883 resultados para Time-To-Market
O desenvolvimento da sociedade pós-industrial, voltada para a valorização da informação, exige das empresas um alto nível de adaptação às necessidades do consumidor, com o escopo de assegurar posição competitiva no mercado. A exposição do consumidor a novas tecnologias e a ciclos de vida útil, associados aos produtos progressivamente mais exíguos, exige das empresas a obrigatoriedade de introdução de velocidade nos processos de concepção e desenvolvimento de produtos. O presente trabalho propõe o estudo de caso de uma empresa da indústria de terminais celulares, mediante sua análise diante de um modelo descritivo de melhores práticas de geração de valor significativo, a partir da política de redução do time-to-market nas atividades de manufatura das empresas, embasada em profunda revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema. Assevera-se como a velocidade representa atributo constitutivo de vantagem competitiva e quais os recursos, atributos e ativos, a empresa deve constituir para assegurar o apropriado embasamento de uma política voltada para a redução dos ciclos de produção. A integração dos diversos elos da cadeia de valor apresenta essencialidade para a persecução do time-to-market, razão pela qual, outros dois aspectos são estudados com relativa profundidade. A terceirização autoriza a possibilidade da empresa se focar nas atividades consideradas primárias, delegando aos fornecedores o desempenho das atividades não-essenciais. Igualmente, destacam-se as principais conseqüências associadas a este processo. Não obstante, um segundo determinante da integração é alvo de avaliação, pela sua crescente representatividade no âmbito empresarial: a utilização da tecnologia de informação como estratégia para alavancagem dos negócios corporativos e integração dos parceiros diretamente envolvidos na fabricação dos produtos. O estudo pauta-se, fundamentalmente, na propositura de um modelo que pode ser adotado em qualquer empresa, com o escopo de se alcançar a vantagem competitiva sustentável.
The gap in labour market participation between natives and people with an immigrant background is significant in Belgium, one of the largest in the OECD. In this Policy Brief, we present research1 that investigated one of the possible causes of this poor performance, and we propose three main policy recommendations. The research project studied whether Belgium’s complex federal state structure, and the subsequent division of responsibilities and lack of intergovernmental cooperation helps to explain this poor performance. The study concluded that governance complexity does not appear to be a main cause for Belgium’s poor results. However, more policy coordination would improve policy efficiency.
No Abstract.
No Abstract.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The behavioural finance literature expects systematic and significant deviations from efficiency to persist in securities markets due to behavioural and cognitive biases of investors. These behavioural models attempt to explain the coexistence of intermediate-term momentum and long-term reversals in stock returns based on the systematic violations of rational behaviour of investors. The study investigates the anchoring bias of investors and the profitability of the 52-week momentum strategy (GH henceforward). The relatively highly volatile OMX Helsinki stock exchange is a suitable market for examining the momentum effect, since international investors tend to realise their positions first from the furthest security markets by the time of market turbulence. Empirical data is collected from Thomson Reuters Datastream and the OMX Nordic website. The objective of the study is to provide a throughout research by formulating a self-financing GH momentum portfolio. First, the seasonality of the strategy is examined by taking the January effect into account and researching abnormal returns in long-term. The results indicate that the GH strategy is subject to significantly negative revenues in January, but the strategy is not prone to reversals in long-term. Then the predictive proxies of momentum returns are investigated in terms of acquisition prices and 52-week high statistics as anchors. The results show that the acquisition prices do not have explanatory power over the GH strategy’s abnormal returns. Finally, the efficacy of the GH strategy is examined after taking transaction costs into account, finding that the robust abnormal returns remain statistically significant despite the transaction costs. As a conclusion, the relative distance between a stock’s current price and its 52-week high statistic explains the profits of momentum investing to a high degree. The results indicate that intermediateterm momentum and long-term reversals are separate phenomena. This presents a challenge to current behavioural theories, which model these aspects of stock returns as subsequent components of how securities markets respond to relevant information.
The aim of this thesis was to create a process for all multi-site ramp-up (MSRU) projects in the case company in order to have simultaneous ramp-ups early in the market. The research was done through case study in one company and semi-structured interviews. There are already processes, which are now in use in MSRU-cases. Interviews of 20 ramp-up specialists revealed topics to be improved. Those were project team set up, roles and responsibilities and recommended project organization, communication, product change management practices, competence and know how transfer practices and support model. More R&D support and involvement is needed in MSRU-projects. DCM’s role is very important in the MSRU-projects among PMT-team; he should be the business owner of the project. Recommendation is that product programs could take care of the product and repair training of new products in volume factories. R&D’s participation in competence transfers is essential important in MSRU-projects. Communication in projects could be shared through special intranet commune. Blogging and tweeting could be considered in the communication plan. If hundreds of change notes are open in ramp-up phase, it should be considered not to approve the product into volume ramp-up. PMTs’ supports are also important and MSRU-projects should be planned, budgeted and executed together. Finally a new MSRU-process is presented in this thesis to be used in all MSRU-projects.
Organic agriculture requires farmers with the ability to develop profitable agro-enterprises on their own. By drawing on four years of experiences with the Enabling Rural Innovation approach in Uganda, we outline how smallholder farmers transition to organic agriculture and, at the same time, increase their entrepreneurial skills and competences through learning. In order to document this learning we operationalised the Kirkpatrick learning evaluation model, which subsequently informed the collection of qualitative data in two study sites. Our analysis suggests that the Enabling Rural Innovation approach helps farmers to develop essential capabilities for identifying organic markets and new organic commodities, for testing these organic commodities under varying organic farm management scenarios, and for negotiating contracts with organic traders. We also observed several obstacles that confront farmers’ transition to organic agriculture when using the Enabling Rural Innovation approach. These include the long duration of agronomic experimentation and seed multiplication, expensive organic certification procedures and the absence of adequate mechanism for farmers to access crop finance services. Despite prevailing obstacles we conclude that the Enabling Rural Innovation approach provides a starting point for farmers to develop entrepreneurial competences and profitable agro-enterprises on their own.
Rationalizing non-participation as a resource deficiency in the household, this paper identifies strategies for milk-market development in the Ethiopian highlands. The additional amounts of covariates required for Positive marketable surplus -'distances-to market'-are computed from a model in which production and sales are correlated; sales are left-censored at some Unobserved thresholds production efficiencies are heterogeneous: and the data are in the form of a panel. Incorporating these features into the modeling exercise ant because they are fundamental to the data-generating environment. There are four reasons. First, because production and sales decisions are enacted within the same household, both decisions are affected by the same exogenous shocks, and production and sales are therefore likely to be correlated. Second. because selling, involves time and time is arguably the most important resource available to a subsistence household, the minimum Sales amount is not zero but, rather, some unobserved threshold that lies beyond zero. Third. the Potential existence of heterogeneous abilities in management, ones that lie latent from the econometrician's perspective, suggest that production efficiencies should be permitted to vary across households. Fourth, we observe a single set of households during multiple visits in a single production year. The results convey clearly that institutional and production) innovations alone are insufficient to encourage participation. Market-precipitating innovation requires complementary inputs, especially improvements in human capital and reductions in risk. Copyright (c) 20 08 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In market research, the adoption of interactive virtual reality-techniques could be expected to contain many advantages: artificial lab environments could be designed in a more realistic manner and the consideration of “time to the market”-factors could be improved. On the other hand, with an increasing degree of presence and the notional attendance in a simulated test environment, the market research task could fall prey to the tensing virtual reality adventure. In the following study a 3D-technique is empirically tested for its usability in market research. It will be shown that the interactive 3D-simulation is not biased by the immersion it generates and provides considerably better test results than 2D-stimuli do.
Excessive leverage and risk-taking by large international banks were the main causes of the 2008-09 financial crisis and the ensuing sharp drop in economic activity and employment. World leaders and central bankers promised that it would not happen again and, to this end, undertook to overhaul banking regulation, first and foremost by rectifying Basel prudential rules. This study argues that the new Basel III Accord and the ensuing EU Capital Requirements Directive IV fail to correct the two main shortcomings of international prudential rules: 1) reliance on banks’ risk management models for the calculation of capital requirements and 2) the lack of accountability by supervisors. Accordingly, the authors propose the calculation of capital requirements without risk adjustment and creation of a system of mandated action by supervisors modelled on the US framework of Prompt Corrective Action (PCA). They also recommend that banks should be required to issue large amounts of debentures that are convertible into equity in order to strengthen market discipline on management and shareholders.
This empirical study examines the Pricing-To-Market (PTM) behaviour of 20 UK export sectors. Using both Exponential General Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (EGARCH) and Threshold GARCH (TGARCH) estimation methods, we find evidence of PTM that is accompanied by strong conditional volatility and weak asymmetry effects. The PTM estimates suggest that when the currency of exporters appreciates in the current period, exporters pass-on between 31% and 94% of the Foreign Exchange (FX) rate increase to importers. However, both export price changes and producers' prices are sluggish, perhaps being driven by coordination failure and menu driven costs, amongst others. Furthermore, export prices contain strong time varying effects which impact on PTM strategy. Exporters do not typically appear to put much more weight on negative news of (say) an FX rate appreciation compared to positive news of an FX rate depreciation. Much depends on the export sector. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oat bran supplementation on time to exhaustion, glycogen stores and cytokines in rats submitted to training. The animals were divided into 3 groups: sedentary control group (C), an exercise group that received a control chow (EX) and an exercise group that received a chow supplemented with oat bran (EX-O). Exercised groups were submitted to an eight weeks swimming training protocol. In the last training session, the animals performed exercise to exhaustion, (e.g. incapable to continue the exercise). After the euthanasia of the animals, blood, muscle and hepatic tissue were collected. Plasma cytokines and corticosterone were evaluated. Glycogen concentrations was measured in the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, and liver. Glycogen synthetase-alpha gene expression was evaluated in the soleus muscle. Statistical analysis was performed using a factorial ANOVA. Time to exhaustion of the EX-O group was 20% higher (515 +/- 3 minutes) when compared with EX group (425 +/- 3 minutes) (p = 0.034). For hepatic glycogen, the EX-O group had a 67% higher concentrations when compared with EX (p = 0.022). In the soleus muscle, EX-O group presented a 59.4% higher glycogen concentrations when compared with EX group (p = 0.021). TNF-alpha was decreased, IL-6, IL-10 and corticosterone increased after exercise, and EX-O presented lower levels of IL-6, IL-10 and corticosterone levels in comparison with EX group. It was concluded that the chow rich in oat bran increase muscle and hepatic glycogen concentrations. The higher glycogen storage may improve endurance performance during training and competitions, and a lower post-exercise inflammatory response can accelerate recovery.
In this study the hypothesis that interceptive movements are controlled on the basis of expectancy of time to target arrival was tested. The study was conducted through assessment of temporal errors and kinematics of interceptive movements to a moving virtual target. Initial target velocity was kept unchanged in part of the trials, and in the others it was decreased 300 ms before the due time of target arrival at the interception position, increasing in 100 ms time to target arrival. Different probabilities of velocity decrease ranging from 25 to 100% were compared. The results revealed that while there were increasing errors between probabilities of 25 and 75% for unchanged target velocity, the opposite relationship was observed for target velocity decrease. Kinematic analysis indicated that movement timing adjustments to target velocity decrease were made online. These results support the conception that visuomotor integration in the interception of moving targets is mediated by an internal forward model whose weights can be flexibly adjusted according to expectancy of time to target arrival.