992 resultados para industry associations


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Trying to innovate or wanting to? Making a start is the most difficult step on any journey. Whether trying to innovate for the first time, or seeking improvements on current performance, organisations are confronted with a plethora of options. Innovate now! makes action easier by presenting some of the key considerations for improving innovation performance. This guide has been based on the outcomes of a survey and case studies conducted between 2003 and 2005 in the Australian property and construction industry and therefore contains unique and up-to-date information, examples and suggestions tailored specifically to your industry needs. The large-scale industry survey and 12 innovation case studies on which this guide are based were carried out by The BRITE (Building Research, Innovation, Technology and Environment) Project as part of research for the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation. The stakeholders volunteering to take part in BRITE research included over 400 businesses, 14 government organisations, 8 industry associations and 4 universities.


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Access to relevant and timely information and training resources has emerged as a significant issue from the Delivering Mango Technology (DMT) project. This project will facilitate providing managing information and technology tools for growers. Using a range of methods, including workshops, events, and web based technology facilitated through the Australian Mango Industry Association’s (AMIA) website, DMT stage 2 will develop a high profile delivery vehicle to building industry knowledge and resources .


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This report is a formal documentation of the results of an assessment of the degree to which Lean Principles and Practices have been implemented in the US Aerospace and Defense Industry. An Industry Association team prepared it for the DCMA-DCAAIndustry Association “Crosstalk” Coalition in response to a “Crosstalk” meeting action request to the industry associations. The motivation of this request was provided by the many potential benefits to system product quality, affordability and industry responsiveness, which a high degree of industry Lean implementation can produce.


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In this paper we use evidence from the recent trajectories of mining industry associations in the Australian federation to argue for the significance of institutional explanations for the formation and maintenance of interest groups. We argue that the recent lack of consultation by the Commonwealth government with the Minerals Council of Australia over resources rent taxation proposals reflected a weakness that resulted from the shifting basis of associability stemming from institutional changes.


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The construction industries of developed countries are faced with an aging workforce and a shortage of recruits. It is common for migrant workers/ethnic minorities (EMs) who are already part of the society to join the construction industry. With increasing involvement of EMs in the construction industry, effective strategies for improving their safety and health are urgently needed. The existing body of knowledge is mainly derived from research conducted in English-speaking countries with Western cultures. Research on safety of migrant/EM construction workers in multidialect Asian countries with Eastern cultures has been lacking. This study aimed to identify various strategies for improving the safety and health of EM construction workers from the Asian perspective. Twenty-two face-to-face semistructured interviews were performed with safety professionals in Hong Kong followed by two rounds of Delphi survey with 18 safety experts to verify the interview findings and rank the relative importance of the strategies. The study unveiled 14 strategies for improving the safety performance of EM workers. The three most important ones identified were: (1) to provide safety training in EM native languages; (2) that government and industry associations should play an active role in promoting health and safety awareness of EM workers, and; (3) to encourage EM workers to learn the local language. This study contributes to filling the research gap by evaluating the strategies for improving safety of migrant/EM construction workers in Asian countries with Eastern cultures in which English is not the first language. Research findings would assist occupational health and safety experts and relevant stakeholders in designing strategies for improving the safety and health of EM workers, which will ultimately improve overall safety performance of the construction industry.


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O objetivo deste estudo, que resultou de um estágio realizado na Associação Industrial do Distrito de Aveiro (AIDA), foi perceber qual o papel das associações empresariais e industriais para o tecido empresarial desta mesma região. Neste sentido, procurou-se perceber: quais os serviços procurados pelas empresas nas suas associações, as razões que motivam essa procura e o grau de satisfação com os serviços prestados; quais as vantagens e desvantagens de pertencer a uma associação empresarial/industrial; e quais as mudanças percecionadas como necessárias nas associações para a melhoria da qualidade dos serviços prestados, tornando-as, deste modo, mais relevantes para o tecido empresarial. Com vista à concretização do objetivo proposto foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, tendo a informação sido recolhida através de análise documental, de observação participante e de entrevistas realizadas à Diretora-Geral da AIDA e a oito empresas pertencentes a associações empresariais e industriais. O presente estudo começa por apresentar a evolução da indústria portuguesa e do associativismo industrial ao longo do tempo, focando as alterações mais significativas ocorridas e referindo as funções desempenhadas pelas mesmas associações. Posteriormente, é analisado a Entidade de Acolhimento – a AIDA –, e relatadas as atividades realizadas ao longo do estágio nessa instituição. Seguidamente, e após a explicação da metodologia utilizada, é apresentada a análise das entrevistas realizadas a empresários. Finalmente, são tiradas as conclusões finais e delineadas perspetivas para o futuro. Este estudo permitiu reconhecer o papel importante que as associações empresarias/indústrias desempenham para as empresas e para as regiões onde estas se inserem. Porém, existem ainda mudanças a realizar, de forma a potenciar o seu trabalho e ir de encontro aos anseios e às necessidades das empresas.


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There is general agreement across the world that human-made climate change is a serious global problem,although there are still some sceptics who challenge this view. Research in organization studies on the topic is relatively new. Much of this research, however, is instrumental and managerialist in its focus on ‘win-win’ opportunities for business or its treatment of climate change as just another corporate social responsibility (CSR) exercise. In this paper, we suggest that climate change is not just an environmental problem requiring technical and managerial solutions; it is a political issue where a variety of organizations – state agencies, firms, industry associations, NGOs and multilateral organizations – engage in contestation as well as collaboration over the issue. We discuss the strategic, institutional and political economy dimensions of climate change and develop a socioeconomic regimes approach as a synthesis of these different theoretical perspectives. Given the urgency of the problem and the need for a rapid transition to a low-carbon economy, there is a pressing need for organization scholars to develop a better understanding of apathy and inertia in the face of the current crisis and to identify paths toward transformative change. The seven papers in this special issue address these areas of research and examine strategies, discourses, identities and practices in relation to climate change at multiple levels.


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There are many participants in the tourism network who have vested interests in tourism development. These organizations include hotels, associations of hotels and hotel owners, inbound travel agents, travel wholesalers, tourism industry associations, airlines, cruise lines, tourism promotional agencies, regional and local tourism authorities, SME tourism businesses, conference and convention centres and many more. Individuals in the tourism industry intermittently change employment. They often remain in the industry and can move between types of organizations. Their contacts, associations and personal networks remain useful and indeed are utilized. The Interactive Approach postulated by the IMP Group proposes that both suppliers and manufacturers are often involved in close, long-lasting adaptive relationships. Firms within relationships must work together, share objectives, share information and also communicate clearly and precisely using a common language. Here relationship partners should have a similar point of view on the meaning of marketing strategy and related concepts including market segmentation, differentiation and competitive positioning.

This paper seeks to assess the nature, perspectives and characteristics of interactions in the tourism network in Australia. There are two stages of this research. The first stage obtained the perspectives of network participants on the challenges facing tourism, key growth segments, brand and promotional strategies and customer insights and satisfaction levels. Participants were also asked to provide advice to the national marketing organization on a range of developmental topics. The second stage of this research assesses the interaction patterns among network participants Network picture, network position, resource constellations, interaction, resources and activities, interdependence, adaptation, actor bonds, strategy and change are also assessed. The relationships are political and consultative in nature. There is much interdependence and possible conflict between the network participants. The national tourism body has particular skills in tourism planning and tourism research. They also have significant resources and the ability to influence inbound tourism patterns. This paper seeks to assess and understand the interactions within this network.


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PROBLEM In the last few years farm tourism or agritourism as it is also referred to has enjoyed increasing success because of its generally acknowledged role as a promoter of economic and social development of rural areas. As a consequence, a plethora of studies have been dedicated to this tourist sector, focusing on a variety of issues. Nevertheless, despite the difficulties of many farmers to orient their business towards potential customers, the contribution of the marketing literature has been moderate. PURPOSE This dissertation builds upon studies which advocate the necessity of farm tourism to innovate itself according to the increasingly demanding needs of customers. Henceforth, the purpose of this dissertation is to critically evaluate the level of professionalism reached in the farm tourism market within a marketing approach. METHODOLOGY This dissertation is a cross-country perspective incorporating the marketing of farm tourism studied in Germany and Italy. Hence, the marketing channels of this tourist sector are examined both from the supply and the demand side by means of five exploratory studies. The data collection has been conducted in the timeframe of 2006 to 2009 in manifold ways (online survey, catalogues of industry associations, face-to-face interviews, etc.) according to the purpose of the research of each study project. The data have been analyzed using multivariate statistical analysis. FINDINGS A comprehensive literature review provides the state of the art of the main differences and similarities of farm tourism in the two countries of study. The main findings contained in the empirical chapters provide insights on many aspects of agritourism including how the expectations of farm operators and customers differ, which development scenarios of farm tourism are more likely to meet individuals’ needs, how new technologies can impact the demand for farm tourism, etc. ORIGINALITY/VALUE The value of this study is in the investigation of the process by which farmers’ participation in the development of this sector intersects with consumer consumption patterns. Focusing on this process should allow farm operators and others including related businesses to more efficiently allocate resources.


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L’utilizzo del reservoir geotermico superficiale a scopi termici / frigoriferi è una tecnica consolidata che permette di sfruttare, tramite appositi “geoscambiatori”, un’energia presente ovunque ed inesauribile, ad un ridotto prezzo in termini di emissioni climalteranti. Pertanto, il pieno sfruttamento di questa risorsa è in linea con gli obiettivi del Protocollo di Kyoto ed è descritto nella Direttiva Europea 2009/28/CE (Comunemente detta: Direttiva Rinnovabili). Considerato il notevole potenziale a fronte di costi sostenibili di installazione ed esercizio, la geotermia superficiale è stata sfruttata già dalla metà del ventesimo secolo in diversi contesti (geografici, geologici e climatici) e per diverse applicazioni (residenziali, commerciali, industriali, infrastrutturali). Ciononostante, solo a partire dagli anni 2000 la comunità scientifica e il mercato si sono realmente interessati ed affacciati all’argomento, a seguito di sopraggiunte condizioni economiche e tecniche. Una semplice ed immediata dimostrazione di ciò si ritrova nel fatto che al 2012 non esiste ancora un chiaro riferimento tecnico condiviso a livello internazionale, né per la progettazione, né per l’installazione, né per il testing delle diverse applicazioni della geotermia superficiale, questo a fronte di una moltitudine di articoli scientifici pubblicati, impianti realizzati ed associazioni di categoria coinvolte nel primo decennio del ventunesimo secolo. Il presente lavoro di ricerca si colloca all’interno di questo quadro. In particolare verranno mostrati i progressi della ricerca svolta all’interno del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e dei Materiali nei settori della progettazione e del testing dei sistemi geotermici, nonché verranno descritte alcune tipologie di geoscambiatori innovative studiate, analizzate e testate nel periodo di ricerca.


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Over-consumption of alcoholic beverages is a concern of managers of hotels and motels with a club/lounge, restaurant, and tavern. The authors surveyed members of two industry associations in Oklahoma to ascertain alcohol server training methods and managers' perception of the value of such programs.


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Developing The Ladder To Professionalism by Tom Baum, Manager, Curricula Development Unit and Patricia Reid, Training Advisor, Curricula Development Unit at the Council for Education, Recruitment and Training, State Agency for Hotels, Catering and Tourism in Dublin, Ireland: “Developments are currently in hand to promote increased professionalism in management within the hotel and catering industry in Ireland. The authors discuss the particular responsibility of educational agencies. Recent initiatives to provide a comprehensive and flexible career ladder encompassing craft training, in-service and “second-chance” education, as well as more conventional college-based initial management are reviewed, as are attempts by various industry associations to enhance the professionalism of members.” In this discussion, the authors have primarily devoted their attention to degree gaps in professionalism in the hospitality industry, and the measures that can be taken to mitigate these circumstances. “The hotel, catering, and tourism industry, in common with others involved in the service function, has been relatively slow to adopt modern approaches to management and technology at all levels,” Baum and Reid want you to know. The authors hail from Ireland and point to steps that the industry, in Ireland, is taking to address service problems. “Developments are taking place in Ireland toward professionalism in management in the context of the Irish hotel and catering industry; education and educationally related institutions have taken a role in contributing to the professionalization of work in this area,” say the authors. Baum and Reid point to CERT’s - The State Training Agency for Hotels, Catering and Tourism - involvement in promoting professionalism in the Irish hospitality industry, and provide a comprehensive graph to illustrate CERT’s paths to successful management. Worthy of note is, proprietor management is more common on that side of the Atlantic’, with most properties tending to be smaller than U.S. chain operations. That fact, by no means suggests that management style is indeed complete in the U.K, but it can be said that maybe such style is more congenial. “However, finding the balance between operationalism and the management and development functions seems to underpin perhaps the cardinal problems of professionalism in hotel and catering management in Ireland,” say the authors. “The dichotomy, clearly represented in the management of the industry, is equally evident within the educational and training system and also in the limited influence of associations…” Baum and Reid expand on that issue. The authors do concede that it is difficult to quantify what exactly constitutes good professionalism in the hospitality industry; it is, after all, a fairly subjective concept. They continue by describing some of the degree and sub-degree programs being offered in Ireland.


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OBJECTIVE: To explore the role of women in fishing industry organisations and communities in promoting best-practice health behaviours among fishers in Australia. DESIGN: This paper reports aspects of research that examined how the fishing industry can best support physical health and mental well-being of fishers. The study employed a mixed-methods, multisite case study approach. Data were gathered from face-to-face and phone interactions. SETTING: Two sites in Victoria and one in Western Australia. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-one male fishers, including commercial licence owners, skippers, deckhands, three female family members, three fishing association representatives, one local government representative, two health care providers, and three regional health planning and funding bodies. INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Not applicable. RESULTS: Often unrecognised, women associated with the fishing industry are integral to the promotion of good health for fishers. They are key to identifying health issues (particularly mental health issues) and proposing community-based health and well-being strategies. They often do so by incorporating health information and activities into 'soft entry points' - informal, non-health service mechanisms by which fishers can access health information and health services. CONCLUSIONS: While not working at the industry coalface, women have a stake, and are key players, in the commercial fishing industry. Their knowledge of, and credibility within, fishing enterprises makes them valuable sources of information about health issues facing the industry and effective strategies to address them. This expertise should be applied in conjunction with industry associations and health providers to achieve better health outcomes for fishers and their families.


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Resumen Introducción: Con el fin de estimar la prevalencia del síndrome de cementación ósea (SICO) en pacientes llevados a artroplastia de cadera cementada en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi 2014. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, se evaluaron los registros de historia clínica de los pacientes llevados a artroplastia cementada de cadera desde enero a diciembre de 2014. Se estimó la prevalencia del número total de casos de SICO sobre el total de intervenidos y la mortalidad del número de muertes intraoperatorias sobre el total de pacientes que desarrollaron el SICO. Resultados: Se encontraron 102 pacientes llevados a artroplastia cementada de cadera; 73,5% de género femenino, la mediana de edad fue 82 años, la prevalencia de SICO fue de 0,96 x 100 procedimientos y la mortalidad de 7,14 x 100 eventos (1 caso), el evento más frecuentemente relacionado fue las Perdida sanguínea < 300ml (p.valor: 0,006), el resto de diferencias entre los factores de riesgo reconocidos no fueron estadísticamente significativas. Discusión Se encontró una baja frecuencia del evento, con una muerte relacionada, se requieren estudios prospectivos para explorar desenlaces en el tiempo para la presentación de SICO y factores de riesgo adicionales. Palabras clave: "Hipotensión/Diagnóstico", "Prevalencia", "Artroplastia de Reemplazo de Cadera/Efectos Adversos", "Cementos Óseos/Efectos Adversos", "Complicaciones Postoperatorias/Etiología" y "Complicaciones Postoperatorias/Inducido Químicamente"