741 resultados para Scaling (Social sciences) -- Study and teaching
This article suggests the study of the key concept of conflict as a means of implementing a critical and communicativecurriculum based on the study of relevant social themes. To this end we put forward the principal characteristics of thecritical/communicative curriculum. We offer a didactic proposal about conflict and explain the results of its application intwo Secondary Education classrooms
The technological advances and new organisation of the economy together with a change in ideas in consumer habits andlifestyle that have happened in the last 25 years have placed us in a new state of capitalism. The spatial translation of thisnew state has been immediate and implies among other changes the overcoming of the concept of scale. Commercialspaces and those of leisure and tourism offer us an unbeatable opportunity of exemplifying these changes because they arethe most effected by the new postmodern tendencies
Geographical scale is not merely a technical question. The learning of geographical scale goes beyond geometricunderstanding; it implies the etymological comprehension of the concept, the recognition of the importance of scale in theelaboration of the geographical discourse. It implies placing oneself in the centre of the teaching and learning of Geographyand asking oneself, what scale? Why this scale? What progression of scales? The answer to these questions puts in doubtthe scientific discourse that is presently taught in schools especially on the scale of analysis, the sequencing of studiedspaces and the false dichotomy local and global
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
This article describes the process of adapting Social Education studies to the European Higher Education Area undertaken by a team of the teaching staff at the University of Girona (Spain). The aim of the experience is to build a curriculum based on thecompetencies recognized as such by professionals in the field of social education in our region. The article specifies the development of the various phases, each involving the active participation of professionals and teaching staff from the universities. To conclude, main characteristics of the curriculum are highlighted
This project was undertaken because of a need to analyse concepts in social science more specifically and sequence them more carefully in a social science program. Concepts have been identified vaguely on many curriculum documents or left in isolation from each other when they are specifically identified. The project's aim was to identify a method for analysing concepts and sequencing their teaching on some rational basis. Once the method for analysing concepts was identified a questionnaire was designed and administered to a random sample of students at the grade three, five and eight levels. The questionnaire attempted to measure their comprehension of specific social science concepts at several levels which became progressively more complex. The major hypothesis was that there would be a direct correlation between age and achievement on the questionnaire. The raw scores were seriated and correlated with the ages of the students using the rankdifference- squared method. For the majority of areas tested it was found that there was a significant correlation between age and achievement on the questionnaire. Variation in the correlation coefficients generated suggests that comprehension of social science concepts is not simply a function of age but is probably a function of several inter-related factors such as reading ability, skill in Basic Thinking Skills and age. Thirty students completed each test. There were three tests in the questionnaire.
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
L’experiència que es descriu en aquesta comunicació consisteix en una aplicació de l’ABPrj (Aprenentatge Basat en Projectes) a l’assignatura de psicologia de les organitzacions que s’imparteix en el cinquè curs dels estudis de psicologia a la Universitat de Girona i que va tenir lloc durant el curs acadèmic 2008-09. Aquesta aplicació es va materialitzar a través del disseny d’un projecte d’intervenció psicosocial en una organització real. Els objectius de l’assignatura i el curs en que situa en el conjunt del pla d’estudis, varen portar a considerar que aquesta metodologia podia fer una incidència important en l’aprenentatge autoregulat dels estudiants tot augmentant la seva motivació vers els continguts de l’assignatura. A la comunicació s’exposa el procediment que es va seguir en la implantació i seguiment de l’ABPrj. També es comenten els aspectes més forts i els més febles d’aquest procés i s’aporten suggerències de millora
En els propers cinc anys es configura un nou panorama en la formació inicial que cal aprofitar per millorar l’ensenyament-aprenentatge-avaluació de la DCS i vincular-la amb l’educació per a la ciutadania, a més de donar resposta als reptes emergents d’una societat del segle XXI. Considerem que les decisions que s’han de prendre han de tenir en compte l’experiència acumulada al llarg dels anys. Per aquest motiu, plantegem una reflexió basada en els canvis i les continuïtats que ha anat tenint la DCS en la formació dels mestres, amb la finalitat d’orientar la presa de decisions futures
L'objectiu d’aquesta comunicació és, a partir d’una experiència pràctica desenvolupada des de fa anys a l’assignatura “El medi social i la seva didàctica” de la Diplomatura de Mestre en Educació Infantil de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), plantejar algunes qüestions que afecten la docència universitària. I abordar-les no solament des de la perspectiva de l’autor d’aquest treball sinó també des de l’opinió dels estudiants que l’han portada a terme
Una de las estrategias metodológicas aplicadas a la docencia que, probablemente, ha intervenido en el desarrollo de la didáctica en diferentes disciplinas corresponde al Aprendizaje basado en Problemas (ABP). Su uso está arraigado en numerosas disciplinas, como medicina e ingeniería, más aún, por cuanto propugna una aplicación directa sobre casos reales a la actividad profesional mediante la adquisición de determinadas habilidades
Two Grade 3 classes were used to study the effects of a formal social skills training program. Specifically, comparisons were made on self-esteem, classroom environment, and moral development to see whether changes occurred as a direct result of social skills training. One group participated in the social skills program, while the other group did not. It was hypothesized that formal social skills training would improve students' selfesteem, moral development, and the classroom environment. At the end of the program, however, data from class observations, teacher interviews, journal of the social skills training group teacher, and measures of self-esteem, classroom environment and moral development did not support this hypothesis. Although the social skills training group scored significantly higher in class cohesiveness, they did not show marked improvement in the other measures. In fact, in some measures (e.g., friction and competitiveness), they demonstrated greater scores at both pretest and posttests. The social skills training group was, however, able to vocalize and utilize the strategies of several skills which had been a focus of the program, suggesting that formal social skills training is a useful tool for presenting and reinforcing some specific behaviours.
Each vol. has also a general topic.
La formación universitaria actual está avanzando hacia un nuevo modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje que plantea unos cambios muy importantes respecto a la formación universitaria tradicional, como consecuencia del proceso de adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. En este artículo exponemos cuáles son los condicionantes de las nuevas titulaciones, señalando los principales cambios que se configuran a partir de la normativa estatal y, a partir de aquí, nos centramos en la titulación de Educación social para analizar cuáles son, desde nuestro punto de vista, los principales retos que conlleva la adaptación de estos estudios a la EEES, tanto para la propia universidad como para el mundo profesional