An evaluation of Lab Tutor from the Nursing Student’s Perspective

Autoria(s): McMullan, Johanna



<br/>The efficiency of large group teaching (lectures) has long been called into question with much research high lighting low levels of student participation, and poor attention spans leading to a lack of engagement with learning which inhibits deep learning. Small group teaching and Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) are methods of teaching that can help promote deep learning. There is also a growing need and demand for Technology Enhanced Learning to suit changing lifestyles. The Labtutor® System, is one such piece of software that is designed to incorporate EBL and small group teaching quality into the large group setting. <br/><br/>This study provides a descriptive survey of adult nursing student’s perceptions of the Labtutor system following its use in two Life Science modules within an undergraduate nursing programme. A convenience sample of first year adult nursing students (n= 115) were identified to complete a 32 item questionnaire (appendix three).<br/>Participants reported overall that they enjoyed using the system and found it beneficial to their learning specifically:<br/>(a) Increased engagement with material in online learning as a result of using the system.<br/>(b) Increased participation and levels of interactivity in the lecture as a result of using the system.<br/>(c) Increased enhancement of learning as a result of using the system and <br/>(d) Usefulness of the formative assessment facilitated by using the system.<br/><br/>The study concludes that Labtutor® system and other such methods of Technology Enhanced Learning packages if used correctly can enhance learning.<br/>





nurse education today confernece proceedings




McMullan , J 2015 , An evaluation of Lab Tutor from the Nursing Student’s Perspective . in Nurse Education Today . nurse education today confernece proceedings .

