994 resultados para brand experience
Double degree. A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA- School of Business and Economics and Warsaw School of Economics
Tässä kvalitatiivisessa pro gradu -työssä tutkittiin kuluttajien brändikokemuksia aikakauslehtien brändeistä. Päätutkimusongelmana oli kuinka kuluttaja kokee aikakauslehden brändin. Alaongelmia olivat seuraavat: mitä ovat brändikokemukset, mitkä ovat brändikokemuksen ulottuvuudet, mitkä konseptit liittyvät brändikokemukseen, kuka on vastuussa brändikokemusten luomisesta ja miten brändikokemuksia luodaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa on analysoitu yhtä avointa kysymystä: kerro meille kokemuksiasi X lehden brändistä. Vastausten perusteella vastaajista muodostettiin kahdeksan ryhmää: Uloskasvaneet, Internet-sivujen käyttäjät, Toistoon kyllästyneet, Vertaistukijat, Nostalgiset, Uskolliset, Tyytyväiset ja Luottavaiset.
This study discusses the evolution of an omni-channel model in managing customer experience. The purpose of this thesis is to expand the current academic literature available on omni-channel and offer suggestions for omni-channel creation. This is done by studying the features of an omni-channel approach into engaging with customers and through the sub-objectives of describing the process behind its initiation as well as the special features communication service providers need to take in consideration. Theories used as a background for this study are related to customer experience, channel management, omni-channel and finally change management. The empirical study of this thesis consists of seven expert interviews conducted in a case company. The interviews were held between March and November 2014. One of the interviewees is the manager of an omni-channel development team, whilst the rest were in charge of the management of the various customer channels of the company. The organization and analysis of the interview data was conducted topically. The use of themes related to major theories on the subject was utilized to create linkages between theory and practice. The responses were also organized in two groups based on the viewpoint to map responses related to the company perspective as well as the customers´ perspective. The findings in this study are that omni-channel is among the best tools for companies to respond to the challenge induced by changing customer needs and preferences, as well as intensifying competitive environment. The omni-channel model was found to promote excellent customer experience and thus to be a source of competition advantage and increasing financial returns by creating an omni-experience for the customer. Through omniexperience customers see all of the transactions with a company presenting one brand and providing ease and effortlessness in every encounter. The processes behind omni-channel formulation were identified as customer experience proclaimed as the most important strategic goal, mapping and establishing a unified brand experience in all (service) channels and empowering the first line personnel as the gate keepers of omniexperience. Further the tools, measurement and supporting strategies were to be in accordance with the omni-channel strategy and the customer needs to become a partner in a two way transaction with the firm. Based on these findings a model for omni-channel creation is offered. Future research is needed to firstly, further test these findings and expand the theoretical framework on omni-channel, as it is quite scarce to date and secondly, to increase the generalizability of the model suggested.
Luxury has evolved over the centuries; new challenges have created questions of appropriate strategies for brands. Experience and authenticity became important aspects in the field: consumers are enjoying more material comfort and there is a trend of a cultural shift for personal fulfillment and aspiration through experience. The biggest challenge for today's luxury marketers is to not only talk to the target, but to understand how the target is shifting, while not alienating consumers and damaging the brand´s image. Considering managers and consumers perspectives separately, it would be possible to conclude that their perceptions are congruent, as many studies have presented. However, if perspectives are put together and compared, different realities could emerge. This exploratory research is based on a case study that describes both perspectives of their perception on luxury experience, consumer behavior and consumption motivations, and luxury retailing. It was developed interviews with the brand owner and 10 brand´s consumers, and also indirect observations in the brands distribution formats. In the brand perspective, the case study has shown that luxury experience involves the construction of brand experience strategy based on products, multiple retail channels, consumer engagement, personal activity, exploration of five senses and other forms. In the consumer´s perspective, results revealed that brand consumers interviwed have different luxury experience perceptions and expectations; however, what is common is that service and quality must be maintained and they reflected the overall experience. Additionally, luxury retailing influences directly the consumer´s perception that must integrate multiple channels to fulfill personal demands. The research makes contributions for both actors - brand and consumer, in the sense that translates theoretical concepts of the experience itself and tries to clarify aspects that are still unknown and explored through the exploration of ways to detect the alignment between brand and consumer expectations of the experience.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
This marketing plan project is a culmination of extensive strategies with the use of experiential marketing to address issues confronting the Kenyan tourism industry in order to have a sustainable tourism sector. Following the terrorist attack carried out by Islamist militants’ belonging to al-Shabaab terrorist organization on Nairobi’s Westgate shopping mall in September 2013, tourist forecast has gone down sharply with an average of 20% fall in tourists’ arrivals which is likely to have an impact on the tourism sector in Kenya. Even before the deadly attack on Westgate, the most lethal attack by Islamist terrorists in 15 years in Kenya, the government through the Kenya tourist board had announced that in 2013 tourist arrivals were down by 12%, at 495,978, according to an October 2013 report by Bloomberg. Tourism revenues were also down by 7.4%, over FY12/13 (July-June) to reach KES96.24bn, according to a September 2013 report on the local Capital FM website. Beyond 2013, much will depend on how quickly the Kenya tourist board can regain control of the situation. The Kenyan government believes that the Westgate mall attack was a 'one-off' incident, with a low probability of a similar event happening again over the short term period. Germany, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, France and Canada continue to be the key source market however; the Kenya tourist board can make continued growth stronger from new emerging markets in order to increase new arrivals into the country. The marketing plan outlines the objectives to be implemented and provides the implementation strategy, activity plans, monitoring and evaluation plans, financial requirements projections and proposes a new structure of experiential marketing. A number of regional forces are identified that will impact tourism into the country including global, social and economic forces, emerging trends in visitor motivations and behavior, emerging forces in experiential marketing. A major component of the strategy identifies target markets for Kenya to commensurate with the level of resources that will be available for marketing and promotion, in keeping with the forces and trends identified and the nature of the Kenya tourism environment. The agreed upon target market segments are: generic/mass travel, experiential travel, creative travel, adventure seeking travel, senior/extended/long stay travel, and business related travel. The strategy phases the development of the target markets over the years of the marketing strategies in order to yield the best opportunity for results. A core activity in developing a marketing strategy is determining the nature of experiences Kenya offers in tourism. The strategy’s experience development process will continue to develop within the context of the products identified which will be promoted regionally: culture/heritage, nature, community-based. Each county in the country has a significant number of attractions and experiences and the challenge of the country is to bring these together in a creative and innovative way in order to encourage tourists to visit more than one county in Kenya.
Brändimarkkinoinnin kannalta on tärkeää ymmärtää kuluttajan kokeman tuotemielikuvan rakentuminen. Tutkimuksessa kuluttajan kokeman tuotemielikuvan muodostumista säädellyillä markkinoilla on käsitelty brändin, pakkausdesignin ja hintamielikuvan näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa on hyödynnetty olemassa olevaa tutkimusaineistoa kuluttajan kokeman tuotemielikuvan syntymisestä päivittäistavarakaupan tuotteissa. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa on hyödynnetty kvalitatiivista tutkimusaineistoa kuluttajien kokemista tuotemielikuvista säädellyillä markkinoilla. Tutkimuksen empiirisenä tuloksena saatiin punnittua käytetyn brändinimen, pakkausdesignin ja hintapositioinnoin suhdetta kokonaismielikuvan luomisessa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan käyttää päivittäistavarakaupan tuotekonseptien suunnittelussa ja olemassa olevien brändien kehittämisessä.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata brändin olemusta ja menestystekijöitä ja ymmärtää palveluyrityksen brändin vaikutus ostotilanteessa b2b-markkinoilla. Tutkittavaa ongelmaa lähestytään teoreettisen ja empiirisen tutkimuksen kautta. Empiirisen näkökulman tutkimukseen tuo case-yritys, monipalveluyhtiö Barona, jonka brändin merkitystä ostotilanteessa b2b-markkinoilla tutkimuksessa arvioidaan. Tutkimuksen pääongelma on seuraava: Miten palveluyrityksen brändi vaikuttaa ostopäätökseen b2b-markkinoilla? Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen. Tutkimusstrategia on case- eli tapaustutkimus ja tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty teemahaastattelua. Brändikokemuksen syntymistä ja sen vaikutusta ostopäätökseen tarkastellaan empiriaosiossa asiakkaan ja brändin hallinnoijan, eli Baronan, näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat sitä olettamusta, että palveluyrityksen brändillä on vaikutusta ostopäätöksessä myös b2b-markkinoilla. Brändit b2b-markkinoilla ovat saaneet kuluttajamarkkinoita vähemmän huomiota, sillä brändien vaikutus ostopäätöksessä koetaan irrationaaliseksi tekijäksi, ja yritysmarkkinoilla ostajien on ajateltu tekevän päätökset täysin rationaalisin perustein. Myös b2b-markkinoilla on päätöksentekijänä kuitenkin yksilö, ei organisaatio. Palvelua ostaessaan ostaja perustelee valintansa järkisyillä, kuten laadulla. Todelliset syyt hankintaan voivat kuitenkin olla hyvin toisenlaiset, kuten brändin status, menestys tai arvostus. Brändi on merkittävässä asemassa myös b2b-asiakkaan ostopäätösprosessissa, varsinkin silloin, kun erottautuminen on vaikeaa. Siinä missä palvelu itsessään lunastaa lupaustaan käyttäjälle, brändi tuottaa lisäarvoa yli palvelun toiminnallisen tarkoituksen. Brändi saa palvelun vaikuttamaan paremmalta. Tietynmerkkisen palvelun nähdessään asiakas odottaa sen tarjoavan tietyt asiat. Asiakas haluaa luottaa siihen, että laatu pysyy samana, eikä palvelua tarvitse joka kerta arvioida erikseen. Asiakas ostaa brändiin sisältyviä laatulupauksia omien tarpeidensa täyttämiseksi tehden valintansa sen perusteella, mitä hyötyä ja arvoa hän odottaa saavansa rahojensa vastineeksi.
No mercado automóvel as diferenças de qualidade nos vários produtos tem vindo a esbater-se ao longo dos últimos anos, desta forma, o desempenho das marcas resulta cada vez mais do esforço e das estratégias de marketing. Apesar da decisão de compra do automóvel ser exigente e requerer um elevado envolvimento dos consumidores, os fatores hedónicos assumem um protagonismo crescente, afinal o automóvel é, para a maioria das pessoas, uma extenção da sua personalidade ou da imagem que pretendem transmitir para a sociedade, não sendo somente um meio de transporte. Cada marca de automóveis e cada modelo transmite uma mensagem e um simbolismo que o consumidor deseja ou despreza e que condicionam a sua Intenção de Compra. Assim, interessa conhecer os fatores que influenciam a Intenção de Compra do automóvel. Nesse sentido, com base numa amostra de 861 potenciais compradores de automóvel realizou-se um estudo quantitativo, de natureza descritiva e conclusiva, com a finalidade de confirmar em que medida as variáveis selecionadas: Brand Equity, Brand Experience, Publicidade, Experiência Anterior, Word-of-Mouth Recebido e Imagem do País de Origem, determinam, direta ou indiretamente, a intenção de compra da marca de automóveis. Os resultados da estimação do modelo estrutural, através do PLS, evidenciaram que as experiências sensoriais e comportamentais explicam 22% da avaliação das experiências anteriores com a marca; a experiência anterior com a marca, a imagem do país de origem e o WOM explicam 52,8% da qualidade percecionada; a experiência anterior com a marca, a publicidade e o WOM recebido contribui para determinar 18,8% das associações à marca; a lealdade à marca, a qualidade percecionada e as associações à marca explicam 57,4% do brand equity; por fim, a lealdade à marca, a experiência anterior e o brand equity explicam 47,6% da intenção de compra de uma determinada marca de automóveis. Acresce ainda que o grupo de marcas de maior prestígio se destacam por uma maior promoção do marketing relacional e experiencial. Deste estudo, conclui-se que práticas do marketing relacional e experiencial devem ser usadas para estreitar o relacionamento com clientes e potenciais clientes e para promover o valor da marca. As experiências de marketing devem ser objeto de uma boa estratégia de comunicação integrada, suportada nas novas tecnologias.
O marketing sensorial é uma estratégia de comunicação recente que permite diferenciar uma empresa das suas concorrentes, através da estimulação dos 5 sentidos humanos. A literatura permite formular dois modelos concetuais (clientes e conhecedores) com o objetivo de compreender qual a influência que os estímulos sensoriais têm nos consequentes, como a experiência e os valores de marca, e as consequências dessas relações. A validação dos modelos de investigação realizou-se com base num estudo empírico, que considerou uma marca Aveirense bem implantada no mercado, a Pizzarte Os resultados obtidos mostram que a estimulação sensorial influencia positivamente a experiência e o valor da marca, repercutindo-se na atitude positiva e na intenção de compra da marca.
Experiential marketing is increasingly seen as a new magical key to consumers’ hearts. Brands are turning brick-and-mortar stores into state of the art retail spaces where memorable experiences and strong brand relationships are hoped to be born. Around the globe, several brands have opened up a special format of stores – the experience store. Although many speculations on the positive effects of experiences have been presented, few studies have provided empirical, quantified evidence for the link between store experiences and brand success. In consequence, research was needed to find out whether experience stores truly are so special. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate whether store experiences are capable of building brands and influencing store performance. For this purpose, empirical research was conducted in the Samsung Experience Store Helsinki. As main constructs of the study, store experience, brand equity, store performance, and product class involvement were measured, along with relevant background variables. Data was collected with an electronic survey from actual customers of the store, resulting in a sample of 131 respondents. Partial least squares structural equations modeling (PLS) was used for the analysis of the research model. Also, regression analysis was conducted to account for mediation and moderation effects. The results showed that store experiences do positively influence first, store performance, and second, separate dimensions of brand equity (that is, brand awareness, brand personality, and brand loyalty). Also, the effect of store experiences on store performance was found to be mediated by brand equity. Interestingly, customers’ product class involvement was detected to moderate the effect of store experience on store performance. That is, those who were highly involved with electronics had greater store experiences, and also displayed a stronger linkage between store experience and store performance. The results encourage marketers to continue with efforts to create great experiences for their customers. Experience stores can – and should be seen – as both powerful brand building tools and profitable sales channels. The creation of exceptional experiences can act as an important function of physical stores in the face of severe online competition.
This paper examines the relative influence of two key antecedents of brand loyalty-satisfaction and involvement and the moderating role of experience, using a sample of business buyers. The central argument of this paper is that the strength of the effect of these variables on attitudinal brand loyalty will vary with the level of customer experience with purchasing the service. Building on previous research which examined low-risk, customer product settings [Kim, J., Lim, J.S., & Bhargava, M. (1998). The role of affect in attitude formation: A classical conditioning approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 26 (2): pp. 143-152; Shiv, B., & Fedorikhin, A. (1999). Heart and mind in conflict: The interplay of affect and cognition in consumer decision-making. Journal of Consumer Research 26: 278], this study shows that for a high-risk setting, involvement with the service category will be more dominant in its influence on brand loyalty than satisfaction with the preferred brand. Furthermore, it was found that experience moderated the influence of involvement and satisfaction on attitudinal brand loyalty for a high-risk business-to-business service. This study provides new insights into the theory and practice of buyer behavior and business-to-business brands. Crown Copyright (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The main objective of this experiment is to determine the amount of nicotine in commercial brand cigarettes by means of a nonaqueous acid-base titration. A simple glass device simulating a smoker is proposed, which allows the determination of the volatilized, filter retained, and inhaled portions. Students will readily see that the amount of nicotine/cigarette stated on the label (similar to 0.5-1.0 mg) refers indeed to the inhaled portion only, rather than to the total amount/cigarette (usually more than 10 mg). Even so, values for inhaled nicotine may be significantly higher than those reported for several brands. Students will also be able to make a critical evaluation of the true content of nicotine in the inhaled portion and confront it with the reported value for a given brand. In addition, the theoretical approach, supported by HPLC data, provides an excellent experience on nonaqueous acid-base volumetric analysis.