17 resultados para lääkeaineet jätevedessä


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Lääkeaineiden poistaminen jätevedestä on tärkeää lääkeainejäämien ympäristöön pääsyn ehkäisemiseksi. Tämän työn tavoitteena on selvittää, soveltuvatko katalyyttiset membraanit lääkeaineiden poistoon jätevedestä ja saadaanko membraanisuodatusta tehostettua katalyyttisellä prosessilla. Työ käsittelee katalyyttisistä prosesseista fotokatalyysiä, joka perustuu valoa absorboivan katalyytin käyttöön. Kirjallisuustyössä tarkastellaan kahden erilaisen fotokatalyyttisen prosessin toimivuutta membraanisuodatuksen kanssa lääkeaineiden poistossa jätevedestä. Lisäksi tutkitaan fotokatalyysissä käytettävän katalyytin ja ultraviolettisäteilyn vaikutusta membraaniin. Tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että katalyyttisillä membraaneilla voidaan poistaa lääkeaineita jätevedestä tehokkaasti. Parhaan lääkeaineiden poistotehokkuuden saamiseksi katalyytin määrä on optimoitava hajotusprosessin kannalta. Myös katalyytin sijainti membraanissa vaikuttaa tehokkuuteen. Katalyytti voi sijaita membraanista myös erillään. Tällöin saadaan käsiteltyä myös jatkuvatoimisessa membraanisuodatuksessa syntyvä lääkeaineita sisältävä konsentraattivirta. Kun katalyyttisellä membraanilla hajotetaan lääkeaineita, täytyy prosessin turvallisuuden kannalta olla hyvin selvillä mahdollisista syntyvistä myrkyllisistä välituotteista. Tutkimuksissa on myös todettu, että katalyyttisen membraanin käyttö vähentää membraanin likaantumista.


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Neuronaaliset nikotiinireseptorit liittyvät tupakkariippuvuuden lisäksi moniin neurologisiin sairauksiin, kuten Alzheimerin tautiin, skitsofreniaan, masennukseen ja tarkkaavaisuus- ja ylivilkkaushäiriöön. Nikotiinireseptorien stimulaation on tutkimuksissa havaittu parantavan kognitiota. Useat lääkeyritykset tutkivat nikotiinireseptoriagonisteja ja -antagonisteja eri neurologisten sairauksien hoidossa. Ongelmana nikotiinireseptori-agonisteja käytettäessä on reseptorissa tapahtuva desensitisaatio. Tällöin reseptori sulkeutuu, eikä aktivoidu vaikka agonistia olisi tarjolla tai sitoutuneena reseptoriin. Varsinkin alfa7-reseptori desensitoituu hyvin nopeasti agonistialtistuksen seurauksena. Reseptorien desensitoituminen voi kliinisessä käytössä aiheuttaa lääkeaineen tehon menetyksen. Perinteisen agonistin sitoutumiskohdan lisäksi nikotiinireseptorissa sijaitsee myös muita sitoutumiskohtia, joita kutsutaan allosteerisiksi sitoutumispaikoiksi. Tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että eräät allosteerisesti sitoutuvat aineet, kuten PNU-120596, voivat vahvistaa agonistin aikaansaamaa vastetta ja/tai estää reseptorin desensitoitumista. Näitä aineita kutsutaan positiivisiksi allosteerisiksi modulaattoreiksi ja niiden ajatellaan olevan vaihtoehto desensitoitumisen aiheuttamaan tehon menetyksen ongelmaan. Nikotiinireseptorien positiivisten allosteeristen modulaattorien tarkkaa vaikutusta ja sitoutumiskohtaa reseptoriin ei vielä tarkkaan tiedetä. Tutkimuksen aiheena oli karakterisoida positiivisten allosteeristen modulaattoreiden vaikutuksia alfa7-nikotiinireseptoriin. Tutkimuksessa tarkoituksena oli käyttää hyväksi laboratoriossa aiemmin tehtyä havaintoa, jonka mukaan alfa7-nikotiinireseptorin transmembraaniosan aminohappoon tehdyn mutaation L247T seurauksena positiiviset allosteeriset modulaattorit muuttuvat agonisteiksi. Haluttiin selvittää, kuinka agonistin sitoutumiskohtaan kohdennettua mutageneesiä käyttäen tehty mutaatio W149M tai W149F vaikuttavat PNU-120596:n kykyyn toimia agonistina alfa7L247T reseptoriin. Asetyylikoliini toimi konventionaalisen agonistin mallina tutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksen toinen tavoite oli tehdä mutaatio M253Lalfa7-reseptorin transmembraaniosaan. Mutaation on todettu estävän allosteeristen potentiaattoreiden kykyä voimistaa agonistin aikaansaamaa vastetta. Tarkoitus oli tutkia millaisia vaikutuksia M253L-mutaatiolla on allosteerisen potentiaattorin kykyyn toimia agonistina L247T-mutaation sisältävään reseptoriin. Mutatoidun reseptorin mRNA mikroinjektoitiin oosyyttiin ja elektrofysiologian avulla tutkittiin ilmennettyjen reseptorien toimintaa käyttäen kahden elektrodin jännitelukitus -menetelmää. Kaikki suunnitellut mutaatiot saatiin tehtyä onnistuneesti alfa7- ja alfa7L247T-reseptoreihin. Ortosteerisen sitoutumiskohdan mutaatio villin tyypin Į7-reseptorissa vaikutti hyvin voimakkaasti joko asetyylikoliinin sitoutumiseen reseptoriin tai reseptorin toimintaan, sillä asetyylikoliinilla ei reseptorista saatu mitattua vasteita. Myöskään PNU-120596 yksinään ei saanut aikaan vasteita alfa7W149M-reseptorissa. Kaksoismutatoidussa alfa7W149M/L247T-reseptorissa puolestaan havaittiin, että asetyylikoliinin annos-vaste -kuvaaja siirtyi huomattavasti enemmän oikealle kuin PNU-120596:n, kun verrattiin annos-vaste –kuvaajia alfa7L247T ja alfa7W149M/L247T–reseptoreiden välillä. Transmembraaniosan mutaatio M253L ei vaikuttanut PNU-120596:n kykyyn toimia agonistina alfa7L247T-reseptoriin, eikä sillä ollut vaikutusta asetyylikoliinin annosvaste-kuvaajiin. Tutkimus tukee aiempia havaintoja siitä, että positiivisten allosteeristen modulaattoreiden sitoutumiskohta nikotiinireseptorissa sijaitsisi transmembraaniosassa. M253L-mutaation osalta tulokset ovat hieman ristiriidassa aiempien tulosten kanssa. L247T-mutaatio vaikuttaa hyvin voimakkaasti nikotiinireseptorin toimintaan sekä sijaitsee aminohapon M253 läheisyydessä. On mahdollista, että se peittää M253L-mutaation vaikutuksen. Toisaalta voi olla, että M253 on aminohappo, joka vaikuttaa vain reseptorivasteiden voimistumiseen eikä allosteeristen potentiaattoreiden sitoutumiseen.


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Solid materials can exist in different physical structures without a change in chemical composition. This phenomenon, known as polymorphism, has several implications on pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. Various solid forms of a drug can possess different physical and chemical properties, which may affect processing characteristics and stability, as well as the performance of a drug in the human body. Therefore, knowledge and control of the solid forms is fundamental to maintain safety and high quality of pharmaceuticals. During manufacture, harsh conditions can give rise to unexpected solid phase transformations and therefore change the behavior of the drug. Traditionally, pharmaceutical production has relied on time-consuming off-line analysis of production batches and finished products. This has led to poor understanding of processes and drug products. Therefore, new powerful methods that enable real time monitoring of pharmaceuticals during manufacturing processes are greatly needed. The aim of this thesis was to apply spectroscopic techniques to solid phase analysis within different stages of drug development and manufacturing, and thus, provide a molecular level insight into the behavior of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) during processing. Applications to polymorph screening and different unit operations were developed and studied. A new approach to dissolution testing, which involves simultaneous measurement of drug concentration in the dissolution medium and in-situ solid phase analysis of the dissolving sample, was introduced and studied. Solid phase analysis was successfully performed during different stages, enabling a molecular level insight into the occurring phenomena. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was utilized in screening of polymorphs and processing-induced transformations (PITs). Polymorph screening was also studied with NIR and Raman spectroscopy in tandem. Quantitative solid phase analysis during fluidized bed drying was performed with in-line NIR and Raman spectroscopy and partial least squares (PLS) regression, and different dehydration mechanisms were studied using in-situ spectroscopy and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). In-situ solid phase analysis with Raman spectroscopy during dissolution testing enabled analysis of dissolution as a whole, and provided a scientific explanation for changes in the dissolution rate. It was concluded that the methods applied and studied provide better process understanding and knowledge of the drug products, and therefore, a way to achieve better quality.


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Increasing attention has been focused on methods that deliver pharmacologically active compounds (e.g. drugs, peptides and proteins) in a controlled fashion, so that constant, sustained, site-specific or pulsatile action can be attained. Ion-exchange resins have been widely studied in medical and pharmaceutical applications, including controlled drug delivery, leading to commercialisation of some resin based formulations. Ion-exchangers provide an efficient means to adjust and control drug delivery, as the electrostatic interactions enable precise control of the ion-exchange process and, thus, a more uniform and accurate control of drug release compared to systems that are based only on physical interactions. Unlike the resins, only few studies have been reported on ion-exchange fibers in drug delivery. However, the ion-exchange fibers have many advantageous properties compared to the conventional ion-exchange resins, such as more efficient compound loading into and release from the ion-exchanger, easier incorporation of drug-sized compounds, enhanced control of the ion-exchange process, better mechanical, chemical and thermal stability, and good formulation properties, which make the fibers attractive materials for controlled drug delivery systems. In this study, the factors affecting the nature and strength of the binding/loading of drug-sized model compounds into the ion-exchange fibers was evaluated comprehensively and, moreover, the controllability of subsequent drug release/delivery from the fibers was assessed by modifying the conditions of external solutions. Also the feasibility of ion-exchange fibers for simultaneous delivery of two drugs in combination was studied by dual loading. Donnan theory and theoretical modelling were applied to gain mechanistic understanding on these factors. The experimental results imply that incorporation of model compounds into the ion-exchange fibers was attained mainly as a result of ionic bonding, with additional contribution of non-specific interactions. Increasing the ion-exchange capacity of the fiber or decreasing the valence of loaded compounds increased the molar loading, while more efficient release of the compounds was observed consistently at conditions where the valence or concentration of the extracting counter-ion was increased. Donnan theory was capable of fully interpreting the ion-exchange equilibria and the theoretical modelling supported precisely the experimental observations. The physico-chemical characteristics (lipophilicity, hydrogen bonding ability) of the model compounds and the framework of the fibrous ion-exchanger influenced the affinity of the drugs towards the fibers and may, thus, affect both drug loading and release. It was concluded that precisely controlled drug delivery may be tailored for each compound, in particularly, by choosing a suitable ion-exchange fiber and optimizing the delivery system to take into account the external conditions, also when delivering two drugs simultaneously.


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Many active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) have both anhydrate and hydrate forms. Due to the different physicochemical properties of solid forms, the changes in solid-state may result in therapeutic, pharmaceutical, legal and commercial problems. In order to obtain good solid dosage form quality and performance, there is a constant need to understand and control these phase transitions during manufacturing and storage. Thus it is important to detect and also quantify the possible transitions between the different forms. In recent years, vibrational spectroscopy has become an increasingly popular tool to characterise the solid-state forms and their phase transitions. It offers several advantages over other characterisation techniques including an ability to obtain molecular level information, minimal sample preparation, and the possibility of monitoring changes non-destructively in-line. Dehydration is the phase transition of hydrates which is frequently encountered during the dosage form production and storage. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the dehydration behaviour of diverse pharmaceutical hydrates by near infrared (NIR), Raman and terahertz pulsed spectroscopic (TPS) monitoring together with multivariate data analysis. The goal was to reveal new perspectives for investigation of the dehydration at the molecular level. Solid-state transformations were monitored during dehydration of diverse hydrates on hot-stage. The results obtained from qualitative experiments were used to develop a method and perform the quantification of the solid-state forms during process induced dehydration in a fluidised bed dryer. Both in situ and in-line process monitoring and quantification was performed. This thesis demonstrated the utility of vibrational spectroscopy techniques and multivariate modelling to monitor and investigate dehydration behaviour in situ and during fluidised bed drying. All three spectroscopic methods proved complementary in the study of dehydration. NIR spectroscopy models could quantify the solid-state forms in the binary system, but were unable to quantify all the forms in the quaternary system. Raman spectroscopy models on the other hand could quantify all four solid-state forms that appeared upon isothermal dehydration. The speed of spectroscopic methods makes them applicable for monitoring dehydration and the quantification of multiple forms was performed during phase transition. Thus the solid-state structure information at the molecular level was directly obtained. TPS detected the intermolecular phonon modes and Raman spectroscopy detected mostly the changes in intramolecular vibrations. Both techniques revealed information about the crystal structure changes. NIR spectroscopy, on the other hand was more sensitive to water content and hydrogen bonding environment of water molecules. This study provides a basis for real time process monitoring using vibrational spectroscopy during pharmaceutical manufacturing.


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The number of drug substances in formulation development in the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. Some of these are amorphous drugs and have glass transition below ambient temperature, and thus they are usually difficult to formulate and handle. One reason for this is the reduced viscosity, related to the stickiness of the drug, that makes them complicated to handle in unit operations. Thus, the aim in this thesis was to develop a new processing method for a sticky amorphous model material. Furthermore, model materials were characterised before and after formulation, using several characterisation methods, to understand more precisely the prerequisites for physical stability of amorphous state against crystallisation. The model materials used were monoclinic paracetamol and citric acid anhydrate. Amorphous materials were prepared by melt quenching or by ethanol evaporation methods. The melt blends were found to have slightly higher viscosity than the ethanol evaporated materials. However, melt produced materials crystallised more easily upon consecutive shearing than ethanol evaporated materials. The only material that did not crystallise during shearing was a 50/50 (w/w, %) blend regardless of the preparation method and it was physically stable at least two years in dry conditions. Shearing at varying temperatures was established to measure the physical stability of amorphous materials in processing and storage conditions. The actual physical stability of the blends was better than the pure amorphous materials at ambient temperature. Molecular mobility was not related to the physical stability of the amorphous blends, observed as crystallisation. Molecular mobility of the 50/50 blend derived from a spectral linewidth as a function of temperature using solid state NMR correlated better with the molecular mobility derived from a rheometer than that of differential scanning calorimetry data. Based on the results obtained, the effect of molecular interactions, thermodynamic driving force and miscibility of the blends are discussed as the key factors to stabilise the blends. The stickiness was found to be affected glass transition and viscosity. Ultrasound extrusion and cutting were successfully tested to increase the processability of sticky material. Furthermore, it was found to be possible to process the physically stable 50/50 blend in a supercooled liquid state instead of a glassy state. The method was not found to accelerate the crystallisation. This may open up new possibilities to process amorphous materials that are otherwise impossible to manufacture into solid dosage forms.


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Vascular intimal hyperplasia is a major complication following angioplasty. The hallmark feature of this disorder is accumulation of dedifferentiated smooth muscle cells (SMCs) to the luminal side of the injured artery, cellular proliferation, migration, and synthesis of extracellular matrix. This finally results in intimal hyperplasia, which is currently considered an untreatable condition. According to current knowledge, a major part of neointimal cells derive from circulating precursor cells. This has outdated the traditional in vitro cell culture methods of studying neointimal cell migration and proliferation using cultured medial SMCs. Somatostatin and some of its analogs with different selectivity for the five somatostatin receptors (sst1 through sst5) have been shown to have vasculoprotective properties in animal studies. However, clinical trials using analogs selective for sst2/sst3/sst5 to prevent restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) have failed to show any major benefits. Sirolimus is a cell cycle inhibitor that has been suggested to act synergistically with the protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib to inhibit intimal hyperplasia in rat already at well-tolerated submaximal oral doses. The mechanisms behind this synergy and its long-term efficacy are not known. The aim of this study was to set up an ex vivo vascular explant culture model to measure neointimal cell activity without excluding the participation of circulating progenitor cells. Furthermore, two novel potential vasculoprotective treatment strategies were evaluated in detail in rat models of intimal hyperplasia and in the ex vivo explant model: sst1/sst4-selective somatostatin receptor analogs and combination treatment with sirolimus and imatinib. This study shows how whole vessel explants can be used to study the kinetics of neointimal cells and their progenitors, and to evaluate the anti-migratory and anti-proliferative properties of potential vasculoprotective compounds. It also shows how the influx of neointimal progenitor cells occurs already during the first days after vascular injury, how the contribution of cell migration is more important in the injury response than cell proliferation, and how the adventitia actively contribute in vascular repair. The vasculoprotective effect of somatostatin is mediated preferentially through sst4, and through inhibition of cell migration rather than of proliferation, which may explain why sst2/sst3/sst5-selective analogs have failed in clinical trials. Furthermore, a brief early oral treatment with the combination of sirolimus and imatinib at submaximal doses results in long-term synergistic suppression of intimal hyperplasia. The synergy is a result of inhibition of post-operative thrombocytosis and leukocytosis, inhibition of neointimal cell migration to the injury-site, and maintenance of cell integrity by inhibition of apoptosis and SMC dedifferentiation. In conclusion, the influx of progenitor cells already during the first days after injury and the high neointimal cell migratory activity underlines the importance of early therapeutic intervention with anti-migratory compounds to prevent neointimal hyperplasia. Sst4-selective analogs and the combination therapy with sirolimus and imatinib represent potential targets for the development of such vasculoprotective therapies.


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Useiden lääkkeiden yhtäaikainen käyttö on nykyään hyvin yleistä, mikä lisää lääkeaineiden haitallisten yhteisvaikutusten riskiä. Lääkeaineiden poistumisessa elimistöstä ovat tärkeässä osassa niitä hajottavat (metaboloivat) maksan sytokromi P450 (CYP) entsyymit. Vasta aivan viime vuosina on havaittu, että CYP2C8-entsyymillä voi olla tärkeä merkitys mm. lääkeaineyhteisvaikutuksissa. Eräät lääkeaineet voivat estää (inhiboida) CYP2C8-entsyymin kautta tapahtuvaa metaboliaa. Tässä työssä selvitettiin CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävien lääkkeiden vaikutusta sellaisten lääkeaineiden pitoisuuksiin, joiden aikaisemman tiedon perusteella arveltiin metaboloituvan CYP2C8-välitteisesti. Näiden lääkeaineiden metaboliaa tutkittiin myös koeputkiolosuhteissa (in vitro -menetelmillä). Lisäksi CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävän lipidilääke gemfibrotsiilin yhteisvaikutusmekanismia tutkittiin selvittämällä interaktion säilymistä koehenkilöillä gemfibrotsiilin annostelun lopettamisen jälkeen. Yhteisvaikutuksia tutkittiin terveillä vapaaehtoisilla koehenkilöillä käyttäen vaihtovuoroista koeasetelmaa. Koehenkilöille annettiin CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävää lääkitystä muutaman päivän ajan ja tämän jälkeen kerta-annos tutkimuslääkettä. Koehenkilöiltä otettiin useita verinäytteitä, joista määritettiin lääkepitoisuudet nestekromatografisilla tai massaspektrometrisillä menetelmillä. Gemfibrotsiili nosti ripulilääke loperamidin pitoisuudet keskimäärin kaksinkertaiseksi. Gemfibrotsiili lisäsi, mutta vain hieman, kipulääke ibuprofeenin pitoisuuksia, eikä sillä ollut mitään vaikutusta unilääke tsopiklonin pitoisuuksiin toisin kuin aiemman kirjallisuuden perusteella oli odotettavissa. Toinen CYP2C8-estäjä, mikrobilääke trimetopriimi, nosti diabeteslääke pioglitatsonin pitoisuuksia keskimäärin noin 40 %. Gemfibrotsiili nosti diabeteslääke repaglinidin pitoisuudet 7-kertaiseksi ja tämä yhteisvaikutus säilyi lähes yhtä voimakkaana vielä 12 tunnin päähän viimeisestä gemfibrotsiiliannoksesta. Tehdyt havainnot ovat käytännön lääkehoidon kannalta merkittäviä ja ne selvittävät CYP2C8-entsyymin merkitystä useiden lääkkeiden metaboliassa. Gemfibrotsiilin tai muiden CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävien lääkkeiden yhteiskäyttö loperamidin kanssa voi lisätä loperamidin tehoa tai haittavaikutuksia. Toisaalta CYP2C8-entsyymin osuus tsopiklonin ja ibuprofeenin metaboliassa näyttää olevan pieni. Trimetopriimi nosti kohtalaisesti pioglitatsonin pitoisuuksia, ja kyseisten lääkkeiden yhteiskäyttö voi lisätä pioglitatsonin annosriippuvaisia haittavaikutuksia. Gemfibrotsiili-repaglinidi-yhteisvaikutuksen päämekanismi in vivo näyttää olevan CYP2C8-entsyymin palautumaton esto. Tämän vuoksi gemfibrotsiilin estovaikutus ja yhteisvaikutusriski säilyvät pitkään gemfibrotsiilin annostelun lopettamisen jälkeen, mikä tulee ottaa huomioon käytettäessä sitä CYP2C8-välitteisesti metaboloituvien lääkkeiden kanssa.


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Opioids are most commonly used for treatment of severe pain. However, the fear of respiratory depression has restricted the use of opioids. Depending on the monitoring system used, different modes of opioid respiratory effects have been noted in previous studies. All opioids also cause alterations in hemodynamics at least to some extent. The main goal of this series of investigations was to elucidate the native ventilatory and hemodynamic effects of different opioids. Studies I-IV each involved 8 healthy male volunteers. Study V involved 13 patients with lower or upper extremity traumas. The opioids studied were morphine, oxycodone, pethidine, fentanyl, alfentanil, tramadol and ketamine. The respiratory parameters used in this study were breathing pattern measured with respiratory inductive plethysmography, gas exchange measured with indirect calorimetry, blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry. Hemodynamics was measured with arterial blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen consumption. Plasma catecholamine and histamine concentrations were also determined. All opioids studied caused an alteration in respiratory function. Respiratory rate, alveolar ventilation and minute ventilation decreased, while tidal volume increased in most situations. Breathing pattern was also significantly affected after opioid administration. The respiratory depression caused by oxycodone was deeper than the one caused by same dose of morphine. An equianalgesic dose of tramadol caused markedly smaller respiratory depression compared to pethidine. The potency ratio for respiratory depression of fentanyl and alfentanil is similar to analgesic potency ratio studied elsewhere. Racemic ketamine attenuated the respiratory depression caused by fentanyl, if measured with minute ventilation. However, this effect was counteracted by increased oxygen consumption. Supplemental oxygen did not offer any benefits, nor did it cause any atelectasis when given to opioid treated trauma patients. Morphine caused a transient hemodynamic stimulation, which was accompanied by an increase in oxygen consumption. Oxycodone, alfentanil, fentanyl, tramadol and pethidine infusions had minimal effects on hemodynamics. Plasma catecholamine concentrations were increased after high dose opioid administration. Plasma histamine concentrations were not elevated after morphine nor oxycodone administration. Respiratory depression is a side effect noted with all opioids. The profile of this phenomenon is quite similar with different opioid-receptor agonists. The hemodynamic effects of opioids may vary depending on the opioid used, morphine causing a slight hemodynamic stimulation. However, all opioids studied could be considered hemodynamically stable.


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Increasing antimicrobial resistance in bacteria has led to the need for better understanding of antimicrobial usage patterns. In 1999, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) recommended that an international ad hoc group should be established to address human and animal health risks related to antimicrobial resistance and the contribution of antimicrobial usage in veterinary medicine. In European countries the need for continuous recording of the usage of veterinary antimicrobials as well as for animal species-specific and indication-based data on usage has been acknowledged. Finland has been among the first countries to develop prudent use guidelines in veterinary medicine, as the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry issued the first animal species-specific indication-based recommendations for antimicrobial use in animals in 1996. These guidelines have been revised in 2003 and 2009. However, surveillance on the species-specific use of antimicrobials in animals has not been performed in Finland. This thesis provides animal species-specific information on indication-based antimicrobial usage. Different methods for data collection have been utilized. Information on antimicrobial usage in animals has been gathered in four studies (studies A-D). Material from studies A, B and C have been used in an overlapping manner in the original publications I-IV. Study A (original publications I & IV) presents a retrospective cross-sectional survey on prescriptions for small animals at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Helsinki. Prescriptions for antimicrobial agents (n = 2281) were collected and usage patterns, such as the indication and length of treatment, were reviewed. Most of the prescriptions were for dogs (78%), and primarily for the treatment of skin and ear infections most of which were treated with cephalexin for a median period of 14 days. Prescriptions for cats (18%) were most often for the treatment of urinary tract infections with amoxicillin for a median length of 10 days. Study B (original publication II) was a retrospective cross-sectional survey where prescriptions for animals were collected from 17 University Pharmacies nationwide. Antimicrobial prescriptions (n = 1038) for mainly dogs (65%) and cats (19%) were investigated. In this study, cephalexin and amoxicillin were also the most frequently used drugs for dogs and cats, respectively. In study C (original publications III & IV), the indication-based usage of antimicrobials of practicing veterinarians was analyzed by using a prospective questionnaire. Randomly selected practicing veterinarians in Finland (n = 262) recorded all their antimicrobial usage during a 7-day study period. Cattle (46%) with mastitis were the most common patients receiving antimicrobial treatment, generally intramuscular penicillin G or intramammary treatment with ampicillin and cloxacillin. The median length of treatment was four days, regardless of the route of administration. Antimicrobial use in horses was evaluated in study D, the results of which are previously unpublished. Firstly, data collected with the prospective questionnaire from the practicing veterinarians showed that horses (n = 89) were frequently treated for skin or wound infections by using penicillin G or trimethoprim-sulfadiazine. The mean duration of treatment was five to seven days. Secondly, according to retrospective data collected from patient records, horses (n = 74) that underwent colic surgery at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Helsinki were generally treated according to national and hospital recommendations; penicillin G and gentamicin was administered preoperatively and treatment was continued for a median of three days postoperatively. In conclusion, Finnish veterinarians followed well the national prudent use guidelines. Narrow-spectrum antimicrobials were preferred and, for instance, fluoroquinolones were used sparingly. Prescription studies seemed to give good information on antimicrobials usage, especially when combined with complementary information from patient records. A prospective questionnaire study provided a fair amount of valuable data on several animal species. Electronic surveys are worthwhile exploiting in the future.


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Sulfotransferases (SULTs) and UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) are important detoxification enzymes and they contribute to bioavailability and elimination of many drugs. SULT1A3 is an extrahepatic enzyme responsible for the sulfonation of dopamine, which is often used as its probe substrate. A new method for analyzing dopamine-3-O-sulfate and dopamine-4-O-sulfate by high-performance liquid chromatography was developed and the enzyme kinetic parameters for their formation were determined using purified recombinant human SULT1A3. The results show that SULT1A3 strongly favors the 3-hydroxy group of dopamine, which indicates that it may be the major enzyme responsible for the difference between the circulating levels of dopamine sulfates in human blood. All 19 known human UGTs were expressed as recombinant enzymes in baculovirus infected insect cells and their activities toward dopamine and estradiol were studied. UGT1A10 was identified as the only UGT capable of dopamine glucuronidation at a substantial level. The results were supported by studies with human intestinal and liver microsomes. The affinity was low indicating that UGT1A10 is not an important enzyme in dopamine metabolism in vivo. Despite the low affinity, dopamine is a potential new probe substrate for UGT1A10 due to its selectivity. Dopamine was used to study the importance of phenylalanines 90 and 93 in UGT1A10. The results revealed distinct effects that are dependent on differences in the size of the side chain and on the differences in their position within the protein. Examination of twelve mutants revealed lower activity in all of them. However, the enzyme kinetic studies of four mutants showed that their affinities were similar to that of UGT1A10 suggesting that F90 and F93 are not directly involved in dopamine binding in the active site. The glucuronidation of β-estradiol and epiestradiol (α-estradiol) was studied to elucidate how the orientation of the 17-OH group affects conjugation at the 3-OH or the 17-OH of either diastereomer. The results show that there are clear differences in the regio- and stereoselectivities of UGTs. The most active isoforms were UGT1A10 and UGT2B7 demonstrating opposite regioselectivity. The stereoselectivities of UGT2Bs were more complex than those of UGT1As. The amino acid sequences of the human UGTs 1A9 and 1A10 are 93% identical, yet there are large differences in their activity and substrate selectivity. Several mutants were constructed to identify the residues responsible for the activity differences. The results revealed that the residues between Leu86 and Tyr176 of UGT1A9 determine the differences between UGT1A9 and UGT1A10. Phe117 of UGT1A9 participated in 1-naphthol binding and the residues at positions 152 and 169 contributed to the higher glucuronidation rates of UGT1A10. In summary, the results emphasize that the substrate selectivities, including regio- and stereoselectivities, of UGTs are complex and they are controlled by many amino acids rather than one critical residue.


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Congenital long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a familial disorder characterized by ventricular repolarization that makes carriers vulnerable to malignant ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death. The three main subtypes (LQT1, LQT2 and LQT3) constitute 95% of cases. The disorder is characterized by a prolonged QT interval in electrocardiograms (ECG), but a considerable portion are silent carriers presenting normal (QTc < 440 ms) or borderline (QTc < 470 ms) QT interval. Genetic testing is available only for 60-70% of patients. A number of pharmaceutical compounds also affect ventricular repolarization, causing a clinically similar disorder called acquired long QT syndrome. LQTS carriers - who already have impaired ventricular repolarization - are especially vulnerable. In this thesis, asymptomatic genotyped LQTS mutation carriers with non-diagnostic resting ECG were studied. The body surface potential mapping (BSPM) system was utilized for ECG recording, and signals were analyzed with an automated analysis program. QT interval length, and the end part of the T wave, the Tpe interval, was studied during exercise stress testing and an epinephrine bolus test. In the latter, T wave morphology was also analyzed. The effect of cetirizine was studied in LQTS carriers and also with supra- therapeutic dose in healthy volunteers. At rest, LQTS mutation carriers had a slightly longer heart rate adjusted QTc interval than healthy subjects (427 ± 31 ms and 379 ± 26 ms; p<0.001), but significant overlapping existed. LQT2 mutation carriers had a conspicuously long Tpe-interval (113 ± 24 ms; compared to 79 ± 11 ms in LQT1, 81 ± 17 ms in LQT3 and 78 ± 10 ms in controls; p<0.001). In exercise stress tests, LQT1 mutation carriers exhibit a long QT interval at high heart rates and during recovery, whereas LQT2 mutation carriers have a long Tpe interval at the beginning of exercise and at the end of recovery at low heart rates. LQT3 mutation carriers exhibit prominent shortening of both QT and Tpe intervals during exercise. A small epinephrine bolus revealed disturbed repolarization, especially in LQT2 mutation carriers, who developed prolonged Tpe intervals. A higher epinephrine bolus caused abnormal T waves with a different T wave profile in LQTS mutation carriers compared to healthy controls. These effects were seen in LQT3 as well, a group that may easily escape other provocative tests. In the cetirizine test, the QT and Tpe intervals were not prolonged in LQTS mutation carriers or in healthy controls. Subtype-specific findings in exercise test and epinephrine bolus test help to diagnose silent LQTS mutation carriers and to guide subtype-specific treatments. The Tpe interval, which signifies the repolarization process, seems to be a sensitive marker of disturbed repolarization along with the QT interval, which signifies the end of repolarization. This method may be used in studying compounds that are suspected to affect repolarization. Cetirizine did not adversely alter ventricular repolarization and would not be pro-arrhythmic in common LQT1 and LQT2 subtypes when used at its recommended doses.


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Drug induced liver injury is one of the frequent reasons for the drug removal from the market. During the recent years there has been a pressure to develop more cost efficient, faster and easier ways to investigate drug-induced toxicity in order to recognize hepatotoxic drugs in the earlier phases of drug development. High Content Screening (HCS) instrument is an automated microscope equipped with image analysis software. It makes the image analysis faster and decreases the risk for an error caused by a person by analyzing the images always in the same way. Because the amount of drug and time needed in the analysis are smaller and multiple parameters can be analyzed from the same cells, the method should be more sensitive, effective and cheaper than the conventional assays in cytotoxicity testing. Liver cells are rich in mitochondria and many drugs target their toxicity to hepatocyte mitochondria. Mitochondria produce the majority of the ATP in the cell through oxidative phosphorylation. They maintain biochemical homeostasis in the cell and participate in cell death. Mitochondria is divided into two compartments by inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. The oxidative phosphorylation happens in the inner mitochondrial membrane. A part of the respiratory chain, a protein called cytochrome c, activates caspase cascades when released. This leads to apoptosis. The aim of this study was to implement, optimize and compare mitochondrial toxicity HCS assays in live cells and fixed cells in two cellular models: human HepG2 hepatoma cell line and rat primary hepatocytes. Three different hepato- and mitochondriatoxic drugs (staurosporine, rotenone and tolcapone) were used. Cells were treated with the drugs, incubated with the fluorescent probes and then the images were analyzed using Cellomics ArrayScan VTI reader. Finally the results obtained after optimizing methods were compared to each other and to the results of the conventional cytotoxicity assays, ATP and LDH measurements. After optimization the live cell method and rat primary hepatocytes were selected to be used in the experiments. Staurosporine was the most toxic of the three drugs and caused most damage to the cells most quickly. Rotenone was not that toxic, but the results were more reproducible and thus it would serve as a good positive control in the screening. Tolcapone was the least toxic. So far the conventional analysis of cytotoxicity worked better than the HCS methods. More optimization needs to be done to get the HCS method more sensitive. This was not possible in this study due to time limit.


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Use of adverse drug combinations, abuse of medicinal drugs and substance abuse are considerable social problems that are difficult to study. Prescription database studies might fail to incorporate factors like use of over-the-counter drugs and patient compliance, and spontaneous reporting databases suffer from underreporting. Substance abuse and smoking studies might be impeded by poor participation activity and reliability. The Forensic Toxicology Unit at the University of Helsinki is the only laboratory in Finland that performs forensic toxicology related to cause-of-death investigations comprising the analysis of over 6000 medico-legal cases yearly. The analysis repertoire covers most commonly used drugs and drugs of abuse, and the ensuing database contains also background information and information extracted from the final death certificate. In this thesis, the data stored in this comprehensive post-mortem toxicology database was combined with additional metabolite and genotype analyses that were performed to complete the profile of selected cases. The incidence of drug combinations possessing serious adverse drug interactions was generally low (0.71%), but it was notable for the two individually studied drugs, a common anticoagulant warfarin (33%) and a new generation antidepressant venlafaxine (46%). Serotonin toxicity and adverse cardiovascular effects were the most prominent possible adverse outcomes. However, the specific role of the suspected adverse drug combinations was rarely recognized in the death certificates. The frequency of bleeds was observed to be elevated when paracetamol and warfarin were used concomitantly. Pharmacogenetic factors did not play a major role in fatalities related to venlafaxine, but the presence of interacting drugs was more common in cases showing high venlafaxine concentrations. Nicotine findings in deceased young adults were roughly three times more prevalent than the smoking frequency estimation of living population. Contrary to previous studies, no difference in the proportion of suicides was observed between nicotine users and non-nicotine users. However, findings of abused substances, including abused prescription drugs, were more common in the nicotine users group than in the non-nicotine users group. The results of the thesis are important for forensic and clinical medicine, as well as for public health. The possibility of drug interactions and pharmacogenetic issues should be taken into account in cause-of-death investigations, especially in unclear cases, medical malpractice suspicions and cases where toxicological findings are scarce. Post-mortem toxicological epidemiology is a new field of research that can help to reveal problems in drug use and prescription practises.


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Foreign compounds, such as drugs are metabolised in the body in numerous reactions. Metabolic reactions are divided into phase I (functionalisation) and phase II (conjugation) reactions. Uridine diphosphoglucuronosyltransferase enzymes (UGTs) are important catalysts of phase II metabolic system. They catalyse the transfer of glucuronic acid to small lipophilic molecules and convert them to hydrophilic and polar glucuronides that are readily excreted from the body. Liver is the main site of drug metabolism. Many drugs are racemic mixtures of two enantiomers. Glucuronidation of a racemic compound yields a pair of diastereomeric glucuronides. Stereoisomers are interesting substrates in glucuronidation studies since some UGTs display stereoselectivity. Diastereomeric glucuronides of O-desmethyltramadol (M1) and entacapone were selected as model compounds in this work. The investigations of the thesis deal with enzymatic glucuronidation and the development of analytical methods for drug metabolites, particularly diastereomeric glucuronides. The glucuronides were analysed from complex biological matrices, such as urine or from in vitro incubation matrices. Various pretreatment techniques were needed to purify, concentrate and isolate the analytes of interest. Analyses were carried out by liquid chromatography (LC) with ultraviolet (UV) or mass spectrometric (MS) detection or with capillary electromigration techniques. Commercial glucuronide standards were not available for the studies. Enzyme-assisted synthesis with rat liver microsomes was therefore used to produce M1 glucuronides as reference compounds. The glucuronides were isolated by LC/UV and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)/MS, while tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy were employed in structural characterisation. The glucuronides were identified as phenolic O-glucuronides of M1. To identify the active UGT enzymes in (±)-M1 glucuronidation recombinant human UGTs and human tissue microsomes were incubated with (±)-M1. The study revealed that several UGTs can catalyse (±)-M1 glucuronidation. Glucuronidation in human liver microsomes like in rat liver microsomes is stereoselective. The results of the studies showed that UGT2B7, most probably, is the main UGT responsible for (±)-M1 glucuronidation in human liver. Large variation in stereoselectivity of UGTs toward (±)-M1 enantiomers was observed. Formation of M1 glucuronides was monitored with a fast and selective UPLC/MS method. Capillary electromigration techniques are known for their high resolution power. A method that relied on capillary electrophoresis (CE) with UV detection was developed for the separation of tramadol and its free and glucuronidated metabolites. The suitability of the method to identify tramadol metabolites in an authentic urine samples was tested. Unaltered tramadol and four of its main metabolites were detected in the electropherogram. A micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) /UV method was developed for the separation of the glucuronides of entacapone in human urine. The validated method was tested in the analysis of urine samples of patients. The glucuronides of entacapone could be quantified after oral entacapone dosing.