947 resultados para dificuldades dos alunos
Dissertação mest., Matemática, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino de Matemática no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Secundário
This research project aims to determine the main way that the inclusion of topics of history and philosophy of science education activities aimed at high school, influence the process of teaching and learning of chemistry. The subject of research will be a teacher, undergraduate student in chemistry and public school students that the teaching units developed will be applied. The literature presents a large of research indicating the need to include these topics in education and present the results of large withdrawals of original sources of the development of scientific knowledge. Despite of the large number of these works are not very common reports of application of the results of these studies on activities of the classroom, which reinforces the importance of this study
Relatório Final apresentado para a obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico
Relatório Final apresentado para a obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico
Relatório apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Enisno do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
Este estudo trata das dificuldades que os professores de matemática encontram na sua prática diária de sala de aula, dificuldades estas que sempre existiram e parecem persistir apesar das tentativas de solucioná-las. O trabalho desenvolveu-se através de entrevistas, ob servações de aulas e reuniões de área. Os maiores problemas apontados foram: formação do professor, conteúdo programático, aprendizagem, avaliação e dificuldades dos alunos. Cada um destes itens foi aprofundado sempre que necessario. Procurou-se esclarecer todos e com isto encontrar caminhos. Após caracterizá-los, passou-se às dificuldades dos alunos; são enfocadas apenas as mais significativas, segundo os professores. Foi aplicado um teste onde muitas delas se confirmaram. Concluiu-se que a prática da matemática em nossas escolas continua ineficiente. O seu ensino não acompanha as necessidades da sociedade, os professores tendem a abandonar a profissão por causa dos baixos salários, os alunos são reprovados em massa e abandonam seus estudos, os livros apenas acrescentam ou retiram conteúdos, as escolas continuam formando alunos passivos e pouco criticos em relação à matemáti ca. Muitas tentativas ainda serão feitas mas nao se pode contar com a certeza do retorno porque o professor não é valorizado e nem ouvido quando se trata de apresentar propostas. Os poucos resultados positivos observados partiram deles que sempre procuram soluções práticas e não dispendiosas para resolver seus problemas. Finalizando o trabalho foram apresentadas sugestões dos professores e se acredita que muitas produzem resultado positivo em pouco tempo.
In today`s society the use of so-called information technology and communication (ICT), is promoting a revolution in the forms of teaching and learning through the methods of distance learning courses, especially in higher education. Studies show that students in this way have great difficulties in the learning process, especially when dealing with experimental subjects that require high power of abstraction as chemistry. The goal of this work is to promote improvement in the teaching and learning in the discipline Chemistry of Life offered for the Bachelor`s Degree in Chemistry in distance UFRN. For this we analyzed evidence of the semester 2011.2, in order to identify what are the main difficulties of the students on the assessments. That`s why video lessons related to matters that create the majority of difficulties for students were developed, the final product this work. Being obtained the improvements by video classes in the learning process of the students, from a questionnaire answered by the students in the virtual learning environment, and from their success rate at the end of the course
In humans, psychic and motor skills are interdependent, and therefore, cannot fail to take into account the influence of a good psychomotor development in the prevention of learning difficulties. Another factor that interferes with the learning process is the social. Family problems, socioeconomic status of the child, among others, may be associated with learning difficulties and, consequently, the student's performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate through the elements of psychomotor, if a delay in neuropsychomotor development may be related to the presence of learning problems in children entering elementary school. Also, determine whether there were differences regarding the presence or absence of these difficulties in students from middle and low social class and have family problems or not. For this, we analyzed two classes of 49 students from 1 year of elementary education at a public school in the city of Bauru/SP, aged between 6 and 7 years. These students were tested for the ENE proposed by Lefèvre (1976) to assess the maturity of the nervous system. A pre-designed questionnaire was answered by the teachers of classes to know students' academic performance, learning difficulties presented by them, social status and the presence of family problems. All students participating in the survey had the term sheet signed by the parents, allowing participation in the study. To reach the results, we applied the Anova and Tukey test for comparison analysis of mean age in the performance of ENE. To investigate the existence of a relationship between performance in the ENE and learning difficulties, we used the calculation of Pearson correlation. To analyze the difference in average scores of learning disabilities in students from different social classes and among those who had family problems or not, comparative graphs were used with the averages obtained from the questionnaire answered by the teachers for each learning...
Inside my participation in the Teacher Education for the Educational Service of Students with Learning Disabilities extension project, which serves elementary school students which are presented by the school as students with learning desabilities in reading and writing, and in view of the large amount of material already published in relation of this issue it is necessary theoretical depth to better understand these entitled desabilities. Considering as how they are perceived and diagnosed by the school team, worked in the context of the classroom, understood by the parents and how these difficulties intefere in the lives of these students. It is known that due to these difficulties many students end up producing a feeling of school failure, a fact that leads, in many cases, to the dropout of these students. Given the need to discuss such pressing issues I present as the goal of this paper: characterize what learning to write and reading difficulties really are and speculate what are the possibilities of educational interventions within the school context to motivate and assist in overcoming the students‟ learning difficulties. Using resources such as a record notebook, activities already implemented, and leaning on the concept of school failure and learning difficulties, the metodology of this study is defined as documentary literature
Neste artigo estuda-se a prontidão de alunos do ensino superior para a aprendizagem de álgebra linear, salientando a natureza teórica desta área de conhecimento. Participaram no estudo alunos do ensino superior, de uma turma do 1.º ano, de um Instituto Politécnico do norte de Portugal. Os alunos responderam a um teste diagnóstico, cujas questões incorporavam conteúdos lecionados durante os anos escolares anteriores à entrada no ensino superior, considerados como pré-requisito para a aprendizagem de álgebra linear numa vertente mais teórica. Dos resultados do estudo, destacam-se as grandes dificuldades dos alunos em todos os conteúdos avaliados, verificando-se que mais de metade apresentou respostas incorretas ou não respondeu às questões colocadas, donde se conclui que os alunos não apresentam um grau de prontidão adequado para aprendizagem de álgebra linear.
The study of solutions is considered very important to chemist’s education because most of the chemical reactions occur in aqueous medium, being also required to understand other subject such as chemical changes, electrochemical and chemical balance. Nevertheless, it is noticed that many students indicate learning difficulties related to the content of solutions, how to pass among the macro-submicroscopic knowledge levels, and how to solve quantitative problems that demanding the establishment of a stoichiometric ratios. This thesis defended considers the use of contextualized teaching strategies about some subject associated to the study of solution, can foster student learning through reflection and understanding of their own difficulties, besides to provide motivation and active participation. The target group is formed by students of the undergraduate distance education with major in chemistry education of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), and they were chosen because this education system is expanding and its learning difficulties publications number is reduced as well. Thus, the first methodological stage was to identify the student’s main learning difficulties associated to the study of solutions through literature sources. Next, using an adapted script of the Plano Nacional do Livro Didático para o Ensino Médio (PNLEM, Textbook National Plan for High School), the approach of the content of solutions printed in educational materials used by the target group was analyzed. Afterward, a teaching unit was planned in the last methodological stage and, finally, a new teaching unite was given with a sequence of contextualized activities such as video presentation, dialogued lecture, questionnaires application, exercises, and an experiment, where the target group’s main difficulties related to learning of solution were identified. The participants of the teaching unit activities had some learning difficulties in understand concepts of compound, ion, charge, entropy and solubility, as well as to identify the ion charge, interpret statements, decode tables, use the chemical language, perform mathematical calculations and use concentration units, similar results raised in the literature sources. In order to work on these difficulties, these students were encouraged to expose, question and test their ideas about the phenomenon under study, allowing learn from their mistakes and reflect on the organization strategy of scientific explanatory models they use. Therefore, activities and information about learning difficulties presented in this thesis need to be critical reflection object, because it can help both students in the process of acquiring knowledge about the content of solutions and professors in the planning of their lessons.