999 resultados para SLOW COLLISIONS


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Influence of core property on multi-electron process in the collisions of q = 6-9 and 11 isocharged sequence ions with Ne is investigated in the keV/u region The cross-section ratios of double-, triple-, quadruple- and total multi-electron processes to the single electron capture process as well as the partial ratios of different reaction channels to the relevant multi-electron process are measured by using position-sensitive and time-of-flight techniques The experimental data are compared with the theoretical predictions including the extended classical over-barrier model, the molecular Columbic barrier model and the semi-empirical scaling law Results show a core effect on multi-electron process of isocharge ions colliding with Neon, which is consistent with the results of Helium we obtained previously


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We measured ejected electron spectra caused by autoionization of doubly excited states in He atoms; the excited He was made by double electron capture of low-energy He2+ ions colliding with Ba atoms. Measurements were performed by means of zero degree electron spectroscopy at projectile energies from 40 to 20 keV. Electron spectra due to autoionization from the states He(2lnl') to He+(1s) for n greater than or equal to2, and those from He(3lnl') to He+ (2s or 2p) for n greater than or equal to3, were observed. Line peaks in the spectra were identified by comparing observed electron spectra with those of several theoretical calculations. It was found that doubly excited states of relatively high angular momenta such as the D and F terms were conspicuously created in a quite different manner from the cases of the production of doubly excited states by the use of photon, electron, or ion impacts on neutral He atoms. Rydberg states with large n values were observed with high population in both the He(2lnl') and He(3lnl') series. Other remarkable features in the electron spectra are described and the mechanisms for the production of these electron spectra are discussed qualitatively.


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We experimentally investigate the shell effect on the stabilization processes following the multi-electron transfer in slow collisions of Arq+-Ar (q = 6-9, It) The relative cross-section ratios of multi-electron transfer and of the subsequent stabilization with respect to single-electron capture are measured meanwhile compared with the theoretical results predicted by the classical over-barrier model. Our result indicates that the multi-electron transfer is dominant when the projectile charge is large and the subsequent stabilization shows a dramatic variation if the projectile L-shell configuration becomes open. It shows that the subsequent stabilization processes of multiply excited scattering ions have a strong dependence on the projectile shell. (C) 2010 Elsevier BV All rights reserved.


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The relative partial cross sections for C-13(6+)-Ar collisions at 4.15-11.08 keV/u incident energy are measured. The cross-section ratios sigma(2E)/sigma(SC), sigma(3E)/sigma(SC), sigma(4E)/sigma(SC) and sigma(5E)/sigma(SC) are approximately the constants of 0.51 +/- 0.05, 0.20 +/- 0.03, 0.06 +/- 0.03 and 0.02 +/- 0.01 in this region. The significance of the multi-electron process in highly charged ions (HCIs) with argon collisions is demonstrated (sigma(ME)/sigma(SC) as high as 0.79 +/- 0.06). In multi-electron processes, it is shown that transfer ionization is dominant while pure electron capture is weak and negligible. For all reaction channels, the cross-sections are independent of the incident energy in the present energy region, which is in agreement with the static characteristic of classic models, i.e. the molecular Coulomb over-the-barrier model (MCBM), the extended classical over-the-barrier (ECBM) and the semiempirical scaling laws (SL). The result is compared with these classical models and with our previous work of C-13(6+)-Ne collisions


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The cross-section ratios of double-, triple-, quadruple-, and the total multi-electron processes to the single electron capture process sigma(DE)/sigma(SC), sigma(TE)/sigma(SC), sigma(QE)/sigma(SC) and sigma(ME)/sigma(SC)) as well as the relative ratios among reaction channels in double-electron active, triple-electron active and quadruple- electron active are measured in C-13(6+) -Ne collision in the energy region of 4.15-11.08 keV/u by employing position-sensitive and time-of-flight coincident techniques. It is determined that the cross-section ratios sigma(DE)/sigma(SC), sigma(TE)/sigma(SC), sigma(QE)/sigma(SC) and sigma(ME)/sigma(SC) are approximately the constants of 0.20 +/- 0.03, 0.16 +/- 0.04, 0.06 +/- 0.02 and 0.42 +/- 0.05. These values are obviously smaller than the predictions of the molecular Coulomb over-the-barrier model (MCBM) [J. Phys. B 23 (1990) 4293], the extended classical over-the-barrier model (ECBM) [J. Phys. B 19 (1986) 2925] and the semiempirical scaling laws (SL) [Phys. Rev. A 54 (1996) 4127]. However, the relative ratios among partial processes of DE, TE and QE are found to depend on collision energy, which suggests that the collision dynamics depends on the collision velocity. The limitation of velocity-independent character of ECBM, MCBM and SL is undoubtedly shown.


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We report the measurements of relative cross sections for single capture (SC), double capture (DC), single ionization (SI), double ionization (DI), and transfer ionization (TI) in collisions of Xe23+ ions with helium atoms in the velocity range of 0.65-1.32 a.u. The relative cross sections show a weak velocity dependence. The cross-section ratio of double-(DE) to single-electron (SE) removal from He, sigma(DE)/sigma(SE), is about 0.45. Single capture is the dominant reaction channel which is followed by transfer ionization, while only very small probabilities are found for pure ionization and double capture. The present experimental data are in satisfactory agreement with the estimations by the extended classical over-barrier (ECB) model..


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Molybdenum L-shell X-rays were produced by Xeq+ (q = 25-30) bombardment at low energies from 2.65 to 4.55 keV/amu (350-600 keV). We observed a kinetic energy threshold of Mo L-shell ionization down to 2.65-3.03 keV/amu (350-400 keV). The charge state effect of the incident ions was not observed which shows that the ions were neutralized, reaching an equilibrium charge state and losing their initial charge state memory before production of L-shell vacancies resulted in X-ray production. The experimental ionization cross sections were compared with those from Binary Encounter Approximation theory. Taking into account projectile deflection in the target nuclear Coulomb field, the ionization cross section of Mo L-shell near the kinetic energy threshold was well described. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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本工作采用散射离子位置灵敏探测和反冲离子飞摘.时问符合技术,在小于一300keV的能量范围内,研究了高电荷态Xe离子(q=15,17,19,21,23)与He原子碰撞中双电子转移截面与单电子转移截而比与入射离子电荷态的关系;研究了入射离子电荷态q=4,5,6,7的等电荷态序列Cq+、Nq+、Oq+、Neq+与He原子碰撞中,电子转移截面比与入射离子原子序数的关系。对Xeq++ He碰撞体系,主要研究了靶原子完全转移两个电子(σ2)与完全转移一个电子(σl)的截面比σ2/σl与入射离子电荷态的依赖关系。对靶原子双电子过程提出一步过程假定,修正了ECB模型。通过与已有绝对截面的比较,得到了很好的符合结果。使用修正模型计算的截面比解释了本实验的截面比测量结果。对等电荷态序列Cq+、Nq+、Oq+、Neq+与He原子的碰撞,主要研究了转移电离与单俘获截面比与入射离子原子序数的依赖关系。在统计模型的理论框架下,引入势能参数。Ω研究发现,等电荷序列的转移电离与单俘获截面比与碰撞系统的。有很强的依赖关系,说明单电子俘获形成的能量沉积是引起转移电离的主要因素。本工作还研究了势能参数几对碰撞系统的转移电离与双俘获之间的相互关系的影响。结果表明,。对转移电离和双俘获在靶原子双电子过程中的比率权重起着决定性作用。


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We discuss the effect of slow phase relaxation and the spin off-diagonal S-matrix correlations on the cross-section energy oscillations and the time evolution of the highly excited intermediate systems formed in complex collisions. Such deformed intermediate complexes with strongly overlapping resonances can be formed in heavy-ion collisions, bimolecular chemical reactions, and atomic cluster collisions. The effects of quasiperiodic energy dependence of the cross sections, coherent rotation of the hyperdeformed similar or equal to(3 : 1) intermediate complex, Schrodinger cat states, and quantum-classical transition are studied for Mg-24 + Si-28 heavy-ion scattering.


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The collisions of the isocharged sequence ions of q=6 (C6+, N6+, O6+, F6+, Ne6+, Ar6+, and Ca6+), q=7 (F7+, Ne7+, S7+, Ar7+, and Ca7+), q=8 (F8+, Ne8+, Ar8+, and Ca8+), q=9 (F9+, Ne9+, Si9+, S9+, Ar9+, and Ca9+) and q=11 (Si11+, Ar11+, and Ca11+) with helium at the same velocities were investigated. The cross-section ratios of the double-electron transfer (DET) to the single-electron capture (SEC) sigma(DET)/sigma(SEC) and the true double-electron capture (TDC) to the double-electron transfer sigma(TDC)/sigma(DET) were measured. It shows that for different ions in an isocharged sequence, the experimental cross-section ratio sigma(DET)/sigma(SEC) varies by a factor of 3. The results confirm that the projectile core is another dominant factor besides the charge state and the collision velocity in slow (0.35-0.49v(0); v(0) denotes the Bohr velocity) highly charged ions (HCIs) with helium collisions. The experimental cross-section ratio sigma(DET)/sigma(SEC) is compared with the extended classical over-barrier model (ECBM) [A. Barany , Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 9, 397 (1985)], the molecular Coulombic barrier model (MCBM) [A. Niehaus, J. Phys. B 19, 2925 (1986)], and the semiempirical scaling laws (SSL) [N. Selberg , Phys. Rev. A 54, 4127 (1996)]. It also shows that the projectile core properties affect the initial capture probabilities as well as the subsequent relaxation of the projectiles. The experimental cross-section ratio sigma(TDC)/sigma(DET) for those lower isocharged sequences is dramatically affected by the projectile core structure, while for those sufficiently highly isocharged sequences, the autoionization always dominates, hence the cross-section ratio sigma(TDC)/sigma(DET) is always small.


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The processes of transfer ionization in He2+ -He collisions at energies ranging from 20 to 40 keV have been studied experimentally by means of cold target recoil ions momentum spectroscopy. From the longitudinal momentum spectra of recoil ions, different mechanisms of transfer ionization have been obtained. The results show that one of the electrons of helium atom being captured into the ground state of projectile ion He2+ and the other one emitted to the continuum state of projectile or target are the dominant mechanisms of transfer ionization. The autoionization cross section of projectile after two-electron capture into a double excited state is small. Transfer ionization for one target electron capture into ground state and the other one into the continuum of projectile mainly occurs at large impact parameter collisions.


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The stabilization ratios.. for double-electron transfer, i.e., the cross section ratios of true double capture to total double-electron transfer, are measured in O6++ He, Ne and Ar collisions at 6 keV/u. A high.. value about 68% is obtained for the He target, while for the Ar target, the.. value is only 8%. The high R value for the He target is due to the significant direct population of the (2l, nl') configurations with high n For the Ar target, the (quasi) symmetric configurations (3l, nl') lead to the much lower.. value. Neglecting the core effects, the O6+ ion can be taken as a bare ion C6+ except the occupied 1s shell, and then the measured R values are compared with previous experimental results of C6+ projectile ions at similar impact velocity. It yields good agreement with the Ne and Ar target, while the occupied 1s shell for the O6++ He system results in a higher R value than that in C6++He collisions.


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The first complete multi-state CDW close coupling calculations which use a fully normalized basis set are performed. The results obtained at impact energies in the region of 10 keV for total and n = 2 capture cross sections are in reasonably good accord with experiment despite the fact that only the ground states of both species and the n = 2 states of the projectile are incorporated into the model. The theory has significant advantages over other atomic and molecular expansions which may require extensive bases to obtain similar accuracy.