8 resultados para fansubbing
O presente relatório tem como principal objetivo a reflexão e transmissão do testemunho da estagiária acerca do seu percurso evolutivo desde tradutora e legendadora amadora até legendadora profissional. A nível das modalidades de tradução audiovisual, salienta a legendagem como sendo a opção tradicional em Portugal. Visa, em suma, destacar a atividade profissional da legendagem e distingui-la da natureza amadora e polémica do fansubbing, bem como perspetivar possíveis futuros para profissionais e amadores. O relatório procurará igualmente estabelecer a ligação entre os conhecimentos teóricos e a sua aplicação prática, com a finalidade de realçar as aprendizagens assimiladas relativamente a técnicas, procedimentos, recursos, etapas do trabalho de legendagem e processos desenvolvidos, nomeadamente na tradaptação do Português e na tradução Inglês-Português.
Fansub consiste à traduire et à sous-titrer les produits médiatiques étrangers tels que des films, des feuilletons ou des animes par des internautes bénévoles. Ce phénomène est aujourd’hui très répandu en Chine. Les amateurs s’organisent en groupes de fansub pour accomplir ce travail en collaboration. Les groupes de fansub se caractérisent par la virtualisation du lieu de travail, l’hétérogénéité des membres, la liberté de participation, la collaboration et la non-commercialité. Leur processus de travail et organisation est aussi particulier. Dans ce mémoire, je me suis intéressée à l’apprentissage des fansubbers, un aspect peu étudié dans la littérature sur le fansub. Le fansub a été abordé sous l’angle d’une communauté de pratiques pour comprendre comment les fansubbers acquièrent de nouvelles connaissances et améliorent leur compétence linguistique en sous-titrant les films de langue étrangère. L’étude est basée sur l’observation participative dans un groupe de fansub chinois-français, Fansub Yueyue. J’ai fait de l’observation participante auprès de ce groupe de fansub pour recueillir des traces du travail et des interactions entre les membres. Dix fansubbers du groupe ont aussi été interrogés. Les analyses ont indiqué que le groupe de fansub démontre les trois caractéristiques essentielles d’une communauté de pratique : l’entreprise commune, l’engagement mutuel et un répertoire partagé. Cet ensemble favorise l’existence du groupe ainsi que l’apprentissage des membres. Aussi, par l’analyse des erreurs fréquentes des fansubbers et leur autoévaluation, nous concluons que les pratiques de fansub aident les membres à améliorer leur compétence linguistique. L’apprentissage a lieu pendant le processus de travail de sous-titrage ainsi qu’à travers les interactions entre les membres ou avec des personnes hors de ce groupe.
The present dissertation aims at analyzing the construction of American adolescent culture through teen-targeted television series and the shift in perception that occurs as a consequence of the translation process. In light of the recent changes in television production and consumption modes, largely caused by new technologies, this project explores the evolution of Italian audiences, focusing on fansubbing (freely distributed amateur subtitles made by fans for fan consumption) and social viewing (the re-aggregation of television consumption based on social networks and dedicated platforms, rather than on physical presence). These phenomena are symptoms of a sort of ‘viewership 2.0’ and of a new type of active viewing, which calls for a revision of traditional AVT strategies. Using a framework that combines television studies, new media studies, and fandom studies with an approach to AVT based on Descriptive Translation Studies (Toury 1995), this dissertation analyzes the non-Anglophone audience’s growing need to participation in the global dialogue and appropriation process based on US scheduling and informed by the new paradigm of convergence culture, transmedia storytelling, and affective economics (Jenkins 2006 and 2007), as well as the constraints intrinsic to multimodal translation and the different types of linguistic and cultural adaptation performed through dubbing (which tends to be more domesticating; Venuti 1995) and fansubbing (typically more foreignizing). The study analyzes a selection of episodes from six of the most popular teen television series between 1990 and 2013, which has been divided into three ages based on the different modes of television consumption: top-down, pre-Internet consumption (Beverly Hills, 90210, 1990 – 2000), emergence of audience participation (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 1997 – 2003; Dawson’s Creek, 1998 – 2003), age of convergence and Viewership 2.0 (Gossip Girl, 2007 – 2012; Glee, 2009 – present; The Big Bang Theory, 2007 - present).
Questa tesi presenta un'analisi della community italiana di fansubbing di Italian Subs Addicted, nota come ItaSA. Dopo un'introduzione generale sul fenomeno del fansubbing, ovvero la traduzione amatoriale di sottotitoli, si passa a un'analisi della community stessa, della sua organizzazione interna e del test per diventare traduttori. Nel capitolo 4 vengono presentate le regole per la traduzione e la creazione di sottotitoli, con il supporto di screenshot di varie serie TV, e si ha la descrizione della traduzione di una puntata della serie TV "True Detective" in tempo reale. Il capitolo 5 tratta il rapporto tra gli utenti e lo staff della community, un elemento peculiare che contraddistingue il fansubbing dalla produzione di sottotitoli tradizionali. Il capitolo 6 analizza brevemente il controverso tema della legalità dei sottotitoli. Infine, nella conclusione ho inserito una questione che negli ultimi mesi è stata molto dibattuta nella community, ovvero le conseguenze dell’imminente avvento di Netflix, un servizio di TV online, sul futuro del fansubbing.
The aim of this thesis is to subtitle and analyze the subtitles of the animation movie directed by the Tomm Moore, Song of the Sea. It deals with the adventures of Saoirse, the last of the selkies, the mythological women who turned into seals, and his brother Ben to save the fairies and send them home. Although Italy is a “dubbing country”, I decided to subtitle the film not to affect the original audio track, as the Irish accent and Celtic melodies are a fundamental element in Song of the Sea. I chose this movie because it is a quality product (nominated in 2015 for "The Best Animation Movie”) which deserves to be commercialized outside film festivals. In a second phase, I analyzed my subtitles and compared them to amateur subtitles, created by the SRT Project group, to understand the strategies adopted and the basic differences between the two types of subtitling. My dissertation consists of three chapters. The first provides a general overview of audiovisual translation and language transfer methods, focusing on subtitling. The second chapter introduces the movie in an Irish context, and then analyzes the subtitling process, from the software used, to the translation strategies adopted. Finally, the third chapter describes the phenomenon of amateur subtitling, and the most important Italian communities of the current years. Moreover, I analyzed SRT Project fan translation, and asked them a set of questions about amateur subtitling and the translation of Song of the Sea, in order to understand this world and the fansubbing process. The Appendix includes my subtitles, as well as the questionnaire.
L'elaborato si occupa del problema della traduzione dei riferimenti culturali specifici nell'ambito della traduzione audiovisiva amatoriale (fansubbing). Dopo una breve panoramica sulla storia del fansubbing e sulle principali strategie utilizzate per la traduzione dei riferimenti, vengono analizzati i principali punti critici dell'episodio pilota della serie tv americana "House of Cards".
This dissertation focuses on the phenomenon of amateur subtitling, known as fansubbing. Although this phenomenon began in the late ‘80s, in recent years amateur subtitling has spread worldwide, thanks to both Internet and fan communities, also known as fandoms. At first, amateur subtitling was mainly centred on the translation of Japanese cartoons, but nowadays fandoms also tend to subtitle other kinds of audiovisual products, such as American TV series. Thanks to fansubbing, which is created by fans for other fans, fandoms claim that they would prefer to have subtitled rather than dubbed versions of audiovisual products, which is the norm in Italy and Spain. The dissertation provides a linguistic analysis of the fansubbing in Spanish of the Italian TV series Romanzo Criminale. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse fansubbing from the linguistic point of view, as well as from the point of view of the translation. Furthermore, it aims to evaluate to what extent this translation can be compared to professional subtitling. The first chapter offers an introduction to the TV series and provides an overview of the main events and characters. The second chapter deals with an analysis of the strategies that fansubbers use to translate cultural elements from Italian into Spanish. The third chapter focuses on linguistic mistakes due to calques and linguistic interference between Italian and Spanish. The fourth chapter provides an analysis of some translation errors which occurred during the decoding of the original text. The aim is to understand if this kind of mistake might jeopardize the comprehension of the original message.
La grande crescita e l'enorme distribuzione che hanno avuto negli ultimi tempi i moderni devices mobile (smartphones, tablet, dispositivi wearable, etc...) ha dato l'avvio ad un massiccio sviluppo di applicazioni mobile di qualunque genere, dall'health-care all'AR (Augmented Reality, realtà aumentata), dalle applicazioni social alle applicazioni che offrono servizi all'utente.