871 resultados para customer observation


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Importance of customer as a source of knowledge and finding out the customer needs have both been emphasised both in business literature and in the interviews made for this study. Especially the latent customer needs are seen important for future competitiveness. However, the methods for finding out the customer needs concentrate on the present, clearly phrased needs. There is a need for rich customer based knowledge. Customer contacts are underutilised as a source of knowledge. The objective of this study is to find a method to utilise the customer contacts as a source of knowledge more efficiently. To reach this objective, the customer observation is presented. A concrete goal is the development of a general method of customer observation and its application to the needs of the case company Fastems. Fastems hopes that the method raises the amount of ideas that come to the product and service development processes and increases their customer orientation. The method is tested in practise in the piloting stage. The testing is done in service organisations of Fastems in several countries. The observations received during the piloting phase are analysed and feedback is given to the observers. An important part of the study is to find appropriate methods for motivating the observers. The successful implementation and sustenance of the method are seen as goals of high importance. Later on, the customer observation method is implemented throughout the company. The results of the piloting are promising and the described method has roused interest among other companies as well.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kirjallisuudessa kuvattua asiakkuuden hallintaa voitaisiin soveltaa keskuspankin maksuliikepalveluissa. Tarkasteltavana ovat yleiset toimintatavat, sekä asiakkuuden hallintaa tukevat järjestelmät. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on Help Desk toiminnan kehittäminen. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan asiakkuuden hallinnan eri osa-alueita ottaen huomioon sekä asiakkaan, että palvelun tarjoajan näkökulmat. Asiakkuuden hallinta ymmärretään strategiana, jolla kyetään kuvaamaan kuinka koko organisaatio toimii asiakkaiden kanssa. Asiakkuuden hallinnan ydin on asiakkaan arvontuotantoprosessin ymmärtäminen. Käytettyjä lähdeaineistoja ovat olleet alan kirjallisuus, artikkelit sekä Internet-lähteet. Empirian taustan ovat muodostaneet asiantuntijahaastattelut sekä keskuspankin julkaisut, sisäiset toimintaohjeet ja vakiintuneet käytännöt. Tutkimuksen keskeinen tulos on, että asiakkuudenhallinnan perusajatukset ovat monin tavoin sovellettavissa keskuspankin melko ainutkertaiseen, teknisesti ja viestinnällisesti vaativaan maksuliikepalveluympäristöön, vaikka asiakkaiden lukumäärä onkin pieni. Hyötyjä voidaan saavuttaa jo asiakkuudenhallinnan peruskomponenttien ml. strategianäkökulma tuntemuksella ja melko pieniltäkin näyttävillä toimintatapa-, työnkulku- ja asennemuutoksilla. Asiakkuuden hallintaa tukevan tietoteknologian jonkinasteinen käyttöönotto voi tuoda lisäarvoa, mutta sen kustannukset ja hyödyt on punnittava tämäntyyppisessä ympäristössä tarkoin.


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Problems in the mobile services are complex where the lack of the user analysis is not the modest issue. User centered design has increasingly become as a basis for the design of mobile services. The concept of user centered design gives end-user extensive attention at each stage of the design process. Mobile service providers want to offer experiences for users and clearly the users look for services that can provide pleasant experiences. In this thesis, the elements of user experience in mobile internet were studied as well as user experience measuring methods were researched. This study was looking for user experience measuring metrics and methods to specify new factors to measure user experience. During this thesis research project an application called CEM4Mobile was designed and implemented. CEM4Mobile is an application for observing and analysing user experience based on the user activity and behaviour. As a result of this thesis, a collection of user experience elements and measuring metrics were found. The elements and metrics were designed and implemented to CEM4Mobile product, which measures user experience. It was found out that the user experience measuring methods were based on interaction between two people but CEM4Mobile makes user observation programmatic.


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Consumers increasingly demand convenience when dealing with companies and therefore it is important to provide professional, diverse and speedy service via customer’s preferred communication channel. These interactions between the customer service and customer have a critical role in customer’s future purchasing decisions. Those customers who don't receive satisfactory customer service are willing to do business with another company that charges more but offers better customer service. This study identifies the critical success factors for the customer service in order to improve the customer service according to the company’s mission and meet customer expectations. Case study is used as a research method and data is collected via observation, archival records and interviews during a time span of fourteen months. The analysis suggests three critical success factors: voice support, scalable and flexible customer service and customer service champions. The study further analyzes the improvement measures according to the critical success factors concluding the Business Process Outsourcing to be the most proper to proceed with. As a conclusion of the study, critical success factors enable achieving the goals of the customer service and align operations according to the company’s mission. Business Process Outsourcing plays important role in improving the customer service by allowing fast expansion of new service offering and obtaining specialized workforce.


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Pro gradu –tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka palvelumuotoilua voidaan käyttää parempien asiakaskokemusten luomisessa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa keskityttiin tutkimaan palvelumuotoilun ja asiakaskokemuksen käsitteitä. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus tehtiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa vertailtiin asiakaskokemuksia kahdessa Espoon kaupungin yhteispalvelupisteessä: Leppävaarassa sijaitseva yhteispalvelupiste oli hiljattain suunniteltu uudelleen käyttäen palvelumuotoilun periaatteita; Matinkylän palvelupiste oli alkuperäisessä muodossaan tutkimuksen aikana. Tutkimuksen yhtenä tavoitteena oli myös selvittää, oliko palvelumuotoilun menetelmin tehty muotoiluprojekti Leppävaaran yhteispalvelupisteessä onnistunut, kun sitä arvioitiin asiakaskokemuksen näkökulmasta. Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin suoran havainnoinnin ja haastattelun keinoin. Yhteensä 33 yksittäistä asiakasta havannoitiin ja haastateltiin tutkimusta varten toukokuussa 2015. Vastaajat valikoituivat satunnaisesti havannointipäivien asiakkaista. Heitä havainnoitiin koko asiakaspolun ajan minkä jälkeen heitä haastateltiin. Tutkimuksen tulokset ovat kaksiosaiset. 1) Arvioitaessa asiakkaiden kokemuksia liittyen palvelutilan toimivuuteen ja aineelliseen ympäristöön todettiin, että palvelumuotoilulla saavuttettiin parempi asiakaskokemus, ja täten Leppävaaran muotoiluprojekti oli onnistunut tavoitteissaan. 2) Kun taas tuloksia tarkasteltiin asiakaspalvelutilanteiden näkökulmasta, projekti ei ollut päässyt tavoitteisiin ja palvelumuotoilun menetelmillä ei pystytty parantamaan asiakaskokemuksta. Espoon kaupungin muotoiluprojekti on vielä kesken, tulosten perusteella tutkija ehdotti jatkotoimenpiteenä muun muassa lisäkoulutusta palveluhenkilökunnalle.


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The Las Vegas gaming arena was one of the most severely affected consumeroriented industries to be impacted by the recent economic recession. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of relational benefits on customers’ behavioral loyalty in the Las Vegas gaming industry. This study particularly took a comparative approach and examined the relational impact during the economic recession and after the economic recession. Secondary data was obtained and regression analysis was performed to test the study hypothesis. The findings of this study revealed the economic recession impact on the Las Vegas gaming industry, as well as valuable insights for effective utilization of relational benefits to increase customer loyalty.


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We report the first measurement of charmed-hadron (D(0)) production via the hadronic decay channel (D(0) → K(-) + π(+)) in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)] = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment. The charm production cross section per nucleon-nucleon collision at midrapidity scales with the number of binary collisions, N(bin), from p+p to central Au+Au collisions. The D(0) meson yields in central Au + Au collisions are strongly suppressed compared to those in p+p scaled by N(bin), for transverse momenta p(T) > 3 GeV/c, demonstrating significant energy loss of charm quarks in the hot and dense medium. An enhancement at intermediate p(T) is also observed. Model calculations including strong charm-medium interactions and coalescence hadronization describe our measurements.


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INTRODUÇÃO: o acolhimento tem se constituído num potente disparador de mudanças. Este trabalho reflete a satisfação experimentada, resultante da atuação num ambiente altamente sinérgico e produtivo. OBJETIVO: implantação e implementação da assistência materno-neonatal a partir do acolhimento ao cliente interno. MÉTODO: realizou-se observação direta do cotidiano em setores distintos do Hospital Maternidade Interlagos (HMI) -SES/SP e seu Ambulatório. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dois profissionais da equipe multidisciplinar, as quais subsidiaram oficinas de humanização no ambiente hospitalar. Os profissionais foram divididos em áreas de exercício profissional, da administrativa à assistencial. RESULTADOS: ocorreu implantação do Comitê de Acolhimento e Humanização da Assistência Materno-Neonatal no Hospital Maternidade Interlagos, com participação dos líderes de acolhimento na gerência institucional, provendo melhor desempenho individual e coletivo no exercício laboral na Unidade Hospitalar


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The temperature of the upper atmosphere affects the height of primary cosmic ray interactions and the production of high-energy cosmic ray muons which can be detected deep underground. The MINOS far detector at Soudan, MN, has collected over 67 X 10(6) cosmic ray induced muons. The underground muon rate measured over a period of five years exhibits a 4% peak-to-peak seasonal variation which is highly correlated with the temperature in the upper atmosphere. The coefficient, alpha(T), relating changes in the muon rate to changes in atmospheric temperature was found to be alpha(T) 0: 873 +/- 0: 009(stat) +/- 0.010(syst). Pions and kaons in the primary hadronic interactions of cosmic rays in the atmosphere contribute differently to alpha(T) due to the different masses and lifetimes. This allows the measured value of alpha(T) to be interpreted as a measurement of the K/pi ratio for E(p) greater than or similar to 7 TeV of 0.12(-0.05)(+0.07), consistent with the expectation from collider experiments.


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An experiment was conducted to observe triple- and quadruple-escape peaks, at a photon energy equal to 6.128 MeV, in the spectra recorded with a high-purity Ge detector working in coincidence with six bismuth germanate detectors. The peak intensities may be explained having recourse to only the bremsstrahlung cascade process of consecutive electron-positron pair creation; i.e., the contribution of simultaneous double pair formation (and other cascade effects) is much smaller. The experimental peak areas are in reasonably good agreement with those predicted by Monte Carlo simulations done with the general-purpose radiation-tran sport code PENELOPE.


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This Letter reports the first direct observation of muon antineutrino disappearance. The MINOS experiment has taken data with an accelerator beam optimized for (nu) over bar (mu) production, accumulating an exposure of 1.71 x 10(20) protons on target. In the Far Detector, 97 charged current (nu) over bar (mu) events are observed. The no-oscillation hypothesis predicts 156 events and is excluded at 6.3 sigma. The best fit to oscillation yields vertical bar Delta(m) over bar (2)vertical bar = [3.36(-0.40)(+0.46)(stat) +/- 0.06(sys)] x 10(-3) eV(2), sin(2)(2 (theta) over bar) = 0.86(-0.12)(+0.11)(stat) +/- 0.01(syst). The MINOS nu(mu) and (nu) over bar (mu) measurements are consistent at the 2.0% confidence level, assuming identical underlying oscillation parameters.


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The energy spectrum of cosmic rays above 2.5 x 10(18) eV, derived from 20 000 events recorded at the Pierre Auger Observatory, is described. The spectral index gamma of the particle flux, J proportional to E(-gamma), at energies between 4 x 10(18) eV and 4 x 10(19) eV is 2.69 +/- 0.02(stat) +/- 0.06(syst), steepening to 4.2 +/- 0.4(stat) +/- 0: 06 (syst) at higher energies. The hypothesis of a single power law is rejected with a significance greater than 6 standard deviations. The data are consistent with the prediction by Greisen and by Zatsepin and Kuz'min.


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The existence of a special periodic window in the two-dimensional parameter space of an experimental Chua's circuit is reported. One of the main reasons that makes such a window special is that the observation of one implies that other similar periodic windows must exist for other parameter values. However, such a window has never been experimentally observed, since its size in parameter space decreases exponentially with the period of the periodic attractor. This property imposes clear limitations for its experimental detection.


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Parity (P)-odd domains, corresponding to nontrivial topological solutions of the QCD vacuum, might be created during relativistic heavy-ion collisions. These domains are predicted to lead to charge separation of quarks along the orbital momentum of the system created in noncentral collisions. To study this effect, we investigate a three-particle mixed-harmonics azimuthal correlator which is a P-even observable, but directly sensitive to the charge-separation effect. We report measurements of this observable using the STAR detector in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 and 62 GeV. The results are presented as a function of collision centrality, particle separation in rapidity, and particle transverse momentum. A signal consistent with several of the theoretical expectations is detected in all four data sets. We compare our results to the predictions of existing event generators and discuss in detail possible contributions from other effects that are not related to P violation.


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We present a measurement of pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) photonuclear production in ultraperipheral Au-Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV from the STAR experiment. The pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) final states are observed at low transverse momentum and are accompanied by mutual nuclear excitation of the beam particles. The strong enhancement of the production cross section at low transverse momentum is consistent with coherent photoproduction. The pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) invariant mass spectrum of the coherent events exhibits a broad peak around 1540 +/- 40 MeV/c(2) with a width of 570 +/- 60 MeV/c(2), in agreement with the photoproduction data for the rho(0)(1700). We do not observe a corresponding peak in the pi(+)pi(-) final state and measure an upper limit for the ratio of the branching fractions of the rho(0)(1700) to pi(+)pi(-) and pi(+)pi(-)pi(+)pi(-) of 2.5% at 90% confidence level. The ratio of rho(0)(1700) and rho(0)(770) coherent production cross sections is measured to be 13.4 +/- 0.8(stat.) +/- 4.4(syst.)%.