27 resultados para eläimet


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Activation of midbrain dopamine systems is thought to be critically involved in the addictive properties of abused substances. Drugs of abuse increase dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and dorsal striatum, which are the target areas of mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopamine pathways, respectively. Dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens is thought to mediate the attribution of incentive salience to rewards, and dorsal striatal dopamine release is involved in habit formation. In addition, changes in the function of prefrontal cortex (PFC), the target area of mesocortical dopamine pathway, may skew information processing and memory formation such that the addict pays an abnormal amount of attention to drug-related cues. In this study, we wanted to explore how long-term forced oral nicotine exposure or the lack of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), one of the dopamine metabolizing enzymes, would affect the functioning of these pathways. We also wanted to find out how the forced nicotine exposure or the lack of COMT would affect the consumption of nicotine, alcohol, or cocaine. First, we studied the effect of forced chronic nicotine exposure on the sensitivity of dopamine D2-like autoreceptors in microdialysis and locomotor activity experiments. We found that the sensitivity of these receptors was unchanged after forced oral nicotine exposure, although an increase in the sensitivity was observed in mice treated with intermittent nicotine injections twice daily for 10 days. Thus, the effect of nicotine treatment on dopamine autoreceptor sensitivity depends on the route, frequency, and time course of drug administration. Second, we investigated whether the forced oral nicotine exposure would affect the reinforcing properties of nicotine injections. The chronic nicotine exposure did not significantly affect the development of conditioned place preference to nicotine. In the intravenous self-administration paradigm, however, the nicotine-exposed animals self-administered nicotine at a lower unit dose than the control animals, indicating that their sensitivity to the reinforcing effects of nicotine was enhanced. Next, we wanted to study whether the Comt gene knock-out animals would be a suitable model to study alcohol and cocaine consumption or addiction. Although previous work had shown male Comt knock-out mice to be less sensitive to the locomotor-activating effects of cocaine, the present study found that the lack of COMT did not affect the consumption of cocaine solutions or the development of cocaine-induced place preference. However, the present work did find that male Comt knock-out mice, but not female knock-out mice, consumed ethanol more avidly than their wild-type littermates. This finding suggests that COMT may be one of the factors, albeit not a primary one, contributing to the risk of alcoholism. Last, we explored the effect of COMT deficiency on dorsal striatal, accumbal, and prefrontal cortical dopamine metabolism under no-net-flux conditions and under levodopa load in freely-moving mice. The lack of COMT did not affect the extracellular dopamine concentrations under baseline conditions in any of the brain areas studied. In the prefrontal cortex, the dopamine levels remained high for a prolonged time after levodopa treatment in male, but not female, Comt knock-out mice. COMT deficiency induced accumulation of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, which increased further under levodopa load. Homovanillic acid was not detectable in Comt knock-out animals either under baseline conditions or after levodopa treatment. Taken together, the present results show that although forced chronic oral nicotine exposure affects the reinforcing properties of self-administered nicotine, it is not an addiction model itself. COMT seems to play a minor role in dopamine metabolism and in the development of addiction under baseline conditions, indicating that dopamine function in the brain is well-protected from perturbation. However, the role of COMT becomes more important when the dopaminergic system is challenged, such as by pharmacological manipulation.


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The objective of the dissertation was to determine the concept of sustainable development according to current understanding and to analyze the structuration of sustainable daily life and how it varies between different groups. The present dissertation is both a literature-based theoretical study and data-based empirical research. The theoretical framework of the study was a greated model of the Structuration of Sustainability in Everyday Life. The model is based on a synthesis of Giddens Theory of Structuration (1984), Spaargaren JA van Vliet's Theory of Consumption as Social Practices (2000) and principles of sustainable development. According to the model created, sustainable everyday life is generated in a context of internal and external factors compromising the interests of ecosystems, society and business. The literature used in the thesis included international and national statements on sustainable development and research into sustainability and the transition to sustainable societies. The data were collected at Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The discretionary sample consisted of students of social services (n = 210) and were collected using the semantic differential technique. The data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. The results showed that the value placed on ecological, economic and social sustainability increased with age. Activity in non governmental organizations was associated with the acceptance of sustainable development as a whole and especially with global responsibility. Women's everyday life promoted sustainability more than men´s. People living in Helsinki had more sustainable ways of living than those living in the surrounding municipalities because of greater recycling and the low importance given to ownership. Prefering vegetarian food turned out to be a real opportunity for a more sustainable way of living because there were few barriers identified. Contradictory human behavior occurred when advanced sustainable consumer were ready to risk their health. The importance of communality was high and it was considered an aspect of health. The most significant obstacles to sustainable development in daily life were high costs, lack of knowledge and busyness. Similar attitudes towards sustainable development translate into different people´s behavior, which indicates complexities of the behaviour change in the context of sustainable development. The role of non governmental organizations is significant in increasing global responsibility. Education presents an opportunity to increase sustainability, but there are challenges to face from system thinking and in understanding entities in a state of transition towards sustainable everyday life. The responsibility of policy makers is paramount because high costs create a barrier to a sustainable way of living. The implementation of the concept of sustainable development should be focused on the planetary ethics which cover humans, animals, plants and ecosystems. Keywords: Sustainable development, sustainable thinking, behaviour change  


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"I want there now!" Images of the future in the drawings of Ghanaian, British, Finnish and Tanzanian children The aim of the Thesis is to examine what kind of images children aged between 8 and 12 years in Ghana, Great Britain, Finland and Tanzania hold of their future. The study is a qualitative analysis based on data that consists of 214 drawings, digitally photographed and analysed using AtlasTI computer program. The data was coded and divided into " families " whose frequencies were compared in order to maintain results. The assignment was given to the children in the language used in the school and it was similar in each country. The children were introduced to the idea with a set of stimulating questions and after that they were asked to draw and colour with a pen a picture of 1) him/herself as an adult, 2) his/her future home and 3) the people and the animals they think they will be living with. The children were also asked to write down the country and the place they believe to live in their future. They were also encouraged to write down e.g. their dream profession, what they would like to have as hobbies in their adulthood and other important things in their lives. The analysis focuses on the content of the drawings instead of artistic or psychological interpretations. The differences between the drawings from different countries as well as the differences in a single country were significant. The current trends and the experiences children had lived through were present in the drawings. There were no differences in the colour of the skin and the most popular professions were doctor, police and football player. The football was very strongly present in all of the data; almost fourth of the children had either drawn or mentioned football as their future profession or hobby. Different flora was present in 84% of Tanzanian and 70% of Ghanaian drawings compared to the 23% of British and 17% of Finnish drawings. Of all the family forms a dream of the traditional nuclear family could be found among 29% of the drawings. Compared to that a total of 30% wanted either a child of their own without a spouse (15%) or a spouse without a child (15%). Also grandparents, childhood friends, other adults, animals or even space aliens were present and sharing a home with the children in the drawings. Of all children 15% wanted to live totally alone in the future. This was most typical (38%) among the Finnish boys. The cat and the dog were the most popular animals to appear in the drawings. Moving abroad proved to be purely a western phenomenon, dreamed by 57% of the British and 18% of the Finnish children. As results, a negative self-image, violence, lack of expressions of positive feelings and solitude among the Finnish boys in the data were very concerning. Keywords: Images of the future, future studies, future-education, picture analysis


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Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis occur during development as the result of tightly coordinated signalling programs to generate two hierarchically organised vascular systems. All tissues and organs are dependent on a functional blood vasculature for oxygen and nutrients, whereas the lymphatic vasculature functions to collect excess tissue fluid, passing it through lymph nodes for immune surveillance, and returning it to the blood circulation. Effectors that control developmental angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are also involved in pathological settings, and therefore potential targets for therapy. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiopoietin (Ang) growth factors, signalling through endothelial VEGFR and Tie receptors, have been established as key regulators of angiogenic and lymphangiogenic processes in development and disease. In this study, we aimed to obtain a clearer understanding of the vascular effects of stimulation by VEGF-C, Ang1 and Ang2, all known to be involved in lymphangiogenesis. In cell culture models, we found that both intrinsic and microenvironmental regulatory mechanisms are involved in the regulation of endothelial cell phenotypes, and distinct responses to VEGF signalling are induced by specific receptor pathways in different endothelial cell types. Surprisingly, we also found that Ang1 induces sprouting lymphangiogenesis in vivo by a VEGFR-3 dependent mechanism, establishing Ang1 as a novel lymphangiogenic factor. Using inducible transgenic mouse models, we found that VEGF-C-induced lymphatic hyperplasia persisted independently of the growth factor, indicating that short pro-lymphangiogenic therapy could lead to lasting improvements in tissue oedema. While VEGF-C had blood vessel effects in embryos, no angiogenic side effects were observed in adult tissues. Furthermore, inducible transgenic expression of Ang2 during embryonic development confirmed Ang2 as an important regulator of lymphatic remodelling and mural cell contacts. The unexpected similarity of the lymphatic maturation defects caused by excess Ang2 to those observed in Ang2 deficient mice demonstrated that correct doses of Ang2 are crucial for the control of lymphatic development. Unlike Ang1, Ang2 did not induce lymphatic sprouting. Although Ang1 has been shown to be able to substitute for Ang2 during developmental lymphangiogenesis, their lymphatic effects are not identical. These findings further our understanding of the basic mechanisms of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, important for the future development of targeted therapies for vascular diseases such as cancer, inflammation, lymphoedema and ischemia. VEGF-C and Ang1 especially emerged as promising candidates for pro-lymphangiogenic therapy.


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In Finland, suckler cow production is carried out in circumstances characterized by a long winter period and a short grazing period. The traditional winter housing system for suckler cows has been insulated or uninsulated buildings, but there is a demand for developing less expensive housing systems. In addition, more information is needed on new winter feeding strategies, carried out in inexpensive winter facilities with conventional (hay, grass silage, straw) or alternative (treated straw, industrial by-product, whole-crop silage) feeds. The new feeding techniques should not have any detrimental effects on animal welfare in order to be acceptable to both farmers and consumers. Furthermore, no official feeding recommendations for suckler cows are available in Finland and, thus, recommendations for dairy cows have been used. However, this may lead to over- or underfeeding of suckler cows and, finally, to decreased economic output. In Experiment I, second-calf beef-dairy suckler cows were used to compare the effects of diets based on hay (H) or urea-treated straw (US) at two feeding levels (Moderate; M vs. Low; L) on the performance of cows and calves. Live weight (LW) gain during the indoor feeding was lower for cows on level L than on level M. Cows on diet US lost more LW indoors than those on diet H. The cows replenished the LW losses on good pasture. Calf LW gain and cow milk production were unaffected by the treatments. Conception rate was unaffected by the treatments but was only 69%. Urea-treated straw proved to be a suitable winter feed for spring-calving suckler cows. Experiment II studied the effects of feeding accuracy on the performance of first- and second-calf beef-dairy cows and calves. In II-1, the day-to-day variation in the roughage offered ranged up to ± 40%. In II-2, the same variation was used in two-week periods. Variation of the roughages offered had minor effects on cow performance. Reproduction was unaffected by the feeding accuracy. Accurate feeding is not necessary for young beef-dairy crosses, if the total amount of energy offered over a period of a few weeks fulfills the energy requirements. Effects of feeding strategies with alternative feeds on the performance of mature beef-dairy and beef cows and calves were evaluated in Experiment III. Two studies consisted of two feeding strategies (Step-up vs. Flat-rate) and two diets (Control vs. Alternative). There were no differences between treatments in the cow LW, body condition score (BCS), calf pre-weaning LW gain and cow reproduction. A flat-rate strategy can be practised in the nutrition of mature suckler cows. Oat hull based flour-mill by product can partly replace grass silage and straw in the winter diet. Whole-crop barley silage can be offered as a sole feed to suckler cows. Experiment IV evaluated during the winter feeding period the effects of replacing grass silage with whole-crop barley or oat silage on mature beef cow and calf performance. Both whole-crop silages were suitable winter feeds for suckler cows in cold outdoor winter conditions. Experiment V aimed at assessing the effects of daily feeding vs. feeding every third day on the performance of mature beef cows and calves. No differences between the treatments were observed in cow LW, BCS, milk production and calf LW. The serum concentrations of urea and long-chain fatty acids were increased on the third day after feeding in the cows fed every third day. Despite of that the feeding every third day is an acceptable feeding strategy for mature suckler cows. Experiment VI studied the effects of feeding levels and long-term cold climatic conditions on mature beef cows and calves. The cows were overwintered in outdoor facilities or in an uninsulated indoor facility. Whole-crop barley silage was offered either ad libitum or restricted. All the facilities offered adequate shelter for the cows. The restricted offering of whole-crop barley silage provided enough energy for the cows. The Finnish energy recommendations for dairy cows were too high for mature beef breed suckler cows in good body condition at housing, even in cold conditions. Therefore, there is need to determine feeding recommendations for suckler cows in Finland. The results showed that the required amount of energy can be offered to the cows using conventional or alternative feeds provided at a lower feeding level, with an inaccurate feeding, flat-rate feeding or feeding every third day strategy. The cows must have an opportunity to replenish the LW and BCS losses at pasture before the next winter. Production in cold conditions can be practised in inexpensive facilities when shelter against rain and wind, a dry resting place, adequate amounts of feed suitable for cold conditions and water are provided for the animals as was done in the present study.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää väkirehumäärän vaikutuksia lypsylehmien säilörehun syöntiin ja syöntikäyttäytymiseen sekä tuotokseen lypsykauden alussa. Väkirehun määrän vaikutuksia on tutkittu paljon niukemmalla väkirehustuksella. Tilojen väkirehun osuus rehustuksessa saattaa ylittää jopa 60 %, joten on tärkeää selvittää väkevän rehustuksen vaikutusta lehmiin. Tutkimustietoa väkirehun määrän vaikutuksista säilörehupohjaisella ruokinnalla lypsykauden alussa on myös suhteellisen vähän. Koe suoritettiin Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskuksessa (MTT) Jokioisissa Minkiön koenavetassa 20.9.2005 - 25.4.2006 välisenä aikana. Koe tehtiin pihaton osastossa, jossa oli säilörehun syöntiä mittaavat vaakakupit. Koe tehtiin jatkuvana ryhmäkokeena satunnaistetun koemallin mukaisesti. Koe-eläiminä oli 30 Ayshire-lehmää, joista 12 oli ensikoita ja 18 vanhempaa lehmää. Eläimet otettiin kokeeseen poikimisen jälkeen ja ne olivat mukana kokeessa 100 ensimmäisen lypsypäivän ajan. Kokeessa oli kaksi ryhmää eli matalan väkirehutason eläimet (MVR) sekä korkean väkirehutason eläimet (KVR). Vähemmän väkirehua saaneet eläimet saivat väkirehua 10 kg (ensikot) tai 13 kg (vanhemmat lehmät) päivässä. Väkevämmän ruokinnan ryhmässä vastaavat väkirehumäärät olivat 15 kg (ensikot) ja 18 kg (vanhemmat lehmät). Herutuksen kesto oli MVR-ryhmässä 11 vuorokautta ja KVR-ryhmässä 17 vuorokautta. Väkirehun määrän lisääminen vähensi säilörehun syöntiä, mutta lisäsi syönnin kokonaismäärää. Toteutuneet väkirehun osuudet kuiva-aineen syönnin kokonaismäärästä olivat 64 % (KVR) ja 52 % (MVR). Syönnin kokonaismäärä oli KVR-ryhmässä keskimäärin 2,1 kg kuiva-ainetta suurempi kuin MVR-ryhmässä. Säilörehun syönti oli MVR-ryhmässä keskimäärin 9,4 kg ka ja KVR-ryhmässä 7,9 kg ka. Korvaussuhde oli 0,41 kg ka säilörehua / kg ka väkirehua. Säilörehun syönnissä oli havaittavissa neljä syöntihuippua, eikä syönnin rytmittyminen poikennut juuri ryhmien välillä. Syöntihuiput tapahtuivat rehunjaon ja lypsyn jälkeen. Lisäksi keskiyöllä oli havaittavissa pienempi syöntihuippu. Enemmän väkirehua saaneet lehmät söivät säilörehua yhtä monta kertaa päivässä, mutta söivät numeerisesti nopeammin. Niiden yksittäinen syöntikerta oli lyhyempi ja sen aikana syöntimäärä oli pienempi kuin MVR-ryhmän eläimillä. Säilörehun syöntimäärä lisääntyi poikimisen jälkeen molemmissa ryhmissä, mutta määrän lisääntyminen tapahtui nopeammin vähemmän väkirehua saaneiden ryhmässä. Syöntimäärän lisääntyminen on selitettävissä kokonaissyöntiajan lisääntymisellä, sekä syöntiajan lisääntymisellä syöntikertaa kohden. Sitävastoin syöntinopeus hidastui lypsykauden edetessä. Tässä kokeessa ei saavutettu tuotosvastetta väkirehun määrää lisäämällä, vaikka rehun kokonaissyönti lisääntyi selvästi. Tuotosvaste oli vain 0,027 kg/kg ka väkirehua. Energiakorjattuna maitona ilmaistuna tuotosvaste oli negatiivinen eli - 0,22 EKM/kg ka. Huono tuotosvaste voi johtua tässä kokeessa väkirehun suuresta määrästä ja koostumuksesta. Suurempi kuiva-aineen syönti näytti kerryttävän KVR-ryhmän eläinten elopainoa maidontuotannon sijaan. Maidon rasva- ja valkuaispitoisuuksissa ei havaittu merkitseviä eroja ryhmien välillä, mutta pitoisuudet olivat pienempiä KVR-ryhmässä MVR-ryhmään verrattuna.


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Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis are among the major enteropathogenic bacteria causing infections in humans in many industrialized countries. In Finland, Y. pseudotuberculosis has caused 10 outbreaks among humans during 1997-2008. Some of these outbreaks have been very extensive involving over 400 cases; mainly children attending schools and day-care. Y. enterocolitica, on the contrary, has caused mainly a large number of sporadic human infections in Finland. Y. pseudotuberculosis is widespread in nature, causing infections in a variety of domestic and wild animals. Foodborne transmission of human infections has long been suspected, however, attempts to trace the pathogen have been unsuccessful before this study that epidemiologically linked Y. pseudotuberculosis to a specific food item. Furthermore, due to modern food distribution systems, foodborne outbreaks usually involve many geographically separate infection clusters difficult to identify as part of the same outbreak. Among pathogenic Y. enterocolitica, the global predominance of one genetically homogeneous type (bioserotype 4/O:3) is a challenge to the development of genetic typing methods discriminatory enough for epidemiological purposes, for example, for tracing back to the sources of infections. Furthermore, the diagnostics of Y. enterocolitica infections is hampered because clinical laboratories easily misidentify some other members of the Yersinia species (Y. enterocolitica–like species) as Y. enterocolitica. This results in misleading information on the prevalence and clinical significance of various Yersinia isolates. The aim of this study was to develop and optimize molecular typing methods to be used in epidemiological investigations of Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis, particularly in active surveillance and outbreak investigations of Y. pseudotuberculosis isolates. The aim was also to develop a simplified set of phenotypic tests that could be used in routine diagnostic laboratories for the correct identification of Y. enterocolitica and Y. enterocolitica –like species. A PFGE method designed here for typing of Y. pseudotuberculosis was efficient in linking the geographically dispersed and apparently unrelated Y. pseudotuberculosis infections as parts of the same outbreak. It proved to be useful in active laboratory-based surveillance of Y. pseudotuberculosis outbreaks. Throughout the study period, information about the diversity of genotypes among outbreak and non-outbreak related strains of human origin was obtained. Also, to our knowledge, this was the first study to epidemiologically link a Y. pseudotuberculosis outbreak of human illnesses to a specific food item, iceberg lettuce. A novel epidemiological typing method based on the use of a repeated genomic region (YeO:3RS) as a probe was developed for the detection and differentiation between strains of Y. enterocolitica subspecies palearctica. This method was able to increase the discrimination in a set of 106 previously PFGE typed Finnish Y. enterocolitica bioserotype 4/O:3 strains among which two main PFGE genotypes had prevailed. The developed simplified method was a more reliable tool than the commercially available biochemical test kits for differentiation between Y. enterocolitica and Y. enterocolitica –like species. In Finland, the methods developed for Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis have been used to improve the identification protocols and in subsequent outbreak investigations.


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Being at the crossroads of the Old World continents, Western Asia has a unique position through which the dispersal and migration of mammals and the interaction of faunal bioprovinces occurred. Despite its critical position, the record of Miocene mammals in Western Asia is sporadic and there are large spatial and temporal gaps between the known fossil localities. Although the development of the mammalian faunas in the Miocene of the Old World is well known and there is ample evidence for environmental shifts in this epoch, efforts toward quantification of habitat changes and development of chronofaunas based on faunal compositions were mostly neglected. Advancement of chronological, paleoclimatological, and paleogeographical reconstruction tools and techniques and increased numbers of new discoveries in recent decades have brought the need for updating and modification of our level of understanding. We under took fieldwork and systematic study of mammalian trace and body fossils from the northwestern parts of Iran along with analysis of large mammal data from the NOW database. The data analysis was used to study the provinciality, relative abundance, and distribution history of the closed- and open-adapted taxa and chronofaunas in the Miocene of the Old World and Western Asia. The provinciality analysis was carried out, using locality clustering, and the relative abundance of the closed- and open-adapted taxa was surveyed at the family level. The distribution history of the chronofaunas was studied, using faunal resemblance indices and new mapping techniques, together with humidity analysis based on mean ordinated hypsodonty. Paleoichnological studies revealed the abundance of mammalian footprints in several parts of the basins studied, which are normally not fossiliferous in terms of body fossils. The systematic study and biochronology of the newly discovered mammalian fossils in northwestern Iran indicates their close affinities with middle Turolian faunas. Large cranial remains of hipparionine horses, previously unknown in Iran and Western Asia, are among the material studied. The initiation of a new field project in the famous Maragheh locality also brings new opportunities to address questions regarding the chronology and paleoenvironment of this classical site. Provinciality analysis modified our previous level of understandings, indicating the interaction of four provinces in Western Asia. The development of these provinces was apparently due to the presence of high mountain ranges in the area, which affected the dispersal of mammals and also climatic patterns. Higher temperatures and possibly higher co2 levels in the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum apparently favored the development of the closed forested environments that supported the dominance of the closed-adapted taxa. The increased seasonality and the progressive cooling and drying of the midlatitudes toward the Late Miocene maintained the dominance of open-adapted faunas. It appears that the late Middle Miocene was the time of transition from a more forested to a less forested world. The distribution history of the closed- and open-adapted chronofaunas shows the presence of cosmopolitan and endemic faunas in Western Asia. The closed-adapted faunas, such as the Arabian chronofauna of the late Early‒early Middle Miocene, demonstrated a rapid buildup and gradual decline. The open-adapted chronofaunas, such as the Late Miocene Maraghean fauna, climaxed gradually by filling the opening environments and moving in response to changes in humidity patterns. They abruptly declined due to demise of their favored environments. The Siwalikan chronofauna of the early Late Miocene remained endemic and restricted through all its history. This study highlights the importance of field investigations and indicates that new surveys in the vast areas of Western Asia, which are poorly sampled in terms of fossil mammal localities, can still be promising. Clustering of the localities supports the consistency of formerly known patterns and augments them. Although the quantitative approach to relative abundance history of the closed- and open-adapted mammals harks back to more than half a century ago, it is a novel technique providing robust results. Tracking the history of the chronofaunas in space and time by means of new computational and illustration methods is also a new practice that can be expanded to new areas and time spans.


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Several organs of the embryo develop as appendages of the ectoderm, the outermost layer of the embryo. These organs include hair follicles, teeth and mammary glands, which all develop as a result of reciprocal tissue interactions between the surface epithelium and the underlying mesenchyme. Several signalling molecules regulate ectodermal organogenesis the most important ones being Wnts, fi broblast growth factors (Fgfs), transforming growth factor -βs (Tgf-βs) including bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmps), hedgehogs (Hhs), and tumour necrosis factors (Tnfs). This study focuses on ectodysplasin (EDA), a signalling molecule of the TNF superfamily. The effects of EDA are mediated by its receptor EDAR, an intracellular adapter protein EDARADD, and downstream activation of the transcription factor nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-кB). Mice deficient in Eda (Tabby mice), its receptor Edar (downless mice) or Edaradd (crinkled mice) show identical phenotypes characterised by defective ectodermal organ development. These mouse mutants serve as models for the human syndrome named hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) that is caused by mutations either in Eda, Edar or Edaradd. The purpose of this study was to characterize the ectodermal organ phenotype of transgenic mice overexpressing of Eda (K14-Eda mice), to study the role of Eda in ectodermal organogenesis using both in vivo and in vitro approaches, and to analyze the potential redundancy between the Eda pathway and other Tnf pathways. The results suggest that Eda plays a role during several stages of ectodermal organ development from initiation to differentiation. Eda signalling was shown to regulate the initiation of skin appendage development by promoting appendageal cell fate at the expense of epidermal cell fate. These effects of Eda were shown to be mediated, at least in part, through the transcriptional regulation of genes that antagonized Bmp signalling and stimulated Shh signalling. It was also shown that Eda/Edar signalling functions redundantly with Troy, which encodes a related TNF receptor, during hair development. This work has revealed several novel aspects of the function of the Eda pathway in hair and tooth development, and also suggests a previously unrecognized role for Eda in mammary gland development.


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Growth is a fundamental aspect of life cycle of all organisms. Body size varies highly in most animal groups, such as mammals. Moreover, growth of a multicellular organism is not uniform enlargement of size, but different body parts and organs grow to their characteristic sizes at different times. Currently very little is known about the molecular mechanisms governing this organ-specific growth. The genome sequencing projects have provided complete genomic DNA sequences of several species over the past decade. The amount of genomic sequence information, including sequence variants within species, is constantly increasing. Based on the universal genetic code, we can make sense of this sequence information as far as it codes proteins. However, less is known about the molecular mechanisms that control expression of genes, and about the variations in gene expression that underlie many pathological states in humans. This is caused in part by lack of information about the second genetic code that consists of the binding specificities of transcription factors and the combinatorial code by which transcription factor binding sites are assembled to form tissue-specific and/or ligand-regulated enhancer elements. This thesis presents a high-throughput assay for identification of transcription factor binding specificities, which were then used to measure the DNA binding profiles of transcription factors involved in growth control. We developed ‘enhancer element locator’, a computational tool, which can be used to predict functional enhancer elements. A genome-wide prediction of human and mouse enhancer elements generated a large database of enhancer elements. This database can be used to identify target genes of signaling pathways, and to predict activated transcription factors based on changes in gene expression. Predictions validated in transgenic mouse embryos revealed the presence of multiple tissue-specific enhancers in mouse c- and N-Myc genes, which has implications to organ specific growth control and tumor type specificity of oncogenes. Furthermore, we were able to locate a variation in a single nucleotide, which carries a susceptibility to colorectal cancer, to an enhancer element and propose a mechanism by which this SNP might be involved in generation of colorectal cancer.


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The removal of non-coding sequences, introns, is an essential part of messenger RNA processing. In most metazoan organisms, the U12-type spliceosome processes a subset of introns containing highly conserved recognition sequences. U12-type introns constitute less than 0,5% of all introns and reside preferentially in genes related to information processing functions, as opposed to genes encoding for metabolic enzymes. It has previously been shown that the excision of U12-type introns is inefficient compared to that of U2-type introns, supporting the model that these introns could provide a rate-limiting control for gene expression. The low efficiency of U12-type splicing is believed to have important consequences to gene expression by limiting the production of mature mRNAs from genes containing U12-type introns. The inefficiency of U12-type splicing has been attributed to the low abundance of the components of the U12-type spliceosome in cells, but this hypothesis has not been proven. The aim of the first part of this work was to study the effect of the abundance of the spliceosomal snRNA components on splicing. Cells with a low abundance of the U12-type spliceosome were found to inefficiently process U12-type introns encoded by a transfected construct, but the expression levels of endogenous genes were not found to be affected by the abundance of the U12-type spliceosome. However, significant levels of endogenous unspliced U12-type intron-containing pre-mRNAs were detected in cells. Together these results support the idea that U12-type splicing may limit gene expression in some situations. The inefficiency of U12-type splicing has also promoted the idea that the U12-type spliceosome may control gene expression, limiting the mRNA levels of some U12-type intron-containing genes. While the identities of the primary target genes that contain U12-type introns are relatively well known, little has previously been known about the downstream genes and pathways potentially affected by the efficiency of U12-type intron processing. Here, the effects of U12-type splicing efficiency on a whole organism were studied in a Drosophila line with a mutation in an essential U12-type spliceosome component. Genes containing U12-type introns showed variable gene-specific responses to the splicing defect, which points to variation in the susceptibility of different genes to changes in splicing efficiency. Surprisingly, microarray screening revealed that metabolic genes were enriched among downstream effects, and that the phenotype could largely be attributed to one U12-type intron-containing mitochondrial gene. Gene expression control by the U12-type spliceosome could thus have widespread effects on metabolic functions in the organism. The subcellular localization of the U12-type spliceosome components was studied as a response to a recent dispute on the localization of the U12-type spliceosome. All components studied were found to be nuclear indicating that the processing of U12-type introns occurs within the nucleus, thus clarifying a question central to the field. The results suggest that the U12-type spliceosome can limit the expression of genes that contain U12-type introns in a gene-specific manner. Through its limiting role in pre-mRNA processing, the U12-type splicing activity can affect specific genetic pathways, which in the case of Drosophila are involved in metabolic functions.


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The aim of the studies reported in this thesis was to examine the feeding interactions between calanoid copepods and toxic algae in the Baltic Sea. The central questions in this research concerned the feeding, survival and egg production of copepods exposed to toxic algae. Furthermore, the importance of copepods as vectors in toxin transfer was examined. The haptophyte Prymnesium parvum, which produces extracellular toxins, was the only studied species that directly harmed copepods. Beside this, it had allelopathic effects (cell lysis) on non-toxic Rhodomonas salina. Copepods that were exposed to P. parvum filtrates died or became severely impaired, although filtrates were not haemolytic (indicative of toxicity in this study). Monospecific Prymnesium cell suspensions, in turn, were haemolytic and copepods in these treatments became inactive, although no clear effect on mortality was detected. These results suggest that haemolytic activity may not be a good proxy of the harmful effects of P. parvum. In addition, P. parvum deterred feeding, and low egestion and suppressed egg production were consequently observed in monospecific suspensions of Prymnesium. Similarly, ingestion and faecal pellet production rates were suppressed in high concentration P. parvum filtrates and in mixtures of P. parvum and R. salina. These results indicate that the allelopathic effects of P. parvum on other algal species together with lowered viability as well as suppressed production of copepods may contribute to bloom formation and persistence. Furthermore, the availability of food for planktivorous animals may be affected due to reduced copepod productivity. Nodularin produced by Nodularia spumigena was transferred to Eurytemora affinis via grazing on filaments of small N. spumigena and by direct uptake from the dissolved pool. Copepods also acquired nodularin in fractions where N. spumigena filaments were absent. Thus, the importance of microbial food webs in nodularin transfer should be considered. Copepods were able to remove particulate nodularin from the system, but at the same time a large proportion of the nodularin disappeared. This indicates that copepods may possess effective mechanisms to remove toxins from their tissues. The importance of microorganisms, such as bacteria, in the degradation of cyanobacterial toxins could also be substantial. Our results were the first reports of the accumulation of diarrhetic shellfish toxins (DSTs) produced by Dinophysis spp. in copepods. The PTX2 content in copepods after feeding experiments corresponded to the ingestion of <100 Dinophysis spp. cells. However, no DSTs were recorded from field-collected copepods. Dinophysis spp. was not selected by the copepods and consumption remained low. It seems thus likely that copepods are an unimportant link in the transfer of DSTs in the northern Baltic Sea.


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In the present thesis, questions of spectral tuning, the relation of spectral and thermal properties of visual pigments, and evolutionary adaptation to different light environments were addressed using a group of small crustaceans of the genus Mysis as a model. The study was based on microspectrophotometric measurements of visual pigment absorbance spectra, electrophysiological measurements of spectral sensitivities of dark-adapted eyes, and sequencing of the opsin gene retrieved through PCR. The spectral properties were related to the spectral transmission of the respective light environments, as well as to the phylogentic histories of the species. The photoactivation energy (Ea) was estimated from temperature effects on spectral sensitivity in the long-wavelength range, and calculations were made for optimal quantum catch and optimal signal-to-noise ratio in the different light environments. The opsin amino acid sequences of spectrally characterized individuals were compared to find candidate residues for spectral tuning. The general purpose was to clarify to what extent and on what time scale adaptive evolution has driven the functional properties of (mysid) visual pigments towards optimal performance in different light environments. An ultimate goal was to find the molecular mechanisms underlying the spectral tuning and to understand the balance between evolutionary adaptation and molecular constraints. The totally consistent segregation of absorption maxima (λmax) into (shorter-wavelength) marine and (longer-wavelength) freshwater populations suggests that truly adaptive evolution is involved in tuning the visual pigment for optimal performance, driven by selection for high absolute visual sensitivity. On the other hand, the similarity in λmax and opsin sequence between several populations of freshwater M. relicta in spectrally different lakes highlights the limits to adaptation set by evolutionary history and time. A strong inverse correlation between Ea and λmax was found among all visual pigments studied in these respects, including those of M. relicta and 10 species of vertebrate pigments, and this was used to infer thermal noise. The conceptual signal-to-noise ratios thus calculated for pigments with different λmax in the Baltic Sea and Lake Pääjärvi light environments supported the notion that spectral adaptation works towards maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio rather than quantum catch as such. Judged by the shape of absorbance spectra, the visual pigments of all populations of M. relicta and M. salemaai used exclusively the A2 chromophore (3, 4-dehydroretinal). A comparison of amino acid substitutions between M. relicta and M. salemaai indicated that mysid shrimps have a small number of readily available tuning sites to shift between a shorter - and a longer -wavelength opsin. However, phylogenetic history seems to have prevented marine M. relicta from converting back to the (presumably) ancestral opsin form, and thus the more recent reinvention of marine spectral sensitivity has been accomplished by some other novel mechanism, yet to be found


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Benthic-pelagic coupling describes processes that operate across and between the seafloor and open-water ecosystems. In soft-sediment communities, bioturbation by sediment-dwelling and epibenthic organisms may strongly shape habitat characteristics and influence processes, e.g. biogeochemical cycling, which supplies bioavailable nutrients to pelagic primary producers. In addition, benthic fauna may mediate benthic-pelagic coupling by affecting the survival and hatching of zooplankton dormant eggs in the sediment. In the shallow waters and seasonally fluctuating environment of the Baltic Sea, emergence from the seafloor essentially contributes to the dynamics of zooplankton pelagic populations. In this thesis, I examine how benthic organisms with different functional traits affect the link between the benthic and pelagic systems in the northern Baltic Sea. By means of experimental laboratory studies, the effects of sediment-dwelling (Monoporeia affinis, Macoma balthica and Marenzelleria spp.) and nectobenthic (Mysis spp.) taxa on the survival and hatching of zooplankton benthic eggs and on benthic nutrient fluxes and sediment structure were investigated. In the predation studies, the nectobenthic mysids Mysis spp. preyed upon benthic eggs of the cladoceran Bosmina longispina maritima (syn. B. coregoni maritima), both in pelagic and benthic environments. Of the sediment-dwelling species, the amphipod M. affinis and the bivalve M. balthica reduced the number of cladoceran eggs in the sediment, whereas the polychaetes Marenzelleria spp. had no effects on cladoceran eggs. Both M. balthica and M. affinis also increased the mortality rates of benthic eggs of copepods and rotifers. It was estimated that zooplankton eggs provide an additional carbon source for food-limited benthic communities. The results indicate that predation pressure on zooplankton benthic eggs may be strong, but varies widely depending on the season and the functional characteristics of the macrofauna. Macoma balthica buried cladoceran eggs and a fluorescent tracer from the sediment surface to a depth of 3 4 cm, indicating efficient sediment mixing. In contrast, the other taxa had fewer effects on particle distributions. In addition to organic matter mineralization, particle mixing is crucial to the success of benthic recruitment of zooplankton, since only eggs close to the sediment surface may hatch. Macoma balthica and M. affinis altered the patterns of zooplankton emergence from the sediment. In general, the highest emergence rates were observed in the absence of macroscopic fauna, and M. balthica exerted a stronger suppressive effect than M. affinis. Moreover, copepods were less severely affected than cladocerans, while only one species (Temora longicornis) clearly benefited from the presence of the macrofauna. These differences probably result from species-specific differences in the resistance of eggs to disturbances. The results show that benthic fauna may considerably alter the patterns of zooplankton emergence from the seafloor, thereby shaping zooplankton pelagic populations. The semi-motile M. balthica and Marenzelleria spp. increased the fluxes of phosphate and ammonium from the sediment to the water, whereas the motile M. affinis and Mysis mixta had a contrasting effect. In the eutrophied Baltic Sea, efficient internal cycling of bioavailable nutrients forms a strong feedback inhibiting the recovery of the ecosystem. Based on the results, a change in species dominance from the two motile taxa, susceptible to oxygen deficiency, to the more tolerant semi-motile taxa provides additional feedback, strengthening internal nutrient cycling and accelerating eutrophication, with deteriorating near-bottom oxygen conditions and changes in the benthic communities. In shallow-water ecosystems, benthic nutrient regeneration plays a key role in determining the overall productivity of the ecosystem. In addition, the results of this study show that the communities in the benthos may essentially contribute to the structure of those in the plankton.


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Occupational rhinitis is mainly caused by work environment and not by stimuli encountered outside the workplace. It differs from rhinitis that is worsened by, but not mainly caused by, workplace exposures. Occupational rhinitis can develop in response to allergens, inhaled irritants, or corrosive gases. The thesis evaluated the use of challenge tests in occupational rhinitis diagnostics, studied the long-term health-related quality of life among allergic occupational rhinitis patients, and the allergens of wheat grain among occupational respiratory allergy patients. The diagnosed occupational rhinitis was mainly allergic rhinitis, which was caused by occupational agents, most commonly flours and animal allergens. The non-IgE-mediated rhinitis reactions were less frequent and caused more often asthma than rhinitis. Both nasal challenges and inhalation challenges were found to be safe tests. The inhalation challenge tests had considerably resource-intensive methodology. However, the evaluation of nasal symptoms and signs together with bronchial reactions saved time and expense compared with the organization of multiple individual challenges. The scoring criteria used matched well with the weighted amount of discharge ≥ 0.2 g and in most cases gave comparable results. The challenge tests are valuable tools when there is uncertainty whether the patient's exposure should be reduced or discontinued. It was found that continuing exposure decreases health-related quality of life among patients with allergic occupational rhinitis despite of rhinitis medications, still approximately ten years after the diagnosis. Health-related quality of life among occupational rhinitis patients without any longer occupational exposure was mainly similar than that of the healthy controls. This highlights the importance of the reduction and cessation of occupational exposure. To achieve this, 17% of occupational rhinitis patients had been re-educated. Alpha-amylase inhibitors, lipid transfer protein 2G, thaumatin -like protein, and peroxidase I were found to be relevant allergens in Finnish patients with occupational respiratory wheat allergy. Of these allergens, thaumatin-like protein and lipid transfer protein 2G were found as new allergens associated with baker's rhinitis and asthma. The knowledge of the new clinically relevant proteins can be used in the future in the development of better standardized diagnostic preparations.