943 resultados para Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Resumen en inglés


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Since 1980s, Western linguists and specialists on second language acquisition have emphasized the importance of enhancing students’ intercultural communication competence in foreign language education. At the same time, the demand for intercultural communicative competence increased along with the advances of communication technology with its increasingly global reach and the process of globalization itself.In the field of distance language education, these changes have resulted in a shift of focus from the production and distribution of learning materials towards communication and learning as a social process, facilitated by various internet-based platforms. The current focus on learners interacting and communicating synchronously trough videoconferencing is known as the fourth generation of distance language education. Despite the fact that teaching of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) faces the same or even greater challenges as teaching other languages, the intercultural communication perspective is still quite a new trend in CFL and its implementation and evaluation are still under development. Moreover, the advocates of the new trends in CFL have so far focused almost exclusively on classroom-based courses, neglecting the distance mode of CFL and leaving it as an open field for others to explore. In this under-researched context, Dalarna University (Sweden), where I currently work, started to provide web-based courses of the Chinese language in 2007. Since 2010, the Chinese language courses have been available only in the distance form, using the same teaching materials as the previous campus-based courses. The textbooks used in both settings basically followed the functional nationalism approach. However, in order to catch up with the main trend of foreign-language education, we felt a need to implement the cross-cultural dimension into the distance courses as well. Therefore in 2010, a pilot study has been carried out to explore opportunities and challenges for implementing a cross-cultural perspective into existing courses and evaluating the effectiveness of this implementation based on the feedback of the students and on the experience of the teacher/researcher.


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Enhancing Intercultural Communication in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language – An Action Research Study Over the past few decades, the rapid development of information communication technology, internationalization and globalization worldwide have required a shift in the focus of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) towards competence in intercultural communication in which the role of culture in the acquisition of CFL and in the pragmatic use of the language is emphasized and promoted. However, most of the current research in this academic area remains only on a theoretical level. Practical examples, particularly with regard to distance learning/teaching of the Chinese language, are very limited. This motivated the implementation of an action research study which aimed at exploring the possibilities and limitations of integrating Chinese culture and applying intercultural communication theory into a contemporary distance CFL course for beginners. By observing and comparing the performance of subjects in the control and experimental groups, this action research study focuses on exploring three basic areas. Firstly, it discloses the cultural elements which underlie effective daily communication. Secondly, it investigates how students acquire cultural knowledge and develop their ability to competently communicate in the target course. And thirdly, it evaluates how the modified course syllabus could enhance students’ intercultural communicative competence. The findings of the research aim to serve as both a resource and reference for educators and researchers who are interested in carrying out reforms and research in this academic domain.


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This article presents, under the perspective of Complexity Theory, the characteristics of the learning process of Spanish as a foreign language in Teletandem. Data were collected from two pairs of Portuguese-Spanish interagents, who were engaged in a systematic and regular interaction, based on the tandem principles. It was found that the learning experience is developed with the peculiarities that arise from the context, agents, members and their nuances, which revealed the presence of a shallow space between the systems of native and foreign languages.


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Technological advances have brought about the ever-increasing utilisation of computer-assisted language learning ( CALL) media in the learning of a second language (L2). Computer-mediated communication, for example, provides a practical means for extending the learning of spoken language, a challenging process in tonal languages such as Chinese, beyond the realms of the classroom. In order to effectively improve spoken language competency, however, CALL applications must also reproduce the social interaction that lies at the heart of language learning and language use. This study draws on data obtained from the utilisation of CALL in the learning of L2 Chinese to explore whether this medium can be used to extend opportunities for rapport-building in language teaching beyond the face-to-face interaction of the classroom. Rapport's importance lies in its potential to enhance learning, motivate learners, and reduce learner anxiety. To date, CALL's potential in relation to this facet of social interaction remains a neglected area of research. The results of this exploratory study suggest that CALL may help foster learner-teacher rapport and that scaffolding, such as strategically composing rapport-fostering questions in sound-files, is conducive to this outcome. The study provides an instruction model for this application of CALL.


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This paper examines the global "English craze," in which non-Englishspeaking countries, especially in Asia, East Asia, and the Middle East, are engaged in a concerted push to get the language taught more widely and at increasingly lower grade levels. The goal of this paper is to document how this phenomenon has impacted teachers of English as a Foreign Language and how they can try to alleviate these problems.


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This research arose from the notorious need to promote oral production in the adult learners of the English Extension courses at Universidad del Valle in 2014. This qualitative research was carried out in a 60 hour course divided along 15 sessions on Saturdays, and with an adult population between the ages of 22 and 65 years old. Its main objective was to describe the impact of games aimed at promoting oral production in English with a group of adult learners. Data were collected from one demographic survey, video-recordings of classroom events during the implementation of games, students? surveys after each game and a teacher?s journal. The analysis of data showed that games did have an impact in students? performance which was related to a positive atmosphere in the classroom. Students showed progress in terms of fluency, interaction and even pronunciation; however they still showed difficulties with accuracy in their spontaneous utterances. These learners? achievements seemed to have a relation with the class atmosphere during games where students showed high level of involvement, confidence, mutual support and enjoyment.


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This paper presents a study about the role of grammar in on-line interactions conducted in Portuguese and in English, between Brazilian and English-speaking interactants, with the aim of teaching Portuguese as a foreign language (PFL). The interactions occurred by means of chat and the MSN Messenger, and generated audio and video data for language analysis. Grammar is dealt with from two perspectives, an inductive and a deductive approach, so as to investigate the relevance of systematization of grammar rules in the process of learning PFL in teletandem interactions.


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This study investigated prospective EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers’ perceptions of learner autonomy. Main aim was to see whether the education they receive on how to teach English make any difference in prospective EFL teachers’ perceptions regarding learner autonomy. A researcher-developed questionnaire was administered to 179 students studying in the program of ‘Teaching English as a Foreign Language’ at Anadolu University in Turkey. Results of the study indicated that generally there is not much difference between the first and fourth year participants of the study in terms of their perceptions of learner autonomy.


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En este trabajo se pretende, por una parte, identificar los usos del pretérito perfecto compuesto y su contraste para las distintas variedades del español y, por otra parte, comparar las conclusiones a las que se llegue al respecto, con dos métodos y una gramática pensados específicamente para la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera


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En este trabajo he abordado la enseñanza de los pronombres átonos le, la, lo / les, las, los y sus variantes dialectales en el contexto de la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera. Las variaciones en el uso de los pronombres, ya no solo en la Península, sino en el resto de países hispanohablantes, son bastante numerosas y es una de las mayores dificultades que presenta el español


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Cette étude se focalise sur la révision de l’approche communicative des manuels d’enseignement de l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE) et, plus particulièrement, sur celle des manuels utilisés dans les institutions scolaires du Québec. D’un point de vue historique, les premières inquiétudes liées à l’enseignement et à l’acquisition de langues secondes sont apparues dans l’Antiquité. Pendant des siècles, l’enseignement fondé sur la répétition de structures a prédominé, mais une fois le Moyen Âge passé, d’autres avancées pédagogiques sont nées. Par exemple, au XVIIe siècle, des études sur la question, inspirées de penseurs comme Montaigne et Locke, ont révélé que l’apprentissage formel de la langue n’était pas utile et que les apprenants avaient besoin d’une motivation pour apprendre. Le XXe siècle a été caractérisé par le déploiement de propositions méthodologiques à utiliser dans l’enseignement de langues secondes, et c’est ainsi que des méthodes telles que Directe, Audio-linguistique, Apprentissage communautaire de la langue et Approche naturelle ont surgi. Au milieu du XXe siècle s’est développée en Europe une proposition basée sur les besoins communicatifs des étudiants et ce qui, au début, était connu comme l’approche notionnelle fonctionnelle a évolué et est devenu l’enseignement communicatif. Une telle approche concerne essentiellement l’usage de la langue et accorde moins d’importance aux connaissances linguistiques. Elle a pour objectif principal que l’étudiant-parlant développe des habiletés interprétatives et expressives de la langue objet. En nous appuyant sur un cadre théorique de l’enseignement des langues et en analysant les manuels Nuevo ELE, Prisma et Español en marcha (niveaux A1-B2), nous prétendons vérifier la présence de l’approche communicative dans ces manuels afin de pouvoir démontrer que dans les activités dites communicatives, il y a différentes applications possibles des méthodes traditionnelles de l’enseignement de langues secondes et que, par conséquent, l’approche communicative réunit plusieurs propositions qui proviennent d’autres méthodes. Mot-clés : Espagnol langue étrangère (ELE), approche communicative, analyse de manuels, Nuevo ELE, Prisma, Español en marcha.