863 resultados para coagulation


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To evaluate the safety of electrocautery for coagulation during Caesarean sections. A randomized, controlled, clinical pilot study was performed at a university maternity hospital. After admission for delivery and decision to perform a C-section, volunteers were randomized to either the intervention group (use of electrocautery for coagulation) or nonintervention group. The women were examined at the time of postpartum discharge (day 3), at days 7 to 10, and again at days 30 to 40 for signs of infection, hematoma, seroma, or dehiscence. Data were analyzed using an intention-to-treat analysis, and risk ratios were calculated. No significant differences were found between the two groups. Only 2.8% of patients in the intervention group developed surgical wound complications during hospitalization. However, 7 to 10 days following discharge, these rates reached 23.0% and 15.4% in the intervention and nonintervention groups, respectively (RR = 1.50, 95% CI = 0.84-2.60). Further studies should confirm whether the use of electrocautery for coagulation does not increase the risk of surgical wound complications in patients undergoing Caesarean sections.


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Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a contraceptive pill containing ethinylestradiol (30 mcg) and drospirenone (3 mg) in a continuous regimen on lipid, carbohydrate and coagulation parameters. Study Design: This open, prospective, randomized study included 78 participants (mean age 27.8 years) who were randomized into two groups to use the pill continuously for 168 days or for six 28-day cycles with a 7-day hormone-free interval between cycles. Markers of lipid, carbohydrate and coagulation profiles were measured prior to initiation and after the 6 months of pill use. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the two contraceptive regimens with respect to carbohydrate or lipid profiles or in the parameters related to coagulation. Conclusions: The contraceptive combination of ethinylestradiol and drospirenone used in a continuous regimen was associated with metabolic alterations similar to those found during the traditional cyclic regimen of oral contraceptive use. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: There is controversy over whether coagulation status predicts bleeding caused by ulceration after esophageal varices band ligation (EVL). METHODS: EVL was performed for primary (n = 45) or secondary (n = 105) prophylaxis in 150 patients with cirrhosis (Child A, n = 74, 49%; Child B, n = 42, 28%; Child C, n = 34, 23%). International normalized ratio (INR) and platelet counts were assessed in all. In 92 patients, levels of factor V, fibrinogen, D-dimer, protein C and protein S, von Willebrand factor, and thromboelastography (TEG) were assessed. Platelet count < 50 x 10(3)/mm(3) and INR > 1.5 were considered high-risk cutoff for bleeding. Conversely, platelet count >= 50 x 10(3)/mm(3) with INR <= 1.5 were safe cutoffs. RESULTS: Overall, 11 patients (7.3%) had post-EVL ulcer bleeding. Bleeding occurred in S patients with Child A/B (4.3%) and 6 patients with Child C (17%) (P = .0174 for Child A/B versus Child C). Eight patients with bleeding were among the 110 below the cutoff for INR and platelet count, whereas only 3 of the patients with bleeding were among the 40 patients with purported high-risk values (P = 1.0). Among the 92 patients with expanded coagulation tests, bleeding occurred in S. There was no difference in any of the coagulation parameters, including overall TEG patterns, between patients who did and did nor bleed. CONCLUSIONS: Post-EVL ulcer bleeding was associated with Child C status but not with conventional or expanded coagulation indices in cirrhotic patients without renal failure or infection undergoing elective EVL. These results call into question the common use of prophylactic procoagulants in the elective setting.


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293T and Sk-Hep-1 cells were transduced with a replication-defective self-inactivating HIV-1 derived vector carrying FVIII cDNA. The genomic DNA was sequenced to reveal LTR/human genome junctions and integration sites. One hundred and thirty-two sequences matched human sequences, with an identity of at least 98%. The integration sites in 293T-FVIIIDB and in Sk-Hep-FVIIIDB cells were preferentially located in gene regions. The integrations in both cell lines were distant from the CpG islands and from the transcription start sites. A comparison between the two cell lines showed that the lentiviral-transduced DNA had the same preferred regions in the two different cell lines.


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Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Bioenergia


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This study investigated the efficiency of Moringa oleifera (MO) seeds as natural coagulant in coagulation/flocculation/dissolved air flotation (C/F/DAF), followed by nanofiltration (NF) for Microcystis protocystis and microcystin-LR removal. The methodology adopted in this work was performed in two steps: 1) coagulation/flocculation/dissolved air flotation (C/F/DAF) process using the MO extracted in saline solution of potassium chloride (KCl-1M) and sodium chloride (NaCl-1M) in optimum dosage 50 mg·L-1; 2) nanofiltration process using NF90 and NF270 membrane provided Dow Chemical Company®. A working pressure of 8 bar was applied. In all samples were analyzed color, turbidity, pH, cyanobacterial cells count and microcystin concentration. The use of MO seeds as natural coagulant, obtained satisfactory results in the M. protocystis, color and turbidity removal. NF was able to completely remove cyanobacterial cells and microcystins (100 %) from M. protocystis (always under the quantification limit). Therefore, C/F/DAF+NF sequence is a safe barrier against M. protocystis and microcystins in drinking water.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2010


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Mathematik, Diss., 2013


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L'étude des modifications de la coagulation sanguine à l'aide de la technique BRAZIL-VELLARD, réalisée chez 25 malades atteints de formes diverses, mortelles, graves, et bénignes, entre le lléme et le XIIIéme jour de maladie, et chez 12 convalescents, a permis d'arriver aux conclusions suivantes: 1º. Les variations du pouvoir coagulant du serum sont très irrégulières et peu différentes des celles observées chez de sujets normaux. 2º. La coagulabilité du plasma, dès le IIème jour de la maladie, présente une diminution marquée, constante chez tous les malades, atteignant son chiffre le plus bas entre le VIIème et le IXème jour et revenant progressivement á la normale pendant la convalescence. 3º. Cette diminution de la coagulabilité est due principalement á l'apparition de grandes quantités d'antithrombines dans la circulation; la diminution du fibrinogène observée dans quelques cas, est toujours peu accusée. 4º. La diminution de la coagulabilité du plasma, qui n'a jusqu'ici été observée avec cette intensité que dans la fièvre jaune, peut être d'un certain secours pour le diagnostic précoce de cette affection; elle n'a jamais été vérifiée chez des malades atteints d'autres affections fébriles. 5º. Au point de vue du pronostic, la diminution précoce et très accentuée de la coagulabilité est un symptôme grave, indiquant une lésion profonde de la cellule hépatique. 6º. Dans la fièvre jaune expérimentale du Macacus rhesus, les altérations de la coagulation sanguine sont de même nature, mais paraissent plus tardives et moins accusées que chez l'homme.


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Rapport de synthèse : Contexte: l'hydroxyéthylamidon (HEA) est largement utilisé comme expanseur volémique en anesthésiologie et réanimation. Cependant, cette classe de produits perturbe le system de la coagulation. Des améliorations restent possibles dans le choix de la combinaison optimale de poids moléculaire, de degré de substitution en radicaux éthyle et de localisation de ces radicaux sur le squelette glucidique des polymères, afin d'optimiser leur efficacité et leur tolérance. L'HEA de poids moléculaire élevé et faiblement substitué n'affecte pas plus la coagulation sanguine que de l'HEA de bas poids moléculaire faiblement substitué. Nous examinons in vivo l'effet d'un abaissement du rapport C2/C6 sur les caractéristiques pharmacocinétiques et l'impact sur la coagulation sanguine d'un HEA de haut poids moléculaire faiblement substitué. Matériels et méthode: nous comparons dans une étude prospective, randomisée et parallèle l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 avec l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 auprès de 30 cochons. Avant, pendant et jusqu'à 630 minutes après une perfusion de 30 ml/kg d'HEA, des échantillons sanguins ont été collectés pour mesurer les concentrations d'HEA, les tests de coagulation plasmatique classiques et la coagulation sanguine par thrombélastographie (TEG®, Haemoscope Corporation, Niles, II, U.S.). Les paramètres pharmacocinétiques ont été estimés en adaptant un modèle à deux compartiments. Résultats: la constante d'élimination est de 0.009 ± 0.001 (min-1) pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et 0.007 ± 0.001 (min-1) pour l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p<0.001); la surface sous la courbe de concentration est de 1374 ± 340 min*g/L pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et 1697 ± 411 min*g/L pour l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.026). Les concentrations mesurées d'HEA ne montrent pas de différence entre l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6. Les deux solutions d'HEA affectent de façon identique la coagulation sanguine: l'index de coagulation thrombélastographique diminue pareillement à ta fin de la perfusion d'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et d'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.29). De même, le temps de thromboplastine partielle activée et le temps de prothrombine augmentent de manière similaire pour l'HEA 650/0.42/2.8 et l'HEA 650/0.42/5.6 (p=0.83). Conclusion: la réduction du rapport C2/C6 de l'HEA de poids moléculaire élevé et faiblement substitué aboutit à une élimination légèrement accélérée d'HEA. Cependant, elle ne modifie pas l'effet perturbateur sur la coagulation.


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Introduction: Although the pig is a standard model for the evaluation of various diseases in humans, including coagulopathy, it is not clear whether results in animals can be extrapolated to man.Materials and methods: In 75 anesthetized pigs, we assessed reagent-supported thrombelastometry (ExTEM (R)), platelet-blocked thrombelastometry (FibTEM (R)), and aprotinin thrombelastometry (ApTEM (R)). Results were compared to values from 13 anesthetized humans.Results (median, 95% CI): ExTEM (R) : While clot strength was comparable in pigs (66 mm, 65-67 mm) and in humans (64 mm, 60-68 mm; NS), clotting time in animals was longer (pigs 64 s, 62-66 s; humans 55 s, 49-71 s; P<0.05) and clot formation time shorter (pigs 52 s, 49-54 s; humans 83 s, 67-98 s, P<0.001). The clot lysis index at 30 minutes was lower in animals (96.9%, 95.1-97.3%) than in humans (99.5%, 98.6-99.9%; P<0.001). ApTEM (R) showed no hyperfibrinolysis in animals. Modification of the anesthesia protocol in animals resulted in significant ExTEM (R) changes. FibTEM (R) : Complete platelet inhibition yielded significantly higher platelet contribution to clot strength in pigs (79%, 76-81%) than in humans (73%, 71-77%; P<0.05), whereas fibrinogen contribution to clot strength was higher in humans (27%, 24-29%) than in animals (21%, 19-24%; P<0.05).Conclusions: Maximum clot firmness is comparable in human and porcine blood. However, clot lysis, platelet and fibrinogen contribution to clot strength, as well as initiation and propagation of clotting, are considerably different between pigs and humans. In addition, anesthesic drugs seem to influence thrombelastometry in animals. Accordingly, coagulation abnormalities in pigs subjected to diseases may not necessarily represent the coagulation profile in sick patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Weak solutions of the spatially inhomogeneous (diffusive) Aizenmann-Bak model of coagulation-breakup within a bounded domain with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions are shown to converge, in the fast reaction limit, towards local equilibria determined by their mass. Moreover, this mass is the solution of a nonlinear diffusion equation whose nonlinearity depends on the (size-dependent) diffusion coefficient. Initial data are assumed to have integrable zero order moment and square integrable first order moment in size, and finite entropy. In contrast to our previous result [CDF2], we are able to show the convergence without assuming uniform bounds from above and below on the number density of clusters.


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We present a new a-priori estimate for discrete coagulation fragmentation systems with size-dependent diffusion within a bounded, regular domain confined by homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Following from a duality argument, this a-priori estimate provides a global L2 bound on the mass density and was previously used, for instance, in the context of reaction-diffusion equations. In this paper we demonstrate two lines of applications for such an estimate: On the one hand, it enables to simplify parts of the known existence theory and allows to show existence of solutions for generalised models involving collision-induced, quadratic fragmentation terms for which the previous existence theory seems difficult to apply. On the other hand and most prominently, it proves mass conservation (and thus the absence of gelation) for almost all the coagulation coefficients for which mass conservation is known to hold true in the space homogeneous case.


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BACKGROUND: Activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis play a role in the pathophysiology of experimental arthritis. Objective: To determine the extent of activation of the coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways in different joint diseases in humans and to ascertain the factors that may influence fibrin deposition within the joint. METHODS: Plasma from normal subjects (controls, n= 21) and plasma and synovial fluid samples from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA; n = 64), osteoarthritis (OA; n = 29), spondyloarthropathy (SpA; n = 22) and crystal arthritis (CA; n = 25) were analyzed for the levels of TF (tissue factor) and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) activities, thrombin-antithrombin III (TAT) complexes, and F1 + 2 (thrombin fragment), fibrin d-dimer and thrombin-activated fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) antigenic levels. The measurements were analyzed by pairwise correlation with each other as well as with standard parameters of inflammation [C-reactive protein (CRP), joint leukocyte count]. Inter-group comparisons were performed to look for disease-specific differences. RESULTS: Compared with healthy controls, patients with joint diseases had higher levels of TAT, F1 + 2 and d-dimers in their plasma. In the synovial fluid, TF activity, TAT, d-dimers, and TAFI were significantly higher in inflammatory arthritides than in OA. The levels were highest in RA patients. In the plasma, TF activity was correlated with TAT and d-dimer levels with CRP, TFPI, and TAT. In the synovial fluid, TF activity correlated with plasma CRP levels, synovial fluid leukocyte count, and synovial TAT and TAFI levels. In addition, synovial d-dimers correlated with CRP, and synovial TAFI levels were correlated with synovial F1 + 2 and TAT. CONCLUSIONS: Activation of the coagulation and fibrinolytic cascades in the joint and in the circulation is evident in both inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases. Within the joint, inflammatory mechanisms leading to TF-mediated activation of the coagulation pathway and subsequent fibrin deposition is the most likely explanation for the observed findings. In the plasma, the link between inflammation (CRP increase) and TF activation is weak, and a non-TF-mediated mechanism of coagulation activation could explain these findings. RA is characterized by significantly higher levels of TAT in the synovial fluid and plasma than other arthritides. Although fibrinolytic activity is linked to inflammation, the increased amounts of TAFI in the joint, particularly in RA, may explain why fibrin formation is so prominent in this condition compared with other joint diseases.