970 resultados para common business mindset


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Yrityksen yhteisellä liiketoimintanäkemyksellä tarkoitetaan organisaation kykyä ymmärtää liiketoiminnan olennaiset elementit, ja varmistaa, että työntekijöillä ja yrityksen asiakkailla on positiivinen ja yhdenmukainen kuva ja kokemus kyseisestä organisaatiosta. Tämän Pro-gradu – tutkielman tuloksena kehitettiin mittari, jolla yhteisen liiketoimintanäkemyksen tilaa voidaan yrityksessä mitata. Lisäksi tutkielma selvittää tietojohtamisen merkitystä yhteisen liiketoimintanäkemyksen kehityksessä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin Internet -kyselytutkimuksella, johon saatiin 158 vastausta. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä. Tutkimustulokset viittaavat vahvasti siihen, että tiedon jakamisella ja verkostoitumisella on tilastollisesti merkittävä vaikutus yhteisen liiketoimintanäkemyksen kehittymisessä. Tästä syystä yritysten tulisi integroida tietojohtamisen periaatteet strategioihinsa ja luoda systemaattinen malli, joka kannustaa organisaatiota tiedon jakamiseen ja verkostoitumiseen.


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We propose a theory of trust in interorganizational virtual organizations that focuses on how trustworthiness can be communicated and trust built in this environment. The theory highlights three issues that must be dealt with if the potential obstacles to the development of trust in the virtual context are to be overcome. These are communication of trustworthiness facilitated by reliable Information and Communication Technology (ICT), establishment of a common business understanding, and strong business ethics. We propose four specific propositions relating to these issues, and suggest topics to be explored in future research. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação do Professor Luís Rodrigues (Doutor)


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on tutkia tuotetiedon ja tuotetiedon hallinnan merkitystä julkisen palvelun lisäarvon tuojana. Lisäarvon käsite julkisesti tuotetussa palvelussa on uusi ja hämmentävä. Diplomityöllä osoitetaan, ettei kunnallisen teknisen sektorin tuottama ns. julkinen palvelu poikkea yksityisen sektorin tuottamista palveluista. Teknisen sektorin tuottama julkinen palvelu voidaan mallintaa liiketoimintaprosessien mallintamisen keinoin ja palveluun sitoutunut tuotetieto voidaan hallita tuotetiedon hallinnan keinoin ja hyödyntää lisäarvopalveluina asiakkaille, kuntalaisille. Työssä selvitetään ne julkisen teknisen palvelun ominaisuudet, joita asiakkaat arvostavat, ja jotka tuottavat heille lisäarvoa. Työn lopputulos osoittaa, ettei kuntalaista, asiakasta, kiinnosta palvelujen tuottaja, vaan heitä kiinnostaa se, että palvelu on osa heidän arvoketjuaan ja arvojärjestelmäänsä. Julkisen palvelun tuotetieto mahdollistaa informaation avulla tuotetut lisäarvopalvelut ja liittää ne osaksi asiakkaan arvoketjua.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida tavaratalokaupan strategisia menestystekijöitä, erityisesti tavarataloliiketoiminnan johtamisen merkitystä strategisena menestystekijänä. Empiirinen sovellus suunnattiin Sokos-tavarataloketjuun. Tutkimuksen osatavoitteena oli kuvata ja analysoida Sokos-tavarataloketjun liiketoiminnan kehittymistä 1970 - 1990 välisellä ajanjaksolla sekä pohtia syitä, miksi Sokos-liiketoiminta ajautui kriisiin 1990-luvun aikana. Vertailuksi otettiin Stockmann-tavarataloketjun menestyminen vastaavalla ajanjaksolla Tarkastelun kohteena oli johtamisen muuttuminen, liikeideamuutokset, ketjutoiminnan sekä hankinnan roolin muutokset Sokos-ketjussa. Lopuksi tavoitteena oli arvioida strategisen johtamisen onnistumista Sokos-ketjussa peilaten strategisten menesty stekij öiden viitekehykseen. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan toiminta-analyyttinenja sen aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua haastattelua. Haastatteluja suoritettiin yhteensä kahdeksan.Empiirinen osa koostuu S-ryhmääja erityisesti Sokos-tavaratalokauppaa käsittelevästä materiaalista, kilpailustrategioiden kuvauksista, vuosikertomuksista ja kokousmuistioista sekä kahdeksan Sokos-ketjussa 90-luvulla johtavassa asemassa toimineen henkilön haastatteluista. Empiiristä aineistoa on kerätty myös yleisistä vähittäiskauppaa koskevista alan lehdistä ja artikkeleista sekä Stockmann- tavarataloketjun vuosikertomuksista. Tutkimuksessa todettiin kohdeyrityksen vaikeuksiin ajautumisen taustalta löytyvän voimakkaan talouslaman lisäksi kilpailutilanteen voimakas muuttuminen, johon ei kyetty riittävästi vastaamaan. Suunnanmuutoksia kilpailustrategiaan tehtiin useaan otteeseen, mutta kaikissa vaiheissa käytännön toteutus jäi puolinaiseksi. Ylivoimaisten kilpailuetujen rakentaminen onnistui heikosti.


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The objective of this study is to understand how an assembly company, that is considered a focal company in the chain of Brazilian white goods sector, can influence the supply chain management established with its first tier suppliers. This is an exploratory qualitative study in which the information was gathered through direct observations, documents' retention, and data from interviews held with management-level employees of the sales and product development areas of the focal company and of the production area of the suppliers' companies. This study indicates that the operations strategy of the focal company influences the supply chain management and that the common business processes shared by its suppliers are a way to verify the truth of such statement. The suppliers cooperate closely with the focal company when complementing their business processes and consequently supporting the company to pursue its operations strategy. A set of mechanisms to aid the comprehension of how the operations strategy can affect the business processes and therefore to achieve the result of this research were adopted. © EuroJournals Publishing, Inc. 2012.


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Context-dependent behavior is becoming increasingly important for a wide range of application domains, from pervasive computing to common business applications. Unfortunately, mainstream programming languages do not provide mechanisms that enable software entities to adapt their behavior dynamically to the current execution context. This leads developers to adopt convoluted designs to achieve the necessary runtime flexibility. We propose a new programming technique called Context-oriented Programming (COP) which addresses this problem. COP treats context explicitly, and provides mechanisms to dynamically adapt behavior in reaction to changes in context, even after system deployment at runtime. In this paper we lay the foundations of COP, show how dynamic layer activation enables multi-dimensional dispatch, illustrate the application of COP by examples in several language extensions, and demonstrate that COP is largely independent of other commitments to programming style.


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No mercado global e digital, as empresas são desafiadas a encontrar caminhos inovadores para atender o aumento da pressão -competitiva. A competição é uma das formas de interação das organizações, além da colaboração e da cooperação. A cooperação e a colaboração apresentam formas de produzir conjuntamente aumentando o potencial de atendimento das empresas. Os desafios mais encontrados no mercado são: reduzir os custos, sempre assegurar qualidade e personalizar os produtos e serviços. Um fenômeno de negócios comum hoje é a terceirização da manufatura e da logística para fornecedores domésticos e estrangeiros e provedores de serviços. Essa terceirização provoca, intrinsecamente, um espalhamento geográfico da produção em novos centros que oferecem vantagens nos recursos energéticos, matérias primas e centros de produção de conhecimento. Essa terceirização pode ser realizada também nas formas de colaboração e cooperação. Para isso, as empresas necessitam estabelecer uma forma de confiança entre si. No conceito de empresa virtual, a confiança é amplamente discutida para atingir uma colaboração e/ou cooperação entre empresas. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor e modelar uma ferramenta que atenda as necessidades das empresas para colaboração e/ou cooperação entre elas, considerando suas necessidades de confiança. As empresas aqui são vistas como sistemas produtivos, com suas camadas de gerenciamento de negócios, de acordo com o padrão ANSI/ISA 95. Além disso, um tipo de interpretação da rede de Petri, chamada de rede de Petri produtiva é introduzida como ferramenta para descrever o processo produtivo realizado pelas empresas na forma de workflow. A modelagem dessa arquitetura do sistema produtivo utiliza técnicas de sistemas distribuídos, como a arquitetura orientada a serviços. Além disso, um dos enfoques é das necessidades para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, que envolve o desafio de personalização. Testes foram realizados para avaliar a proposta de workflow com pessoas de diferentes níveis de conhecimento sobre os processos, sejam de manufatura, sejam de outras áreas. Já a arquitetura proposta foi submetida a um estudo analítico das hipóteses levantadas no ambiente colaborativo.


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Alistair Milne argues in this ECRI Commentary that ‘FinTech’ (newly emerging Financial Technologies) can play a crucial role in achieving European policy objectives in the area of financial markets. These notably include increasing access by smaller firms to trade credit and other forms of external finance and completing the banking and capital markets unions. He points out, however, that accomplishing these objectives will require a coordinated European policy response, focused especially on promoting common business processes and the adoption of shared technology and data standards.


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Software erosion can be controlled by periodically checking for consistency between the de facto architecture and its theoretical counterpart. Studies show that this process is often not automated and that developers still rely heavily on manual reviews, despite the availability of a large number of tools. This is partially due to the high cost involved in setting up and maintaining tool-specific and incompatible test specifications that replicate otherwise documented invariants. To reduce this cost, our approach consists in unifying the functionality provided by existing tools under the umbrella of a common business-readable DSL. By using a declarative language, we are able to write tool-agnostic rules that are simple enough to be understood by non-technical stakeholders and, at the same time, can be interpreted as a rigorous specification for checking architecture conformance


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South Africa and Mexico are ripe with drug trafficking. The gangs and syndicates running the drug businesses in these two countries collaborate occasionally. Communication between these international drug business partners takes place on social media. Their main language of communication is English, mixed with some limited use of Spanish and Afrikaans. The key purpose of the interactions between the South African and Mexican parties is the organisation of their business activities. This study aims at examining how the drug traffickers position each other and themselves regarding their common business interest and how their relationship evolves throughout their interactions. Moreover, it is of interest to look at how these people make use of different social media and their affordances. For this a qualitative analysis of the interaction between two drug traffickers (one South African and one Mexican) on Facebook, Threema and PlayStation 4 was performed. Computer-mediated communication between these two main informants was studied at various stages of their relationship. Results show that at first the interaction between the South African and Mexican drug traffickers consists of interpersonal negotiations of power. The high risk of the drug business and gang/syndicate membership paired with intercultural frictions causes the two interlocutors to be extremely cautious and at the same time to mark their position. As their relationship develops and they gain trust in each other a shift to interpersonal negotiations of solidarity takes place. In these discursive practices diverse linguistic strategies are employed for creating relational effects and for positioning the other and the self. The discursive activities of the interactants are also identity practices. Thus, the two drug traffickers construct identities through these social practices, positioning and their interpersonal relationship.


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"Report to Conference on Data Systems Languages, including initial specifications for a Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL) for programming electronic digital computers."


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This study revisited ethics in the hospitality industry and involved a randomly selected sample of lodging financial executives taken from the current membership roster of the Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP). After responding to a number of demographic questions, financial executives were asked to respond to 16 business scenarios that involved the issue of ethics. In addition, financial executives were asked if they would or would not do what the controller did in each scenario. Finally, responses of financial executives in the current study were compared to the responses of financial executives in a previous study. Findings indicate that there is considerable disagreement among financial executives regarding the ethical dimensions of common business scenarios


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Part 4: Transition Towards Product-Service Systems