843 resultados para futures contract
This paper examines the lead–lag relationship between the FTSE 100 index and index futures price employing a number of time series models. Using 10-min observations from June 1996–1997, it is found that lagged changes in the futures price can help to predict changes in the spot price. The best forecasting model is of the error correction type, allowing for the theoretical difference between spot and futures prices according to the cost of carry relationship. This predictive ability is in turn utilised to derive a trading strategy which is tested under real-world conditions to search for systematic profitable trading opportunities. It is revealed that although the model forecasts produce significantly higher returns than a passive benchmark, the model was unable to outperform the benchmark after allowing for transaction costs.
This study investigates futures market efficiency and optimal hedge ratio estimation. First, cointegration between spot and futures prices is studied using Johansen method, with two different model specifications. If prices are found cointegrated, restrictions on cointegrating vector and adjustment coefficients are imposed, to account for unbiasedness, weak exogeneity and prediction hypothesis. Second, optimal hedge ratios are estimated using static OLS, and time-varying DVEC and CCC models. In-sample and out-of-sample results for one, two and five period ahead are reported. The futures used in thesis are RTS index, EUR/RUB exchange rate and Brent oil, traded in Futures and options on RTS.(FORTS) For in-sample period, data points were acquired from start of trading of each futures contract, RTS index from August 2005, EUR/RUB exchange rate March 2009 and Brent oil October 2008, lasting till end of May 2011. Out-of-sample period covers start of June 2011, till end of December 2011. Our results indicate that all three asset pairs, spot and futures, are cointegrated. We found RTS index futures to be unbiased predictor of spot price, mixed evidence for exchange rate, and for Brent oil futures unbiasedness was not supported. Weak exogeneity results for all pairs indicated spot price to lead in price discovery process. Prediction hypothesis, unbiasedness and weak exogeneity of futures, was rejected for all asset pairs. Variance reduction results varied between assets, in-sample in range of 40-85 percent and out-of sample in range of 40-96 percent. Differences between models were found small, except for Brent oil in which OLS clearly dominated. Out-of-sample results indicated exceptionally high variance reduction for RTS index, approximately 95 percent.
The aim of this thesis is to price options on equity index futures with an application to standard options on S&P 500 futures traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Our methodology is based on stochastic dynamic programming, which can accommodate European as well as American options. The model accommodates dividends from the underlying asset. It also captures the optimal exercise strategy and the fair value of the option. This approach is an alternative to available numerical pricing methods such as binomial trees, finite differences, and ad-hoc numerical approximation techniques. Our numerical and empirical investigations demonstrate convergence, robustness, and efficiency. We use this methodology to value exchange-listed options. The European option premiums thus obtained are compared to Black's closed-form formula. They are accurate to four digits. The American option premiums also have a similar level of accuracy compared to premiums obtained using finite differences and binomial trees with a large number of time steps. The proposed model accounts for deterministic, seasonally varying dividend yield. In pricing futures options, we discover that what matters is the sum of the dividend yields over the life of the futures contract and not their distribution.
In the absence of market frictions, the cost-of-carry model of stock index futures pricing predicts that returns on the underlying stock index and the associated stock index futures contract will be perfectly contemporaneously correlated. Evidence suggests, however, that this prediction is violated with clear evidence that the stock index futures market leads the stock market. It is argued that traditional tests, which assume that the underlying data generating process is constant, might be prone to overstate the lead-lag relationship. Using a new test for lead-lag relationships based on cross correlations and cross bicorrelations it is found that, contrary to results from using the traditional methodology, periods where the futures market leads the cash market are few and far between and when any lead-lag relationship is detected, it does not last long. Overall, the results are consistent with the prediction of the standard cost-of-carry model and market efficiency.
This paper presents and implements a number of tests for non-linear dependence and a test for chaos using transactions prices on three LIFFE futures contracts: the Short Sterling interest rate contract, the Long Gilt government bond contract, and the FTSE 100 stock index futures contract. While previous studies of high frequency futures market data use only those transactions which involve a price change, we use all of the transaction prices on these contracts whether they involve a price change or not. Our results indicate irrefutable evidence of non-linearity in two of the three contracts, although we find no evidence of a chaotic process in any of the series. We are also able to provide some indications of the effect of the duration of the trading day on the degree of non-linearity of the underlying contract. The trading day for the Long Gilt contract was extended in August 1994, and prior to this date there is no evidence of any structure in the return series. However, after the extension of the trading day we do find evidence of a non-linear return structure.
Purpose – In 2001, Euronext-Liffe introduced single security futures contracts for the first time. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact that these single security futures had on the volatility of the underlying stocks. Design/methodology/approach – The Inclan and Tiao algorithm was used to show that the volatility of underlying securities did not change after universal futures were introduced. Findings – It was found that in the aftermath of the introduction of universal futures the volatility of the underlying securities increases. Increased volatility is not apparent in the control sample. This suggests that single security futures did have some impact on the volatility of the underlying securities. Originality/value – Despite the huge literature that has examined the effects of a futures listing on the volatility of underlying stock returns, little consensus has emerged. This paper adds to the dialogue by focusing on the effects of a single security futures contract rather than concentrating on the effects of index futures contracts.
Purpose – On 29 January 2001, Euronext LIFFE introduced single security futures contracts on a range of global companies. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact that the introduction of these futures contracts had on the behaviour of opening and closing UK equity returns. Design/methodology/approach – The paper models the price discovery process using the Amihud and Mendelson partial adjustment model which can be estimated using a Kalman filter. Findings – Empirical results show that during the pre-futures period both opening and closing returns under-react to new information. After the introduction of futures contracts opening returns over-react. A rise in the partial adjustment coefficient also takes place for closing returns but this is not large enough to cause over-reaction. Originality/value – This is the first study to examine the impact of a single security futures contract on the speed of spot market price discovery.
Prior finance literature lacks a comprehensive analysis of microstructure characteristics of U.S. futures markets due to the lack of data availability. Utilizing a unique data set for five different futures contract this dissertation fills this gap in the finance literature. In three essays price discovery, resiliency and the components of bid-ask spreads in electronic futures markets are examined. In order to provide comprehensive and robust analysis, both moderately volatile pre-crisis and volatile crisis periods are included in the analysis. The first essay entitled “Price Discovery and Liquidity Characteristics for U.S. Electronic Futures and ETF Markets” explores the price discovery process in U.S. futures and ETF markets. Hasbrouck’s information share method is applied to futures and ETF instruments. The information share results show that futures markets dominate the price discovery process. The results on the factors that affect the price discovery process show that when volatility increases, the price leadership of futures markets declines. Furthermore, when the relative size of bid-ask spread in one market increases, its information share decreases. The second essay, entitled “The Resiliency of Large Trades for U.S. Electronic Futures Markets,“ examines the effects of large trades in futures markets. How quickly prices and liquidity recovers after large trades is an important characteristic of financial markets. The price effects of large trades are greater during the crisis period compared to the pre-crisis period. Furthermore, relative to the pre-crisis period, during the crisis period it takes more trades until liquidity returns to the pre-block trade levels. The third essay, entitled “Components of Quoted Bid-Ask Spreads in U.S. Electronic Futures Markets,” investigates the bid-ask spread components in futures market. The components of bid-ask spreads is one of the most important subjects of microstructure studies. Utilizing Huang and Stoll’s (1997) method the third essay of this dissertation provides the first analysis of the components of quoted bid-ask spreads in U.S. electronic futures markets. The results show that order processing cost is the largest component of bid-ask spreads, followed by inventory holding costs. During the crisis period market makers increase bid-ask spreads due to increasing inventory holding and adverse selection risks.
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira
A speculative security is an asset whose payoff depends on a random shock uncorrelated with economic fundamentals (a sunspot) about which some traders have superior information. In this paper we show that agents may find it desirable to trade such a security in spite of the fact that it is a poorer hedge against their endowment risks as the time oftrade, and has an associated adverse selection cost. In the specific institutional setting of innovation of futures contracts, we show that a futures exchange may not have an incentive to introduce a speculative security even when all traders favor it.
El presente trabajo de grado busca definir cuál es el mejor método para determinar el valor en riesgo del contrato de futuro de energía eléctrica que se transa en Colombia, para cumplir con este objetivo se toma como referencia el marco histórico del VaR y de los futuros seguido de las características de la fijación de precios, la estructura del contrato, que políticas y métodos hay para cubrirse del riesgo y como se realiza en otros países, realizando algunos cálculos de los modelos más tradicionales del Var para luego incorporarlo al marco colombiano y al ente supervisor en este caso la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia.. Además de revisar las diferentes teorías de internacionalización económicas, de proceso y redes aplicadas al sector energético en Colombia., evaluando su proceso, alcance y posibles mercados futuros.
Este artigo tem como objetivo verificar a robustez do contéudo preditivo de regras da análise técnica, usando informações intradiárias do mercado futuro do índice de ações da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (Ibovespa Futuro). A metodologia sugerida foi a avaliacão em grupos, conforme os resultados de Baptista (2002), tal que as regras são obtidas conforme os resultados em alguns dos subperíodos estudados, sendo testadas em períodos subsequentes. Como resultado, obteve-se robustez ao longo do tempo e à taxa de amostragem dos dados no desempenho das regras acima do benchmark (buy-and-hold), porém considerações realistas acerca do momento de compra, assim como da corretagem (exceto grande investidor), podem reduzir substancialmente os ganhos
A pesquisa testa a existência, no mercado futuro brasileiro, do fenômeno que Keynes denominou de normal backwardation, isto é, a hipótese de que os preços futuros não são estimadores não viesados (unbiased estimators) do preço à vista esperado para o futuro. Quatro contratos futuros negociados na BM&F Bolsa de Mercadorias e Futuros foram estudados, a saber, futuro de Ibovespa, futuro de dólar comercial, futuro de boi gordo e futuro de café arábica, cobrindo o período de julho de 1994 a setembro de 1997. Cada contrato futuro citado foi submetido a quatro testes, sugeridos pelas implicações da hipótese de Keynes. Nossos resultados indicam que normal backwardation não é normal no mercado futuro brasileiro, repetindo as conclusões de vários estudos internacionais.
A pesquisa objetivou testar a existência, no mercado futuro brasileiro, do fenômeno que a literatura batizou como a Hipótese de Samuelson, que postula que a volatilidade dos retornos de preços futuros aumenta à medida que o vencimento do contrato respectivo se aproxima. Para testar a hipótese em foco, foram utilizados dados dos seguintes contratos futuros, negociados na BM&F - Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros : contrato futuro de Ibovespa, contrato futuro de dólar comercial, contrato futuro de boi gordo e contrato futuro de café arábica. O período abrangido estendeu-se de 30 de junho de 1994 a 30 de abril de 1998. Aplicação de quatro testes distintos a cada contrato não autoriza afirmar-se que a Hipótese de Samuelson se observa no mercado futuro brasileiro.
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo do impacto das negociações algorítmicas no processo de descoberta de preços no mercado de câmbio. Foram utilizados dados de negociação de alta frequência para contratos futuros de reais por dólar (DOL), negociados na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo no período de janeiro a junho de 2013. No intuito de verificar se as estratégias algorítmicas de negociação são mais dependentes do que as negociações não algorítmicas, foi examinada a frequência em que algoritmos negociam entre si e comparou-se a um modelo benchmark que produz probabilidades teóricas para diferentes tipos de negociadores. Os resultados obtidos para as negociações minuto a minuto apresentam evidências de que as ações e estratégias de negociadores algorítmicos parecem ser menos diversas e mais dependentes do que aquelas realizadas por negociadores não algorítmicos. E para modelar a interação entre a autocorrelação serial dos retornos e negociações algorítmicas, foi estimado um vetor autorregressivo de alta frequência (VAR) em sua forma reduzida. As estimações mostram que as atividades dos algoritmos de negociação causam um aumento na autocorrelação dos retornos, indicando que eles podem contribuir para o aumento da volatilidade.