996 resultados para Tutor online


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La introducción de las TICs en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje exige hacer frente al reto de su inserción y adaptación al mismo en el ámbito universitario, así como analizar las diversas estrategias formativas y comunicativas recomendadas para el uso de las TICs en la docencia. En este entorno resulta conveniente examinar el rol asignado al e-tutor o e-profesor y, como correlato, el papel del alumno en el marco de la enseñanza online del Derecho. Ello pasa por la identificación de las funciones que debe llevar a cabo el tutor online (lo que, en definitiva, contribuye a definir y reforzar los rasgos de esta figura) que, si bien deben adaptarse a la nueva metodología docente, no deben ser necesariamente distintas a las del tutor presencial. Este objetivo exige determinar las técnicas y competencias más adecuadas para la acción tutorial virtual y requiere una seria reflexión sobre el uso de las herramientas disponibles para este fin, cuestión conectada con las innumerables ventajas de las TICs para la comunicación profesor-alumno (sin olvidar la necesidad de superar también algunos problemas). Se trata de aprovechar el e-learning para imprimir un cambio en la metodología docente respecto del rol que está llamado a desempeñar el e-tutor. Todo ello parte de nuestra experiencia en esta materia.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Enseñanza virtual, innovación e internacionalización de la educación'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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La teleformación, de manera paralela a Internet, ha tenido una rápida y constante evolución a lo largo de los últimos años. Al mismo tiempo, dicha modalidad formativa ha ido cobrando mucha relevancia en el ámbito de la formación, en particular, en la capacitación de las personas trabajadoras. Teniendo en cuenta las ventajas que presenta la teleformación, se hace necesario que se realicen avances y mejoras de la calidad en el desarrollo de los procesos incluidos en ella, como es el caso de la tutorización. Por estas razones esta investigación se plantea: ¿Qué funciones realizan los tutores y tutoras de e-learning durante las acciones formativas en las que participan?, y ¿cómo perciben esas funciones los estudiantes? Este trabajo investiga las formas de tutorización que ayudan a un mejor desempeño por parte del teletutor, promoviendo procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que contribuyan a disminuir el índice de abandonos de estudiantes. La metodología seguida emplea técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas buscando en cada momento, el método que mejor dé respuesta a los objetivos planteados inicialmente. Para la realización de la misma se han tomado dos muestras. Una de 707 estudiantes de cursos online pertenecientes a un proyecto de formación continua de trabajadores de pequeña y mediana empresas, y autónomos, La segunda muestra la conforman 8 tutores que han participado en el mencionado proyecto. A través de esta investigación se han podido analizar y estudiar las dimensiones y funciones que han realizado los tutores durante las distintas acciones formativas llevadas a cabo y se ha llegado a conocer las percepciones que tienen los estudiantes sobre las distintas dimensiones o funciones que ha empleado cada tutor en las mismas. Se consiguió identificar y comprender las tareas y funciones puestas en práctica por los tutores durante las acciones formativas llevadas a cabo, y las diferencias que se produjeron en ellas en cada uno de los docentes. Así mismo los resultados han permitido organizar diversos sistemas de categorías en otros tantos marcos “teóricos”, representados a través de diagramas comprensivos, que nos ayudan a entender de manera más adecuada las relaciones entre categorías y dimensiones de cada uno de los tutores del estudio. Ha sido posible incluso llegar a establecer tipologías de tutores según las funciones y roles desarrollados, los recursos más utilizados en su labor de tutorización y los rasgos que caracterizan a los estudiantes que realizan este tipo de formación.


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Case study about how Gateshead Council is working with a number of adult learning and skills providers to develop and recognise digital literacy through continuous professional development (CPD), online resources and online badges that acknowledge staff achievement.


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The efficiency of large group teaching (lectures) has long been called into question with much research high lighting low levels of student participation, and poor attention spans leading to a lack of engagement with learning which inhibits deep learning. Small group teaching and Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) are methods of teaching that can help promote deep learning. There is also a growing need and demand for Technology Enhanced Learning to suit changing lifestyles. The Labtutor® System, is one such piece of software that is designed to incorporate EBL and small group teaching quality into the large group setting.

This study provides a descriptive survey of adult nursing student’s perceptions of the Labtutor system following its use in two Life Science modules within an undergraduate nursing programme. A convenience sample of first year adult nursing students (n= 115) were identified to complete a 32 item questionnaire (appendix three).
Participants reported overall that they enjoyed using the system and found it beneficial to their learning specifically:
(a) Increased engagement with material in online learning as a result of using the system.
(b) Increased participation and levels of interactivity in the lecture as a result of using the system.
(c) Increased enhancement of learning as a result of using the system and
(d) Usefulness of the formative assessment facilitated by using the system.

The study concludes that Labtutor® system and other such methods of Technology Enhanced Learning packages if used correctly can enhance learning.


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A qualitative study was conducted to detennine 5 nursing educators' perceptions about the online application of a problem-based learning strategy in undergraduate nursing education. The question asked in the study was: Can the essential elements of face-to-face problem-based learning be supported in an online format? The data for this study came from 2 individual tape-recorded interviews with each of the 5 participants over a 3-month period and from a researchjournaI. The educators felt that student-centered learning and critical thinking could be supported within an online format. However, they noted that challenges could exist in terms of developing tutor roles, fostering student self-direction, facilitating group process and connections, and incorporating a nursing philosophy of online learning. The importance of tailoring an online problem-based learning course to reflect educators' philosophies and values in nursing emerged as an important theme from the interview responses. Overall, the participants suggested that an ideal environment would blend both face-to-face and online elements and that fewer elements would be offered in the first 2 years of the nursing program. They described a hybrid model of problem-based learning in which the online component could be used to support face-to-face sessions.


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Resumen basado en el del autor


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Resumen tomado parcialmente de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: Alta habilidad. Superdotación y talento. Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Monográfico con el título: 'Tutoría virtual y e-moderación en red'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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The research reported in this paper is part of a larger project designed to compare the online collaborative learning behaviours of Chinese Heritage Culture (CHC) university students, for whom a Chinese dialect is a first language, with Australian university students of European descent, and for whom English is a first language. The collaborative learning discussion focussed on in the research involved fellow students, rather than tutorial staff, facilitating those discussions.

The first component of the research was quantitative, comprising a questionnaire on readiness for online learning, and a quantitative analysis of student postings to a student-led collaborative problem solving task conducted online. The first component of the research (reported in Smith et at, 2005) showed no differences between the two groups in their willingness to self-manage their own learning, but did show that the CHC students were significantly less comfortable than the Australian students with online learning. Student postings to the online discussions were classified into organisational postings, social postings, and intellectual. There were substantial differences between the two groups in their patterns of online postings among those classifications, as well as differences in the length of postings made.

This paper will explore these findings in more detail through qualitative data generated through interviews with a subset of students from each group. Interview data provided further insight into the lesser comfort with e-learning among CHC students. Students from both groups felt there were inefficiencies in the online discussion, but CHC students also felt rather marginalised by the process. Australian students were more likely to evaluate the experience in terms of its capacity to achieve required learning outcomes in a time efficient way, while CHC students expressed more concern about how the process had impacted upon them personally. The interview data also indicated that a tutor sensitive to cultural difference is important for comfort among the CHC students in particular, since there is need for encouragement to those students to make reflective inputs to the discussion.


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There will be between 30 and 80 million online students in the world by 2025. Globally, school systems are investing huge resources in the development of online education programs in order to meet this demand. Related implications for online teaching have been largely ignored despite evidence of the greatly increased workload for online teachers and widespread student dissatisfaction with online leaming experiences. Opportunities for improving the online experience for both leamers and teachers revolve around minimizing procedural inefficiencies in dealing with large numbers of individual students, as opposed to a single class, and of enhancing students' social and cognitive engagement with leaming. Intelligent software agents that can automate many routine online tasks and some aspects of leamer interaction have enormous potential to facilitate this. These agents that can act as a personal online coach, mentor or tutor to increase the individualisation of learning. The development of evidence-based agent personas is essential if agents are to fulfil specific educational roles. CUITently there is little progress being made in this area because of the lack of an agentrole model that can be used to implement specific educational personas in agents. In this paper we discuss key foundational elements of the nature and basis for implementing elements of educational expertise in software and how this could be used in developing agent persona models for specific educational roles and a model for implementing pedagogical constructs in intelligent educational software.