Legal document involving John D M’Kay, Thomas Butler, and John Harris, February 5, 1828

Autoria(s): Cameron, Chantal





Richard Leonard was a member of the 104th Regiment of the British Army. He fought during the War of 1812 at Sackett’s Harbour, Lundy’s Lane and Fort Erie. After the war he settled at Lundy’s Lane and was appointed lieutenant colonel of the 1st Lincoln Militia. He later became the Sheriff of Niagara. He died in 1833 and is buried in the Drummond Hill Cemetery.

A legal document involving John D M’Kay, Thomas Butler, and John Harris, dated February 5, 1828. The document was created by Richard Leonard, Sheriff of the District of Niagara. The document states that Leonard had been ordered to “cause to be levied of the lands and tenements of John D M’Kay as well a certain debt of six hundred pounds which Thomas Butler lately recovered in the said Court against the said John D M’Kay”. Leonard continues that “I did seize and take in execution of the said writ the lands and tenements...and have sold the same at public auction attending to the Statutes in such case made and provided to John Harris of the Township of Grimsby…for the sum of seven pounds ten shillings of lawful money of Upper Canada being the highest sum bid for the same.” The second paragraph of the document concerns a hundred acres of land in Grimsby. It states that “I the said Richard Leonard…by virtue of the said execution and of the Statutes in such case made and provided in consideration of the said sum of seven pounds ten shillings to me in hand paid by the said John Harris…and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto the said John Harris…in the Township of Grimsby…one hundred acres of land…and all the estate, right, title and interest of the said John D M’Cay of in and to the said parcel and tract of land”.





;RG 530

Palavras-Chave #Leonard, Richard. #Butler, Thomas. #McKay, John D.
