843 resultados para Strategic Spaces
Desde o surgimento do Movimento Pentecostal, mulheres tiveram participação ativa e fundamental para a consolidação do Movimento. Entretanto, com sua institucionalização, o Movimento Pentecostal passou a segregar as mulheres, restringindo sua atuação a funções eclesiais subalternas. Mulheres foram relegadas ao esquecimento. Contudo, a hegemonia do poder masculino não impediu que as mulheres criassem suas redes de sentido nas igrejas pentecostais, através de sociedades de mulheres que funcionam como espaços de socialização e humanização, geralmente em contextos de alta vulnerabilidade social. A presente pesquisa procura visibilizar e problematizar estas redes de socialização e de produção de sentido. O objeto de pesquisa são essas micro-redes sociais constituídas e lideradas por mulheres pentecostais. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o da História Oral, o qual foi muito útil para compreender, através de depoimentos, como se formam as teias, tramas, interações e redes por onde flui a solidariedade entre as mulheres e a legitimação do poder que as próprias mulheres pentecostais alcançam e usufruem nessas micros-redes. Procurou-se deixar as mulheres falarem por si mesmas. Com a vez e a voz, as mulheres pentecostais!
In this paper we take seriously the call for strategy-as-practice research to address the material, spatial and bodily aspects of strategic work. Drawing on a video-ethnographic study of strategic episodes in a financial trading context, we develop a conceptual framework that elaborates on strategic work as socially accomplished within particular spaces that are constructed through different orchestrations of material, bodily and discursive resources. Building on the findings, our study identifies three types of strategic work - private work, collaborative work and negotiating work - that are accomplished within three distinct spaces that are constructed through multimodal constellations of semiotic resources. We show that these spaces, and the activities performed within them, are continuously shifting in ways that enable and constrain the particular outcomes of a strategic episode. Our framework contributes to the strategy-as-practice literature by identifying the importance of spaces in conducting strategic work and providing insight into the way that these spaces are constructed.
Cities are key locations where Sustainability needs to be addressed at all levels, as land is a finite resource. However, not all urban spaces are exploited at best, and land developers often evaluate unused, misused, or poorly-designed urban portions as impracticable constraints. Further, public authorities lose the challenge to enable and turn these urban spaces into valuable opportunities where Sustainable Urban Development may flourish. Arguing that these spatial elements are at the centre of SUD, the paper elaborates a prototype in the form of a conceptual strategic planning framework, committed to an effective recycling of the city spaces using a flexible and multidisciplinary approach. Firstly, the research focuses upon a broad review of Sustainability literature, highlighting established principles and guidelines, building a sound theoretical base for the new concept. Hence, it investigates origins, identifies and congruently suggests a definition, characterisation and classification for urban “R-Spaces”. Secondly, formal, informal and temporary fitting functions are analysed and inserted into a portfolio meant to enhance adaptability and enlarge the choices for the on-site interventions. Thirdly, the study outlines ideal quality requirements for a sustainable planning process. Then, findings are condensed in the proposal, which is articulated in the individuation of tools, actors, plans, processes and strategies. Afterwards, the prototype is tested upon case studies: Solar Community (Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna) and Hyllie Sustainable City Project, the latter developed via an international workshop (ACSI-Camp, Malmö, Sweden). Besides, the qualitative results suggest, inter alia, the need to right-size spatial interventions, separate structural and operative actors, involve synergies’ multipliers and intermediaries (e.g. entrepreneurial HUBs, innovation agencies, cluster organisations…), maintain stakeholders’ diversity and create a circular process open for new participants. Finally, the paper speculates upon a transfer of the Swedish case study to Italy, and then indicates desirable future researches to favour the prototype implementation.
Consolidation of a wsn and minimax method to rapidly neutralise intruders in strategic installations
Due to the sensitive international situation caused by still-recent terrorist attacks, there is a common need to protect the safety of large spaces such as government buildings, airports and power stations. To address this problem, developments in several research fields, such as video and cognitive audio, decision support systems, human interface, computer architecture, communications networks and communications security, should be integrated with the goal of achieving advanced security systems capable of checking all of the specified requirements and spanning the gap that presently exists in the current market. This paper describes the implementation of a decision system for crisis management in infrastructural building security. Specifically, it describes the implementation of a decision system in the management of building intrusions. The positions of the unidentified persons are reported with the help of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The goal is to achieve an intelligent system capable of making the best decision in real time in order to quickly neutralise one or more intruders who threaten strategic installations. It is assumed that the intruders’ behaviour is inferred through sequences of sensors’ activations and their fusion. This article presents a general approach to selecting the optimum operation from the available neutralisation strategies based on a Minimax algorithm. The distances among different scenario elements will be used to measure the risk of the scene, so a path planning technique will be integrated in order to attain a good performance. Different actions to be executed over the elements of the scene such as moving a guard, blocking a door or turning on an alarm will be used to neutralise the crisis. This set of actions executed to stop the crisis is known as the neutralisation strategy. Finally, the system has been tested in simulations of real situations, and the results have been evaluated according to the final state of the intruders. In 86.5% of the cases, the system achieved the capture of the intruders, and in 59.25% of the cases, they were intercepted before they reached their objective.
In the setting of noncooperative game theory, strategic negligibility of individual agents, or diffuseness of information, has been modeled as a nonatomic measure space, typically the unit interval endowed with Lebesgue measure. However, recent work has shown that with uncountable action sets, for example the unit interval, there do not exist pure-strategy Nash equilibria in such nonatomic games. In this brief announcement, we show that there is a perfectly satisfactory existence theory for nonatomic games provided this nonatomicity is formulated on the basis of a particular class of measure spaces, hyperfinite Loeb spaces. We also emphasize other desirable properties of games on hyperfinite Loeb spaces, and present a synthetic treatment, embracing both large games as well as those with incomplete information.
Background: We aimed to compare plasma concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) in dogs that underwent intra- and preperitoneal CO(2) insufflation. Materials and Methods: Thirty dogs were studied. Ten formed a control group, 10 underwent intraperitoneal CO(2) insufflation, and 10 underwent preperitoneal CO(2) insufflation. General anesthesia with controlled ventilation was standardized for all dogs. After stabilizing the anesthesia, blood samples were collected at predetermined times and were sent for immediate gasometric analysis. Analysis of variance was used for comparing variables. Results: The plasma CO(2) concentration in the intraperitoneal insufflation group increased significantly more than in the preperitoneal insufflation group and was significantly greater than in the control group (P < 0.05). The pH values in the intraperitoneal group were lower than in the preperitoneal group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The data from this study suggest that a greater plasma concentration of CO(2) is achieved by insufflation at constant pressure into the intraperitoneal space than into the preperitoneal space.
Quantum field theories (QFT's) on noncommutative spacetimes are currently under intensive study. Usually such theories have world sheet noncommutativity. In the present work, instead, we study QFT's with commutative world sheet and noncommutative target space. Such noncommutativity can be interpreted in terms of twisted statistics and is related to earlier work of Oeckl [R. Oeckl, Commun. Math. Phys. 217, 451 (2001)], and others [A. P. Balachandran, G. Mangano, A. Pinzul, and S. Vaidya, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 21, 3111 (2006); A. P. Balachandran, A. Pinzul, and B. A. Qureshi, Phys. Lett. B 634,434 (2006); A.P. Balachandran, A. Pinzul, B.A. Qureshi, and S. Vaidya, arXiv:hep-th/0608138; A.P. Balachandran, T. R. Govindarajan, G. Mangano, A. Pinzul, B.A. Qureshi, and S. Vaidya, Phys. Rev. D 75, 045009 (2007); A. Pinzul, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20, 6268 (2005); G. Fiore and J. Wess, Phys. Rev. D 75, 105022 (2007); Y. Sasai and N. Sasakura, Prog. Theor. Phys. 118, 785 (2007)]. The twisted spectra of their free Hamiltonians has been found earlier by Carmona et al. [J. M. Carmona, J. L. Cortes, J. Gamboa, and F. Mendez, Phys. Lett. B 565, 222 (2003); J. M. Carmona, J. L. Cortes, J. Gamboa, and F. Mendez, J. High Energy Phys. 03 (2003) 058]. We review their derivation and then compute the partition function of one such typical theory. It leads to a deformed blackbody spectrum, which is analyzed in detail. The difference between the usual and the deformed blackbody spectrum appears in the region of high frequencies. Therefore we expect that the deformed blackbody radiation may potentially be used to compute a Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin cutoff which will depend on the noncommutative parameter theta.
This paper is a continuation and a complement of our previous work on isomorphic classification of some spaces of compact operators. We improve the main result concerning extensions of the classical isomorphic classification of the Banach spaces of continuous functions on ordinals. As an application, fixing an ordinal a and denoting by X(xi), omega(alpha) <= xi < omega(alpha+1), the Banach space of all X-valued continuous functions defined in the interval of ordinals [0,xi] and equipped with the supremum, we provide complete isomorphic classifications of some Banach spaces K(X(xi),Y(eta)) of compact operators from X(xi) to Y(eta), eta >= omega. It is relatively consistent with ZFC (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice) that these results include the following cases: 1.X* contains no copy of c(0) and has the Mazur property, and Y = c(0)(J) for every set J. 2. X = c(0)(I) and Y = l(q)(J) for any infinite sets I and J and 1 <= q < infinity. 3. X = l(p)(I) and Y = l(q)(J) for any infinite sets I and J and 1 <= q < p < infinity.
We prove an extension of the classical isomorphic classification of Banach spaces of continuous functions on ordinals. As a consequence, we give complete isomorphic classifications of some Banach spaces K(X,Y(n)), eta >= omega, of compact operators from X to Y(eta), the space of all continuous Y-valued functions defined in the interval of ordinals [1, eta] and equipped with the supremum norm. In particular, under the Continuum Hypothesis, we extend a recent result of C. Samuel by classifying, up to isomorphism, the spaces K(X(xi), c(0)(Gamma)(eta)), where omega <= xi < omega(1,) eta >= omega, Gamma is a countable set, X contains no complemented copy of l(1), X* has the Mazur property and the density character of X** is less than or equal to N(1).
This paper concerns the spaces of compact operators kappa(E,F), where E and F are Banach spaces C([1, xi], X) of all continuous X-valued functions defined on the interval of ordinals [1, xi] and equipped with the supremun norm. We provide sufficient conditions on X, Y, alpha, beta, xi and eta, with omega <= alpha <= beta < omega 1 for the following equivalence: (a) kappa(C([1, xi], X), C([1, alpha], Y)) is isomorphic to kappa(C([1,eta], X), C([1, beta], Y)), (b) beta < alpha(omega). In this way, we unify and extend results due to Bessaga and Pelczynski (1960) and C. Samuel (2009). Our result covers the case of the classical spaces X = l(p) and Y = l(q) with 1 < p, q < infinity.
A group G is representable in a Banach space X if G is isomorphic to the group of isometrics on X in some equivalent norm. We prove that a countable group G is representable in a separable real Banach space X in several general cases, including when G similar or equal to {-1,1} x H, H finite and dim X >= vertical bar H vertical bar or when G contains a normal subgroup with two elements and X is of the form c(0)(Y) or l(p)(Y), 1 <= p < +infinity. This is a consequence of a result inspired by methods of S. Bellenot (1986) and stating that under rather general conditions on a separable real Banach space X and a countable bounded group G of isomorphisms on X containing -Id, there exists an equivalent norm on X for which G is equal to the group of isometrics on X. We also extend methods of K. Jarosz (1988) to prove that any complex Banach space of dimension at least 2 may be renormed with an equivalent complex norm to admit only trivial real isometries, and that any complexification of a Banach space may be renormed with an equivalent complex norm to admit only trivial and conjugation real isometrics. It follows that every real Banach space of dimension at least 4 and with a complex structure may be renormed to admit exactly two complex structures up to isometry, and that every real Cartesian square may be renormed to admit a unique complex structure up to isometry.
We study polar actions with horizontal sections on the total space of certain principal bundles G/K -> G/H with base a symmetric space of compact type. We classify such actions up to orbit equivalence in many cases. In particular, we exhibit examples of hyperpolar actions with cohomogeneity greater than one on locally irreducible homogeneous spaces with nonnegative curvature which are not homeomorphic to symmetric spaces.
Given a prime power q, define c (q) as the minimum cardinality of a subset H of F 3 q which satisfies the following property: every vector in this space di ff ers in at most 1 coordinate from a multiple of a vector in H. In this work, we introduce two extremal problems in combinatorial number theory aiming to discuss a known connection between the corresponding coverings and sum-free sets. Also, we provide several bounds on these maps which yield new classes of coverings, improving the previous upper bound on c (q)
Constructing highways in dense urban areas is always a challenge. In Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region, heavy truck traffic contributes to clog streets and expressways alike. As part of the traffic neither originates nor head to the region, a peripheral highway has been proposed to reduce traffic problems. This project called Rodoanel, is an expressway approximately 175 km long. The fact that the projected south and north sections would cross catchments that supply most of the metropolis water demand was strongly disputed and made the environmental permitting process particularly difficult. The agency in charge commissioned a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of a revamped project, and called it the Rodoanel Programme. However, the SEA report failed to satisfactorily take account of significant strategic issues. Among these, the highway potential effect of inducing urban sprawl over water protection zones is the most critical issue, as it emerged later as a hurdle to project licensing. Conclusion is that, particularly where no agreed-upon framework for SEA exists, when vertical tiering with downstream project EIA is sought, then a careful scoping of strategic issues is more than necessary. If an agreement on `what is strategic` is not reached and not recognized by influential stakeholders, then the unsettled conflicts will be transferred to project EIA. In such a context, SEA will have added another loop to the usually long road to project approval. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A gap has been identified in the literature on the diagnosis and monitoring of the degree of strategic alignment. The main objective of this article is to diagnose and analyze the strategic alignment profile using the alignment diagnostic profile (ADP) tool, which enables organizations to show visually their degree of strategic alignment. The methodological approach adopted is multiple-case studies, which were conducted at five organizations in the medical diagnostics sector. The results indicate that the ADP enables organizations to understand the steps required to improve their level of alignment and to identify and locate gaps and conflicts.