24 resultados para filozofia egzystencjalna
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Mode of access: Internet.
To nie przypadek, że wyrażenie „wieczna kobiecość" ukute przez Goethego zbiega się w czasie z pierwszymi zachodnimi próbami emancypacji kobiet. W chwili, kiedy model kobiety istniejącej tylko w zależności od mężczyzny zaczyna być kwestionowany, kategoria wiecznej kobiecości pozwala ponownie potwierdzić ten model, wypełniając go pozytywnymi wartościami. Naturą kobiety jest być uległą i oddaną, a te cechy sprawiają, że kobieta jest depozytariuszem wszelkiej potencjalnej zbawczej łaski. Tak w Fauście Goethego, przypada Małgorzacie, dziewczynie naiwniej, niewinnej, niewykształconej i bez własnej woli, wykupić Fausta siłą swojej miłości. Wszystko dzieje się tak, jakby pozytywna kodyfikacja właściwości kobiet dzięki kategorii wiecznej kobiecości służyła tylko lepszemu ukryciu rzeczywistości ich ucisku; feministki jednak nie dają się zwieść: ideały popierane przez kategorię wiecznej kobiecości są a priori niezgodne z emancypacją kobiet. Karolina Světlá, jedna z najważniejszych postaci w walce o zrównanie praw między mężczyznami i kobietami w Czechach w XIX wieku, wykorzystywała przecież intensywnie w swojej literackiej twórczości ten model kobiety, która poświęca się dla kochanego mężczyzny i tym samym udaje się jej go "podciągnąć do góry" ("hinan zu ziehen", Goethe) oraz dać mu dostęp do "nieskończoności", "nieśmiertelności" i "wieczności". Czy jej teoretyczne pisma i jej działalność na rzecz emancypacji kobiet zaprzeczałyby jej tekstom literackim, na pierwszy rzut oka tak konwencjonalnym? W tym wykładzie podejmuję próbę odpowiedzi na to pytanie uważną lekturą jednego z jej najbardziej faustowskich opowiadań, mianowice "Czarna dziewanna".
W artykule przestawiono dotychczasowe rozwinięcia koncepcji narracji historycznej w perspektywie idealizacyjnej teorii nauki oraz przedstawiono propozycje nowych rozwinięć o wymiar perswazyjny i aksjologiczny.
Transhumanism is a philosophy whose essence is to use technology to overcome biological limitations of the man and improve the human condition. This overcoming and improvement are understood as freeing the man from illnesses, ageing processes, and achieving the state of full happiness, permanent, top excitement, as well as replacing many organs (and the entire body at some point) with artificial elements (better than the original ones). Transhumanism calls for maximum development and popularization of technology so that the above-mentioned full overcoming and human improvement could occur as soon as possible. This paper presents basic transhumanism ideas, stress the vision of education created within this philosophy and shows transhumanist projects (Clouds over Sidra, Eyeborg, VEST and BrainGate) that can transform education.
The connection between law and (imaginative) literature can still affect surprisingly. The theme of the present article is to summarize some of the basic features of the movement, which is called „Law and Literature” and to suggest some starting-points with which it is associated. These starting points include, for instance linguistic conception of law, narratology in law or the relations between law and culture. The article offers an overview of the classical approaches connecting law and literature and mentions the reasons for this connection: e.g. cultivation of law and lawyers, improvement of judicial decisions or improvement of legal interpretation. Some of the findings resulting from the joint of law and literature can be used in practice and goes beyond „mere” theory. The article is to be seen as an introduction to the movement of „Law and Literature”, presentation of ideas on which this movement is based and offering the possibility of its further development.
Trust is a pervasive phenomenon in our lives. We trust our family members and lovers, our physicians and teachers, our politicians and even strangers on the street. Trust has instrumental value for us, but at the same time it is often accompanied by risk. This is the reason why it is important to distinguish trust that is warranted or justified from blind trust. In order to answer the question how trust is justified, however, it is crucial to know exactly what is the fundamental nature of trust. In the paper, I reconstruct three accounts of trust that operate with the assumption that trust is fundamentally a mental state – the cognitivist account, the voluntaristic account and the affect-based account. I argue that all of these accounts make reference to deeply held intuitions about trust that are incompatible with each other. As a solution to this unfortunate dialectical situation, I suggest to give up the assumption that trust is primarily a mental state. Instead, I argue for a position according to which trust is best understood as a two-place predicate that characterizes a specific relationship in which we can stand to each other.
The article discusses a responsibility game which is, in fact a ‘question-answer-game’. Firstly, the characteristic of the responsibility game is made. Secondly, the ontology of the responsibility game is settled. Thirdly, the causality of our intentions and the process of decision making are analysed in-depth. Fourthly, the importance of a decision criterion for the process of decisionmaking is proven; whereby, a definition of an action an agent is morally responsible for is finally formulated.
The paper assumes that fear presents a certain degree of ambivalence. To say it with Hans Jonas (1903-1993), fear is not only a negative emotion, but may teach us something very important: we recognize what is relevant when we perceive that it is at stake. Under this respect, fear may be assumed as a guide to responsibility, a virtue that is becoming increasingly important, because of the role played by human technology in the current ecological crisis. Secondly, fear and responsibility concern both dimensions of human action: private-individual and publiccollective. What the ‘heuristics of fear’ teaches us, is to become aware of a deeper ambivalence, namely the one which characterizes as such human freedom, which may aim to good or bad, to self-preservation or self-destruction. Any public discussion concerning political or economic issues related with human action (at an individual or collective level) ought not to leave this essential idea out of consideration.
This article presents the Konstanz Method of Dilemma Discussion ® (KMDD ®) and explains the integration of the KMDD ® in ethics lessons. In this paper, some special learning effects of this inclusive teaching and learning method are shown. Furthermore, it investigates the questions of how to achieve more knowledge in ethics lessons by dialogue and how to realize better moral development, particularly by handling of differentiation. Moral education of all participants who are involved in the learning process (learners and teacher alike) is a crucial task of every true inclusion. True inclusion means building optimal learning conditions in keeping with the free will of all participants. Because our society is transforming constantly in both global and demographic aspects, coping with these challenges is mandatory.
The article consists of two parts. In the first part the author presents the characteristics of syllogistic reasoning, in the second part describes a set of exercises that are useful in teaching and developing the skill of syllogistic reasoning. The exercises belong to the teaching tools called interactive teaching methods and are of varying level of difficulty.