver assignments to the lecturer but later on to form teams, exchange standpoints and review mutually. -Assessment initially consisted in marks invented and added up by the lecturer but was later enriched by peer review, mutual grading and voting procedures. How much “added value” can the web provide for teaching, training and learning? Six years of experience suggest: mainly insofar as new (collaborative and selfdirected) didactic scenarios are implemented! (DIPF/Orig.)
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação do Mestre Paulo Gonçalves
Post-MAPS is a web platform that collects gastroenterological exam data from several european hospital centers, to be used in future clinical studies and was developed in partnership with experts from the gastroenterological area and information technology (IT) technicians. However, although functional, this platform has some issues that are crucial for its functioning, and can render user interaction unpleasant and exhaustive. Accordingly, we proposed the development of a new web platform, in which we aimed for an improvement in terms of usability, data uni cation and interoperability. Therefore, it was necessary to identify and study different ways of acquiring clinical data and review some of the existing clinical databases in order to understand how they work and what type of data they store, as well as their impact and contribution to clinical knowledge. Closely linked to the data model is the ability to share data with other systems, so, we also studied the concept of interoperability and analyzed some of the most widely used international standards, such as DICOM, HL7 and openEHR. As one of the primary objectives of this project was to achieve a better level of usability, practices related to Human Computer-Interaction, such as requirement analysis, creation of conceptual models, prototyping, and evaluation were also studied. Before we began the development, we conducted an analysis of the previous platform, from a functional point of view, which allowed us to gather not only a list of architectural and interface issues, but also a list of improvement opportunities. It was also performed a small preliminary study in order to evaluate the platform's usability, where we were able to realize that perceived usability is different between users, and that, in some aspects, varies according to their location, age and years of experience. Based on the information gathered during the platform's analysis and in the conclusions of the preliminary study, a new platform was developed, prepared for all potential users, from the inexperienced to the most comfortable with technology. It presents major improvements in terms of usability, also providing several new features that simplify the users' work, improving their interaction with the system, making their experience more enjoyable.
This paper presents a model that enables the integration of SCORM packages into web games. It is based on the fact that SCORM packages are prepared to be integrated into Learning Management Systems and to communicate with them. Hence in a similar way they can also be integrated into web games. The application of this model results in the linkage between the Learning Objects inside the package and specific actions or conditions in the game. The educational content will be shown to the players when they perform these actions or the conditions are met. For example, when they need a special weapon they will have to consume the Learning Object to get it. Based on this model we have developed an open source web platform which main aim is to facilitate teachers the creation of educational games. They can select existing SCORM packages or upload their own ones and then select a game template in which the Learning Objects will be integrated. The resulting educational game will be available online. Details about the model and the developed platform are explained in this paper. Also links to the platform and an example of a generated game will be provided.
Este trabajo trata cómo se pueden aplicar las técnicas de análisis de usabilidad al desarrollo de plataformas web. Actualmente es común que los servicios sean ofrecidos mediante plataformas web para un grupo muy heterogéneo de personas. Por otra parte, los análisis de usabilidad son una herramienta muy útil para conocer cómo interactúan las personas con los ordenadores y mejorar el diseño de las aplicaciones. Realizar un buen diseño permite mejorar la experiencia de usuario, factor fundamental para el éxito de cualquier producto que requiera interacción con el usuario. A continuación se describen las diferentes fases de los test de usabilidad y se detalla cómo han sido aplicadas durante el desarrollo del proyecto. Finalmente, se presentarán los resultados obtenidos durante la evaluación de la plataforma y el análisis de los mismos indicando cómo han afectado al diseño de la plataforma. ---ABSTRACT---This document discusses how to apply usability test techniques over web platform development. Nowadays, it is common that services are offered through web platforms for a large group of heterogeneous people. Moreover, usability tests are a very useful tool to understand human-computer interaction and improve the design of the applications. A good design can improve user experience, which is essential for the success of any product that requires user interaction. The following pages describes the different phases of usability testing and detail how these have been applied during the development of the project. Finally, the results obtained during the platform evaluation are presented and analysed, explaining how they have affected the design of the platform.
La Ciencia Ciudadana nace del resultado de involucrar en las investigaciones científicas a todo tipo de personas, las cuales pueden participar en un determinado experimento analizando o recopilando datos. No hace falta que tengan una formación científica para poder participar, es decir cualquiera puede contribuir con su granito de arena. La ciencia ciudadana se ha convertido en un elemento a tener en cuenta a la hora de realizar tareas científicas que requieren mucha dedicación, o que simplemente por el volumen de trabajo que estas implican, resulta casi imposible que puedan ser realizadas por una sola persona o un pequeño grupo de trabajo. El proyecto GLORIA (GLObal Robotic-telescopes Intelligent Array) es la primera red de telescopios robóticos del mundo de acceso libre que permite a los usuarios participar en la investigación astronómica mediante la observación con telescopios robóticos, y/o analizando los datos que otros usuarios han adquirido con GLORIA, o desde otras bases de datos de libre acceso. Con el objetivo de contribuir a esta iniciativa se ha propuesto crear una plataforma web que pasará a formar parte del Proyecto GLORIA, en la que se puedan realizar experimentos astronómicos. Con el objetivo de fomentar la ciencia y el aprendizaje colaborativo se propone construir una aplicación web que se ejecute en la plataforma Facebook. Los experimentos los proporciona la red de telescopios del proyecto GLORIA mediante servicios web y están definidos mediante XML. La aplicación web recibe el XML con la descripción del experimento, lo interpreta y lo representa en la plataforma Facebook para que los usuarios potenciales puedan realizar los experimentos. Los resultados de los experimentos realizados se envían a una base de datos de libre acceso que será gestionada por el proyecto GLORIA, para su posterior análisis por parte de expertos. ---ABSTRACT---The citizen’s science is born out of the result of involving all type of people in scientific investigations, in which, they can participate in a determined experiment analyzing or compiling data. There is no need to have a scientific training in order to participate, but, anyone could contribute doing one’s bit. The citizen’s science has become an element to take into account when carrying out scientific tasks that require a lot dedication, or that, for the volume of work that these involve, are nearly impossible to be carried out by one person or a small working group. The GLORIA Project (Global Robotic-Telescopes Intelligent Array) is the first network of free access robotic telescopes in the world that permits the users to participate in the astronomic investigation by means of observation with robotic telescopes, and/or analyzing data from other users that have obtained through GLORIA, or from other free-access databases. With the aim of contributing to this initiative, a web platform has been created and will be part of the GLORIA Project, in which astronomic experiments can be carried out. With the objective of promoting science and collaborative apprenticeship, a web application carried out in the FACEBOOK platform is to be built. The experiments are founded by the telescopes network of the GLORIA project by means of web services and are defined through XML. The web application receives the XML with the description of the experiment, interprets it and represents it in the FACEBOOK platform in order for potential users may perform the experiments. The results of the experiments carried out are sent to a free-access database that will be managed by the GLORIA Project for its analysis on the part of experts.
A lo largo de este documento se describe el trabajo llevado a cabo para el logro de todos objetivos de este Trabajo Fin de Grado, el cual tiene como objetivo principal la mejora de la herramienta de edición de las conexiones internas de un mashup proporcionada actualmente por la plataforma web WireCloud. WireCloud es una plataforma web centrada en la construcción visual de mashups de aplicaciones a partir de la interconexión de pequeñas aplicaciones web denominadas widgets. Los principales inconvenientes presentes en el actual editor de conexiones que incluye esta plataforma afectan principalmente a sus usuarios con poca experiencia en diseño web. Estos usuarios tienen dificultades a la hora de interpretar el esquema de conexiones de un mashup ajeno y también, de crear el esquema de conexiones de un mashup propio. La mejora realizada supone un cambio en la metáfora utilizada para la creación de las conexiones, que ahora se organiza en torno a unidades conceptuales denominadas comportamientos que representan subconjuntos cohesionados de conexiones con significado (representando por si mismos comportamientos relevantes del mashup). Con este cambio se logra solventar los inconvenientes que presenta el actual sistema, principalmente la necesidad de crear (y visualizar) simultáneamente todas las conexiones requeridas por el mashup, lo cual supone que: a) es difícil identificar con qué propósito se ha creado cada conexión y qué relación guardan unas conexiones con otras. b) existe un riesgo de olvidar alguna conexión, fundamentalmente por ser difícil la interpretación del propósito de cada conexión y por la imposibilidad de identificar y nombrar conjuntos de conexiones que tienen un propósito determinado. Antes de implementar el código fuente se realizó un estudio pormenorizado de las tecnologías que actualmente utiliza WireCloud, además de un estudio en profundidad de la situación del anterior editor y de las nuevas características y ventajas buscadas en este nuevo editor. Con este último propósito se definieron varios casos de estudio que ayudaron a concretar qué se ha de entender por un comportamiento en el diseño de las conexiones de un mashup y también, ayudaron a definir la mejor organización visual del nuevo editor en torno al concepto de comportamiento. El resto del trabajo consistió en la implementación del nuevo editor y en la elaboración de toda la documentación relacionada: principalmente el manual de uso del nuevo editor que estará disponible como parte de la documentación online de WireCloud.---ABSTRACT---This document describes the work carried out for the achievement of all targets of this Final Project, which has as its main objective the improvement of the edition tool of the mashup’s internal connections that is currently provided by WireCloud. WireCloud is a web platform focused on building visual of web mashups from the interconnection of web applications called web widgets. The main drawbacks present in the current web editor of connections, includes on this platform, mainly affect to users with little experience in web design. These users have difficulties for interpreting the wiring diagram of any web mashup and also, creating the wiring diagram of an own web mashup. The improvement made a change in the metaphor used for creating connections, now managing a conceptual units called behaviors that represent subsets of meaningful connections. This change overcomes the drawbacks of the current system, mainly the need to create and display simultaneously all connections required by the web mashup, which means that: a) Difficultly identify what purpose is created each connection and how they relate to each other connections. b) There is the risk of forgetting some connection, mainly for being difficult to interpret the purpose of each connection and the inability to identify and name sets of connections that have a specific purpose. Before deploying the source code, the study of the technologies currently used WireCloud was performed, plus the study of the situation of the previous editor and new features and advantages searched for this new editor was performed too. For the latter purpose was defined several case studies that helped to specify what understood by behavior in the design of the connections of a web mashup and also that helped to define the best visual organization of the new behavior-oriented wiring editor. The rest of the work involved in implementing the new wiring web editor and in the preparation of all documentation related: mainly user manual for using the new wiring web editor that will be available as part of the WireCloud online documentation.
The development of a web platform is a complex and interdisciplinary task, where people with different roles such as project manager, designer or developer participate. Different usability and User Experience evaluation methods can be used in each stage of the development life cycle, but not all of them have the same influence in the software development and in the final product or system. This article presents the study of the impact of these methods applied in the context of an e-Learning platform development. The results show that the impact has been strong from a developer's perspective. Developer team members considered that usability and User Experience evaluation allowed them mainly to identify design mistakes, improve the platform's usability and understand the end users and their needs in a better way. Interviews with potential users, clickmaps and scrollmaps were rated as the most useful methods. Finally, these methods were considered unanimously very useful in the context of the entire software development, only comparable to SCRUM meetings and overcoming the rest of involved factors.
Los sistemas de videoconferencia y colaboración en tiempo real para múltiples usuarios permiten a sus usuarios comunicarse por medio de vídeo, audio y datos. Históricamente estos han sido sistemas caros de obtener y de mantener. El paso de las décadas ha limado estos problemas acercado el mundo de comunicación en tiempo real a un grupo mucho más amplio, llegando a usarse en diversos ámbitos como la educación o la medicina. En este sentido, el último gran salto evolutivo al que hemos asistido ha sido la transición de este tipo de aplicaciones hacia la Web. Varias tecnologías han permitido este viaje hacia el navegador. Las Aplicaciones Ricas de Internet (RIAs), que permiten crear aplicaciones Web interactivas huyendo del clásico esquema de petición y respuesta y llevando funcionalidades propias de las aplicaciones nativas a la Web. Por otro lado, la computación en la nube o Cloud Computing, con su modelo de pago por uso de recursos virtualizados, ha llevado a la creación de servicios que se adaptan mejor a la demanda, han habilitado este viaje hacia el navegador. No obstante, como cada cambio, este salto presenta una serie de retos para los sistemas de videoconferencia establecidos. Esta tesis doctoral propone un conjunto de arquitecturas, mecanismos y algoritmos para adaptar los sistemas de multiconferencia al entorno Web, teniendo en cuenta que este es accedido desde dispositivos diferentes y mediante redes de acceso variadas. Para ello se comienza por el estudio de los requisitos que debe cumplir un sistema de videoconferencia en la Web. Como resultado se diseña, implementa y desarrolla un servicio de videoconferencia que permite la colaboración avanzada entre múltiples usuarios mediante vídeo, audio y compartición de escritorio. Posteriormente, se plantea un sistema de comunicación entre una aplicación nativa y Web, proponiendo técnicas de adaptación entre los dos entornos que permiten la conversación de manera transparente para los usuarios. Estos sistemas permiten facilitar la transición hacia tecnologías Web. Como siguiente paso, se identificaron los principales problemas que existen para la comunicación multiusuario en dispositivos de tamaño reducido (teléfonos inteligentes) utilizando redes de acceso heterogéneas. Se propone un mecanismo, combinación de transcodificación y algoritmos de adaptación de calidad para superar estas limitaciones y permitir a los usuarios de este tipo de dispositivos participar en igualdad de condiciones. La aparición de WebRTC como tecnología disruptiva en este entorno, permitiendo nuevas posibilidades de comunicación en navegadores, motiva la segunda iteración de esta tesis. Aquí se presenta un nuevo esquema de adaptación a la demanda para servidores de videoconferencia diseñado para las necesidades del entorno Web y para aprovechar las características de Cloud Computing. Finalmente, esta tesis repasa las conclusiones obtenidas como fruto del trabajo llevado a cabo, reflejando la evolución de la videoconferencia Web desde sus inicios hasta nuestros días. ABSTRACT Multiuser Videoconferencing and real-time collaboration systems allow users to communicate using video, audio and data streams. These systems have been historically expensive to obtain and maintain. Over the last few decades, technological breakthroughs have mitigated those costs and popularized real time video communication, allowing its use in environments such as education or health. The last big evolutionary leap forward has been the transition of these types of applications towards theWeb. Several technologies have allowed this journey to theWeb browser. Firstly, Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) enable the creation of dynamic Web pages that defy the classical request-response interaction and provide an experience similar to their native counterparts. On the other hand, Cloud Computing brings the leasing of virtualized hardware resources in a pay-peruse model and, with it, better scalability in resource-demanding services. However, as with every change, this evolution imposes a set of challenges on existing videoconferencing solutions. This dissertation proposes a set of architectures, mechanisms and algorithms that aim to adapt multi-conferencing systems to the Web platform, taking into account the variety of devices and access networks that come with it. To this end, this thesis starts with a study concerning the requirements that must be met by new Web videoconferencing systems. The result of this study is the design, development and implementation of a new videoconferencing services that provides advanced collaboration to its user by providing video and audio communication as well as desktop sharing. After this, a new communication system between Web and native applications is presented. This system proposes adaptation mechanisms to bridge the two worlds providing a seamless integration transparent to users who can now access the powerful native application via an easy Web interface. The next step is to identify the main challenges posed by multi-conferencing on small devices (smartphones) with heterogeneous access networks. This dissertation proposes a mechanism that combines transcoding and adaptive quality algorithms to overcome those limitations. A second iteration in this dissertation is motivated by WebRTC. WebRTC appears as a disrupting technology by enabling new real-time communication possibilities in browsers. A new mechanism for flexible videoconferencing server scalability is presented. This mechanism aims to address the strong scalability requirements in the Web environment by taking advantage of Cloud Computing. Finally, the dissertation discusses the results obtained throughout the study, capturing the evolution of Web videoconferencing systems.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interativos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Doutor Fernando Reinaldo Ribeiro, Professor Adjunto da Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
There is an increasing trend by publishers to provide supplementary learning materials with text books in order to improve the learning experience and thus ultimately improve text book sales. This study will aim to establish the use of these materials and their relevance to students in terms of supporting student learning. The materials include multiple choice test banks, animated demonstrations, simulations, quizzes and electronic versions of the text. The study will focus on the extensive library of web-based learning materials available on the ‘WileyPlus’ web platform which accompanies the textbook ‘Operations Management’, 2nd edition authored by A. Greasley and published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.