993 resultados para unitized cargo
This thesis is the Logistics Development Forum's assignment and the work dealing with the development of the Port of Helsinki as part of Helsinki hub. The Forum aims to develop logistics efficiency through public-private co-operation and development of the port is clearly dependent on both factors. Freight volumes in the Port of Helsinki are the biggest single factor in hub and, therefore, the role of the port of the entire hub development is strong. The aim is to look at how the port will develop as a result of changes in the foreign trade of Finland and the Northern European logistics trends in 25 years time period. Work includes the current state analysis and scenario work. The analyses are intended to find out, which trends are the most important in the port volume development. The change and effect of trends is examined through scenarios based on current state. Based on the work, the structure of Finnish export industry and international demand are in the key role in the port volume development. There is significant difference between demands of Finnish exporting products in different export markets and the development between the markets has different impacts on the port volumes by mass and cargo type. On the other hand, the Finnish economy is stuck in a prolonged recession and competition between ports has become a significant factor in the individual port's volume development. Ecological valuesand regulations have changed the competitive landscape and maritime transport emissions reductions has become an important competitive factor for short routes in the Baltic Sea, such as in the link between Helsinki and Tallinn.
In this work, a system using active RFID tags to supervise truck bulk cargo is described. The tags are attached to the bodies of the trucks and readers are distributed in the cargo buildings and attached to weighs and the discharge platforms. PDAs with camera and support to a WiFi network are provided to the inspectors and access points are installed throughout the discharge area to allow effective confirmations of unload actions and the acquisition of pictures for future audit. Broadband radio equipments are used to establish efficient communication links between the weighs and cargo buildings which are usually located very far from each other in the field. A web application software was especially developed to enable robust communication between the equipments for efficient device management, data processing and reports generation to the operating personal. The system was deployed in a cargo station of a Brazilian seashore port. The obtained results prove the effectiveness of the proposed system.
A survey of the floors of 3001 empty sea cargo containers in storage was undertaken to estimate the quarantine risk of importing exotic insect pests into Australia, with special reference to pests of timber. More than 7400 live and dead insects were collected from 1174 containers. No live infestations of timber-feeding insects were recorded, but feeding damage detected in one floor indicates a low risk of importing colonies of timber pests in containers. The survey collection of dead insects demonstrates that containers are regularly exposed to economically important quarantinable insects, including timber pests (bostrichids, curculionids, cerambycids, siricids and termites), agricultural pests (including Adoretus sinicus, Adoretus sp., Carpophilus obsoletus and Philaenus spumarius), and nuisance pests (vespids and Solenopsis sp.). Stored product pests were found in more than 10% of containers. The assessment of pest risk associated with shipping containers is discussed in terms of the quantity and quality of opportunities for exotic insects to establish via this pathway.
Proposta Pedag??gica do Curso de Forma????o inicial para Analista de Planejamento e Or??amento 2012 (17?? Edi????o), segunda etapa do concurso p??blico para provimento do referido cargo
Palestras e semin??rios sobre temas atuais da agenda governamental, nos quais foram abordadas dimens??es pertinentes aos valores e compet??ncias requeridos para o exerc??cio profissional dos Analistas de Planejamento e Or??amento
O trabalho pretende desenvolver uma reflex??o sobre a profissionaliza????o dos cargos de dire????o na administra????o p??blica e sua evolu????o ao longo das ??ltimas d??cadas nos pa??ses desenvolvidos, tendo como eixo condutor a institucionaliza????o dos cargos de dirigentes p??blicos nos sistemas pol??tico-administrativos contempor??neos. Inicia-se definindo a expans??o e o desenvolvimento do gerenciamento nos sistemas p??blicos, descrevendo, de forma breve e comparada, sua evolu????o mais recente em alguns pa??ses da OCDE. Em seguida, s??o apontados os tra??os b??sicos de um modelo de exerc??cio das fun????es de dire????o na administra????o p??blica. A seguir, trata-se do tema central mencionado. Primeiramente, o texto define os elementos que configuram um marco institucional para as fun????es de dire????o no setor p??blico. Depois, aborda o conte??do, o alcance e o ??mbito das reformas necess??rias para a constru????o desse marco. Por ??ltimo, analisa as vari??veis que podem influenciar a elabora????o das reformas, expondo os principais desafios e dificuldades tra??ados pelos empenhos de reforma.
A organização da administração pública federal brasileira é raramente abordada na pesquisa no campo de estudos organizacionais (EOs). Privilegia-se a tomada de decisão, seguindo-se a tradição de pesquisa operacional de cunho funcionalista. Contudo, direção é mais complexa e inclui decisão. A direção na administração pública federal brasileira se dá exclusivamente por meio de cargos de livre provimento. Tal realidade permite entender a direção como ação eminentemente política, cristalizada na organização da administração pública. Este artigo possui caráter metodológico e demonstra que o cargo público de livre provimento possui centralidade na organização da administração pública federal brasileira. Identifica, ainda, práticas de operação e interações no exercício da direção pública.
Uma discussão sobre a complexidade da teoria da administração pública favoreceu a contextualização de um ensaio de caso, munido de um instrumento gerencial para melhores práticas. A expectativa de um espírito de servir público, a partir da inclusão de custos na análise dos atos de aposentadoria, é delimitada pela realidade brasileira do Tribunal de Contas (RJ), preocupada com a atividade dos servidores encarregados do cumprimento dos dispositivos legais relacionados, inferindo-se que a "tarefa", além de instrumental e tecnicamente confiável, pode ser fonte de autoestima, devido ao seu mérito social. Seu benefício à qualidade da gestão pública, com austeridade e o zelo ético pelo público, orientou o debate teórico e a construção instrumental, para um sentido de acolhimento à interação teoria e prática que, afastada do gerencialismo, não relega "deveres" gerenciais sobre custos legalmente instituídos. Considerações finais reconhecem o labirinto da administração, transformando seu emaranhado em instigante investigação, na desafiadora ciência-arte de escutar o povo, para respeitar a res publica que lhe pertence, como permanente labuta por compreensão.
OBJECTIVE: Smuggling dissolved drugs, especially cocaine, in bottled liquids is an ongoing problem at borders. Common fluoroscopy of packages at the border cannot detect contaminated liquids. The objective of our study was to develop an MDCT screening method to detect cocaine-containing vessels that are hidden between uncontaminated ones in a shipment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Studies were performed on three wine bottles containing cocaine solutions that were confiscated at the Swiss border. Reference values were obtained by scans of different sorts of commercially available wine and aqueous solutions of dissolved sugar. All bottles were scanned using MDCT, and data evaluation was performed by measuring the mean peak of Hounsfield units. To verify the method, simulated testing was performed. RESULTS: Using measurements of the mean peak of Hounsfield units enables the detection of dissolved cocaine in wine bottles in a noninvasive and rapid fashion. Increasing opacity corresponds well with the concentration of dissolved cocaine. Simulated testing showed that it is possible to distinguish between cocaine-contaminated and uncontaminated wine bottles. CONCLUSION: The described method is an efficacious screening method to detect cocaine-contaminated bottles that are hidden between untreated bottles in cargo. The noninvasive examination of cargo allows a questionable delivery to be tracked without arousing the suspicion of the smugglers.
Ca(2+) import into the lumen of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) by the secretory pathway calcium ATPase1 (SPCA1) is required for the sorting of secretory cargo. How is Ca(2+) retained in the lumen of the Golgi, and what is its role in cargo sorting? We show here that a soluble, lumenal Golgi resident protein, Cab45, is required for SPCA1-dependent Ca(2+) import into the TGN; it binds secretory cargo in a Ca(2+)-dependent reaction and is required for its sorting at the TGN.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää yritysten välisten tutkimus- ja kehityshankkeiden valintaan liittyviä kriittisiä tekijöitä ja luoda T&K-verkostojen analysointiin soveltuva malli, jonka avulla tutkimuksen caseyritys VR Cargo voi tehdä päätöksiä panostuksistaan eri hankkeisiin ja ylipäätänsä siitä, missä kannattaa olla mukana sekä kuinka löytää strategisia kehityskumppaneita. Työn teoriaosuus tehtiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena aiempaan T&K-tutkimukseen ja empiria osuus suoritettiin tekemällä teemahaastatteluja VR Cargossa sekä kahdessa vertailuyrityksessä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin useita erilaisia kriittisiä tekijöitä T&K-yhteistyöhankkeisiin liittyen. Yrityksen on mm. huomioitava T&K-hankkeen strateginen sopivuus ja lisäarvo, määriteltävä motiivit ja riskit, yrityskohtaisten tekijöiden ovat oltava kunnossa, on tiedettävä millainen on yritykselle hyvä ja sopiva partneri sekä yhteistyötason tekijät on huomioitava. Tutkimuksessa rakennettua hankkeiden valintaan liittyvää päätöspuumallia, ei ole tarkoitettu tekemään lopullista valintapäätöstä, vaan sen tarkoituksena on helpottaa ja tukea valintaprosessia ja alentaa näin todennäköisyyttä unohtaa jokin tärkeä seikka valintaprosessissa.