989 resultados para Regional Curriculum
Este capítulo tem origem na conferência «A Child's World - Working Together for a Better Future», que decorreu em Aberystwyth (Wales) entre 27 e 29 de Junho de 2012.
Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 22 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).
This thesis is based on a questionnaire presented to pilot students on the Degree Programme in Media, at Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia, of 1999. The initial aim was to discover whether the school was of use in the transition process into a field of work. Based on this, the questions for a questionnaire were formulated. The research thus aimed at answering questions concerning a) whether the education answered the need of working life b) the work situation of respondents and c) how respondents saw the future of Arts Management as well as themselves. The questionnaire was prepared using Stadia's Elomake software on the Internet. There was also a project specific contract for this final project, allowing information gathered during the project to be used in regional curriculum work. The thesis deals with Arts Management curriculum work within the framework provided by polytechnic law as well as Stadia's curriculum work processes. Research and education in Arts Management in Finland generally is also studied, and specifically in Stadia itself. The essence of this final project is derived from the analysis of the answers to the questionnaire. All responses were analysed, with the answers being divided into three subheadings according to the research questions. Questions and answers were also examined through a correlation matrix in an attempt to discover the dependency between things and conclusions were made in the light of relevant source literature. The questionnaire is meant to be used for the follow-up of every graduating Arts Management group. Information obtained through this questionnaire will of benefit in preliminary curriculum work.
Encaramos o currículo como um projeto em constante transformação, que tendo por referência o currículo nacional, é adequado ao seu públicoalvo, os alunos. No contexto de cada comunidade onde a escola está inserida, a definição das ofertas educativas/curriculares assume maior pertinência, podendo contemplar componentes locais e regionais do currículo, valorizando as caraterísticas de cada região e, sobretudo, engrandecer os talentos dos alunos, de acordo com as suas especificidades individuais. A reflexão, realizada em torno das dificuldades que muitos alunos têm em realizar as aprendizagens previstas no currículo oficial, deu origem a uma questão central: Que alternativa ao currículo regular no ensino básico? Na procura de respostas à questão, abordamos o nascimento da escola e conceitualização de currículo, a evolução da formação para o mundo do trabalho, a diversificação curricular e a autonomia da escola. O estudo empírico seguiu uma metodologia quantitativa e qualitativa, através de um estudo de caso e centrou-se: na análise documental do Projeto Educativo do Agrupamento; inquérito por questionário aos alunos do terceiro ciclo do ensino básico, regular e cursos vocacionais; inquérito por entrevistas semiestruturadas ao Presidente do Conselho Geral do Agrupamento, Diretora do Agrupamento, Coordenadoras de Departamento, Coordenador dos Cursos Vocacionais e representante no Conselho Pedagógico dos Serviços de Psicologia e Orientação. Expomos as conclusões da investigação através da triangulação dos dados obtidos com os instrumentos de recolha. Como resposta à questão inicial, apresentamos uma proposta alternativa ao currículo regular do ensino básico, que procura diversificar a oferta.
Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 26 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).
Based on the Comprehensive School Health framework, Ontario's Foundations for a Healthy School (2009) outlines an integrated approach to school health promotion. In this approach the school, community and partners (including public health) are fully engaged With a common goal of youth health. With the recent introductions of the Ontario Public Health Standards (2009) and the revised elementary health and physical education curriculum (2010), the timing for a greater integration of public health with schools is ideal. A needs assessment was conducted to identify the perceived support required by public health professionals to implement the mandates of both policy documents in Ontario. Data was collected for the needs assessment through facilitated discussions at a provincial roundtable event, regional focus groups and individual interviews with public health professionals representing Ontario's 36 public health units. Findings suggest that public health professionals perceive that they require increased resources, greater communication, a clear vision of public health and a suitable understanding of the professional cultures in which they are surrounded in order to effectively support schools. This study expands upon these four categories and the corresponding seventeen themes that were uncovered during the research process.
Aportación de ideas en torno al papel que los profesores de Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia del segundo ciclo de la Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria pueden tomar en el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje tomando como referentes contenidos relacionados con el tema de Extremadura dentro del aula. La obra se estructura en tres partes, en la primera de ellas se presenta todo lo que puede hacerse desde las instancias oficiales de un centro de Secundaria cualquiera para tratar el tema de 'Extremadura en el aula', en la segunda, se realiza una propuesta de programación para el curriculum del segundo ciclo de Secundaria desde las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, atendiendo a todos los niveles de concreción de dicha programación, para culminar con la presentación de una unidad didáctica que sobre el tema extremeño puede servir de ejemplo.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
The Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu is changing to, and implementing a new curriculum aimed at integrating teaching and learning in the community. Emphasis is on preparing the community settings for teaching, learning and providing health care. A particular task is staff development with emphasis on problem-based learning (PBL) and training medical and nursing students in the leadership to participate in this process. The new curriculum includes the gradual introduction of clinical practice during First Year, integration of the basic sciences with clinical sciences, through integrated modules studied in small groups, and maintenance of the two year clerkship. The undergraduates are introduced gradually to the community: 8% of the total curriculum during First Year, 10% during Second Year, 10% during Third Year, 20% during Fourth Year, 30% during Fifth and Sixth Years. The basic health units at primary care level, and the regional specialty outpatients and hospitals at the second level, are the main teaching sites. An Education Development Committee was established to discuss the strategies for supporting the changes and to structure the planning for promoting the gradual transformation of staff development. After 18 months of implementation of the curriculum, there followed discussions and monitoring of the objectives of changes in medical education at our school. Successful implementation of the new curriculum would fail, if the objectives were not absorbed by every member of the implementation Committee.
The Brazilian public health system requires competent professionals sensitive to the needs of the population. The Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) provides a two-year faculty development programme for health professions educators, aiming to build leadership in education to improve health. A partnership with governmental initiatives and FAIMER was established for meeting these needs. This paper describes the initial process evaluation results of the Brazilian FAIMER Institute Fellowship (FAIMER BR). Methods: Data were analysed for the classes 2007-2010 regarding: application processes; innovation project themes; retrospective post-pre self-ratings of knowledge acquisition; and professional development portfolios. Results: Seventeen of 26 Brazilian states were represented among 98 Fellows, predominantly from public medical schools (75.5%) and schools awarded Ministry of Health grants to align education with public health services (89.8%). One-third (n = 32) of Fellows' innovation projects were related to these grants. Significant increases occurred in all topic subscales on self-report of knowledge acquisition (eff ect sizes, 1.21-2.77). In the follow up questionnaire, 63% of Fellows reported that their projects were incorporated into the curriculum or institutional policies. The majority reported that the programme deepened their knowledge (98%), provided new ideas about medical education (90%) and provided skills for conflict management (63%). One-half of the Fellows reported sustained benefits from the programme listserv and other communications, including breadth of expertise, establishment of research collaboration and receiving emotional support. Conclusion: Contributors to initial programme success included alignment of curriculum with governmental initiatives, curriculum design merging educational technology, leadership and management skills and central role of an innovation educational project responding to local needs.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work is part of the Graduate Program in Regional Development of the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Pato Branco campus, the research line Education and Development. The line of research concerns the Regionality and Development. In this study, investigate sought the implementation of the Field Education Curriculum Guidelines in the State of Paraná, whose locus, SEED / PR, the NRE / Pato Branco and Field Schools belonging to the NRE. The theme is to respond to the research problem, to identify the limits and challenges of the implementation process of Rural Education in rural schools in the Regional Center of Pato Branco Education. Exploratory research covers a time frame comprising the years 2002-2014 in order to identify and analyze the documents and perceptions of the subjects that guide the implementation of the field of education in the state of Paraná. The results show that the education field has not yet overcame the challenge of implementing public policies, in particular the field of Education Curriculum Guidelines. In general, the texts point to the concerned school education with the urban environment, in an attempt to solve the problems related to truancy, low school enrollment,flunk, among others. The reality of the field displays more serious such problems, however, is visible the development of proposals in an attempt to achieve definitive solutions to the issues of the field. However, a positive factor is the increase in continuing education courses, some offered by the Department of Education Field Regional Center of Education, others initiatives by the own teacher, which demonstrate the concern in improving their teaching practices, concomitant with need to change the identity of the field school. In this sense, we seek to deepen the discussion in order to demystify the idea that the subject field to be synonymous with poor education, poor quality. Documents such as the Field Operational Guidelines established by the CNE - National Education Council in 2002, the Curriculum Guidelines field developed by SEED - Secretary of State and Education in the State of Paraná in 2004 and established as a public policy in 2010 provide data that allow make a study of public policy and educational field context in order to understand the challenges for the development of an education as culture, ways of life, history, finally, the specificities of the subject field.