59 resultados para rikki
Invited – and inspired – by Rikki Gunn of GhostNets Australia, in September 2008 sixteen Queensland University of Technology (QUT) design and engineering students and four staff set off on a 2488km journey to spend a fortnight in Karumba on the Gulf of Carpentaria. We went to undertake a strategic planning project we called Linking Karumba, to encourage social, economic, environmental and cultural linkages across the town. During this visit, we and our local project partners realised there should be a second half to the project, in the other Carpentaria Shire town of Normanton, which saw another group of us travelling north again in 2010 to undertake Get EnGulfed: Normanton2020, looking back and forwards to propose strategies to strengthen local and regional identities. The responsiveness of our students’ work to the character of Carpentarian culture and environment indicate remarkable levels of immersion, and the community expressed their enjoyment of the process and outcomes. As for us - QUT staff and students - we had a marvellous time doing these projects, and this little book is the story of our finding of the landscapes and communities of Carpentaria “where the outback meets the sea”, and of the project work we did together with locals in the two towns. We go to press as news arrives of the official opening of the Karumba Walking track, linking the two parts of the town. We can’t wait to return and make the walk. Shannon Satherley, 2013
The book consists of an Introduction and four articles published both in Finland and abroad, written in English or Russian. They present the studies of eight Finnish and Russian idiomatic constructions that appear in the following examples: Ikkuna rikki — Окно сломано, lit.: ‘the window broken’, Äiti täällä — Мама здесь, lit.: ‘mother here’, Kaikki myymälöihin! — Все в магазин, lit.: ‘all to the shops’, Пить так пить! ≈ ‘When I drink, I drink (a lot)!’, etc. The aim of the studies is to reconstruct the origins and to trace the development of the above-mentioned constructions up to their modern usages. To this end, the constructions are investigated both from historical and from comparative perspectives. Finally, the case studies provide a possibility to develop more general bases of development of these 'ungrammatical' items. By attempting to answer the question why such constructions develop even though they destroy the harmonious structure of а language, some principles of idiomatization are postulated in the Conclusion.
A wide range of biotic and abiotic factors, operating over different time perspectives and intensities, cause defoliation and a rapid decrease in the crown size of trees. Scleroderris canker disease [Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet] has caused widespread crown reduction and tree mortality in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L) in forests in Scandinavia during the last three decades. In the 1980's, attempts were made to show, on the basis of the higher foliar N and S concentrations of affected pines in the diseased area, that sulphur and nitrogen deposition predispose trees to G. abietina. Unfortunately, in many studies on defoliated trees, exceptionally high or low needle mineral nutrient concentrations are still often interpreted as one of the causes of tree injury and not, conversely, as the result. In this thesis, three different field experiments, with foliar analysis as the main study method, were conducted in order to asses the possible long-term effects of living crown reduction on the needle nutrient concentrations of Scots pine trees in southern Finland. The crown ratio and length of the living crown were used to estimate the amount of defoliation in the reduced canopies. The material for the partial studies was collected and a total of 968 foliar samples were analysed individually (15-17 elements/sample) on a total of 488 sample trees (140 diseased, 116 pruned and 232 control trees) during the years 1987-1996 in 13 Scots pine stands. All the three experiments of this thesis provided significant evidence that severe, disease-induced defoliation or artificial pruning of the living branches can induce long-lasting nutritional changes in the foliage of the recovering trees under the typical growing conditions for Scots pine. The foliar concentrations of all the 17 mineral nutrients/elements analysed were affected, to a varying degree, by artificial pruning during the following three years. Although Scots pine, as an evergreen conifer, is considered to have low induced chemical responses to defoliation, this study proved experimentally under natural forest conditions that severe artificial pruning or disease-induced defoliation of Scots pine trees may induce biologically significant changes in the concentrations of most of the important macro- and micronutrients, as well as of carbon, in refoliated needles. Concerning the studies in this thesis, I find the results significant in providing new information about the long-term effects of rapid living crown reduction on the foliar nutrient and element status of Scots pine trees. Key words: Foliar analysis, defoliation, needle loss, pruning, nutrients, Pinus sylvestris, Gremmeniella abietina
The present work provides a regional-scale assessment of the changes in acidifying deposition in Finland over the past 30 years and the current pattern in the recovery of acid-sensitive lakes from acidification in relation to changes in sulphate deposition. This information is needed for documenting the ecosystem benefits of costly emission reduction policies and further actions in air pollution policy. The development of sulphate deposition in Finland reflects that of European SO2 emissions. Before the 1990s, reductions in sulphur emissions in Europe had been relatively small and sulphate deposition showed no consistent trends. Due to emission reduction measures that were then taken, sulphate deposition started to clearly decline from the late 1980s. The bulk deposition of sulphate has declined 40-60% in most parts of the country during 1990-2003. The decline in sulphate deposition exceeded the decline of base cation deposition, which resulted in a decrease in acidity and acidifying potential of deposition over the 1990s. Nitrogen deposition also decreased since the late 1980s, but less than that of sulphate, and levelling off during the 1990s. Sulphate concentrations in all types of small lakes throughout Finland have declined from the early 1990s. The relative decrease in lake sulphate concentrations (average 40-50%) during 1990-2003 was rather similar to the decline in sulphate deposition, indicating a direct response to the reduction in deposition. There are presently no indications of elevated nitrate concentrations in forested headwater lakes. Base cation concentrations are still declining in many lakes, especially in south Finland, but to a lesser extent than sulphate allowing buffering capacity (alkalinity) to increase, being significant in 60% of the study lakes. Chemical recovery is resulting in biological recovery with populations of acid-sensitive fish species increasing. The recovery has been strongest in lakes in which sulphate has been the major acidifying agent, and recovery has been the strongest and most consistent in lakes in south Finland. The recovery of lakes in central Finland and north Finland is not as widespread and strong as observed in south. Many catchments, particularly in central Finland, have a high proportion of peatlands and therefore high TOC concentrations in lakes, and runoff-induced surges of organic acids have been an important confounding factor suppressing the recovery of pH and alkalinity in these lakes. Chemical recovery is progressing even in the most acidified lakes, but the buffering capacity of many lakes is still low and still sensitive to acidic input. Further reduction in sulphur emissions are needed for the alkalinity to increase in the acidified lakes. Increasing total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations are indicated in small forest lakes in Finland. The trends appear to be related to decreasing sulphate deposition and improved acid-base status of the soil, and the rise in TOC is integral to recovery from acidification. A new challenge is climate change with potential trends in temperature, precipitation and runoff, which are expected to affect future chemical and biological recovery from acidification. The potential impact on the mobilization and leaching of organic acids may become particularly important in Finnish conditions. Long-term environmental monitoring has evidently shown the success of international emission abatement strategies. The importance and value of integrated monitoring approach including physical, chemical and biological variables is clearly indicated, and continuous environmental monitoring is needed as a scientific basis for further actions in air pollution policy.
Symptomatic hypertrophic breasts cause a health burden with physical and psychosocial morbidity. The value of reduction mammaplasty in the treatment of symptomatic breast hypertrophy has been consistently reported by patients and has been well recognised by plastic surgeons for a long time. However, the scientific evidence of the effects of reduction mammaplasty has been weak or lacking. During the design of this study most of the previous studies were retrospective and the few prospective studies had methodological limitations. Therefore, an obvious need for prospective randomised studies was present. Nevertheless, practical and ethical considerations seemed to make this study design impossible, because the waiting time for the operation was several years. The legislation and subsequent introduction of the uniform criteria for access to non-emergency treatment in Finland removed these obstacles, as all patients received their treatment within a reasonable time. As a result, a randomised controlled trial with a six-month follow-up time was designed and conducted. In addition, a follow-up study with two to five years follow-up was also carried out later. The effects of reduction mammaplasty on the patients breast-related symptoms, psychological symptoms, pain and quality of life was assessed. In addition, factors affecting the outcome were investigated. This study was carried out in the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Finland. Eighty-two out of the approximately 300 patients on the waiting list in 2004 agreed to participate in the study. Patients were randomised either to be operated (40 patients) on or to be followed up (42 patients). The follow-up time for both groups was six months. The patients were operated on by plastic surgeons or trainees at the Department of Plastic Surgery at Helsinki University Central Hospital or at the Department of Surgery at Hyvinkää Hospital. The patients completed five questionnaires: the SF-36 and the 15D quality of life questionnaires, the Finnish Breast-Associated Symptoms questionnaire (FBAS), a mood questionnaire (Raitasalo s modification of the short form of the Beck Depression Inventory, RBDI), and a pain questionnaire (The Finnish Pain Questionnaire, FPQ). Sixty-two out of the original 82 patients agreed to participate in the prospective follow-up study. In this study, patients completed the 15D quality of life questionnaire, the Finnish Breast-Associated Symptoms questionnaire, and the RBDI mood questionnaire. After six months follow-up, patients who had undergone reduction mammaplasty had a significantly better quality of life, fewer breast-associated symptoms and less pain, and they were less depressed or anxious when compared to patients who had not undergone surgery. The change in quality of life was more than two times the minimal clinically important difference. The patients preoperative quality of life was significantly inferior when compared to the age-standardised general population. This health burden was removed with reduction mammaplasty. The health loss related to symptomatic breast hypertrophy was comparable to that of patients with major joint arthrosis. In terms of change in quality of life, the intervention effect of reduction mammaplasty was comparable to that of hip joint replacement and more pronounced than that of knee joint replacement surgery. The outcome of reduction mammaplasty was affected more by preoperative psychosocial factors than by changes in breast dimensions. The effects of reduction mammaplasty remained stable at two to five years follow-up. In terms of quality of life, symptomatic breast hypertrophy causes a considerable health loss comparable to that of major joint arthrosis. Patients who undergo surgery have fewer breast-associated symptoms and less pain, and they are less depressed or anxious and have an improved quality of life. The intervention effect is comparable to that of major joint replacement surgery, and it remains stable at two to five years follow-up. The outcome of reduction mammaplasty is affected by preoperative psychosocial factors.
Tutkimukseni oli osa laajempaa omega-3-rasvahappotutkimusta lonkkaniveldysplasiaa sairastavilla koirilla. Lonkkaniveldysplasia tarkoittaa lonkkanivelen epänormaalia kehitystä. Sen syntyyn vaikuttavat perintötekijät ja ympäristö. Lonkkaniveldysplasia on yleinen sairaus etenkin isoilla koiraroduilla. Se johtaa nivelrikkoon ja krooniseen kipuun. Kivun arvioinnin tulisi olla objektiivista, mutta koska eläimet eivät osaa kertoa kivustaan, niiden kivun arvioiminen perustuu usein arvioijan subjektiiviseen näkemykseen. Eläinten kivun objektiiviseen arviointiin ei ole olemassa riittävästi menetelmiä. Osatutkimukseni tarkoitus oli arvioida askelvoimamaton soveltumista kroonisen kivun arviointimenetelmäksi. Kaksoissokkoutetussa tutkimuksessa oli loppuun saakka mukana 71 koiraa. Koirat jaettiin satunnaisesti kahteen ryhmään, joista toinen söi tutkittavaa Doils-kalaöljyvalmistetta ja toinen lumevalmistetta 4 kk ajan. Tutkimukseeni liittyen koiria juoksutettiin askelvoimalevyn ja askelvoimamaton yli useita kertoja jokaisella kolmella tutkimuskäynnillä. Lisäksi omistajat vastasivat yhteensä seitsemän kertaa kyselyihin, joissa oli muun muassa kaksi visuaalista analogista asteikkoa (VAS; elämänlaatu ja liikkumisvaikeudet) ja kysymykset, joista laskettiin krooninen kipuindeksi (HCPI). Vertasimme askelvoimamatolla ja askelvoimalevyllä saatuja tuloksia toisiinsa sekä VAS:hin ja HCPI:iin. Hypoteesimme oli, että näiden eri menetelmien tulosten välillä olisi selvä korrelaatio. Jos koiran kipu vähenisi, VAS:n ja HCPI:n lukemat pienenisivät ja sekä askelvoimalevyllä (maksimaalinen kohtisuora voima/PVFz, impulssi/IMP) että askelvoimamatolla (maksimipaine ja aktivoituneiden sensoreiden lukumäärä) mitattujen parametrien arvot nousisivat ontumisen vähentyessä. Toinen hypoteesimme oli, että askelvoimamatolla ontuminen havaittaisiin helpommin käynnissä kuin ravissa. PVFz:n ja IMP:n havaittiin korreloivan huomattavasti paremmin keskenään, jos ne oli normalisoitu ajan suhteen. Täten esimerkiksi kliinisissä seurantatutkimuksissa näitä parametreja tulisi käyttää ajan suhteen normalisoituina. Molempien VAS:n jaHCPI:n välillä oli hyvä korrelaatio. Ne eivät kuitenkaan korreloineet lainkaan askelvoimalevyja askelvoimamattoparametrien kanssa. Tämä perustuu siihen, että askelvoimalevyn mittaama ontuma ei ole sama asia kuin omistajien arvioima kipu. Molemmissa ryhmissä askelvoimamaton parametrit huononivat hypoteesimme vastaisesti. Askelvoimamattomme olikin todennäköisesti rikki tutkimuksemme aikana. Tästä johtuen kaikki askelvoimamattotulokset ovat epäluotettavia, eikä niiden perusteella voi tehdä luotettavia johtopäätöksiä. Tutkimuksen perusteella ei siis saatu lisää todisteita askelvoimamaton soveltuvuudesta kroonisen kivun objektiiviseen arviointiin. On mahdollista, että askelvoimamaton sisäisiä mittauksia voitaisiin käyttää, vaikka matto onkin ollut osittain rikki. Havaitsimme, että askelvoimamaton maksimipaine ravissa korreloi loistavasti maksimipaineeseen käynnissä. Sama havainto tehtiin myös aktivoituneiden sensoreiden lukumäärässä. Tämä tulos kumoaa toisen hypoteesimme. Ontuminen siis havaittiin askelvoimamatolla käynnissä yhtä helposti kuin ravissakin. Ennen kuin voimme suositella GAITRite-askelvoimamattoa ontumatutkimuksien arviointimenetelmänä, tarvitaan lisätutkimuksia kunnossa olevalla matolla.
Tiivistelmä: Ilman rikkilaskeuma ja järvien happamoituminen Suomessa.
Executive Summary: Tropical marine ecosystems in the Caribbean region are inextricably linked through the movement of pollutants, nutrients, diseases, and other stressors, which threaten to further degrade coral reef communities. The magnitude of change that is occurring within the region is considerable, and solutions will require investigating pros and cons of networks of marine protected areas (MPAs), cooperation of neighboring countries, improved understanding of how external stressors degrade local marine resources, and ameliorating those stressors. Connectivity can be broadly defined as the exchange of materials (e.g., nutrients and pollutants), organisms, and genes and can be divided into: 1) genetic or evolutionary connectivity that concerns the exchange of organisms and genes, 2) demographic connectivity, which is the exchange of individuals among local groups, and 3) oceanographic connectivity, which includes flow of materials and circulation patterns and variability that underpin much of all these exchanges. Presently, we understand little about connectivity at specific locations beyond model outputs, and yet we must manage MPAs with connectivity in mind. A key to successful MPA management is how to most effectively work with scientists to acquire the information managers need. Oceanography connectivity is poorly understood, and even less is known about the shape of the dispersal curve for most species. Dispersal kernels differ for various systems, species, and life histories and are likely highly variable in space and time. Furthermore, the implications of different dispersal kernels on population dynamics and management of species is unknown. However, small dispersal kernels are the norm - not the exception. Linking patterns of dispersal to management options is difficult given the present state of knowledge. The behavioral component of larval dispersal has a major impact on where larvae settle. Individual larval behavior and life history details are required to produce meaningful simulations of population connectivity. Biological inputs are critical determinants of dispersal outcomes beyond what can be gleaned from models of passive dispersal. There is considerable temporal and spatial variation to connectivity patterns. New models are increasingly being developed, but these must be validated to understand upstream-downstream neighborhoods, dispersal corridors, stepping stones, and source/sink dynamics. At present, models are mainly useful for providing generalities and generating hypotheses. Low-technology approaches such as drifter vials and oceanographic drogues are useful, affordable options for understanding local connectivity. The “silver bullet” approach to MPA design may not be possible for several reasons. Genetic connectivity studies reveal divergent population genetic structures despite similar larval life histories. Historical stochasticity in reproduction and/or recruitment likely has important, longlasting consequences on present day genetic structure. (PDF has 200 pages.)
These are the slides where I summarised what I thought are the important parts of the operating systems course. They are mostly slides borrowed from the original course slides, so thank you to Thanassis for those. For full details about the topics, please refer to the full lecture slides and the course textbook.
Introductory lecture for engineering foundation year Computer Applications module.
Second Computer Applications digital literacy lecture, tackling the issue of using digital tools to help organise our lives.
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This document describes 6 scenarios from which students can choose the topic of their technical report, and outlines the formatting requirements for the report.