1000 resultados para superior-subordinate communication
This study was undertaken for two primary purposes. The first was to discover whether or not two of the four cultural dimensions depicted by Hof-stede (1980), namely Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance, could be repeated using samples from seven organizations operating in three distinct cultural settings. The second was to assess the degree to which these dimensions affect superior-subordinate communication across the culturally-different groups. Also, the impact of the three interpersonal factors: Trust in Superior, Upward Influence and Mobility Aspirations was investigated cross-culturally. Participants were 291 managers from seven organizations; four Sudanese, two white British and an organization in Britain run by a group of British citizens of Pakistani extraction. It was hypothesized that the Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance of the three groups would replicate Hof-stede's. Specific implications of these dimensions for organizational communication and in particular for superior-subordinate communication were also hypothesized. Multiple regression analyses were performed with items of the two cultural dimensions and the three interpersonal factors (each in turn) forming the independent variables, while the organizational communication aspects formed the dependent variables. T-tests between means were also used to compare and contrast issues such as directionality of information flow across organizations operating in these settings. Work-related values of each of the three cultural groups provided support for Hofstede's model. However, only tentative support was given to the hypothesized relationships between the cultural dimensions and organizational communication. Similarly, weak associations were found between the three interpersonal factors and superior-subordinate communication behaviour. Some practical and theoretical implications are offered. An evaluation of the study and recommendation for further research are also given.
Pro gradu tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata virtuaalisten viestintätyökalujen käyttöä osana esimiesviestintää. Erityisesti työssä käsitellään esimiesviestintää tehostavia keinoja sekä kriteereitä, joiden mukaan virtuaalinen viestintätyökalu voidaan valita eri viestintätilannetta kohden. Tarkoituksena oli myös empiirisen tutkimuksen avulla kartoittaa suomalaisten esimiesten virtuaalisten viestintätyökalujen käyttöä osana heidän esimiestyötään. Tutkielman empiiristä osiota varten haastateltiin kymmentä esimiestä eri yrityksistä ja toimi-aloilta. Tutkimuksen analyysi tehtiin käyttäen kvalitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Virtuaaliset viestintätyökalut nähtiin erittäin tärkeäksi osaksi esimiesten arkipäiväisiä toimia. Niiden valinnassa käytettiin erilaisia kriteereitä, joista tärkeimmät perustuivat rationaaliseen valintaan. Erilaisia esimiesviestinnällisiä keinoja viestinnän tehostamiseksi käytettiin vähän. Tutkimuksen perusteella voitiin myös tehdä johtopäätös, että virtuaalisten viestintätyökalujen luokittelussa oli ristiriitoja haastateltavien kokemuksiin peilattuna.
This study investigated the effectiveness of modules involving standardized patients and role-plays on training communication skills. The first module involved standardized patients and an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE); the second module consisted of peer role-plays and a written examination. A randomized posttest-only control group design with first-year nursing students was used. The intervention group received one-to-one communication training with direct oral feedback from the standardized patient. The control group had training with peer role-playing and mutual feedback. The posttest involved students' rating their self-efficacy, and real patients and clinical supervisors evaluated their communication skills. No significant differences were found between self-efficacy and patient ratings. However, the clinical supervisors rated the intervention group's communication skills to be significantly (p < 0.0001) superior. Assessments by clinical supervisors indicate that communication training modules including standardized patients and an OSCE are superior to communication training modules with peer role-playing.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia mikä on luottamuksen rooli ja vaikutus esimies-alaissuhteessa. Toiseksi työ tarkastelee sitä mitkä tekijät saavat luottamuksen horjumaan ja mihin horjuminen vaikuttaa, sekä vastaa kysymykseen mikä on luottamuksen dynamiikka konfliktitilanteissa. Kolmanneksi työ tarkastelee sitä miten menetettyä luottamusta voidaan korjata ja mitkä keinot ovat tehokkaimpia. Tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen teoreettinen osuus toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksen empiirisenä aineistona käytettiin narratiiveja, jotka olivat Lappeenrannan teknillisen ykiopiston Digi-opiskelijoilta koottuja luottamustarinoita. Toisena aineistona käytetiin opiskelijoiden fokus-ryhmäkeskusteluja. Tutkimuksen tuloksena voidaan todeta, että luottamus on perusedellytys toimivalle esimies-alaissuhteelle ja se rakentuu hyvin pitkälle vuorovaikutuksen kautta. Tärkeimmät luottamusta horjuttavat tekijät ovat huono tiedonkulku ja tiedottaminen, ja tärkeimmät keinot menetetyn luottamuksen korjaamiseen ovat keskustelu, kommunikaatio ja avoin vuorovaikutus.
The participants in the dynamic Finnish working environment are expected to display communication skills, which is emphasized when different cultures meet. The objective of this thesis was to study the required interpersonal communication competence of leaders in a Finnish-Russian superior-subordinate relationship. The leadership was approached from a communicational perspective where leadership emerges in a dyadic relationship between leader and subordinate. The research was conducted as a qualitative case study. The data was gathered from interviews in the target organization. Four superiors and five of their subordinates were interviewed. The qualitative data gathered from the interviews was analyzed by theory-driven content analysis. The representative data was organized and coded in order to establish the main categories, which form a basis of the conclusions of the thesis. Interpersonal communication competence has a significant role alongside substance in leadership. The superiors in the workplace perceive communication as contextual. The findings indicate that there are certain tensions in the relationship between the superiors and their subordinates. The tensions are described as distance, collectiveness and emotions, and verbal expression and understanding. Leadership communication competence is about finding a balance between the tensions based on cultural differences. From the interpersonal communication research tradition point of view, the efficient and appropriate communication competence in this context consists of the knowledge of tensions and challenges, as well as the ability to manage cultural tensions and the motivation to react positively to cultural differences.
O marketing de relacionamento como ferramenta para atrair e fidelizar os alunos do ensino superior privado é o tema desta pesquisa. Trata-se de um estudo de caso múltiplo incorporado enfocando a Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP) e a Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP) e que tem como objetivos principais apontar fatores que motivam os estudantes a escolher determinadas instituições de ensino superior, identificar a maneira como elas atuam na tarefa de atraí-los com vistas a estabelecer um relacionamento e uma comunicação eficientes com esses públicos de interesse e fidelizálos, bem como analisar a real efetividade das ações desenvolvidas pelas IESs. Propõe-se uma incursão teórica para abordar motivações psicológicas, culturais, econômicas e sociais relacionadas ao ato de consumir e estabelecer uma correlação com o consumidor-aluno . Discutem-se também características do marketing de relacionamento associadas ao contexto educacional e apontam-se dificuldades/desafios vivenciados pelas instituições nos esforços de criar e estreitar os laços com os estudantes com vistas a tornar tais laços duradouros. Foram aplicados 1.400 questionários em ambas as universidades a fim de identificar, entre outros aspectos, atributos desejáveis de uma IES, fatores influenciadores para o abandono dela e características associadas a processos comunicacionais que representam diferenciais. O estudo apontou que, apesar de as dificuldades financeiras serem um componente que interfere na atração e na fidelização dos alunos, outros também são determinantes, como o nível de excelência de ensino, o corpo docente e a qualidade do relacionamento que as instituições de ensino estabelecem com tais públicos. Tal qualidade passa, obrigatoriamente, por atributos como liberdade para expressar ideias, espaço de diálogo e transparência na comunicação, elementos desafiadores ao modelo vigente e estimuladores a um novo fazer educacional.
Three dimensions of subordinate-supervisor relations (affective attachment, deference to supervisor, and personal-life inclusion) that had been found by Y. Chen, Friedman, Yu, Fang, and Lu to be characteristic of a guanxi relationship between subordinates and their supervisors in China were surveyed in Taiwan, Singapore, and six non-Chinese cultural contexts. The Affective Attachment and Deference subscales demonstrated full metric invariance whereas the Personal-Life Inclusion subscale was found to have partial metric invariance across all eight samples. Structural equation modeling revealed that the affective attachment dimension had a cross-nationally invariant positive relationship to affective organizational commitment and a negative relationship to turnover intention. The deference to the supervisor dimension had invariant positive relationships with both affective and normative organizational commitment. The personal-life inclusion dimension was unrelated to all outcomes. These results indicate the relevance of aspects of guanxi to superior-subordinate relations in non-Chinese cultures. Studies of indigenous concepts can contribute to a broader understanding of organizational behavior. © The Author(s) 2014.
O presente contexto mercadológico da educação superior, onde a concorrência é cada vez mais acirrada, tem levado as instituições de ensino a estabelecer um processo de gestão de comunicação e marketing mais estratégico e competitivo, buscando alcançar uma posição diferenciada em relação à concorrência, a fim de conquistar seus públicos de interesse. Este trabalho contemplou a aplicação dos objetivos de comunicação no mercado de ensino superior, analisando as formas pelas quais as instituições vêm estabelecendo os processos comunicacionais com seus públicos-alvo, estando direcionado para as Universidades privadas brasileiras. A pesquisa se apóia em: revisão bibliográfica, entrevistas em profundidade com gestores de comunicação e marketing do setor pesquisado e análise de conteúdo de peças de comunicação em mídia online. Inicialmente foi elaborado um relato acerca do contexto atual do mercado de ensino superior no Brasil: sua evolução e caracterização. Em seguida, definiu-se marketing aplicado ao segmento de educação superior: conceitos e o papel designado a ele. Posteriormente relacionou-se comunicação mercadológica com o serviço de educação superior e sua aplicabilidade neste setor. Depois, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade - semiestruturadas, com gestores de comunicação e marketing de duas instituições, localizadas na cidade de São Paulo (Insper e Universidade São Judas Tadeu) com posicionamentos antagônicos e classificações distintas quanto à sua imagem para o mercado -, com a finalidade de conhecer suas visões e opiniões sobre o mercado e as ações de comunicação de marketing que vêm adotando. Finalmente, foi elaborada análise de contéudo, comparando anúncios (peças publicitárias) em mídia online das duas IES estudadas. Todos os procedimentos da análise de contéudo foram estabelecidos e categorizados com base nos objetivos de comunicação definidos por Yanaze (2011).
This study provided information about how individual workers perceive, describe and interpret episodes of problematic communication. Sixteen full-time workers (5 males, 11 females) were interviewed in depth about specific incidents of problematic communication within their workplace. Their descriptions of the attributed causes of the incidents were coded using a categorisation scheme developed from Coupland, Wieman, and Giles' (1991) model of sources of problematic communication. Communication problems were most commonly attributed to individual deficiency and group membership, although there were differences depending on the direction of communication. The most negative attributions (to personality flaws, to lack of skills, and to negative stereotypes of the outgroup) were most commonly applied by individuals to their supervisors, whilst attributions applied to co-workers and subordinates tended to be less negative, or even positive in some instances (where individuals attributed the fault to themselves). Overall, results highlighted distinctions between the perceptions of communication problems with supervisors and with subordinates, and are interpreted with reference to social identity theory.
Using 394 pairs of employees and their immediate supervisors working in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector in three northern European countries, this study examined the effect of workplace moderators on the link between relational demography and supervisor ratings of performance. Directional age differences between superior and subordinate (i.e., status incongruence caused when the supervisor is older or younger than his/her subordinate) and non-directional age differences were used as predictors of supervisor ratings of occupational expertise. The quality of the supervisor-subordinate relationship and the existence of positive age-related supervisory practices were examined as moderators of this relationship. The results provide no support for a relationship between directional age differences and age-related stereotyping by supervisors in ratings of performance, neither for the effects of age-related supervisory practices. However, high quality supervisor-subordinate relationships did moderate the effects of age dissimilarity on supervisory ratings. The implications of these findings for performance appraisal methodologies and recommendations for further research are discussed.
Chemistry teachers increasingly use research articles in their undergraduate courses. This trend arises from current pedagogical emphasis on active learning and scientific process. In this paper, we describe some educational experiences on the use of research articles in chemistry higher education. Additionally, we present our own conclusions on the use of such methodology applied to a scientific communication course offered to undergraduate chemistry students at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Iron deficiency is a common nutritional disorder, affecting about 30% of the world population. Deficits in iron functional compartments have suppressive effects on the immune system. Environmental problems, age, and other nutrient deficiencies are some of the situations which make human studies difficult and warrant the use of animal models. This study aimed to investigate alterations in the immune system by inducing iron deficiency and promoting recuperation in a mouse model. Hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, liver iron store, and flow cytometry analyses of cell-surface transferrin receptor (CD71) on peripheral blood and spleen CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte were performed in the control (C) and the iron-deficient (ID) groups of animals at the beginning and end of the experiment. Hematological indices of C and ID mice were not different but the iron stores of ID mice were significantly reduced. Although T cell subsets were not altered, the percentage of T cells expressing CD71 was significantly increased by ID. The results suggest that iron deficiency induced by our experimental model would mimic the early events in the onset of anemia, where thymus atrophy is not enough to influence subset composition of T cells, which can still respond to iron deficiency by upregulating the expression of transferrin receptor.
This study vas aimed to validate the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Functional Assessment Of Communication Skills (ASHA FACS) for a Brazilian population. The scale was translated and adapted into Portuguese. Thirty-two patients with mild Alzheimer disease (AD). 25 patients with moderate AD. and 51 elderly without dementia were examined with Mini Mental State Examination, Geriatric Depression Scale. and Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-cog). The ASHA FACS was answered by their relative/caregiver. The scale`s internal consistency. its inter-examiner and intra-examiner`s reproducibility. and scale`s criterion validity were researched by correlation with ADAS-cog,. The sensitivity and specificity Were also researched. Statistical analyses indicated that the ASHA FACS has excellent internal consistency (Cronbach alpha = 0.955), test-retest reliability (interclass correlation coefficient = 0.995; P < 0.001). and inter-examiners (interclass correlation coefficient = 0.998: P < 0.001). It showed excellent criterion validity when correlated with ADAS-cog,. The ASHA FACS scale showed good sensitivity (75.0%) and specificity (82.4%) values once it is an ecologic and broad evaluation. The ASHA FACS Portuguese version is a valid and reliable instrument to verify communication alterations in AD patients and fills an important gap of efficiency indicators for speech language therapy in our country.
Projecto apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Assessoria de Administração