982 resultados para antitumor vaccines
Eine Immuntherapie von Tumorerkrankungen, die mit Hilfe von Antitumorimpfstoffen prophylaktisch und therapeutisch erfolgen könnte, wäre eine attraktive Alternative zu den bisher angewendeten Krebsbehandlungen. Aufgrund charakteristisch veränderter Aktivitäten von Glycosyltransferasen in der Glycoprotein-Biosynthese werden auf malignen Zellen stark verkürzte, frühzeitig sialylierte mucinartige Glycoproteine exprimiert. Diese verkürzten Kohlenhydrate repräsentieren tumorassoziierte Antigene. Sie haben zur Folge, dass Peptidepitope der Mucin-Glycoproteine, die auf gesundem Gewebe durch den hohen Glycosylierungsgrad maskiert sind, für das Immunsystem freiliegen. Diese Strukturunterschiede sollten einen selektiven Angriff auf das Tumorgewebe erlauben, ohne dass gesundes Gewebe beeinträchtigt wird, wenn es gelänge, das Immunsystem auf diese veränderten Strukturelemente zu fokussieren. Dabei ist es wichtig, dass die Immunantwort mit synthetisch definierten Glycopeptidepitopen ausgelöst wird, um Autoimmunreaktionen zu vermeiden. Somit ist die Synthese von exakt definierten tumorassoziierten Glycopeptiden von zentraler Bedeutung für die Entwicklung eines Antitumor-Impfstoffes. rnDa die tumorassoziierten Kohlenhydratstrukturen Antigene darstellen, die vom Immunsystem weitgehend toleriert werden, ist es notwendig, ihre Immunogenität mit Hilfe immunstimulierender Epitope so zu erhöhen, dass eine effiziente Immunreaktion erfolgt. Nach diesem Konzept wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Methoden und Strategien entwickelt, synthetische Impfstoff-Konjugate zu synthetisieren und immunologisch in Mausexperimenten zu evaluieren. So konnte gezeigt werden, das mit vollsynthetischen Analoga aus tumorassoziierten Glycopeptid-Oberflächenmolekülen in Kombination mit immunstimulierenden Substanzen, wie Trägerproteinen oder Mitogenen, hochselektive humorale Immunantworten ausgelöst werden können.rn
Immunodominance has been well-demonstrated in many antiviral and antibacterial systems, but much less so in the setting of immune responses against cancer. Tumor Ag-specific CD8+ T cells keep cancer cells in check via immunosurveillance and shape tumor development through immunoediting. Because most tumor Ags are self Ags, the breadth and depth of antitumor immune responses have not been well-appreciated. To design and develop antitumor vaccines, it is important to understand the immunodominance hierarchy and its underlying mechanisms, and to identify the most immunodominant tumor Ag-specific T cells. We have comprehensively analyzed spontaneous cellular immune responses of one individual and show that multiple tumor Ags are targeted by the patient's immune system, especially the "cancer-testis" tumor Ag NY-ESO-1. The pattern of anti-NY-ESO-1 T cell responses in this patient closely resembles the classical broad yet hierarchical antiviral immunity and was confirmed in a second subject.
„Synthese von Glycopeptiden und Glycopeptid-Protein-Konjugaten mit einer Partialstruktur des tumorassoziierten Mucins MUC1 zur Entwicklung von Tumorvakzinen“ Das Glycoprotein MUC1 ist in Tumorepithelzellen sonderlich stark überexprimiert und wegen der vorzeitig einsetzenden Sialylierung sind die Saccharid-Epitope der O-Glycanketten stark verkürzt (sog. tumorassoziierte Antigene). Dadurch werden auch bisher verborgene Peptidepitope des Glycoprotein-Rückgrates auf der Zelloberfläche der Epithelzellen zugänglich, die als fremd von den Zellen des Immunsystems erkannt werden können. Dies macht das MUC1-Zelloberfächenmolekül zu einem Zielmolekül in der Entwicklung von Tumorvakzinen. Diese beiden strukturellen Besonderheiten wurden in der Synthese von Glycohexadecapeptiden verbunden, indem die veränderten tumorassoziierten Saccharidstrukturen TN-, STN- und T-Antigen als Glycosylaminosäure-Festphasenbausteine synthetisiert wurden und in das Peptidepitop der Wiederholungseinheit des MUC1 durch Glycopeptid-Festphasensynthese eingebaut wurden. Wegen der inhärenten schwachen Immunogenität der kurzen Glycopeptide müssen die synthetisierten Glycopeptidstrukturen an ein Trägerprotein, welches das Immunsystem stimuliert, gebunden werden. Zur Anbindung der Glycopeptide ist ein selektives Kupplungsverfahren nötig, um definierte und strukturell einheitliche Glycopeptid-Protein-Konjugate zu erhalten. Es konnte eine neue Methode entwickelt werden, bei der die Konjugation durch eine radikalische Additionsreaktion von als Allylamide funktionalisierten Glycopeptiden an ein Thiol-modifiziertes Trägerprotein erfolgte. Dazu wurde anhand von synthetisierten, als Allylamide modifizierten Modellaminosäuren untersucht, ob diese Reaktion generell für eine Biokonjugation geeignet ist und etwaige Nebenreaktionen auftreten können. Mit dieser Methode konnten verschiedene MUC1-Glycopeptid-Trägerprotein-Konjugate hergestellt werden, deren immunologische Untersuchung noch bevorsteht. Das tumorassoziierte MUC1 nimmt in der immundominanten Region seiner Wiederholungseinheit eine knaufartige Struktur ein. Für die Entwicklung von selektiven Tumorvakzinen ist es von großer Bedeutung möglichst genau die Struktur der veränderten Zelloberflächenmoleküle nachzubilden. Durch die Synthese von cyclischen (Glyco)Peptiden wurde dieses Strukturelement fixiert. Dazu wurden olefinische Aminosäure Festphasenbausteine hergestellt, die zusammen mit den oben genannten Glycosylaminosäuren mittels einer Glycopeptid-Festphasensynthese in acyclische Glycopeptide eingebaut wurden. Diese wurden dann durch Ringschlussmetathese zyklisiert und im Anschluss reduziert und vollständig deblockiert. In einem dritten Projekt wurde der Syntheseweg zur Herstellung einer C-Glycosylaminosäure mit einer N-Acetylgalactosamin-Einheit entwickelt. Wichtige Schritte bei der von Glucosamin ausgehenden Synthese sind die Keck-Allylierung, eine Epimerisierung, die Herstellung eines Brom-Dehydroalanin-Derivates und eine B-Alkyl-Suzuki-Miyaura-Kreuzkupplung sowie Schutzgruppenoperationen. Der racemische Baustein konnte dann in der Peptid-Festphasensynthese eines komplexen MUC1-Tetanustoxin-Konjugates eingesetzt werden.
Festphasenoligosaccharidsynthesen: Um den mit der Synthese der Saccharidbausteine verbundenen Zeitaufwand zu reduzieren, sollten festphasenunterstützte, leicht automatisierbare Strategien entwickelt werden. Für die Optimierungen ist es notwendig, über Analysetechniken zu verfügen, die eine quantitative Verfolgung des Reaktionsablaufes erlauben. Zur Bestimmung der Konzentration freier Hydroxylgruppen wurde hierbei eine einfache und effiziente Reaktionsabfolge gefunden, die eine UV-spektroskopische Analyse erlaubt. rnZur Verknüpfung zwischen Kohlenhydrat und polymerem Träger (Polystyrol, Tentagel) kamen der PTMSE-, ein p-Alkoxybenzyl- und zwei Alkylthioanker zum Einsatz. Die Bedingungen zur Anknüpfung der mit Carboxylgruppen ausgestatteten Anker über Amidbindungen an das Harz, zur Spaltung der Lävulinoylschutzgruppe, sowie zur reduktiven Öffnung der Benzylidenacetalschutzgruppe wurden optimiert, sodass sich diese Reaktionen nun in sehr hohen Ausbeuten am polymeren Träger durchführen lassen. rnSpeziell Glycosylierungsreaktionen zeigten jedoch erhebliche Kompatibilitätsprobleme mit der polymeren Matrix. Die Ausbeuten aller an der festen Phase durchgeführten Glycosylierungen lagen bei maximal 5 Prozent. rnGlycopeptidsynthesen: Einige Tumorzellen unterscheiden sich von gesunden Zellen durch ein verändertes Profil an Oberflächenglycoproteinen. So ist das membranständige Glycoprotein MUC1 in malignen Epithelzellen stark überexprimiert und zeigt infolge veränderter Aktivitäten mehrerer Glycosyltransferasen ein modifiziertes Glycosylierungsmuster. Diese tumorspezifischen Strukturveränderungen stellen einen interessanten Angriffspunkt zur Entwicklung von Antitumorvakzinen dar. Um zu potentiellen Impfstoffen zu gelangen, ist es jedoch nötig, die Immunogenität der selbst nur schwach immunogenen Glycopeptide durch Konjugation zu erhöhen. rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit sollten vollsynthetische Konjugate, auf Basis einer 16 Aminosäuren langen, tumorassoziierten Glycopeptidpartialstruktur aus dem MUC1, zur möglichen Verwendung als Antitumorvakzine synthetisiert werden. Die Darstellung erfolgte in einer automatisierten Festphasensynthese nach der Fmoc-Strategie. rnZur Steigerung der Immunogenität wurde das glycosylierte Hexadecapeptid über einen Spacer mit einem T-Zell-Epitop aus dem Tetanustoxoidprotein sowie mit einem Mitogen verknüpft. Zur Synthese des Mitogenkonjugates sind noch Optimierungen im Syntheseablauf und insbesondere bei der Reinigung notwendig. Die immunologische Evaluierung des MUC1-Tetanustoxin-Heterotopkonjugates als mögliches Antitumorvakzin ist geplant. rn
Synthese von tumor-assoziierten MUC1-Mucin-Glycopeptid-Vakzinen und deren immunologische Evaluierung
Eine alternative Methode zur Therapie von Tumorerkrankungen bestünde in einer Immuntherapie ausgelöst durch synthetische Antitumor-Vakzine. Ein vielversprechendes Zielmolekül für eine solche Aktivimmunisierung ist das Glycoprotein MUC1, das auf nahezu allen Epithelgeweben exprimiert und auf Tumorgeweben stark überexprimiert wird. Seine extrazelluläre Domäne enthält eine Vielzahl von Tandem-Repeat-Sequenzen der Art: HGVTSAPDTRPAPGSTAPPA mit fünf potentiellen O-Glycosylierungs-Positionen. Da die Form der Glycosylierung des MUC1 in Tumorzellen stark von der auf normalen Zellen abweicht, liegen auf Tumorzellen eine Reihe tumor-assoziierter Saccharidantigene und Peptidepitope vor.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurden tumor-assoziierte Glycopeptidantigene aus der MUC1-Tandem-Repeat-Region hergestellt. Die synthetisierten MUC1-Glycopeptide tragen in verschiedenen Positionen eine Glycosylierung mit den tumor-assoziierten Tn- und STn-Saccharid-Antigenen. Zur Gewinnung von Vakzinen wurden diese Glycopeptid-Antigene über einen Spacer mit immunstimulierenden Komponenten verknüpft. Als Immunstimulanzien wurden ein T-Zell-Epitop aus dem Ovalbumin (OVA323-339) sowie die Carrier-Proteine Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) und Tetanus-Toxoid (TTox) verwendet. rnDie synthetischen MUC1-Glycopeptide wurden durch Immunisierung von Mäusen einer immunologischen Evaluierung unterzogen. Insbesondere die synthetischen MUC1-Glycopeptid-TTox-Vakzine lösen sehr starke Immunantworten aus. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die induzierten Antikörper stark an Tumorzellen und auch an Mammakarzinom-Gewebe binden, was für die Entwicklung von Antitumor-Vakzinen als vielversprechend einzustufen ist.
RESUMO: As células dendríticas (DCs) têm a capacidade única de induzir respostas imunitárias contra as células tumorais, fagocitando antigénios tumorais e apresentando-os às células T, provocando respostas imunitárias específicas que conduzem à eliminação de células de tumorais. Por induzirem memória imunológica de longa duração, as DCs são uma estratégia atrativa para o tratamento e/ou prevenção do cancro. No entanto, os resultados terapêuticos obtidos em ensaios clínicos com DCs são escassos e pouco eficientes. O nosso grupo demonstrou que ácidos siálicos que contêm glicanos desempenham um papel funcional importante em DCs geradas ex vivo. Com o objetivo de estabelecer um modelo in vitro para avaliar a resposta anti-tumoral específica realizou-se um tratamento enzimático a DCs derivadas de monócitos (moDCs) com sialidase, enzima que cliva ácidos siálicos na superfície celular. O perfil de maturação de moDCs foi caracterizado por citometria de fluxo e expressão de citocinas. Os resultados mostram que a sialidase pode regular positivamente a expressão de moléculas co-estimuladoras na superfície de moDCs estimuladas com agonistas de Toll like receptors (TLRs). Para percebermos se o tratamento com sialidase afeta a sinalização dos TLRs foram usadas células HEK transfectadas de forma estável com TLRs 2, 4 and 7/8. Os dados mostraram que a desialilação não afeta a sinalização através estes recetores. Para investigar o impacto funcional da sialidase na capacidade de moDCs em apresentar um antigénio e ativar células T, moDCs foram tratadas, ou não, com sialidase e cultivadas com clones de células T CD8+ específicas para os péptidos derivados do antigénio tumoral gp100. Os resultados mostram que DCs HLA*02:01+ desialiladas exibem maior cross-presentation do péptido gp100280-288 às células T CD8+ específicas. Além disso o tratamento com sialidase também aumenta a capacidade de DCs de induzir a proliferação de células T CD4+. Em conjunto, os resultados indicam que moDCs com menos ácidos siálicos na superfície, têm melhor potencial imuno-estimulador, com maior capacidade de induzir respostas imunes anti-tumorais.--------------------- ABSTRACT: Dendritic cells (DCs) have a unique capacity to induce immune responses against tumor cells. They can phagocyte tumor antigens, maturate and present them to T cells, triggering antigen-specific immune responses that may lead to the elimination of tumor cells. Since they induce long-lasting immunological memory, DCs become an attractive strategy as cellular targets for vaccines in the treatment and/or prevention of cancer. However, the therapeutic results obtained in clinical trials with DCs are scarce and only few patients effectively respond to the DC vaccines. Our group has shown that sialic acid containing glycans play an important functional role in ex vivo generated DC. Here we aimed to establish an in vitro model to assess specific antitumor responses. To achieve this, an enzymatic treatment of monocyte-derived DCs (moDCs) was performed using sialidase to cleave surface sialic acids. The maturation profile of the moDCs was characterized by flow cytometry and cytokine expression. The results show that sialidase treatment can upregulate co-stimulatory molecules on surface of moDCs stimulated with Toll like receptor (TLR) agonists. To understand whether sialidase treatment affected the TLR signaling, we have used HEK cells stably transfected with TLRs 2, 4 and 7/8. The data showed that desialylation of moDCs does not affect the signaling via these receptors. To investigate the functional impact of sialidase treatment in the capacity of moDCs to present antigen and to activate antigen specific T cells, sialidase treated and untreated moDCs were co-cultured with CD8+ T cell clones specific for peptides derived from the gp100 tumor antigen. Our results show that desialylated HLA02:01+ DCs are superior in cross-presentation of the peptide to gp100280–288 specific CD8+ T cells. In addition, sialidase treatment also increased the DC capacity to induce CD4+ T cells proliferation. Together, these data indicate that moDCs with altered cell surface sialic acids, through a sialidase treatment, have a better immunostimulatory potential which could improve anti-tumor immune responses.
BACKGROUND: Therapeutic cancer vaccines aim to boost the natural immunity against transformed cancer cells, and a series of adjuvants and co-stimulatory molecules have been proposed to enhance the immune response against weak self-antigens expressed on cancer cells. For instance, a peptide/CpG-based cancer vaccine has been evaluated in several clinical trials and was shown in pre-clinical studies to favor the expansion of effector T versus Tregs cells, resulting in a potent antitumor activity, as compared to other TLR ligands. Alternatively, the adjuvant activity of CD1d-restricted invariant NKT cells (iNKT) on the innate and adaptive immunity is well demonstrated, and several CD1d glycolipid ligands are under pre-clinical and clinical evaluation. Importantly, additive or even synergistic effects have been shown upon combined CD1d/NKT agonists and TLR ligands. The aim of the present study is to combine the activation and tumor targeting of activated iNKT, NK and T cells. METHODS: Activation and tumor targeting of iNKT cells via recombinant α-galactosylceramide (αGC)-loaded CD1d-anti-HER2 fusion protein (CD1d-antitumor) is combined or not with OVA peptide/CpG vaccine. Circulating and intratumoral NK and H-2Kb/OVA-specific CD8 responses are monitored, as well as the state of activation of dendritic cells (DC) with regard to activation markers and IL-12 secretion. The resulting antitumor therapy is tested against established tumor grafts of B16 melanoma cells expressing human HER2 and ovalbumin. RESULTS: The combined CD1d/iNKT antitumor therapy and CpG/peptide-based immunization leads to optimized expansion of NK and OVA-specific CD8 T cells (CTLs), likely resulting from the maturation of highly pro-inflammatory DCs as seen by a synergistic increase in serum IL-12. The enhanced innate and adaptive immune responses result in higher tumor inhibition that correlates with increased numbers of OVA-specific CTLs at the tumor site. Antibody-mediated depletion experiments further demonstrate that in this context, CTLs rather than NK cells are essential for the enhanced tumor inhibition. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, our study in mice demonstrates that αGC/CD1d-antitumor fusion protein greatly increases the efficacy of a therapeutic CpG-based cancer vaccine, first as an adjuvant during T cell priming and second, as a therapeutic agent to redirect immune responses to the tumor site.
The sentinel or tumor-draining lymph node (tdLN) serves as a metastatic niche for many solid tumors and is altered via tumor-derived factors that support tumor progression and metastasis. tdLNs are often removed surgically, and therapeutic vaccines against tumor antigens are typically administered systemically or in non-tumor-associated sites. Although the tdLN is immune-suppressed, it is also antigen experienced through drainage of tumor-associated antigens (TAA), so we asked whether therapeutic vaccines targeting the tdLN would be more or less effective than those targeting the non-tdLN. Using LN-targeting nanoparticle (NP)-conjugate vaccines consisting of TAA-NP and CpG-NP, we compared delivery to the tdLN versus non-tdLN in two different cancer models, E.G7-OVA lymphoma (expressing the nonendogenous TAA ovalbumin) and B16-F10 melanoma. Surprisingly, despite the immune-suppressed state of the tdLN, tdLN-targeting vaccination induced substantially stronger cytotoxic CD8+ T-cell responses, both locally and systemically, than non-tdLN-targeting vaccination, leading to enhanced tumor regression and host survival. This improved tumor regression correlated with a shift in the tumor-infiltrating leukocyte repertoire toward a less suppressive and more immunogenic balance. Nanoparticle coupling of adjuvant and antigen was required for effective tdLN targeting, as nanoparticle coupling dramatically increased the delivery of antigen and adjuvant to LN-resident antigen-presenting cells, thereby increasing therapeutic efficacy. This work highlights the tdLN as a target for cancer immunotherapy and shows how its antigen-experienced but immune-suppressed state can be reprogrammed with a targeted vaccine yielding antitumor immunity.
There is considerable interest in the development of vaccination strategies that would elicit strong tumor-specific CTL responses in cancer patients. One strategy consists of using recombinant viruses encoding amino acid sequences corresponding to natural CTL-defined peptide from tumor Ags as immunogens. However, studies with synthetic tumor antigenic peptides have demonstrated that introduction of single amino acid substitutions may dramatically increase their immunogenicity. In this study we have used a well-defined human melanoma tumor Ag system to test the possibility of translating the immunological potency of synthetic tumor antigenic peptide analogues into recombinant vaccinia viruses carrying constructs with the appropriate nucleotide substitutions. Our results indicate that the use of a mutated minigene construct directing the expression of a modified melanoma tumor Ag leads to improved Ag recognition and, more importantly, to enhanced immunogenicity. Thus, recombinant vaccinia viruses containing mutated minigene sequences may lead to new strategies for the induction of strong tumor-specific CTL responses in cancer patients.
Although melanoma vaccines stimulate tumor antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells, objective clinical responses are rarely observed. To investigate this discrepancy, we evaluated the character of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells with regard to the inhibitory T-cell coreceptors PD-1 and Tim-3 in patients with metastatic melanoma who were administered tumor vaccines. The vaccines included incomplete Freund's adjuvant, CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (CpG), and the HLA-A2-restricted analog peptide NY-ESO-1 157-165V, either by itself or in combination with the pan-DR epitope NY-ESO-1 119-143. Both vaccines stimulated rapid tumor antigen-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses detected ex vivo, however, tumor antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells produced more IFN-γ and exhibited higher lytic function upon immunization with MHC class I and class II epitopes. Notably, the vast majority of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells upregulated PD-1 and a minority also upregulated Tim-3. Levels of PD-1 and Tim-3 expression by vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells at the time of vaccine administration correlated inversely with their expansion in vivo. Dual blockade of PD-1 and Tim-3 enhanced the expansion and cytokine production of vaccine-induced CD8(+) T cells in vitro. Collectively, our findings support the use of PD-1 and Tim-3 blockades with cancer vaccines to stimulate potent antitumor T-cell responses and increase the likelihood of clinical responses in patients with advanced melanoma.
Malignant melanoma has increased incidence worldwide and causes most skin cancer-related deaths. A few cell surface antigens that can be targets of antitumor immunotherapy have been characterized in melanoma. This is an expanding field because of the ineffectiveness of conventional cancer therapy for the metastatic form of melanoma. In the present work, antimelanoma monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were raised against B16F10 cells (subclone Nex4, grown in murine serum), with novel specificities and antitumor effects in vitro and in vivo. MAb A4 (IgG2ak) recognizes a surface antigen on B16F10-Nex2 cells identified as protocadherin beta(13). It is cytotoxic in vitro and in vivo to B16F10-Nex2 cells as well as in vitro to human melanoma cell lines. MAb A4M (IgM) strongly reacted with nuclei of permeabilized murine tumor cells, recognizing histone 1. Although it is not cytotoxic in vitro, similarly with mAb A4, mAb A4M significantly reduced the number of lung nodules in mice challenged intravenously with B16F10-Nex2 cells. The V(H) CDR3 peptide from mAb A4 and V(L) CDR1 and CDR2 from mAb A4M showed significant cytotoxic activities in vitro, leading tumor cells to apoptosis. A cyclic peptide representing A4 CDR H3 competed with mAb A4 for binding to melanoma cells. MAb A4M CDRs L1 and L2 in addition to the antitumor effect also inhibited angiogenesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells in vitro. As shown in the present work, mAbs A4 and A4M and selected CDR peptides are strong candidates to be developed as drugs for antitumor therapy for invasive melanoma.
Recombinant adenovirus or DNA vaccines encoding herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein D (gD) genetically fused to human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) oncoproteins (E5, E6, and E7) induce antigen-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses and confer preventive resistance to transplantable murine tumor cells (TC-1 cells). In the present report, we characterized some previously uncovered aspects concerning the induction of CD8(+) T-cell responses and the therapeutic anticancer effects achieved in C57BL/6 mice immunized with pgD-E7E6E5 previously challenged with TC-1 cells. Concerning the characterization of the immune responses elicited in mice vaccinated with pgD-E7E6E5, we determined the effect of the CD4(+) T-cell requirement, longevity, and dose-dependent activation on the E7-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses. In addition, we determined the priming/boosting properties of pgD-E7E6E5 when used in combination with a recombinant serotype 68 adenovirus (AdC68) vector encoding the same chimeric antigen. Mice challenged with TC-1 cells and then immunized with three doses of pgD-E7E6E5 elicited CD8(+) T-cell responses, measured by intracellular gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and CD107a accumulation, to the three HPV-16 oncoproteins and displayed in vivo antigen-specific cytolytic activity, as demonstrated with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE)-labeled target cells pulsed with oligopeptides corresponding to the H-2D(b)-restricted immunodominant epitopes of the E7, E6, or E5 oncoprotein. Up to 70% of the mice challenged with 5 x 10(5) TC-1 cells and immunized with pgD-E7E6E5 controlled tumor development even after 3 days of tumor cell challenge. In addition, coadministration of pgD-E7E6E5 with DNA vectors encoding pGM-CSF or interleukin-12 (IL-12) enhanced the therapeutic antitumor effects for all mice challenged with TC-1 cells. In conclusion, the present results expand our previous knowledge on the immune modulation properties of the pgD-E7E6E5 vector and demonstrate, for the first time, the strong antitumor effects of the DNA vaccine, raising promising perspectives regarding the development of immunotherapeutic reagents for the control of HPV-16-associated tumors.
Immunological adjuvants that induce T cell-mediate immunity (TCMI) with the least side effects are needed for the development of human vaccines. Glycoinositolphospholipids (GIPL) and CpGs oligodeoxynucleotides (CpG ODNs) derived from the protozoa parasite Trypanosoma cruzi induce potent pro-inflammatory reaction through activation of Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) 4 and TLR9, respectively. Here, using mouse models, we tested the T. cruzi derived TLR agonists as immunological adjuvants in an antitumor vaccine. For comparison, we used well-established TLR agonists, such as the bacterial derived monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL), lipopeptide (Pam3Cys), and CpG ODN. All tested TLR agonists were comparable to induce antibody responses, whereas significant differences were noticed in their ability to elicit CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T cell responses. In particular, both GIPLs (GTH, and GY) and CpG ODNs (B344, B297 and B128) derived from T. cruzi elicited interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production by CD4(+) T cells. On the other hand, the parasite derived CpG ODNs, but not GIPLs, elicited a potent IFN-gamma response by CD8(+) T lymphocytes. The side effects were also evaluated by local pain (hypernociception). The intensity of hypernociception induced by vaccination was alleviated by administration of an analgesic drug without affecting protective immunity. Finally, the level of protective immunity against the NY-ESO-1 expressing melanoma was associated with the magnitude of both CD4+ T and CD8+ T cell responses elicited by a specific immunological adjuvant.
We have reported previously that murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) pulsed with whole tumor lysates can mediate potent antitumor immune responses both in vitro and in vivo. Because successful therapy was dependent on host immune T cells, we have now evaluated whether the systemic administration of the T cell stimulatory/growth promoting cytokine interleukin-2 (IL-2) could enhance tumor lysate-pulsed DC-based immunizations to further promote protective immunity toward, and therapeutic rejection of, syngeneic murine tumors. In three separate approaches using a weakly immunogenic sarcoma (MCA-207), the systemic administration of nontoxic doses of recombinant IL-2 (20,000 and 40,000 IU/dose) was capable of mediating significant increases in the potency of DC-based immunizations. IL-2 could augment the efficacy of tumor lysate-pulsed DC to induce protective immunity to lethal tumor challenge as well as enhance splenic cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity and interferon-γ production in these treated mice. Moreover, treatment with the combination of tumor lysate-pulsed DC and IL-2 could also mediate regressions of established pulmonary 3-day micrometastases and 7-day macrometastases as well as established 14- and 28-day s.c. tumors, leading to either significant cure rates or prolongation in overall survival. Collectively, these findings show that nontoxic doses of recombinant IL-2 can potentiate the antitumor effects of tumor lysate-pulsed DC in vivo and provide preclinical rationale for the use of IL-2 in DC-based vaccine strategies in patients with advanced cancer.