954 resultados para medical rescue services
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the profile of patients served by the air medical rescue system in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, evaluating: triage and mobilization criteria; response time; on-site care and transport time; invasive procedures performed in the Pre-Hospital Care (PHC); severity of patients; morbidity and mortality.METHODS: We conducted a prospective, descriptive study in which we analyzed medical records of patients rescued between July 2010 and December 2012. During this period, 242 victims were taken to the HC-Unicamp. Of the 242 patients, 22 were excluded from the study.RESULTS: of the 220 cases evaluated, 173 (78.6%) were male, with a mean age of 32 years. Blunt trauma was the most prevalent (207 cases - 94.1%), motorcycle accidents being the most common mechanisms of injury (66 cases - 30%), followed by motor vehicle collisions (51 cases - 23.2%). The average response time was 10 ± 4 minutes and the averaged total pre-hospital time was 42 ± 11 minutes. The mean values of the trauma indices were: RTS = 6.2 ± 2.2; ISS = 19.2 ± 12.6; and TRISS = 0.78 ± 0.3. Tracheal intubation in the pre-hospital environment was performed in 77 cases (35%); 43 patients (19.5%) had RTS of 7.84 and ISSd"9, being classified as over-triaged. Of all patients admitted, the mortality was 15.9% (35 cases).CONCLUSION: studies of air medical rescue in Brazil are required due to the investments made in the pre-hospital care in a country without an organized trauma system. The high rate of over-triage found highlights the need to improve the triage and mobilization criteria.
We explore the determinants of usage of six different types of health care services, using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data, years 1996-2000. We apply a number of models for univariate count data, including semiparametric, semi-nonparametric and finite mixture models. We find that the complexity of the model that is required to fit the data well depends upon the way in which the data is pooled across sexes and over time, and upon the characteristics of the usage measure. Pooling across time and sexes is almost always favored, but when more heterogeneous data is pooled it is often the case that a more complex statistical model is required.
This study attempts to provide reliable scientific data that will enable the health services department of the Royal Commission of Yanbu Al Sinaiyah, Saudi Arabia to improve the quality of health care services provided in their facilities. Patient satisfaction and dissatisfaction were investigated along seven dimensions: General satisfaction scale, Communication, Technical quality, Art of care, Continuity of care, Time spent with the doctor, and Access/Convenience/ and availability. Patient satisfaction parameters were compared for Saudi vs. non-Saudi, males vs. females, and for patients seen in the hospital vs. those seen in Al-nawa and Radwa primary care centers. The information was obtained by using a self-administered questionnaire. The results indicate that patients seen in Al-nawa primary care center were more satisfied with care than patients seen in the hospital who in turn were more satisfied than those seen in Radwa primary care center. The non-Saudi patients were more satisfied than the Saudi patients across all three facilities and satisfaction scales. The female patients were more satisfied than the male patients across all three facilities and satisfaction scales. ^
Linguistic modelling is a rather new branch of mathematics that is still undergoing rapid development. It is closely related to fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, but knowledge and experience from other fields of mathematics, as well as other fields of science including linguistics and behavioral sciences, is also necessary to build appropriate mathematical models. This topic has received considerable attention as it provides tools for mathematical representation of the most common means of human communication - natural language. Adding a natural language level to mathematical models can provide an interface between the mathematical representation of the modelled system and the user of the model - one that is sufficiently easy to use and understand, but yet conveys all the information necessary to avoid misinterpretations. It is, however, not a trivial task and the link between the linguistic and computational level of such models has to be established and maintained properly during the whole modelling process. In this thesis, we focus on the relationship between the linguistic and the mathematical level of decision support models. We discuss several important issues concerning the mathematical representation of meaning of linguistic expressions, their transformation into the language of mathematics and the retranslation of mathematical outputs back into natural language. In the first part of the thesis, our view of the linguistic modelling for decision support is presented and the main guidelines for building linguistic models for real-life decision support that are the basis of our modeling methodology are outlined. From the theoretical point of view, the issues of representation of meaning of linguistic terms, computations with these representations and the retranslation process back into the linguistic level (linguistic approximation) are studied in this part of the thesis. We focus on the reasonability of operations with the meanings of linguistic terms, the correspondence of the linguistic and mathematical level of the models and on proper presentation of appropriate outputs. We also discuss several issues concerning the ethical aspects of decision support - particularly the loss of meaning due to the transformation of mathematical outputs into natural language and the issue or responsibility for the final decisions. In the second part several case studies of real-life problems are presented. These provide background and necessary context and motivation for the mathematical results and models presented in this part. A linguistic decision support model for disaster management is presented here – formulated as a fuzzy linear programming problem and a heuristic solution to it is proposed. Uncertainty of outputs, expert knowledge concerning disaster response practice and the necessity of obtaining outputs that are easy to interpret (and available in very short time) are reflected in the design of the model. Saaty’s analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is considered in two case studies - first in the context of the evaluation of works of art, where a weak consistency condition is introduced and an adaptation of AHP for large matrices of preference intensities is presented. The second AHP case-study deals with the fuzzified version of AHP and its use for evaluation purposes – particularly the integration of peer-review into the evaluation of R&D outputs is considered. In the context of HR management, we present a fuzzy rule based evaluation model (academic faculty evaluation is considered) constructed to provide outputs that do not require linguistic approximation and are easily transformed into graphical information. This is achieved by designing a specific form of fuzzy inference. Finally the last case study is from the area of humanities - psychological diagnostics is considered and a linguistic fuzzy model for the interpretation of outputs of multidimensional questionnaires is suggested. The issue of the quality of data in mathematical classification models is also studied here. A modification of the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) method is presented to reflect variable quality of data instances in the validation set during classifier performance assessment. Twelve publications on which the author participated are appended as a third part of this thesis. These summarize the mathematical results and provide a closer insight into the issues of the practicalapplications that are considered in the second part of the thesis.
In case of a major incident or disaster, the advance medical rescue command needs to manage several essential tasks simultaneously. These include the rapid deployment of ambulance, police, fire and evacuation services, and their coordinated activity, as well as triage and emergency medical care on site. The structure of such a medical rescue command is crucial for the successful outcome of medical evacuation at major incidents. However, little data has been published on the nature and structure of the command itself. This study presents a flexible approach to command structure, with two command heads: one emergency physician and one experienced paramedic. This approach is especially suitable for Switzerland, whose federal system allows for different structures in each canton. This article examines the development of these structures and their efficiency, adaptability and limitations with respect to major incident response in the French-speaking part of the country.
Introduction: Medical helicopter services provide several advantages,like the ability to perform air searches for lost victims, a rapid method ofshuttling rescue personnel and equipment to the victim, and the deliveryof early on-site advance medical care. When landing is not possible, therescuers can also be directly winched to the victim. As outdoor activitiesare increasing, few data are available about the type of accidentsleading to a rescue operation involving the use of the winch. We soughtto study the epidemiology and accidentology of such rescues.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical reports of a singlehelicopter-based emergency medical service. Data from 1 January 2003to 31 December 2008 were analyzed. Cases with emergency callindicating that the victim was deceased were excluded. Data includedthe age and gender of the patients, the type of patients activitypreceeding the injury, the mecanism of injury, and the type of lesions(main diagnosis).Results: 9879 rescue missions were conducted between 1 January2003 and 31 December 2008. The 921 (9.3%) missions involvingwinching of the emergency physician were analysed. The male:femaleratio of the patients was 2:1. There were 56 (6%) patients aged 15 orunder. Most of the patients, while injured, were practising winter sportsor mountain-related activities in the summer (table 1). Falls accountedfor the great majority of the trauma events (700 patients or 76%),followed by illnesses (81 patients or 9 %). Of the 921 missions in whichthe physician was winched in the field, 28 (3%) were avalanche rescuesand 13 (1%) were glacier crevasse rescues. Trauma to the upper andlower extremities accounted for 429 (47%) of all injuries, followed by175 (19%) head injuries and 108 (12%) spinal lesions. Hypothermia,frostbite and altitude illnesses were diagnosed in 11 (1%) cases.In 128(14%) cases two different diagnoses were made, and in 69 (7%) threeor more diagnoses.Conclusions: In our helicopter emergency base, between 2003 and2008, 921 rescue missions (9.3%) involved winching of the emergencydoctor. Patients rescued using the winch usually practice outdoorsports, and are predominantly male. The mechanism of the injury isusually a fall, and extremities and head injuries account for more than50% of the main diagnosis made on the field.
Background: The need for multiple clinical visits remains a barrier to women accessing safe legal medical abortion services. Alternatives to routine clinic follow-up visits have not been assessed in rural low-resource settings. We compared the effectiveness of standard clinic follow-up versus home assessment of outcome of medical abortion in a low-resource setting. Methods: This randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial was done in six health centres (three rural, three urban) in Rajasthan, India. Women seeking early medical abortion up to 9 weeks of gestation were randomly assigned (1:1) to either routine clinic follow-up or self-assessment at home. Randomisation was done with a computer-generated randomisation sequence, with a block size of six. The study was not blinded. Women in the home-assessment group were advised to use a pictorial instruction sheet and take a low-sensitivity urine pregnancy test at home, 10-14 days after intake of mifepristone, and were contacted by a home visit or telephone call to record the outcome of the abortion. The primary (non-inferiority) outcome was complete abortion without continuing pregnancy or need for surgical evacuation or additional mifepristone and misoprostol. The non-inferiority margin for the risk difference was 5%. All participants with a reported primary outcome and who followed the clinical protocol were included in the analysis. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01827995. Findings: Between April 23, 2013, and May 15, 2014, 731 women were recruited and assigned to clinic follow-up (n=366) or home assessment (n=365), of whom 700 were analysed for the main outcomes (n=336 and n=364, respectively). Complete abortion without continuing pregnancy, surgical intervention, or additional mifepristone and misoprostol was reported in 313 (93%) of 336 women in the clinic follow-up group and 347 (95%) of 364 women in the home-assessment group (difference -2.2%, 95% CI -5.9 to 1.6). One case of haemorrhage occurred in each group (rate of adverse events 0.3% in each group); no other adverse events were noted. Interpretation Home assessment of medical abortion outcome with a low-sensitivity urine pregnancy test is non-inferior to clinic follow-up, and could be introduced instead of a clinic follow-up visit in a low-resource setting.
This paper examines the provision of interpretation services to immigrants with limited English proficiency in Federally Qualified Health Centers, through examination of barriers and best practices. The United States is a nation of immigrants; currently, more than 38 million, or 12.5 percent of the total population, is foreign-born. A substantial portion of this population does not have health insurance or speak English fluently: barriers that reduce the likelihood that they will access traditional health care organizations. This service void is filled by FQHCs, which are non-profit, community-directed providers that remove common barriers to care by serving communities who otherwise confront financial, geographic, language, and cultural barriers. By examining the importance and the implementation of medical interpretation services in FQHCs, suggestions for the future are presented.^
Due to the high standards expected from diagnostic medical imaging, the analysis of information regarding waiting lists via different information systems is of utmost importance. Such analysis, on the one hand, may improve the diagnostic quality and, on the other hand, may lead to the reduction of waiting times, with the concomitant increase of the quality of services and the reduction of the inherent financial costs. Hence, the purpose of this study is to assess the waiting time in the delivery of diagnostic medical imaging services, like computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Thereby, this work is focused on the development of a decision support system to assess waiting times in diagnostic medical imaging with recourse to operational data of selected attributes extracted from distinct information systems. The computational framework is built on top of a Logic Programming Case-base Reasoning approach to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning that caters for the handling of in-complete, unknown, or even self-contradictory information.
Introduction: An excellent coordination between firefighters, policemen and medical rescue is the key to success in the management of major accidents. In order to improve and assist the medical teams engaged on site, the Swiss "medical command and control system" for rescue operations is based on a binomial set up involving one head emergency doctor and one head rescue paramedic, both trained in disaster medicine. We have recently experimented an innovative on-site "medical command and control system", based on the binomial team, supported by a dedicated 144 dispatcher. Methods: A major road traffic accident took place on the highway between Lausanne and Vevey on April 9th 2008. We have retrospectively collected all data concerning the victims as well as the logistics and dedicated structures, reported by the 144, the Hospitals, the Authority of the State and the Police and Fire Departments. Results: The 72-car pileup caused one death and 26 slightly injured patients. The management on the accident site was organized around a tripartite system, gathering together the medical command and control team with the police and fire departments. On the medical side, 16 ambulances, 2 medical response teams (SMUR), the Rega crew and the medical command and control team were dispatched by the 144. On that occasion an advanced medical command car equipped with communication devices and staffed with a 144 dispatcher was also engaged, allowing efficient medical regulation directly from the site. Discussion: The specific skills of one doctor and one paramedic both trained for disaster's management proved to be perfectly complementary. The presence of a dispatcher on site with a medical command car also proved to be useful, improving orders transmission from the medical command team to all other on- and off-site partners. It relieved the need of repeated back-and-forth communication with the 144, allowing both paramedic and doctor to focus on strategy and tactics rather than communication and logistics.
Tässä työssä kehitettiin palo- ja pelastuskäyttöön tarkoitettuun henkilönostimeen teleskooppipuomin profiilit. Profiilien valmistusmateriaalina oli kuumavalssattu, ultraluja säänkestävä rakenneteräs. Työssä kehitettiin standardien ja ohjeiden pohjalta laskentapohja, jolla voidaan tutkia teleskooppipuomin jaksojen tukireaktioita, taivutus- ja vääntömomentteja ja leikkaus ja normaalivoimia. Laskentapohjassa voidaan varioida eri kuormitusten suuntia, teleskooppipuomin sivusuuntaista ulottumaa ja nostokulmaa. Profiilien alustavassa mitoituksessa hyödynnettiin paikallisen lommahduksen huomioon ottavia standardeja ja suunnitteluohjeita. Eri poikkileikkausten ominaisuuksia verrattiin keskenään ja profiili valittiin yhdessä kohdeyrityksen kanssa. Alustavan mitoituksen yhteydessä muodostettiin apuohjelma valitulle poikkileikkaukselle, jolla voitiin tutkia profiilin eri muuttujien vaikutusta mm. paikalliseen lommahdukseen ja jäykkyyteen. Laskentapohjaan sisällytettiin myös optimointirutiini, jolla voitiin minimoida poikkileikkauksen pinta-ala ja tätä kautta profiilin massa. Lopullinen mitoitus suoritettiin elementtimenetelmällä. Mitoituksessa tutkittiin alustavasti mitoitettujen profiilien paikallista lommahdusta lineaarisen stabiilius- ja epälineaarisen analyysin pohjalta. Profiilien jännityksiä tutkittiin tarkemmin mm. varioimalla kuormituksia ja osittelemalla elementtien normaalijännityksiä. Diplomityössä kehitetyllä ja analysoidulla teleskooppipuomilla voitiin keventää jaksojen painoja 15-30 %. Sivusuuntainen ulottuma parani samalla lähes 20 % ja nimelliskuorma kasvoi 25 %.
Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan henkilöstöresurssien organisointia suuren alusöljyvahingon torjuntatilanteessa. Tavoitteena on suunnitella Suomenlahden rannikon öljyntorjunnasta vastaavien viranomaisten käyttöön optimaalinen rekrytointistrategia pahimman todennäköisen alusöljyvahingon varalle. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään myös millainen työsopimus öljyntorjuntatyöntekijöiden kanssa voidaan sopia. Näiden lisäksi etsitään vastausta siihen,kuinka työvoima saadaan pidettyä. Tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen teoreettinen osuus toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla yhdeksää asiantuntijaa syksyn 2009 aikana. Haastattelut olivat muodoltaan puolistrukturoituja teemahaastatteluja. Tutkimustulosten mukaan merkittävin lisätyövoiman tarve ilmenee käsin tehtävässä rantapuhdistustyössä. Etenkin puhdistustyön pitkittyessä pelastusviranomaiset tarvitsevat avukseen ulkopuolista työvoimaa. Rekrytointi suoritetaan muutamien viikkojen kuluessa öljyvahingon aiheutumisen jälkeen. Alueellinen pelastuslaitos suorittaa rekrytoinnin käyttäen tehokkaita, laajan kohderyhmän tavoittavia rekrytointiviestinnän välineitä (esim. sanomalehdet, TV ja Internet). Työntekijöiden kanssa sovitaan määräaikainen, Kunnallista virkaja työehtosopimusta noudattava työsopimus. Tärkeimpinä puhdistustyöntekijöitä motivoivina tekijöinä nähdään työn merkitys yhteiskunnalle, selkeästi määritelty, saavutettavissa oleva tavoite sekä palaute tehdystä työstä.
Pelastuslaitosten liiketoimintatiedonhallinnalla, tietoperusteisuudella ja tietojohtamisella on tulevaisuudessa merkittävä rooli päätettäessä palveluista. Julkisen pelastustoimen kuntien liikelaitoksina ja eriytettyinä taseyksiköinä toimivien pelastuslaitosten haasteet tulevat olemaan jatkossa tehokkaiden ja vaikuttavien palveluiden strategisessa johtamisessa ja suunnittelussa. Näistä asioista päättäminen on kriittinen vaihe onnistumisen kannalta. Päätöksenteko eri tasoilla tarvitsee tuekseen toiminnasta ja palveluista kanavoitua analysoitua tietoa. Asiakastarpeesta lähtevä vaikuttavuus ja laatu korostuvat. Liiketoimintatiedonhallinta ja tietoperusteisuus haastavat pelastuslaitoksen johtamisjärjestelmän. Johtamisen kyvykkyys ja henkilöstön osaaminen ovat tietoperusteisuuden ja tiedonhallinnan keskiössä. Systemaattisen liiketoimintatiedonhallinnan ja tietoperusteisuuden erottaa perinteisestä virkamiehen tietojen hyväksikäytöstä käsitteen kokonaisvaltaisuus ja järjestelmällisyys kaikessa tiedollisessa toiminnassa. Tämä kattaa tietojärjestelmät, mittarit, prosessit, strategian suunnitelmat, asiakirjat, raportoinnin, kehittämisen ja tutkimuksen. Liiketoimin-tatiedonhallinta ja tietojohtaminen linkittävät kaiken toisiinsa muodostaen keskinäisriippuvaisen yhtenäisen järjestelmän ja kokonaisvaltaisen ymmärryksen. Tutkimukseni on laadullinen tutkimus jossa tiedon keruu ja analysointi on toteutettu toisiaan tukevilla tutkimusotteilla. Metodologia nojaa teorialähtöiseen systemaattiseen analyysiin, jossa on valikoituja osia sisällön analyysistä. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty aineisto- ja menetelmätriangulaatioita. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty teemahaastatteluilla valittujen kohde pelastuslaitosten asiantuntijoilta palveluiden päätös- ja suunnittelutasolta, johtoryhmistä ja joh-tokunnista. Haastatteluja varten tutkija on tutustunut kohdepelastuslaitosten palveluita mää-rittävään tiedolliseen dokumentaatioon kuten palvelutasopäätöksiin ja riskianalyyseihin. Ai-neisto keruun kohteiksi valikoitui pääkaupunkiseudun alueen pelastuslaitokset: Helsingin kaupungin pelastuslaitos sekä Itä-, Keski- ja Länsi-Uudenmaan pelastuslaitokset. Tulosten mukaan pelastuslaitosten keskeiset liiketoimintatiedonhallinnan esteet muodostuvat johtamisen ongelmista, organisaation muutosvastarinnasta ja päätöksenteon tietoperusteen puutteesta. Nämä ilmenevät strategisen johtamisen puutteina, vaikuttavuuden mittaamisen sekä tiedon jalostamisen ongelmina. Keskeistä tiedollista yhdistävää ja linkittävää tekijää ei tunnisteta ja löydetä. Tiedollisessa liiketoimintatiedonhallinnan prosessityössä voisi olla tulos-ten mukaan mahdollisuuksia tämän tyhjiön täyttämiseen. Pelastuslaitoksille jää tulevaisuudessa valinta suunnasta johon ne haluavat edetä tiedonhal-linnan, tietojohtamisen ja tietoperusteisuuden kanssa. Tämä vaikuttaa kehitykseen ja tavoitteeseen keskeisistä palveluiden päätöksentekoa tukevista johtamis- ja tietojärjestelmistä, tietoa kokoavista ja luovista dokumenteista sekä organisaation joustavasta rakenteesta. Tietoprosessiin, tiedon prosessimaiseen johtamiseen ja systemaattiseen tiedonhallintaan meneminen vaikuttaa tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan lupaavalta mahdollisuudelta. Samalla se haastaa pelauslaitokset suureen kulttuuriseen muutokseen ja asettaa uusien vaikuttavuusmittareiden tuottaman tiedon ennakoivan hyväksynnän vaateen strategiselle suunnittelulle. Tämä vaatii pelastuslaitosten johdolta ja henkilöstöltä osaamista, yhteisymmärrystä, muutostarpeiden hyväksyntää sekä asiakkaan asettamista vaikuttavuuden keskiöön.