982 resultados para expressions figées
Thse numrise par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Universit de Montral
Les expressions figées ont t longtemps considres comme un aspect marginal de la langue. Il en rsulte un traitement trs fragmentaire et anarchique dans les dictionnaires, monolingues et bilingues, qui leur ont toujours accord et continuent de leur accorder une petite place. Les expressions figées comportent, en outre, des difficults de comprhension et de traduction dans la langue trangre car elles possdent des structures syntaxiques particulires qui nont pas toujours dquivalents analogues dans dautres langues. Cest pourquoi notre travail se donne pour objectif dvaluer la traduction en italien et, pour quelques ouvrages aussi en espagnol, des qubcismes phrasologiques, cest--dire des expressions figées appartenant la varit qubcoise du franais. Notre mmoire se divise en quatre chapitres. Le premier chapitre prsentera les thories linguistiques labores au cours des deux derniers sicles, selon les diffrentes approches que les linguistes ont adoptes pour dfinir et classifier les expressions figées. Dans le deuxime chapitre, nous analyserons le traitement des expressions figées lintrieur des dictionnaires bilingues franais-italien et franais-espagnol, afin de dterminer dans quelle mesure ces outils peuvent satisfaire les exigences des traducteurs. Pour finir, nous expliquerons les problmes lis la traduction des expressions figées et les stratgies que les traducteurs adoptent pour rsoudre ces problmes.Dans le troisime chapitre nous nous concentrerons sur la varit diatopique du franais du Qubec et sur les particularits que les expressions figées qubcoises prsentent par rapport aux expressions figées du franais de rfrence. Dans le quatrime et dernier chapitre, nous procderons lanalyse intralinguistique et contrastive des citations. Lanalyse intralinguistique a t possible grce la consultation de plusieurs dictionnaires francophones, qui servent pour tudier le sens des qubcismes et pour comprendre leur originalit par rapport au FrR. Lanalyse contrastive permettra dvaluer la traduction en italien et en espagnol des expressions figées qubcoises.
Depuis mon arrive en Italie jai t frappe par les grandes diffrences qui existent entre les expressions figées et idiomatiques dans les deux langues que sont le franais et lItalien. Etant dexpression francophone, et inscrite la facult de langue et de traduction, il ma t donn de constater que javais de grandes difficults traduire les expressions figées dune langue une autre. Et plus encore il tait trs difficile de leur trouver des dfinitions et expressions quivalentes. Fort de ce constat, je me suis intresse la possibilit danalyse des expressions figées du franais lItalien travers louvrage de Gaston Gross paru aux ditions OPHRYS, 1996, sous le titre : Les expressions figées en franais. Noms composs et autres locutions. Cet ouvrage constitue une avance importante dans les tudes et les recherches sur la mdiation linguistique et rejoint donc notre domaine de comptence. A travers cette analyse il sagira de se poser la question fondamentale : Quest-ce quune expression fige ? Quelles sont ses reprsentations et ses volutions dans cet ouvrage et comment seffectuent son passage et ses transformations dune langue une autre ? Pour tre plus prcis, dans notre cas, comment pouvons-nous tablir le passage des expressions figs du franais lItalien dans cet ouvrage de Gaston Gross ? En rpondant ces questions, nous partons sur la base de lhypothse que les expressions figées constituent une richesse dans une langue et sont difficilement traductibles dans une autre langue sans en perdre la richesse et la teneur, lors de ce processus. Notre travail consistera donc vrifier cette hypothse.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la presencia de la fraseologa en los niveles de enseanza obligatoria y proponer una serie de actividades cuyo objetivo sea desarrollar la competencia fraseolgica de hablantes nativos de espaol. Tras mostrar la importancia de la fraseologa como parte fundamental del caudal lingstico de un hablante nativo y defender la existencia de la competencia fraseolgica tambin en lengua materna, se examina la presencia de la fraseologa en las diferentes vertientes de la competencia en comunicacin lingstica del actual currculo: pragmtica, lingstica, sociolingstica y literaria. Se indica, adems, el importante papel que puede jugar al abordar determinados contenidos desde una perspectiva transversal (fraseologa y cultura). Para finalizar, se hacen algunas propuestas sobre cmo debe presentarse la fraseologa en lengua materna y se presentan diferentes actividades segn el nivel de enseanza.
En el presente artculo nos proponemos presentar una visin general de la fraseodidctica, una disciplina relativamente nueva que, hoy en da, gracias a un considerable nmero de trabajos centrados en diferentes aspectos concernientes a la enseanza de lenguas, se ha convertido en un campo de estudio independiente. As pues, no solo explicaremos la definicin del concepto fraseodidctica, sino tambin su evolucin y objetivos. Adems, presentaremos los motivos por los cuales la fraseologa debe contemplarse como una materia imprescindible e insoslayable en el aula de E/LE, as como indagaremos en diversas propiedades fraseolgicas que dificultan tanto la labor del docente como el proceso discente. Finalmente, partiendo de las ideas desarrolladas, ofreceremos consideraciones metodolgicas generales con interesantes implicaciones didcticas.
To examine the influence of l-arginine supplementation in combination with physical training on mitochondrial biomarkers from gastrocnemius muscle and its relationship with physical performance. Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control sedentary (SD), sedentary supplemented with l-arginine (SDLA), trained (TR) and trained supplemented with l-arginine (TRLA). Supplementation of l-arginine was administered by gavage (62.5mg/ml/day/rat). Physical training consisted of 60min/day, 5days/week, 0% grade, speed of 1.2km/h. The study lasted 8weeks. Skeletal muscle mitochondrial enriched fraction as well as cytoplasmic fractions were obtained for Western blotting and biochemical analyses. Protein expressions of transcriptor coactivator (PGC-1), transcriptor factors (mtTFA), ATP synthase subunit c, cytochrome oxidase (COXIV), constitutive nitric oxide synthases (eNOS and nNOS), Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and manganese-SOD (Mn-SOD) were evaluated. We also assessed in plasma: lipid profile, glycemia and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. The nitrite/nitrate (NOx(-)) levels were measured in both plasma and cytosol fraction of the gastrocnemius muscle. 8-week l-arginine supplementation associated with physical training was effective in promoting greater tolerance to exercise that was accompanied by up-regulation of the protein expressions of mtTFA, PGC-1, ATP synthase subunit c, COXIV, Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD. The upstream pathway was associated with improvement of NO bioavailability, but not in NO production since no changes in nNOS or eNOS protein expressions were observed. This combination would be an alternative approach for preventing cardiometabolic diseases given that in overt diseases a profound impairment in the physical performance of the patients is observed.
The van Genuchten expressions for the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties, first published in 1980, are used frequently in various vadose zone flow and transport applications assuming a specific relationship between the m and n soil hydraulic parameters. By comparison, probably because of the complexity of the hydraulic conductivity equations, the more general solutions with independent m and n values are rarely used. We expressed the general van Genuchten-Mualem and van Genuchten-Burdine hydraulic conductivity equations in terms of hypergeometric functions, which can be approximated by infinite series that converge rapidly for relatively large values of the van Genuchten-Mualem parameter n but only very slowly when n is close to one. Alternative equations were derived that provide very close approximations of the analytical results. The newly proposed equations allow the use of independent values of the parameters m and n in the soil water retention model of van Genuchten for subsequent prediction of the van Genuchten-Mualem and van Genuchten-Burdine hydraulic conductivity models, thus providing more flexibility in fitting experimental pressure-head-dependent water content, theta(h), and hydraulic conductivity, K(h), or K(theta) data.
The divided visual field technique was used to investigate the pattern of brain asymmetry in the perception of positive/approach and negative/withdrawal facial expressions. A total of 80 undergraduate students (65 female, 15 male) were distributed in five experimental groups in order to investigate separately the perception of expressions of happiness, surprise, fear, sadness, and the neutral face. In each trial a target and a distractor expression were presented simultaneously in a computer screen for 150 ms and participants had to determine the side (left or right) on which the target expression was presented. Results indicated that expressions of happiness and fear were identified faster when presented in the left visual field, suggesting an advantage of the right hemisphere in the perception of these expressions. Fewer judgement errors and faster reaction times were also observed for the matching condition in which emotional faces were presented in the left visual field and neutral faces in the right visual field. Other results indicated that positive expressions (happiness and surprise) were perceived faster and more accurately than negative ones (sadness and fear). Main results tend to support the right hemisphere hypothesis, which predicts a better performance of the right hemisphere to perceive emotions, as opposed to the approach-withdrawal hypothesis.
Background: Difficulties in emotion processing and poor social function are common to bipolar disorder (BD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) depression, resulting in many BID depressed individuals being misdiagnosed with MDD. The amygdala is a key region implicated in processing emotionally salient stimuli, including emotional facial expressions. It is unclear, however, whether abnormal amygdala activity during positive and negative emotion processing represents a persistent marker of BD regardless of illness phase or a state marker of depression common or specific to BID and MDD depression. Methods: Sixty adults were recruited: 15 depressed with BID type 1 (BDd), 15 depressed with recurrent MDD, 15 with BID in remission (BDr), diagnosed with DSM-IV and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Research Version criteria; and 15 healthy control subjects (HC). Groups were age- and gender ratio-matched; patient groups were matched for age of illness onset and illness duration; depressed groups were matched for depression severity. The BDd were taking more psychotropic medication than other patient groups. All individuals participated in three separate 3T neuroimaging event-related experiments, where they viewed mild and intense emotional and neutral faces of fear, happiness, or sadness from a standardized series. Results: The BDd-relative to HC, BDr, and MDD-showed elevated left amygdala activity to mild and neutral facial expressions in the sad (p < .009) but not other emotion experiments that was not associated with medication. There were no other significant between-group differences in amygdala activity. Conclusions: Abnormally elevated left amygdala activity to mild sad and neutral faces might be a depression-specific marker in BID but not MDD, suggesting different pathophysiologic processes for BD versus MDD depression.
The amygdala has a key role in automatic non-conscious processing of emotions. Highly salient emotional stimuli elicit amygdala activity, and happy faces are among the most rapidly perceived facial expressions. In backward masking paradigms, an image is presented briefly and then masked by another stimulus. However, reports of amygdala responses to masked happy faces have been mixed. In the present Study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine amygdala activation to masked happy, sad, and neutral facial expressions. Masked happy faces elicited greater amygdala activation bilaterally as compared to masked sad faces. Our findings indicate that the amygdala is highly responsive to non-consciously perceived happy facial expressions. (JINS, 2010, 16, 383-387.)
In this study, Bmp-4, Wnt-5a and Shh gene expressions were compared during early craniofacial development in mice by comparative non-isotopic in situ hybridization. Wild-type C57BL/6J mice were studied at various stages of embryonic development (from 8.5- to 13.5-day-old embryos - E8.5-13.5). During early odontogenesis, transcripts for Bmp-4, Shh and Wnt-5a were co-localised at the tooth initiation stage. At E8.5, Shh mRNA expression was restricted to diencephalon and pharyngeal endoderm. Before maxillae and mandible ossification, Bmp-4 and Wnt-5a signals were detected in the mesenchymal cells and around Meckel`s cartilage. During palatogenesis, Shh was expressed only in the epithelium and Wnt-5a only in the mesenchyme of the elevating palatal shelves. During tongue development, Shh expression was found in mesenchyme, probably contributing to tongue miogenesis, while Wnt-5a signal was in the epithelium, possibly during placode development and papillae formation. Taken together, these findings suggest that Bmp-4, Shh and Wnt-5a gene expressions may act together on the epithelial mesenchymal interactions occurring in several aspects of the early mouse craniofacial development, such as odontogenesis, neuronal development, maxillae and mandible ossification, palatogenesis and tongue formation. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
One of the main arguments in favour of the adoption and convergence with the international accounting standards published by the IASB (i.e. IAS/IFRS) is that these will allow comparability of financial reporting across countries. However, because these standards use verbal probability expressions (v.g. probable) when establishing the recognition and disclosure criteria for accounting elements, they require professional accountants to interpret and classify the probability of an outcome or event taking into account those terms and expressions and to best decide in terms of financial reporting. This paper reports part of a research we carried out on the interpretation of in context verbal probability expressions used in the IAS/IFRS by the auditors registered with the Portuguese Securities Market Commission, the Comisso do Mercado de Valores Mobilirios (CMVM). Our results provide support for the hypothesis that culture affects the CMVM registered auditors interpretation of verbal probability expressions through its influence on the accounting value (or attitude) of conservatism. Our results also suggest that there are significant differences in their interpretation of the term probable, which is consistent with literature in general. Since probable is the most frequent verbal probability expression used in the IAS/IFRS, this may have a negative impact on financial statements comparability.
Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informtica
We derive analytical expressions for the propagation speed of downward combustion fronts of thin solid fuels with a background flow initially at rest. The classical combustion model for thin solid fuels that consists of five coupled reaction-convection-diffusion equations is here reduced into a single equation with the gas temperature as the single variable. For doing so we apply a two-zone combustion model that divides the system into a preheating region and a pyrolyzing region. The speed of the combustion front is obtained after matching the temperature and its derivative at the location that separates both regions.We also derive a simplified version of this analytical expression expected to be valid for a wide range of cases. Flame front velocities predicted by our analyticalexpressions agree well with experimental data found in the literature for a large variety of cases and substantially improve the results obtained from a previous well-known analytical expression
Neuropathic pain is a common form of chronic pain, and is unsuccessfully alleviated by usual medications. Mounting evidence strongly point at non-neuronal glial cells in the spinal cord as key actors behind the persistence of pain. In particular, a change in the astrocytic capacity to regulate extracellular concentrations of neurotransmitters might account for the strengthened spinal nociceptive neurotransmission. Therefore, we investigated whether spinal expressions of GABA (GAT) and glutamate (EAAT) transporters were affected in the spared nerve injury (SNI) rat model of neuropathic pain. SNI was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats by a unilateral section of tibial and common peroneal branches of the sciatic nerve, leaving the sural branch untouched. Western-blot analysis was performed to study the expression of GAT-1 and GAT-3 as well as EAAT-1 and EAAT-2, the main astrocytic GABA and glutamate transporters respectively. Seven days post-surgery, a significant increase in GAT-1, GAT-3 and EAAT-1 expressions is detected in both ipsilateral and contralateral sides of lumbar spinal cord in comparison to sham animals. No change in EAAT-2 signal could be detected. Furthermore, the astrocytic reaction parallels the glutamate and GABA transporters changes as we found an increased GFAP expression compared to the sham condition, in both spinal sides. Together, our results indicate that modifications in GABA and glutamate transport may occur along with SNI-associated painful neuropathy and identify spinal neurotransmitter reuptake machinery as a putative pharmacological target in neuropathic pain.