964 resultados para University Stadium Lisbon


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We will consider the architecture of the communication platform prototype, "World Cultures in English(es)" (WCE), in relation to the interaction among different types of media and audiences. Such an architecture has emphasized the need for an interdisciplinary team of scholars, librarians, and Information Technology experts who have conceived the prototype. This prototype was developed using PHP and MySQL, and is based on the University of Lisbon server. The "World Cultures in English(es)" is an Open Access platform bringing together different types of documents—written, audio, visual, multimedia, and electronic—and aims at educational, cultural, social, and economic inclusiveness, namely in terms of users with special needs. The WCE platform strongly implies social commitment through reliable information and forms of communication adequate to different kinds of audiences. The "World Cultures in English(es)" prototype will be tested by different audiences from different schools and universities, leading to the necessary adjustments.


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No contexto actual, de exigência de serviços de qualidade por parte da sociedade, os sistemas de avaliação do desempenho são essenciais para as organizações trilharem o caminho do sucesso. Assim sendo, a metodologia Balanced Scorecard, é a ideal para dar resposta a um combinado de problemas comuns a várias organizações, sendo um deles a gestão exclusivamente assente em indicadores financeiros. A metodologia empregue neste trabalho é uma investigação descritiva, representativa de um estudo de caso. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados para a recolha de dados, foram as entrevistas não estruturadas, inquéritos de satisfação a utentes e colaboradores da escola e a análise documental. A principal conclusão deste estudo é que a metodologia Balanced Scorecard pode melhorar em vários aspectos, as perspectivas de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, processo, financeira e clientes, possibilitando uma forma mais clara e precisa do caminho que deve ser percorrido pelo gestor, de forma a atingir todos os seus objectivos, nunca se desviando da sua missão.


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The project of this thesis proceeds from the study of the relationship between town, people, and design and translates into a proposal for the renovation of the Museum of the Town of Lisbon. It was performed in cooperation with the Museum and with the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon.


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This paper examines performances that defy established representations of disease, deformity and bodily difference. Historically, the ‘deformed’ body has been cast – onstage and in sideshows – as flawed, an object of pity, or an example of the human capacity to overcome. Such representations define the boundaries of the ‘normal’ body by displaying its Other. They bracket the ‘abnormal’ body off as an example of deviance from the ‘norm’, thus, paradoxically, decreasing the social and symbolic visibility (and agency) of disabled people. Yet, in contemporary theory and culture, these representations are reappropriated – by disabled artists, certainly, but also as what Carrie Sandahl has called a ‘master trope’ for representing a range of bodily differences. In this paper, I investigate this phenomenon. I analyse French Canadian choreographer Marie Chouinard’s bODY rEMIX/gOLDBERG vARIATIONS, in which 10 able-bodied dancers are reborn as bizarre biotechnical mutants via the use of crutches, walkers, ballet shoes and barres as prosthetic pseudo-organs. These bodies defy boundaries, defy expectations, develop new modes of expression, and celebrate bodily difference. The self-inflicted pain dancers experience during training is cast as a ‘disablement’ that is ultimately ‘enabling’. I ask what effect encountering able bodies celebrating ‘dis’ or ‘diff’ ability has on audiences. Do we see the emergence of a once-repressed Other, no longer silenced, censored or negated? Or does using ‘disability’ to express the dancers’ difference and self-determination usurp a ‘trope’ by which disabled people themselves might speak back to the dominant culture, creating further censorship?


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This tutorial is primarily based on the IEEE eHealth technical committee Newsletter published in March 2013. Its main focus is on information privacy management in eHealth through information accountability. The tutorial consists of three main aspects of a proposed information accountability framework for eHealth, namely, social aspects, technical aspects and legal aspects. Following a brief introduction of the problem domain and context, we present the tutorial in these three main components. The length of the tutorial is intended to be half a day.


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This chapter discusses research undertaken for a PhD in dance, highlighting the oscillating and ambivalent nature of practice-led research methods. Holding an unusual position within the field of practice-led research in dance, the researcher adopted the role of dancer within four creative processes led by four choreographers. Although instigating and leading this research, the author produced new knowledge of dancing practices whilst being directed creatively by the choreographers in the research environment. In line with many definitions of practice-led research, the methods used were emergent from the research arena and responsive to the requirements of the project. Deeply imbricated in the research environment, the researcher used her embodied self as a research tool, as the one who participated, discovered and recorded. This outsider/insider role of researcher/participant produced a series of meta-positions, leading to a mixed-modal outcome that encompassed live performance, a movement treatise and a written thesis.


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A year before Kate Nesbitt’s Theorising a New Agenda For Architecture (1996), the author penned a chapter on the significance of the sublime and its contribution to post-modern architecture via the uncanny or disturbing through the theories of Vidler and Eisenman (Nesbit, 1995). Twenty years on, we see its ongoing presence within the contemporary works of artists Kapoor, Ellison and Viola. Eisenmann and Libeskind aside, explicit reference to the Sublime whether through architectural praxis or theory appears to have been trumped by ecological derivatives and associated transactions, as catalyst for new architecture and architectural thinking. For Edmund Burke (1757), the Sublime was seen as a leading, an overpowering of self to a state of intense self-presence, often leading to a state of otherness. To experience the sublime is to experience affect, physiologically overwhelming the mental faculties through intensities of astonishment, terror, obscurity, magnificence, and reverence. Key here is Burke’s articulation of the stages of the sublime encounter, particularly so, its implications for the process of production which architectural theorists appear to have overstepped in their valorisation of the sublime object. This paper seeks to resituate the sublime within the context of architectural production. Through concepts such as material thinking, bodies and making strange, the paper explores a shift in focus toward affective processes traced from Burke’s inquiry. Rather than proposing strategies solely for affect within the work itself, the focus lies upon the designing experience, where blockage and desirous forces are critical partners in the process of production, as revealed through recent studio programs entitled Strange Space.


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Esta tese tem por objetivo propor uma estratégia de obtenção automática de parâmetros hidrodinâmicos e de transporte através da solução de problemas inversos. A obtenção dos parâmetros de um modelo físico representa um dos principais problemas em sua calibração, e isso se deve em grande parte à dificuldade na medição em campo desses parâmetros. Em particular na modelagem de rios e estuários, a altura da rugosidade e o coeficiente de difusão turbulenta representam dois dos parâmetros com maior dificuldade de medição. Nesta tese é apresentada uma técnica automatizada de estimação desses parâmetros através deum problema inverso aplicado a um modelo do estuário do rio Macaé, localizado no norte do Rio de Janeiro. Para este estudo foi utilizada a plataforma MOHID, desenvolvida na Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, e que tem tido ampla aplicação na simulação de corpos hídricos. Foi realizada uma análise de sensibilidade das respostas do modelo com relação aos parâmetros de interesse. Verificou-se que a salinidade é uma variável sensível a ambos parâmetros. O problema inverso foi então resolvido utilizando vários métodos de otimização através do acoplamento da plataforma MOHID a códigos de otimização implementados em Fortran. O acoplamento foi realizado de forma a não alterar o código fonte do MOHID, possibilitando a utilização da ferramenta computacional aqui desenvolvida em qualquer versão dessa plataforma, bem como a sua alteração para o uso com outros simuladores. Os testes realizados confirmam a eficiência da técnica e apontam as melhores abordagens para uma rápida e precisa estimação dos parâmetros.


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Tese de mestrado, Educação (Didáctica das Ciências), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2010


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Avaliação em Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Educação Intercultural), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Educação (Tecnologias de Informação, Comunicação e Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de História e Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013