993 resultados para integral operator


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Determining the optimal of black-start strategies is very important for speeding the restoration speed of a power system after a global blackout. Most existing black-start decision-making methods are based on the assumption that all indexes are independent of each other, and little attention has been paid to the group decision-making method which is more reliable. Given this background, the intuitionistic fuzzy set and further intuitionistic fuzzy Choquet integral operator are presented, and a black-start decision-making method based on this integral operator is presented. Compared to existing methods, the proposed algorithm cannot only deal with the relevance among the indexes, but also overcome some shortcomings of the existing methods. Finally, an example is used to demonstrate the proposed method. © 2012 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D60, 26A33, 33C60


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D60, 33D90, 26A33


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MSC 2010: 30C45, 30A20, 34C40


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C45


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Some properties of the eigenvalues of the integral operator Kgt defined as Kτf(x) = ∫0τK(x − y) f (y) dy were studied by [1.], 554–566), with some assumptions on the kernel K(x). In this paper the eigenfunctions of the operator Kτ are shown to be continuous functions of τ under certain circumstances. Also, the results of Vittal Rao and the continuity of eigenfunctions are shown to hold for a larger class of kernels.


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Iantchenko, A.; Sj?strand, J., (2001) 'Birkhoff normal forms for Fourier integral operators II', American Journal of Mathematics 124(4) pp.817-850 RAE2008


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It is remarkable how the classical Volterra integral operator, which was one of the first operators which attracted mathematicians' attention, is still worth of being studied. In this essentially survey work, by collecting some of the very recent results related to the Volterra operator, we show that there are new (and not so new) concepts that are becoming known only at the present days. Discovering whether the Volterra operator satisfies or not a given operator property leads to new methods and ideas that are useful in the setting of Concrete Operator Theory as well as the one of General Operator Theory. In particular, a wide variety of techniques like summability kernels, theory of entire functions, Gaussian cylindrical measures, approximation theory, Laguerre and Legendre polynomials are needed to analyze different properties of the Volterra operator. We also include a characterization of the commutator of the Volterra operator acting on L-P[0, 1], 1


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Nesta tese, consideram-se operadores integrais singulares com a acção extra de um operador de deslocacamento de Carleman e com coeficientes em diferentes classes de funções essencialmente limitadas. Nomeadamente, funções contínuas por troços, funções quase-periódicas e funções possuíndo factorização generalizada. Nos casos dos operadores integrais singulares com deslocamento dado pelo operador de reflexão ou pelo operador de salto no círculo unitário complexo, obtêm-se critérios para a propriedade de Fredholm. Para os coeficientes contínuos, uma fórmula do índice de Fredholm é apresentada. Estes resultados são consequência das relações de equivalência explícitas entre aqueles operadores e alguns operadores adicionais, tais como o operador integral singular, operadores de Toeplitz e operadores de Toeplitz mais Hankel. Além disso, as relações de equivalência permitem-nos obter um critério de invertibilidade e fórmulas para os inversos laterais dos operadores iniciais com coeficientes factorizáveis. Adicionalmente, aplicamos técnicas de análise numérica, tais como métodos de colocação de polinómios, para o estudo da dimensão do núcleo dos dois tipos de operadores integrais singulares com coeficientes contínuos por troços. Esta abordagem permite também a computação do inverso no sentido Moore-Penrose dos operadores principais. Para operadores integrais singulares com operadores de deslocamento do tipo Carleman preservando a orientação e com funções contínuas como coeficientes, são obtidos limites superiores da dimensão do núcleo. Tal é implementado utilizando algumas estimativas e com a ajuda de relações (explícitas) de equivalência entre operadores. Focamos ainda a nossa atenção na resolução e nas soluções de uma classe de equações integrais singulares com deslocamento que não pode ser reduzida a um problema de valor de fronteira binomial. De forma a atingir os objectivos propostos, foram utilizadas projecções complementares e identidades entre operadores. Desta forma, as equações em estudo são associadas a sistemas de equações integrais singulares. Estes sistemas são depois analisados utilizando um problema de valor de fronteira de Riemann. Este procedimento tem como consequência a construção das soluções das equações iniciais a partir das soluções de problemas de valor de fronteira de Riemann. Motivados por uma grande diversidade de aplicações, estendemos a definição de operador integral de Cauchy para espaços de Lebesgue sobre grupos topológicos. Assim, são investigadas as condições de invertibilidade dos operadores integrais neste contexto.


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We consider the problem of scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves by an unbounded sound-soft rough surface. Recently, a Brakhage Werner type integral equation formulation of this problem has been proposed, based on an ansatz as a combined single- and double-layer potential, but replacing the usual fundamental solution of the Helmholtz equation with an appropriate half-space Green's function. Moreover, it has been shown in the three-dimensional case that this integral equation is uniquely solvable in the space L-2 (Gamma) when the scattering surface G does not differ too much from a plane. In this paper, we show that this integral equation is uniquely solvable with no restriction on the surface elevation or slope. Moreover, we construct explicit bounds on the inverse of the associated boundary integral operator, as a function of the wave number, the parameter coupling the single- and double-layer potentials, and the maximum surface slope. These bounds show that the norm of the inverse operator is bounded uniformly in the wave number, kappa, for kappa > 0, if the coupling parameter h is chosen proportional to the wave number. In the case when G is a plane, we show that the choice eta = kappa/2 is nearly optimal in terms of minimizing the condition number.


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A new boundary integral operator is introduced for the solution of the soundsoft acoustic scattering problem, i.e., for the exterior problem for the Helmholtz equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We prove that this integral operator is coercive in L2(Γ) (where Γ is the surface of the scatterer) for all Lipschitz star-shaped domains. Moreover, the coercivity is uniform in the wavenumber k = ω/c, where ω is the frequency and c is the speed of sound. The new boundary integral operator, which we call the “star-combined” potential operator, is a slight modification of the standard combined potential operator, and is shown to be as easy to implement as the standard one. Additionally, to the authors' knowledge, it is the only second-kind integral operator for which convergence of the Galerkin method in L2(Γ) is proved without smoothness assumptions on Γ except that it is Lipschitz. The coercivity of the star-combined operator implies frequency-explicit error bounds for the Galerkin method for any approximation space. In particular, these error estimates apply to several hybrid asymptoticnumerical methods developed recently that provide robust approximations in the high-frequency case. The proof of coercivity of the star-combined operator critically relies on an identity first introduced by Morawetz and Ludwig in 1968, supplemented further by more recent harmonic analysis techniques for Lipschitz domains.


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We consider in this paper the solvability of linear integral equations on the real line, in operator form (λ−K)φ=ψ, where and K is an integral operator. We impose conditions on the kernel, k, of K which ensure that K is bounded as an operator on . Let Xa denote the weighted space as |s|→∞}. Our first result is that if, additionally, |k(s,t)|⩽κ(s−t), with and κ(s)=O(|s|−b) as |s|→∞, for some b>1, then the spectrum of K is the same on Xa as on X, for 0operators, , which ensure that, if λ≠0 and λφ=Kkφ has only the trivial solution in X, for all k∈W, then, for 0⩽a⩽b, (λ−K)φ=ψ has exactly one solution φ∈Xa for every k∈W and ψ∈Xa. These conditions ensure further that is bounded uniformly in k∈W, for 0⩽a⩽b. As a particular application we consider the case when the kernel takes the form k(s,t)=κ(s−t)z(t), with , , and κ(s)=O(|s|−b) as |s|→∞, for some b>1. As an example where kernels of this latter form occur we discuss a boundary integral equation formulation of an impedance boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a half-plane.


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e consider integral equations on the half-line of the form and the finite section approximation to x obtained by replacing the infinite limit of integration by the finite limit β. We establish conditions under which, if the finite section method is stable for the original integral equation (i.e. exists and is uniformly bounded in the space of bounded continuous functions for all sufficiently large β), then it is stable also for a perturbed equation in which the kernel k is replaced by k + h. The class of perturbations allowed includes all compact and some non-compact perturbations of the integral operator. Using this result we study the stability and convergence of the finite section method in the space of continuous functions x for which ()()()=−∫∞dttxt,sk)s(x0()syβxβx()sxsp+1 is bounded. With the additional assumption that ()(tskt,sk−≤ where ()()(),qsomefor,sassOskandRLkq11>+∞→=∈− we show that the finite-section method is stable in the weighted space for ,qp≤≤0 provided it is stable on the space of bounded continuous functions. With these results we establish error bounds in weighted spaces for x - xβ and precise information on the asymptotic behaviour at infinity of x. We consider in particular the case when the integral operator is a perturbation of a Wiener-Hopf operator and illustrate this case with a Wiener-Hopf integral equation arising in acoustics.


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We present a method of generation of exact and explicit forms of one-sided, heavy-tailed Levy stable probability distributions g(alpha)(x), 0 <= x < infinity, 0 < alpha < 1. We demonstrate that the knowledge of one such a distribution g a ( x) suffices to obtain exactly g(alpha)p ( x), p = 2, 3, .... Similarly, from known g(alpha)(x) and g(beta)(x), 0 < alpha, beta < 1, we obtain g(alpha beta)( x). The method is based on the construction of the integral operator, called Levy transform, which implements the above operations. For a rational, alpha = l/k with l < k, we reproduce in this manner many of the recently obtained exact results for g(l/k)(x). This approach can be also recast as an application of the Efros theorem for generalized Laplace convolutions. It relies solely on efficient definite integration. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4709443]


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We obtain explicit formulas for the eigenvalues of integral operators generated by continuous dot product kernels defined on the sphere via the usual gamma function. Using them, we present both, a procedure to describe sharp bounds for the eigenvalues and their asymptotic behavior near 0. We illustrate our results with examples, among them the integral operator generated by a Gaussian kernel. Finally, we sketch complex versions of our results to cover the cases when the sphere sits in a Hermitian space.