930 resultados para desmosomes, desmoglein 2, cell adhesion, RNAi, Colitis ulcerosa, cre recombination, transgenic mice


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Desmosomen sind hoch organisierte adhäsive interzelluläre Verbindungen, die benachbarte Zellen durch Verankerung mit den Intermediärfilamenten des Zytoskeletts miteinander verknüpfen und so Zellen und Geweben Stabilität verleihen. Die Adhäsionsmoleküle der Desmosomen sind die desmosomalen Cadherine. Diese transmembranen Glykoproteine gehen im Interzellulärraum Verbindungen mit den desmosomalen Cadherinen der Nachbarzelle ein und sind im zytoplasmatischen Bereich Anheftungspunkte für weitere an der Desmosomenbildung beteiligte Proteine. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Rolle von Desmoglein 2 (Dsg 2), einem in allen Epithelien exprimierten desmosomalen Cadherin. Da der konstitutive knock out von Dsg 2 embryonal letal ist, wurde im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit eine transgene Maus generiert, in der die Reduktion von Dsg 2 temporär regulierbar war (konditionaler knock down). Dazu wurde der Mechanismus der RNA Interferenz genutzt, wodurch Sequenz-spezifische, post-transkriptionelle Regulation von Genen möglich ist. Unter Verwendung eines über Cre/lox-induzierbaren Vektors wurden transgene Mäuse generiert, welche nach Induktion Dsg 2 shRNA exprimieren, die in der Zelle in siRNA umgewandelt wird und zum Abbau der Dsg 2 mRNA führt. Durch Verpaarung der generierten Dsg 2 knock down Maus mit der über Tamoxifen induzierbaren Cre Deleter knock in Mauslinie Rosa26CreERT2 konnte deutliche Reduktion der Dsg 2 Proteinmenge in Leber, Darm und Herz erreicht werden. In Immunfärbungen der Leber wurde zudem eine reduzierte Desmosomenbildung durch Expression der Dsg 2 shRNA detektiert. Die für diese Versuche generierte und getestete Rosa26CreERT2 Mauslinie ermöglichte jedoch nicht in allen Zellen eines Gewebes die komplette Aktivierung der Cre Rekombinase und damit die Expression der shRNA. Dadurch entstanden mosaikartige Wildtyp/knock down-Gewebe, in denen noch ausreichend Desmosomen gebildet wurden, um die Gewebestabilität und -struktur zu erhalten. Für eine funktionale Untersuchung von Dsg 2 in Zusammenhang mit der chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankung Colitis ulcerosa wurden die Dsg 2 knock down Mäuse mit Darm-spezifischen, induzierbaren Cre Deleter Mäusen (VillinCreERT2) verpaart. Nach Aktivierung der Cre Rekombinase mittels Tamoxifen wurde in bitransgenen Tieren über Gabe von Azoxymethan (AOM) und Dextransodiumsulfat (DSS) Colitis ulcerosa induziert. Diese entzündliche Erkrankung des Darms ist mit der Induktion von Darmtumoren assoziiert. Bereits nach einmaliger Induktion mit AOM/DSS wurde in der ersten endoskopischen Untersuchung eine starke Entzündung des Darmgewebes und die Ausbildung von flächig wachsenden Tumoren in den Dsg 2 knock down Tieren hervorgerufen. Es ist anzunehmen, dass durch knock down von Dsg 2, und die damit verbundene verminderte Desmosomenbildung und Zelladhäsion, Infiltration von Bakterien durch die epitheliale Barriere des Darms möglich war, und so die Entzündungsreaktion in der Darmmukosa verstärkte. In Zusammenhang mit Verlust der epithelialen Festigkeit durch verringerte Zellkontakte kam es zur Hyperproliferation der Darmmukosa, die sich in Ausbildung von flächigen Tumoren äußerte. In weiteren Experimenten müssen nun die Tumore und das entzündete Gewebe der Colitis-induzierten Mäuse mittels Immunfluoreszenz untersucht werden, um Veränderungen in der Desmosomenformation in situ detektieren zu können. Des Weiteren sind Verpaarungen der Dsg 2 knock down Maus mit anderen Cre Rekombinase exprimierenden Mauslinien möglich, um den Einfluss von Dsg 2 auch in anderen Geweben, beispielsweise im Herzen, zu untersuchen. Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit zeigt also erstmalig den ursächlichen Zusammenhang zwischen Dsg 2 und dem Auftreten von Colitis-assoziierten Tumoren in einem konditionalen RNAi-vermittelten knock down Tiermodell. Die Etablierung dieser Maus ist somit das erste konditionale Mausmodell, welches die bei vielen Krebspatienten gefundenen flachzellig wachsenden Tumore in vivo rekapituliert. Vorausschauend kann man sagen, dass mit Hilfe des im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit entwickelten Tiermodells wichtige Erkenntnisses über die Pathologie von Darmtumoren erbracht werden können, die unser Verständnis der Colitis-induzierten Tumorentstehung verbessern.


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Helper T (Th) cells are classified as Th1 or Th2 cells by virtue of cytokine secretion and function as mediators of cellular or humoral immunity, respectively. Cytokines also regulate the differentiation of Th cells. For example, interleukin (IL)-12 promotes Th1 and suppresses Th2 cell development, suggesting that IL-12 may be useful therapeutically in Th2-mediated autoimmune and allergic disorders. Therefore, the effect of systemic IL-12 treatment on in vivo autoantibody synthesis in hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-expressing transgenic mice, which is dependent on self-reactive Th2 cells, was examined. Low-dose IL-12 significantly inhibited autoantibody production by shifting the Th2-mediated response toward Th1 predominance. Additionally, previous studies suggest that a predominance of HBeAg-specific Th2-type cells may contribute to chronicity in hepatitis B virus infection. Therefore, IL-12 may also prove beneficial in modulating the HBeAg-specific Th response to favor viral clearance in chronic hepatitis B virus infection.


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Desmosomen sind hoch organisierte interzelluläre Verbindungen, die Zellverbänden eine mechanische Stabilität verleihen. Die Intermediärfilamentnetzwerke benachbarter Zellen werden mit Hilfe der desmosomalen Cadherine vom Desmoglein- und Desmocollin-Typ miteinander verknüpft. Diese Glykoproteine interagieren miteinander im Interzellularspalt zwischen benachbarten Zellen und stellen mit ihren zytoplasmatischen Domänen einen Ankerpunkt für desmosomale Brückenproteine dar, an welche wiederum die Proteine des Intermediärfilament-Zytoskeletts binden. Bei der Maus spielt das desmosomale Cadherin Desmoglein 2 (DSG2) bereits in frühen Stadien der Embryogenese eine entscheidende Rolle. Homozygote DSG2-Knockout-Mäuse sterben bereits vor der Implantation des Embryos ab. Im adulten Tier ist Dsg2 die am weitesten verbreitete Isoform, in Darm, Leber und Herzmuskel wird es zudem exklusiv exprimiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Bedeutung von Dsg2 in differenzierten Gewebeverbänden adulter Tiere zu untersuchen. Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurden mehrere transgene Mauslinien hergestellt, in denen mit Hilfe des Cre/loxP-Systems eine Deletion im DSG2-Gen konditional und gewebsspezifisch induziert werden konnte. Dazu wurden zuerst zwei loxP-Sequenzen und eine mit zwei FRT-Stellen flankierte Neomyzinresistenzgen-Kassette in das DSG2-Gen von embryonalen Stammzellen durch homologe Rekombination eines Targeting-Konstrukts inseriert. Diese Zellen wurden in Blastozysten injiziert und Mauslinien hergestellt. Mit Hilfe der Flpe-Rekombinase wurde anschließend die Resistenzenzgen-Kassette entfernt. Diese Stämme wurden mit Mäusen verpaart, die eine induzierbare und gewebsspezifische Synthese der Cre-Rekombinase ermöglichen. Im Darmepithel und der Leber konnte eine gewebsspezifische Rekombination des DSG2-Gens induziert werden. Untersuchungen der DSG2-mRNA zeigten, dass die DSG2-Rekombination in der Darmschleimhaut nahezu vollständig erfolgte. Immunfluoreszenz-Analysen an Gewebsfragmenten induzierter Tiere mit Isotyp-spezifischen Antikörpern, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hergestellt worden waren, zeigten jedoch keine signifikanten Unterschiede der Desmosomenzahl und -verteilung. Daher wurden eGFP-Hybride des zu erwartenden mutierten Dsg2-Proteins in Zellen exprimiert und mit wildtypischem Dsg2 verglichen. Es konnte hinsichtlich der Verteilung und Morphologie der Desmosomen keine Unterschiede zwischen beiden Dsg2-Proteinen festgestellt werden. Der Dsg2-Mutante fehlen wichtige Proteinbereiche, die für die trans-Interaktion der extrazellulären Domäne verantwortlich sind, die Haupt-N-Glykosylierungsstelle, sowie eine der insgesamt vier Kalzium-Bindestellen. Dies sind Eigenschaften, von denen man bisher annahm, dass sie eine zentrale Bedeutung für die desmosomale Adhäsion besitzen. Weitere Experimente werden zeigen, inwieweit die hergestellte Dsg2-Mutante in „Stresssituationen“, wie sie z.B. bei Regenerationsvorgängen oder der Tumorgenese auftreten, zu veränderten adhäsiven Eigenschaften führt.


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Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1) (CD31), a member of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily of cell adhesion molecules with six Ig-like domains, has a range of functions, notably its contributions to leukocyte extravasation during inflammation and in maintaining vascular endothelial integrity. Although PECAM-1 is known to mediate cell adhesion by homophilic binding via domain 1, a number of PECAM-1 heterophilic ligands have been proposed. Here, the possibility that heparin and heparan sulfate (HS) are ligands for PECAM-1 was reinvestigated. The extracellular domain of PECAM-1 was expressed first as a fusion protein with the Fc region of human IgG1 fused to domain 6 and second with an N-terminal Flag tag on domain 1 (Flag-PECAM-1). Both proteins bound heparin immobilized on a biosensor chip in surface plasmon resonance (SPR) binding experiments. Binding was pH-sensitive but is easily measured at slightly acidic pH. A series of PECAM-1 domain deletions, prepared in both expression systems, were tested for heparin binding. This revealed that the main heparin-binding site required both domains 2 and 3. Flag-PECAM-1 and a Flag protein containing domains 1-3 bound HS on melanoma cell surfaces, but a Flag protein containing domains 1-2 did not. Heparin oligosaccharides inhibited Flag-PECAM-1 from binding immobilized heparin, with certain structures having greater inhibitory activity than others. Molecular modeling similarly identified the junction of domains 2 and 3 as the heparin-binding site and further revealed the importance of the iduronic acid conformation for binding. PECAM-1 does bind heparin/HS but by a site that is distinct from that required for homophilic binding.


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Background: Human melanoma frequently colonizes bone marrow (BM) since its earliest stage of systemic dissemination, prior to clinical metastasis occurrence. However, how melanoma cell adhesion and proliferation mechanisms are regulated within bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) microenvironment remain unclear. Consistent with the prometastatic role of inflammatory and angiogenic factors, several studies have reported elevated levels of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in melanoma although its pathogenic role in bone marrow melanoma metastasis is unknown. Methods: Herein we analyzed the effect of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor celecoxib in a model of generalized BM dissemination of left cardiac ventricle-injected B16 melanoma (B16M) cells into healthy and bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-pretreated mice to induce inflammation. In addition, B16M and human A375 melanoma (A375M) cells were exposed to conditioned media from basal and LPS-treated primary cultured murine and human BMSCs, and the contribution of COX-2 to the adhesion and proliferation of melanoma cells was also studied. Results: Mice given one single intravenous injection of LPS 6 hour prior to cancer cells significantly increased B16M metastasis in BM compared to untreated mice; however, administration of oral celecoxib reduced BM metastasis incidence and volume in healthy mice, and almost completely abrogated LPS-dependent melanoma metastases. In vitro, untreated and LPS-treated murine and human BMSC-conditioned medium (CM) increased VCAM-1-dependent BMSC adherence and proliferation of B16M and A375M cells, respectively, as compared to basal medium-treated melanoma cells. Addition of celecoxib to both B16M and A375M cells abolished adhesion and proliferation increments induced by BMSC-CM. TNF alpha and VEGF secretion increased in the supernatant of LPS-treated BMSCs; however, anti-VEGF neutralizing antibodies added to B16M and A375M cells prior to LPS-treated BMSC-CM resulted in a complete abrogation of both adhesion-and proliferation-stimulating effect of BMSC on melanoma cells. Conversely, recombinant VEGF increased adherence to BMSC and proliferation of both B16M and A375M cells, compared to basal medium-treated cells, while addition of celecoxib neutralized VEGF effects on melanoma. Recombinant TNFa induced B16M production of VEGF via COX-2-dependent mechanism. Moreover, exogenous PGE2 also increased B16M cell adhesion to immobilized recombinant VCAM-1. Conclusions: We demonstrate the contribution of VEGF-induced tumor COX-2 to the regulation of adhesion-and proliferation-stimulating effects of TNFa, from endotoxin-activated bone marrow stromal cells, on VLA-4-expressing


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Objective: Our research program has focused on the development of promising, soft alkylating N-phenyl-N’-(2-chloroethyl)urea (CEU) compounds which acylate the glutamic acid-198 of β-tubulin, near the binding site of colchicum alkaloids. CEUs inhibit the motility of cancerous cells in vitro and, interestingly, exhibit antiangiogenic and anticancer activity in vivo. Mitotic arrest induced by microtubule-interfering agents such as CEUs remains the major mechanism of their anticancer activity, leading to apoptosis. However, we recently demonstrated that microtubule disruption by CEUs and other common antimicrotubule agents greatly alters the integrity and organization of microtubule-associated structures, the focal adhesion contact, thereby initiating anoikis, an apoptosis-like cell death mechanism caused by the loss of cell contact with the extracellular matrix. Methods: To ascertain the activated signaling pathway profile of CEUs, flow cytometry, Western blot, immunohistochemistry and transfection experiments were performed. Wound-healing and chick embryo assays were carried out to evaluate the antiangiogenic potency of CEUs. Results: CEU-induced apoptosis involved early cell cycle arrest in G2/M and increased level of CDK1/cycline B proteins. These signaling events were followed by the specific activation of the intrinsic apoptosis pathway, involving loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) and ROS production, cytochrome c release from mitochondria, caspase activation, AIF nuclear translocation, PARP cleavage and nuclear fragmentation. CEUs maintained their efficacy on cells plated on pro-survival extracellular matrices or exhibiting overexpression of P-glycoprotein or the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. Conclusion: Our results suggest that CEUs represent a promising new class of antimicrotubule, antiangiogenic and pro-anoikis agents.


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Background: Platelet activation by collagen depends on signals transduced by the glycoprotein (GP)VI–Fc receptor (FcR)-chain collagen receptor complex, which involves recruitment of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) to phosphorylated tyrosines in the linker for activation of T cells (LAT). An interaction between the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3K and the scaffolding molecule Grb-2-associated binding protein-1 (Gab1), which is regulated by binding of the Src homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2 (SHP-2) to Gab1, has been shown in other cell types to sustain PI3K activity to elicit cellular responses. Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) functions as a negative regulator of platelet reactivity and thrombosis, at least in part by inhibiting GPVI–FcR-chain signaling via recruitment of SHP-2 to phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs in PECAM-1. Objective: To investigate the possibility that PECAM-1 regulates the formation of the Gab1–p85 signaling complexes, and the potential effect of such interactions on GPVI-mediated platelet activation in platelets. Methods: The ability of PECAM-1 signaling to modulate the LAT signalosome was investigated with immunoblotting assays on human platelets and knockout mouse platelets. Results: PECAM-1-associated SHP-2 in collagen-stimulated platelets binds to p85, which results in diminished levels of association with both Gab1 and LAT and reduced collagen-stimulated PI3K signaling. We therefore propose that PECAM-1-mediated inhibition of GPVI-dependent platelet responses result, at least in part, from recruitment of SHP-2–p85 complexes to tyrosine-phosphorylated PECAM-1, which diminishes the association of PI3K with activatory signaling molecules, such as Gab1 and LAT.


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We studied the expression pattern of cell adhesion molecules associated to transendothelial migration of leukocytes in different lung`s vascular compartments after administration of a magnetic fluid sample containing maghemite nanoparticles surface-coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid. The analyses were conducted in mice 4 and 12 h after endovenous administration of the magnetic fluid in control mice. Firstly, the migratory activity of leukocytes after magnetic fluid surface-coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid administration was confirmed using broncho-alveolar lavage and light microscopy. Then, the expression of cell adhesion molecules in the lung`s vascular compartments was investigated by immunofluorescence microscopy of frozen sections, using antibodies against L-selectin, P-selectin, E-selectin, macrophage antigen-1, and leukocyte function associated antigen-1. L- and P-selectin showed similar pattern of expression in the pulmonary vasculature in animals treated with magnetic fluid and in the control group. In contrast, macrophage antigen-1 and leukocyte function associated antigen-1 were found in capillary only in animals treated with magnetic fluid surface-coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid administration. In addition, after magnetic fluid administration E-selectin was found in post-capillary sites. Our findings demonstrated that magnetic fluid surface-coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid administration exhibits modulation effects on expression patterns of E-selectin, macrophage antigen-1, and leukocyte function associated antigen-1 in the lung`s vascular compartments. These findings are very important in a strategy to reduce the potential toxicity of magnetic fluid surface-coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid administration for medical applications.


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Nanoscale drug delivery systems, such as sterically stabilized immunoliposomes binding to internalizing tumor-associated antigens, can increase therapeutic efficacy and reduce toxicity to normal tissues compared with nontargeted liposomes. The epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is of interest as a ligand for targeted drug delivery because it is abundantly expressed in solid tumors but shows limited distribution in normal tissues. To generate EpCAM-specific immunoliposomes for targeted cancer therapy, the humanized single-chain Fv antibody fragment 4D5MOCB was covalently linked to the exterior of coated cationic liposomes. As anticancer agent, we encapsulated the previously described antisense oligonucleotide 4625 specific for both bcl-2 and bcl-xL. The EpCAM-targeted immunoliposomes (SIL25) showed specific binding to EpCAM-overexpressing tumor cells, with a 10- to 20-fold increase in binding compared with nontargeted control liposomes. No enhanced binding was observed on EpCAM-negative control cells. On cell binding, SIL25 was efficiently internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis, ultimately leading to down-regulation of both bcl-2 and bcl-xL expression on both the mRNA and protein level, which resulted in enhanced tumor cell apoptosis. In combination experiments, the use of SIL25 led to a 2- to 5-fold sensitization of EpCAM-positive tumor cells of diverse origin to death induction by doxorubicin. Our data show the promise of EpCAM-specific drug delivery systems, such as antisense-loaded immunoliposomes, for targeted cancer therapy.


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The Ly-6 locus encodes several cell surface proteins whose functions are unknown. Although it is hypothesized that these proteins may be receptors, there is no direct evidence that they bind a ligand. Herein we present evidence that Ly-6A.2, a Ly-6 protein expressed on T lymphocytes, binds a ligand expressed on normal thymocytes and splenic B and T cells. We find that transgenic thymocytes that overexpress Ly-6A.2 spontaneously aggregate in culture. This homotypic adhesion requires the overexpression of Ly-6A.2 because it is not observed in cultures of nontransgenic thymocytes. The aggregation of Ly-6A.2 transgenic thymocytes is inhibited by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (which removes Ly-6A.2 and other glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins from the membrane). Some anti-Ly-6A.2 monoclonal antibodies, including nonactivating ones and Fab' fragments, inhibit this aggregation. In contrast, other anti-Ly-6A.2 monoclonal antibodies increase the aggregation of transgenic but not nontransgenic thymocytes. To further examine whether Ly-6A.2 mediates adhesion (versus inducing another adhesion pathway) reaggregation assays were performed with paraformaldehyde-fixed Tg+ thymocytes. Paraformaldehyde-fixed Tg+ thymocytes reaggregate in culture and this aggregation is also blocked by phosphatidyl-inositol-specific phospholipase C and anti-Ly-6A.2 monoclonal antibodies. These results indicate that the homotypic adhesion of cultured Ly-6A.2 transgenic thymocytes is directly mediated by Ly-6A.2 and, more importantly, strongly suggests that Ly-6A.2 binds a ligand that is expressed on thymocytes. Tg+ thymocytes also bind to nontransgenic thymocytes, B cells, and T cells, indicating that normal cells naturally express the Ly-6A.2 ligand.


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Fibronectin (FN) deposition mediated by fibroblasts is an important process in matrix remodeling and wound healing. By monitoring the deposition of soluble biotinylated FN, we show that the stress-induced TG-FN matrix, a matrix complex of tissue transglutaminase (TG2) with its high affinity binding partner FN, can increase both exogenous and cellular FN deposition and also restore it when cell adhesion is interrupted via the presence of RGD-containing peptides. This mechanism does not require the transamidase activity of TG2 but is activated through an RGD-independent adhesion process requiring a heterocomplex of TG2 and FN and is mediated by a syndecan-4 and ß1 integrin co-signaling pathway. By using a5 null cells, ß1 integrin functional blocking antibody, and a a5ß1 integrin targeting peptide A5-1, we demonstrate that the a5 and ß1 integrins are essential for TG-FN to compensate RGD-induced loss of cell adhesion and FN deposition. The importance of syndecan-2 in this process was shown using targeting siRNAs, which abolished the compensation effect of TG-FN on the RGD-induced loss of cell adhesion, resulting in disruption of actin skeleton formation and FN deposition. Unlike syndecan-4, syndecan-2 does not interact directly with TG2 but acts as a downstream effector in regulating actin cytoskeleton organization through the ROCK pathway. We demonstrate that PKCa is likely to be the important link between syndecan-4 and syndecan-2 signaling and that TG2 is the functional component of the TG-FN heterocomplex in mediating cell adhesion via its direct interaction with heparan sulfate chains.