938 resultados para legal document


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Richard Leonard was a member of the 104th Regiment of the British Army. He fought during the War of 1812 at Sackett’s Harbour, Lundy’s Lane and Fort Erie. After the war he settled at Lundy’s Lane and was appointed lieutenant colonel of the 1st Lincoln Militia. He later became the Sheriff of Niagara. He died in 1833 and is buried in the Drummond Hill Cemetery.


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The documentary 'Two Laws' constitutes a legal document in support of the Borroloola claim to their land and contributes to the decolonisation of the images of Aboriginal Australia, which have circulated within ethnographic cinema, television journalism and fiction film. The 'two laws' of the film's title refer to white law and 'the Law', the system which regulates Borroloola social interactions and relationships with the land.


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Legal document from Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to the case between John Dorr and Paschal P. Pope; it empowers Tudor to take the depositions of Eliphalet Smith and Henry D. Tracy, and includes questions by the attorneys for each, Charles Loring (Pope, defendant) and Bradford Summers (Dorr, plaintiff).


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The collection contains items relating to individual members of the family as well as the Seixas family in general. Included are papers of the following persons: Isaac Mendes Seixas (1708/9-1780/1), a copy of A voyage to Hudson's--Bay, by Henry Ellis, inscribed with his name on the title page, along with additional inscriptions on the end papers (1748); and a daily prayer book printed in Amsterdam (title page missing), with an inscription on the first page indicating that the book was owned by Seixas in 1758/9, and subsequently by his grandson, Theodore J. Seixas, in 1816/17.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar, a partir da reforma das licenciaturas nas universidades ocorrida em 2001, a constituição do eixo disciplinar Prática como Componente Curricular (PCC) nos currículos de licenciatura de cursos de Letras, Português / Espanhol da região sudeste brasileira, focando-nos na relação entre teoria e prática. Para tal discussão, utilizamo-nos das reflexões de Deleuze (1968) a fim de problematizar as possibilidades de repetição total ou de diferenciação total; Vázquez (1977), ao trazer sua discussão de práxis que trata da indissociabilidade da teoria e da prática e Schwartz (2010), para incorporar a discussão sobre o âmbito do trabalho, em particular no que concerne a impossibilidade de antecipação completa da atividade a ser realizada por um profissional. Operamos, também, com os preceitos da Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa (MAINGUENEAU, 1998, 2003) quando tratamos os enunciados como socio-historicamente situados em nossas análises. Para atingirmos nosso fim, realizamos uma contextualização documental que contou com a análise do Parecer CNE/CP 28/2001, no qual estão as determinações sobre carga horária e definição dos eixos de disciplinas da licenciatura, sendo eles: Acadêmico Científico, Prática como Componente Curricular e Estágio Supervisionado. Voltamo-nos, também, para os Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos das universidades analisadas, a fim de investigar qual o entendimento de prática construído nesses documentos. Por fim, recorremos às ementas das disciplinas obrigatórias de PCC oferecidas pelas universidades que compuseram o córpus, buscando identificar as marcas que aproximam a temática da disciplina com o trabalho que considere a prática docente, já que o eixo em questão pressupõe essa discussão. Como critérios de seleção de córpus, consideramos: contemplar uma universidade de cada estado da Região Sudeste; duas universidades que possuem disciplinas que contenham exclusivamente horas de PCC e outras duas que contenham, em uma mesmo disciplina, horas dos eixos de PCC e Acadêmico Científico. Com isso, as universidades analisadas são: UERJ, UFSCar, UFES e UFTM.


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In preparation for this talk I have reviewed cases of interest in the High Courts and Courts of Appeal of England and Wales and Northern Ireland from the past two years or so on professional negligence and liability and principally relating to solicitors.

There are six topics of interest: the general duty of care demanded of solicitors in the carrying out of their professional obligations; whether there is a specific duty on a solicitor to warn or advise a client of any implied risk in, say, a commercial transaction; what is the scope of the duty on a solicitor to explain the content of or clauses in a legal document; a recent case of interest applying the White v Jones principle to a disappointed beneficiary seeking to make a claim against a solicitor who negligently prepared a will; the practical, limitation issue of how to pinpoint in a professional negligence claim when the damage was first sustained by the claimant; and finally some case law here and in England and Wales on the (costs) implications for solicitors relating to any failure to adhere to case management protocols or related court directions.


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The instrument is a legal document attesting that Uriah Carver and his wife Sophia, daughter of the late Peter Sherk, received the money bequested to them by her father. George Smith and Christian Sherk were the executors of this will. The instrument is signed by Uriah and Sophia Carver and witnessed by Daniel Near and Nelson Michael.


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Translation of Clopton Charter Let those who are present and those in future know that I Robert de Clopton gave and granted to my son, William, one yardland which is part of the Clopton estate / manorial demesne with all its appurtenances in exchange for his homage and service , and that I have confirmed it with this charter . The yardland in question is that which he once held as heriot / heritable property . [I have given and granted it to him] to be held and kept by him and his heirs freely and undisputedly as a holding granted in return for services and as hereditable property from me and my heirs. For this he has to pay an annual rent of twelve silver pennies, in two installments per year: six on the Feast Day of St. Michael and six on the Feast Day of St. Mary in March , on the income that belongs to me and to my heirs, without neglecting income from elsewhere; together with all goods and privileges attached to the aformentioned land in the form of fields and pastures and everything which belongs to said yardland. And I, Robert, and all my heirs shall warrant all this aforementioned yardland together with all its appurtenances to said William and his heirs against all other claims in perpetuity . However, in order that this gift and grant of mine may remain firm and immovable, I have validated this charter with my seal in the presence of [the following] witnesses: the knights Sir William of Ludinton [and] Sir Robert of Valle. William of Edricheston, William of Waleford, Robert of Sidesam, Richard of Ludinton, Nicholas the scribe , and others.


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In this study a case study was conducted at the Transport Agency. The government agency is seeking better alternatives to its current ways of keeping track of important dates stated in legal documents. The agency wants to explore the possibility for an IT-solution for keeping track on those dates. In the case study change analysis was conducted on the vehicle type approval process. Qualitative interviews were conducted with a section manager, vehicle type and component approvers, and with a system administrator and a system manager at the Transport Agency in Borlänge. The study describes an information environment in an organization in which date-controlled conditions apply and challenges with such an environment.The study also provides a proposal for designing an IT-solution for such an environment. The result that emerged showed that the information environment in terms of the legal documents and the institutions’ (EU and UNECE) websites where they are distributed is challenging for keeping track on dates. The challenges of the websites are that they are limited and complicated in terms of information search. The challenges with the legal documents are that date-controlled conditions apply. In other words, the dates themselves determine which dates and what applies and not. The legal documents are also many, retroactive, refer to each other and contain regulations for different kinds of areas, which makes difficult to find the relevant dates. The design proposal that emerged was made based on the existing IT environment at the Transport Agency. It was proposed that important key concepts are identified, categorized and realized in a database with searchability on the most important common concepts as denominators, and that it the information conforms with E-message. The developed database was based on date, date type, vehicle category, legal document, minor version and other info. A web interface was created in ASP.NET and C # for access to the database, with the message that a webbbased IT-solution should be considered.


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The goal of the present research is to define a Semantic Web framework for precedent modelling, by using knowledge extracted from text, metadata, and rules, while maintaining a strong text-to-knowledge morphism between legal text and legal concepts, in order to fill the gap between legal document and its semantics. The framework is composed of four different models that make use of standard languages from the Semantic Web stack of technologies: a document metadata structure, modelling the main parts of a judgement, and creating a bridge between a text and its semantic annotations of legal concepts; a legal core ontology, modelling abstract legal concepts and institutions contained in a rule of law; a legal domain ontology, modelling the main legal concepts in a specific domain concerned by case-law; an argumentation system, modelling the structure of argumentation. The input to the framework includes metadata associated with judicial concepts, and an ontology library representing the structure of case-law. The research relies on the previous efforts of the community in the field of legal knowledge representation and rule interchange for applications in the legal domain, in order to apply the theory to a set of real legal documents, stressing the OWL axioms definitions as much as possible in order to enable them to provide a semantically powerful representation of the legal document and a solid ground for an argumentation system using a defeasible subset of predicate logics. It appears that some new features of OWL2 unlock useful reasoning features for legal knowledge, especially if combined with defeasible rules and argumentation schemes. The main task is thus to formalize legal concepts and argumentation patterns contained in a judgement, with the following requirement: to check, validate and reuse the discourse of a judge - and the argumentation he produces - as expressed by the judicial text.


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Paper wrapper reads: "Nicholas Shapleigh & John Shapleigh / Division of farm at Kittery / Recorded January 31st, 1798 / 17 cents duty." The legal document establishing the division of the land is signed by each of the three surveyors: Nicholas Morrell(?), William Fry, and Daniel Emery.


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Legal document from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts appointing Tudor as a justice of the peace for Suffolk County.


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Legal document from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts appointing Tudor, Richard Sullivan, and James S. Austin to investigate the governance of the Pennsylvania Penetentiary "and others of a similar nature" and recommend improvements to the state prison system.


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Letter regarding the death of Bayley’s son, Captain Nathaniel Bayley, at Lima, and a legal document granting Tudor power of attorney over for his estate. Also includes a probate document.