1000 resultados para atuação estatal


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Electrical energy today is an essential element in the life of any human being. Through the access to electrical energy it is possible to enjoy dignified conditions of life, having in mind the possibility of making use of minimal material conditions of life. The lack of access to electricity is directly linked to poverty and degrading conditions of life, in which are some communities in Brazil, especially the more isolated from urban centers. Access to the electric service is a determining factor for the preservation of human dignity, constitutional principle inscribe in the art.1 of the Federal Constitution, and the promotion of development, being a right of everyone and a duty of the State to promote universal access. For that reason, focuses mainly on the analysis of their setting as a fundamental social right and its importance for national development. For this, the theoretical and descriptive method was used, with normative and literary analysis, in particular the Constitution of 1988. This study also discusses the form of action of the State in the energy sector, to give effect to the fundamental social right of access to electricity, the characteristics of public service and the principles that guide it, in addition to the role of public policies in universalization of access, in particular the analysis of the Program Luz para Todos, and the function of regulation in the implementation of these policies and the provision of adequate public services.


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O presente trabalho trata a respeito da responsabilidade civil do Estado, que conforme texto constitucional vigente é objetiva.Referido preceito consagra a responsabilidade objetiva do Estado, cuja demonstração dispensa o exame de culpa do ente estatal. Entretanto, para que o ente público responda pelos prejuízos sofridos pelo particular é impreterível que se evidencie o dano sofrido, a atuação estatal e o nexo de causalidade entre o primeiro e o último.Portanto, cumpre registrar nesta breve exposição que nem por todo dano responderá o Poder Público com base na responsabilidade objetiva.No entanto, a regra é a responsabilidade objetiva e a aferição da responsabilidade sob esta ótica significa a adoção de critérios de responsabilização pública compatíveis com a posição em que está inserido o Estado, com seu regime jurídico próprio e suas prerrogativas.Por conta destas peculiaridades a responsabilidade do Estado por suas atuações danosas é mais extensa do que aquelas reservada ás pessoas privadas.Por evidente a responsabilização do Estado só nasce quando o evento danoso decorre de uma atividade estatal. Assim, pode ser individualizada quando imputável á um agente público específico(agindo nessa qualidade), ou não individualizada, quando imputada ao serviço público.Não importa se a atividade é lícita ou ilícita, persistindo a obrigação do Estado de indenizar o dano, observados os demais requisitos.Pondere-se que ao analisar a responsabilidade do Estado deve-se observar as possíveis causas excludentes tais como o caso fortuito, a força maior e a culpa de terceiro.Assim a responsabilidade objetiva do Estado é um imperativo de nossa ordem jurídica.Deve- se contudo, para a sua aferição,analisar todas as peculiaridades sobre o tema, verificando o preenchimento dos requisitos,observadas as suas delimitações, para não alardear essa responsabilidade objetiva, invocando sem exceções o preceito constitucional que rege o assunto.Importa sublinhar que para o desenvolvimento do presente trabalho, reuniu-se selecionada bibliografia com importantes doutrinadores da seara administrativa, utilizando-se ainda de pesquisa jurisprudencial.


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo a análise das Parcerias Público-Privadas e sua chegada no ordenamento jurídico pátrio a partir da Lei n°11.079 de 03.12.2004, que introduziu duas novas modalidades de concessões, quais sejam, as concessões na modalidade patrocinada e concessão na modalidade administrativa.São abordados temas como a constitucionalidade e inconstitucionalidade de alguns dispositivos na norma, as contradições e falhas do legislador que, ainda sim, não tiram o brio e a importância da norma como meio de incentivo a resolver os problemas em infra-estrutura que atrasam o progresso do país.Ainda neste estudo, apresentam-se as inovações da lei e os cuidados que devem ser tomados quando da elaboração do projeto base da PPP.Por fim, têm- se um breve comentário sobre sucessos e fracassos na experiência internacional das PPPs que servem de parâmetro para o Brasil.Pontuados os cuidados e perigos, conclui-se pela viabilidade das parcerias público-privada, norma que se apresenta como meio apto para promover o desenvolvimento social econômico, garantindo a atuação estatal no sentido de atingir sempre o interesse público.


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Para verificar a relação entre modelos de desenvolvimento predominantemente adotados, Direito Econômico Constitucional e regulamentação da atividade ressecuritária no Brasil, o presente trabalho analisa as alterações acarretadas ao uso de cláusulas de regulação de sinistro em contratos de resseguro em determinados momentos da história brasileira, quando intensas reformas promoveram importantes mudanças nos modelos de regulamentação e de desenvolvimento do país: a Era Vargas, a gestão de Castelo Branco, e o Governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Para isto, o presente estudo primeiramente avalia as razões que levaram à monopolização e ao insulamento do setor de resseguros nacional com a criação do Instituto de Resseguros do Brasil (IRB) em 1939 e estabelece a sua relação com o modelo de desenvolvimento implantado a partir da Revolução de 1930, a transição do Direito liberal ao social e as normas de Direito Econômico contidas nas Constituições de 1934 e 1937. Disto posto, estes fatos são correlacionados com as normas que passaram a reger os contratos firmados entre o IRB e as companhias seguradoras nacionais, especificamente aquelas referentes às regulação de sinistros. Em seguida, a evolução da regulamentação do mercado ressecuritário, a criação do Sistema Nacional de Seguros Privados e o monopólio do IRB sobre esta atividade são analisados a partir de sua interação com os modelos de desenvolvimento que nortearam a atuação estatal nas décadas seguintes e o Direito Econômico consagrado nas Constituições de 1946, 1967 e 1988. Após, são estudados os usos das cláusulas de regulação de sinistro nos contratos de resseguro firmados pelo órgão monopolista sob a vigência do Decreto-Lei no 73/66 a partir do exame das Normas Gerais de Resseguro e Retrocessão (NGRR) e de algumas Normas Específicas de Resseguro e Retrocessão (NERR), ambas editadas pelo IRB. No primeiro capítulo de sua segunda parte, este trabalho averigua a relação entre o neoliberalismo das décadas de 1980 e 1990, a diretriz constitucional da solidariedade social e o princípio da boa-fé para compreender como as alterações no texto constitucional perpetradas nas décadas de 1990 e 2000 modificaram a contratação de resseguro no país. Com isto, é esclarecida a correlação entre a desmonopolização e a abertura da atividade ressecuritária brasileira, o Direito Econômico Constitucional atualmente em vigor e a apontada mudança da estratégia de desenvolvimento implantada pelo Estado brasileiro. Para entender como passaram a atuar os agentes privados, o presente estudo investiga a utilização das cláusulas de regulação de sinistro por meio da análise das respostas aos questionários de pesquisa distribuídos, da doutrina nacional e estrangeira e de modelos contratuais hodiernamente utilizados. Ainda neste capítulo, são investigadas possíveis mudanças sobre a compreensão do caráter internacional da atividade resseguradora para determinar a atual importância do recurso aos usos e costumes internacionais como modelos hermenêuticos e jurídicos. Por fim, o presente estudo analisa as regras propostas pelo Projeto de Lei n° 3.555/2004 e seus Substitutivos sobre o uso de cláusulas de regulação de sinistros em contratos de resseguro. Neste momento, são sugeridas outras possíveis redações aos dispositivos examinados, além de alguns pontos a serem considerados para a definição da amplitude da liberdade das partes de contratar tais cláusulas.


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Esta dissertação aborda a questão das licitações e como elas podem ser usadas como instrumento de política pública de desenvolvimento regional. As licitações do estado de São Paulo são orientadas sob uma política pública que exige procedimentos licitatórios que considerem a descentralização territorial. O decreto que regulamenta tal política tem como principal enfoque o tratamento simplificado e favorecido a micro e pequenas empresas, sendo que o aspecto da descentralização inova em relação à legislação federal que aborda o assunto. O fenômeno descentralizador pode contribuir para o aumento da quantidade de empresas vencedoras pertencentes a uma determinada região na qual ocorrem às licitações, podendo desta forma produzir “crescimento econômico regional”. Contudo, adota-se aqui a hipótese de que esse diferencial não tem surtido efeito. Para verificar tal hipótese, realizou-se um estudo de caso centrado em duas unidades da Universidade de São Paulo, ambas localizadas no interior do estado. Foram analisadas as licitações realizadas de maneira presencial e eletrônica (pregões). A análise comparativa ainda foi complementada por um questionário submetido aos servidores da área de licitação das diversas unidades desta Universidade. O resultado obtido neste trabalho indica que o efeito de promoção do desenvolvimento regional não ocorreu em ambos os casos estudados. Conclui-se, ainda, que é preciso avançar muito na discussão acerca da utilização do poder de compra do Estado como potencial indutor de desenvolvimento regional. Esta atuação estatal invariavelmente deverá sofrer mudanças legais, sendo necessária, também, a adoção de outras políticas públicas complementares.


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A prisão em flagrante apresenta um regime constitucional próprio e excepcional de restrição à liberdade de locomoção, cumprindo-lhe a função de proteção urgente de direitos fundamentais e de bens coletivos constitucionais protegidos por intermédio de normas penais incriminadoras, que se pode desencadear em estritos momentos de proximidade temporal com o fato tido como ilícito. Sujeita-se a um procedimento compressivo, sendo autodesconstitutiva por excelência, do que decorre a impossibilidade da manutenção de qualquer restrição à liberdade de locomoção, em sede judicial, com base em uma prisão em flagrante. Embora das excepcionalidades da prisão em flagrante decorra um regime rígido e quase automático de restrição ao princípio constitucional da liberdade de locomoção, por determinação constitucional surge, de forma contraposta, um regime rígido de controle sobre a restrição, marcadamente regulado por normas constitucionais, dentre as quais se destacam diversas garantias, que vinculam a atuação estatal sob pena de nulidade da restrição em curso.


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O presente trabalho objetiva investigar a arquitetura jurídico-institucional de um ambiente inovativo denominado parque tecnológico. Este é um arranjo imobiliário que conta com os elementos da chamada tríplice hélice - academia, setor privado e Estado. Almeja a transformação do conhecimento em desenvolvimento, por meio de atividades fundadas em ciência, tecnologia e inovação (C&T&I). A pretensão é contribuir com a premissa de que esses arranjos são frutos da nova lógica econômica baseada no conhecimento e da atual concepção sistêmica de inovação que exige interdependência e interação dos seus agentes. Dentre esses destacamos, o Estado, por ser o ator mais paciente por resultados e o potencial idealizador, fomentador e articulador de processos inovativos sistemicamente pensados. A estratégia Estudo de Caso Único foi eleita para observar, em detalhes, a arquitetura jurídico-institucional do Parque Tecnológico de São José dos Campos, bem como para, a partir de um olhar jurídico-institucional, retirar aprendizados dessa experiência que possam ser aproveitados em novas modelagens de parques tecnológicos e de políticas públicas que focam a estruturação de ambientes inovativos sistêmicos. Foram priorizados exames qualitativos: (i) da sua fisiologia jurídico-institucional; (ii) dos agentes envolvidos e das respectivas amarrações jurídicas estabelecidas; (iii) da influência do Estado e das políticas públicas que o permeiam; (iv) do seu processo de implantação e desenvolvimento; e (v) dos desafios jurídico-formais e jurídico-institucionais que enfrenta. Compreendeu-se que parques tecnológicos são estruturados como arranjos híbridos, segundo a lógica da inovação em sistema, em que os elementos da tríplice hélice atuam em sinergia a partir da ativa atuação do Estado. Sua arquitetura jurídico-institucional decorre da aplicação de tecnologias de contratação e de regulação aplicadas em ambientes alicerçados em fatores institucionais específicos.


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Some protected special spaces on behalf of fundamental rights to the environment and the housing at the city of Natal are fragile by facing actions and attempts to suppress and changing (or omission in the implementation) of standards in furtherance of those rights at the local level, which seems to reflect a situation that goes beyond the context of the city. Based on integrated approach of the housing rights and the environment and its protection of special spaces on the field of fundamental rights, the thesis seeks to understand the weaknesses that affect the legal state duty under the realization/implementation of fundamental rights to the environment and housing in cities, focusing on the issues of flexibility of the founding legislation of special spaces to the detriment of the attributes they protected and the lack of implementation of the legal system that allows their effectiveness. So, it looks initially to understand the environment and housing rights and their special protected areas in the brazilian legal system, looking forward the evolution of its legal protection, as well as the weaknesses that emerge in the field of their effectiveness. Analyzing the trajectory of the environment and housing rights and their special protected areas in Natal, considering its standards, attributes, protection indicators, weaknesses and negative evidence within its legal protections and their enforcement by state entity, this thesis proposes to verify the existence of forms to confronting the weaknesses founded in the maintenance of legal protection and its implementation. At this point it discusses the legal basis and safeguard instruments of protection, especially within the juridical field, as part of a (re)discussion about issues of legislative and administrative discretion in the face of objective legal state duty to realization/implementation of fundamental rights in the urban space. With all these issues together the thesis does not ignore the scenario where the dividing line between public and private (economic) are becoming ever more tenuous in the field of state action and where the city stands as a special commodity to the reproduction of real estate, according to the interests of capitalist logic


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The dissertation evaluates about Rural Women s Productive Organization Program effectiveness of Western Rio Grande do Norte(2008-2012). Specifically, it has aimed to: 1) Describe about Rural Women s Productive Organization Program characteristics in Western Potiguar Region; 2) Investigate which social economic changes the program has caused in Rural Women s lives from Western Potiguar Region; 3) Evaluate whether women s participation in the feminist social movement has contributed in order to facilitate access to the program; 4) evaluate whether rural women s participation from western Potiguar region in POPMR has provoked some questions in relation to labor sexual division in policy all female users or whether it has amplified their capacities for their economical autonomy conquest. The evaluation has been as reference the development concept as freedom according to Amartya Sen (2000) and labor sex division sustained by separation and hierarchy activities performed by men and women according to Kergoat (2009). The qualitative character investigation was made up by a bibliographical and documental research, semi-structured interviews and focal group. The interviews with female mediator agents and female public managers have demonstrated the paths how to create the program by explaining the difficulties and possibilities. The research was concluded with focal groups that had accessed POPMR in western region. With the methodological instruments used, it was possible to achieve the results: The research data show that POPMR has contributed for the region development specifically by expanding rural women s capacities. However, there are still some difficulties which could be overcome with a state actualization, as policies for home labor and home labor care socialization. In this way, the infrastructure construction for production and reproduction must be based on a kind of legislation for a small production which are indispensable elements for a bigger effective policy for women in a rural environment


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This work aims to study the institucional environment for the implementation of financing policies directed to familiar agriculture. The central hypothesis is that, although all changes occured in the credit norms, in order to reduce the existing obstacles for the access of outsiders, the same institucional arrangement remains which gave support to the modernization - crystallizer of strengthening structures of this exclusion. The most relevant pressuposition is that the poor agriculturists are the most displayed to the institucional limitations. The concepts of institucional arrangements and environments used in this work had been constructed with support of the institucional school, contemplating itself the economic dimension, the organizational sociology and political science. In the relation of the institucional changes with the state performance, the theorist reading was important that reflect on the relative autonomy of the State and studious of the Brazilian State. The empirical part consisted of a research which had been applied questionnaires with benefited and non-benefited agriculturists with PRONAF B, in thirteen cities of Rio Grande do Norte. In each city, interviews with four of its main mediators had been carried out. The research results had ratified the hypothesis of the work of that the conception of the public policies does not take in account the institution role in the behavior and the choices of the individual and collective agents, inferring itself that this policy, as others, lacks of mediation that exceed the rationality of legal landmarks


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The freedom of concurrence, firstly conceived as a simple market fundament in productive systems that recognized the productive forces freedom of action, appears as a clear instrument of protection and fomentation of the market, recognizing the importance of the simultaneous existence of various economic forces such the proper capitalism reason of constitution. It has, thus, a directly role linked to the fundamental idea that the market and its productive forces needed of a protection against itself, because it exists inside the market situations and circumstances, provoked or not, that could prejudice and even annihilate the its existence and functioning, whilst a complex role of productive forces presents at all economic creation space. It was the primacy of the classic liberalism, the first phase of the capitalism. The Constitutions, in that historic moment, did not proclaim any interference at the economic scenario, simply because it recognized the existence of an economic freedom prepared to justify and guarantee the market forces, with its own rules. Based on the structural changes that occurred at the following historic moments, inside the constitutionally recognized capitalism, it was verified changes in the ambit of treatment of the freedom of concurrence principle that, in a progressive way, passes to present a configuration more concerned with socialist and developing ideas, as long as not only a market guarantee. It emerges a freedom of concurrence which aim is instrumental, in relation to its objectives and constitutional direction as a role, and not anymore stagnant and with isolated treatment, in special at the constitutional systems the present s clear aspects of social interventions and guarantor of fundamental rights more extensive and harmonious. That change is located at a space of state actuation much more ample and juridical important, this time comprehending the necessity of managing the productive scenario aiming to reach a national social and economic development effectively guarantor of fundamental rights for all citizens. Those Constitutions take as point of starting that the social and economic development, and not only anymore the economic growth, is the effective way for concretization of these rights. In that way it needs to be observed and crystallized by political and juridical tools that respect the ideological fundamental spirit of the Constitutional Charters. In that scenario that seeks for solutions of rights accomplishment, in special the social rights, the constitutional principle of freedom of concurrence has been seen as an instrument for reaching bigger values and directives, such as the social justice, which only can be real at a State that can implement a comprehensive and permanent social and economic development. The freedom of concurrence tries to valorize and defend something larger and consonant to the political values expressed in the Constitutional Charters with social character, which is the right to a social and economical sustainable development, guarantor of more clear and compromised collective benefits with social justice. The origin of that constitutional imposition is not only supported by vague orientations of the economic space, but as integrated to it, with basis formed of normative and principles posted and prepared to produce effects at the proper reason of the Constitution


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The Federal Constitution states that the reduction of social and regional inequalities is one of the goals to be achieved by the Brasilian State. The economic constitution states that the national economy must be developed so as to achieve, amongst other objectives, the reduction of those inequalities. In this paper, we aim to demonstrate the duty, imposed by the Constitution to the State, of acting in the national economy so as to promote the achievement of the constitutional goals, among wich we highlight the reduction of inequalities. One of the instruments that can be used by the State to achieve this objective is its fiscal policy. It is also an aim in this paper to demonstrate that inducing tax norms can be used by the State, because it can encourage the economic agents to bring about the reduction of social and regional inequalities. Therefore, after bibliographic and jurisprudential research, we conclude that the duty, imposed to the State, of acting in the national economy so as to promote the achievement of the constitutional goals exists. We also conclude that this acting must be planed and constant, because the consequences are slow and that, within the limits of the constitution, the inducing tax norms can be an instrument for the State in order to reduct the social and regional inequalities


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The dissertation, which is based on the deductive method, by using general concepts of the theory of the administrative participation in the administrative process, addresses the importance of strengthening administrative and procedural activities of citizen involvement in public administration for the administrative consolidation of democracy in Brazil. The emergence of Administrative Law has particular importance for the understanding of its institutions and, of course, for the different fields of public administration. The authoritarian profile of this area of law still exists as a clear recollection of their origin, mainly based on a relationship of superiority of the state over the individuals. Indeed, does not even modern constitutionalism could print a true democracy administrative, since the constitutions were not properly observed by the Government. Furthermore, only the process of constitutionalization of administrative law legal relations took a more democratic profile. That is, the creation of an environment of dialogue with civil society is a recent achievement of the Brazilian government. As the administrative process involves dilemmas and solutions of state action, because it is revealed the expression government, the strengthening of institutions and principles related to the administrative procedure is important for role in making a more participatory relationship between state and citizen. Thus, administrative participation can be considered not only a mechanism of control and legitimacy of state action, but also for improvement and reduction of administrative costs, as a requirement of the principle of efficiency. The objective of this investigation is to assert as the administrative legal relation, the administrative legality, the administrative jurisdiction, the processuality administrative, the consensuality administrative and administrative justice, together with administrative participation, can contribute to a more democratic role of the Public Administration and, therefore, more dialogic and consolidator of the fundamental rights of citizens. Therefore, we highlight the importance of the administrative process and administrative participation as mechanisms for improving public policy and thus as a means of reducing administrative costs mediate the state


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The reality of Latin America points out that the industrialization and urbanization are complementary processes associated each other. Thus, by consequence of the demographic growth, observes the aggravation of an urbanization completely disordered and without infrastructure capable of guaranteeing rights and basic services to the population. In parallel, the dissemination of information, the valorization of human dignity, promoted by social welfare, and expectations of consumption aggravates the tensions among social actors, leading to the Theory of the Right to Development to worry about the (re)construction of cities. Before this reality, the Federal Constitution of 1988 proposed a participatory urban policy, grounded in the ideal of confrontation of social exclusion of a more comprehensive, represented by the principle of the social function of cities, which must be stratified into four inclusion´s central axes, namely: the social in the strict sense, the economic, the cultural and the policy. The Analysis of each of these dimensions, keeping the focus on reality and the Brazilian legal system, composes specific objectives of this work. Thus, through deductive research, with use of technique bibliographical and interdisciplinary, this dissertation aims to make connections between social function and development, proposing an analytical concept for the proposing an analytical concept for the principle of social function of cities, through the study of its basic elements. With this, purports to demonstrate how results, firstly, that the juridical study, to fully understand the process of marginalization, must maintain multidisciplinary perspective, own social sciences. Also aims to demonstrate that the dimensions of inclusion are formed by fundamental rights, individual and collective, of liberties and of social guarantees and that without respect to all of them there is no way to talk about implementation of urban development and nor, consequently, about inclusive cities. At the end, after checking the main legal instruments of urban policy that emphasize the community participation, provided for in the Statute of the Cities, and that potentiate the breakup of the circles of exclusion, the work want contribute to the clarification and the awaken to the importance of a new perspective democratic of development in the country, grounded in the appreciation of the individual for realization of modern management, decentralized and that, therefore, inserts the effective participation of urban communities in the acting of the State


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the role of Public Powers in the enforcement of fundamental social rights, according to the principle of prohibition to social regression. The Federal Constitution of Brazil, situated in a position normative hierarchical superior, disciplines the legal and political process of the country, determining how Public Powers (Legislative, Executive and Judiciary) should act to enforce fundamental rights (social). Thus, features a cast of fundamental rights that aim to ensure social justice, highlighting the concern to ensure social values aimed at reducing social inequalities. The will of the state should be prevented by controlling the constitutionality of measures which restrict fundamental social rights, assuming the principle of human dignity, pillar of Social and Democratic State of Right, a dual role in the brazilian legal system, acting as the presupposition of jurisdictional control of the constitutionality of restrictive acts and as supervisory of omission or insufficient action of the State in the fulfillment of their fundamental duties. The constitutional determinations remove from the legislator the option to create or not the law that prints effectiveness to the social rights, as well as from the Executive the option of to execute or not rules directed at realization of the constitutional parameters, and Judiciary to behave or not in accordance with the Constitution, being given to the Powers only the arbitrariness of "how" to do, so that all functions performed by public actors to use the Constitution as a repository of the foundational values of the collectivity. Any situation that does not conform the principle of proportionality in relation to the enforcement of fundamental rights, especially the social, represents an unacceptable social regression unconstitutional. The constitutional rules and principles postulated by the realization of the rights, freedoms and guarantees of the human person, acting the principle of prohibition to social regression to regulate a concrete situation, whenever it is intended to change, reducing or deleting, the content of a social right. This paper of limit of state action serves to provide to the society legal security and protection of trust, ensuring the core of every social right. This should be effected to be sheltered the existential minimum, as a guarantee of the inviolability of human life, respecting the constitutional will, not falling into social regression