391 resultados para Riemannian-manifolds


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Consider a Riemannian manifold equipped with an infinitesimal isometry. For this setup, a unified treatment is provided, solely in the language of Riemannian geometry, of techniques in reduction, linearization, and stability of relative equilibria. In particular, for mechanical control systems, an explicit characterization is given for the manner in which reduction by an infinitesimal isometry, and linearization along a controlled trajectory "commute." As part of the development, relationships are derived between the Jacobi equation of geodesic variation and concepts from reduction theory, such as the curvature of the mechanical connection and the effective potential. As an application of our techniques, fiber and base stability of relative equilibria are studied. The paper also serves as a tutorial of Riemannian geometric methods applicable in the intersection of mechanics and control theory.


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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."


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In this paper we extend the well-known Leinfelder–Simader theorem on the essential selfadjointness of singular Schrödinger operators to arbitrary complete Riemannian manifolds. This improves some earlier results of Shubin, Milatovic and others.


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Let (M, g) be a complete Riemannian manifold, Omega subset of Man open subset whose closure is homeomorphic to an annulus. We prove that if a,Omega is smooth and it satisfies a strong concavity assumption, then there are at least two distinct geodesics in starting orthogonally to one connected component of a,Omega and arriving orthogonally onto the other one. Using the results given in Giamb et al. (Adv Differ Equ 10:931-960, 2005), we then obtain a proof of the existence of two distinct homoclinic orbits for an autonomous Lagrangian system emanating from a nondegenerate maximum point of the potential energy, and a proof of the existence of two distinct brake orbits for a class of Hamiltonian systems. Under a further symmetry assumption, the result is improved by showing the existence of at least dim(M) pairs of geometrically distinct geodesics as above, brake orbits and homoclinic orbits. In our proof we shall use recent deformation results proved in Giamb et al. (Nonlinear Anal Ser A: Theory Methods Appl 73:290-337, 2010).


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In this paper we give a proof of the existence of an orthogonal geodesic chord on a Riemannian manifold homeomorphic to a closed disk and with concave boundary. This kind of study is motivated by the link (proved in Giambo et al. (2005) [8]) of the multiplicity problem with the famous Seifert conjecture (formulated in Seifert (1948) [1]) about multiple brake orbits for a class of Hamiltonian systems at a fixed energy level. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We prove the existence of an associated family of G-structure preserving minimal immersions into semi-Riemannian manifolds endowed with a compatible infinitesimally homogeneous G-structure. We will study in more details minimal embeddings into product of space forms.


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We consider a 3-dimensional Riemannian manifold V with a metric g and an a±nor structure q. The local coordinates of these tensors are circulant matrices. In V we define an almost conformal transformation. Using that definition we construct an infinite series of circulant metrics which are successively almost conformaly related. In this case we get some properties.


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We study spectral properties of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on two relevant almost-Riemannian manifolds, namely the Grushin structures on the cylinder and on the sphere. This operator contains first order diverging terms caused by the divergence of the volume. We get explicit descriptions of the spectrum and the eigenfunctions. In particular in both cases we get a Weyl's law with leading term Elog E. We then study the drastic effect of Aharonov-Bohm magnetic potentials on the spectral properties. Other generalised Riemannian structures including conic and anti-conic type manifolds are also studied. In this case, the Aharonov-Bohm magnetic potential may affect the self-adjointness of the Laplace-Beltrami operator.


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Let (M, g) be a complete Riemannian Manifold, Omega subset of M an open subset whose closure is diffeomorphic to an annulus. If partial derivative Omega is smooth and it satisfies a strong concavity assumption, then it is possible to prove that there are at least two geometrically distinct geodesics in (Omega) over bar = Omega boolean OR partial derivative Omega starting orthogonally to one connected component of partial derivative Omega and arriving orthogonally onto the other one. The results given in [6] allow to obtain a proof of the existence of two distinct homoclinic orbits for an autonomous Lagrangian system emanating from a nondegenerate maximum point of the potential energy, and a proof of the existence of two distinct brake orbits for a. class of Hamiltonian systems. Under a further symmetry assumption, it is possible to show the existence of at least dim(M) pairs of geometrically distinct geodesics as above, brake orbits and homoclinics.


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We apply the theory of Peres and Schlag to obtain generic lower bounds for Hausdorff dimension of images of sets by orthogonal projections on simply connected two-dimensional Riemannian manifolds of constant curvature. As a conclusion we obtain appropriate versions of Marstrand's theorem, Kaufman's theorem, and Falconer's theorem in the above geometrical settings.


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Ива Р. Докузова, Димитър Р. Разпопов - В настоящата статия е разгледан клас V оттримерни риманови многообразия M с метрика g и два афинорни тензора q и S. Дефинирана е и друга метрика ¯g в M. Локалните координати на всички тези тензори са циркулантни матрици. Намерени са: 1) зависимост между тензора на кривина R породен от g и тензора на кривина ¯R породен от ¯g; 2) тъждество за тензора на кривина R в случая, когато тензорът на кривина ¯R се анулира; 3) зависимост между секционната кривина на прозволна двумерна q-площадка {x, qx} и скаларната кривина на M.


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International audience


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The filling length of an edge-circuit η in the Cayley 2-complex of a finite presentation of a group is the minimal integer length L such that there is a combinatorial null-homotopy of η down to a base point through loops of length at most L. We introduce similar notions in which the full-homotopy is not required to fix a base point, and in which the contracting loop is allowed to bifurcate. We exhibit a group in which the resulting filling invariants exhibit dramatically different behaviour to the standard notion of filling length. We also define the corresponding filling invariants for Riemannian manifolds and translate our results to this setting.


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We propose a segmentation method based on the geometric representation of images as 2-D manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space. The segmentation is formulated as a minimization problem, where the contours are described by a level set function and the objective functional corresponds to the surface of the image manifold. In this geometric framework, both data-fidelity and regularity terms of the segmentation are represented by a single functional that intrinsically aligns the gradients of the level set function with the gradients of the image and results in a segmentation criterion that exploits the directional information of image gradients to overcome image inhomogeneities and fragmented contours. The proposed formulation combines this robust alignment of gradients with attractive properties of previous methods developed in the same geometric framework: 1) the natural coupling of image channels proposed for anisotropic diffusion and 2) the ability of subjective surfaces to detect weak edges and close fragmented boundaries. The potential of such a geometric approach lies in the general definition of Riemannian manifolds, which naturally generalizes existing segmentation methods (the geodesic active contours, the active contours without edges, and the robust edge integrator) to higher dimensional spaces, non-flat images, and feature spaces. Our experiments show that the proposed technique improves the segmentation of multi-channel images, images subject to inhomogeneities, and images characterized by geometric structures like ridges or valleys.