678 resultados para QCD, chirale Symmetrie, Quarkwirkung, Anisotropie


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Most quark actions in lattice QCD encounter difficulties with chiral sym-rnmetry and its spontaneous breakdown. Minimally doubled fermions (MDF)rnare a category of strictly local chiral lattice fermions, whose continuum limitrnreproduces two degenerate quark flavours. The two poles of their Dirac ope-rnrator are aligned such that symmetries under charge conjugation or reflectionrnof one particular direction are explictly broken at finite lattice spacing. Pro-rnperties of MDF are scrutinised with regard to broken symmetry and mesonrnspectrum to discern their suitability for numerical studies of QCD.rnrnInteractions induce anisotropic operator mixing for MDF. Hence, resto-rnration of broken symmetries in the continuum limit requires three coun-rnterterms, one of which is power-law divergent. Counterterms and operatorrnmixing are studied perturbatively for two variants of MDF. Two indepen-rndent non-perturbative procedures for removal of the power-law divergencernare developed by means of a numerical study of hadronic observables forrnone variant of MDF in quenched approximation. Though three out of fourrnpseudoscalar mesons are affected by lattice artefacts, the spectrum’s conti-rnnuum limit is consistent with two-flavour QCD. Thus, suitability of MDF forrnnumerical studies of QCD in the quenched approximation is demonstrated.


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In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden die Formfaktoren desNukleons in einer relativistischen Formulierung der chiralenStörungstheorie bis zur chiralen Ordnung O(q^4) berechnet. Im Einzelnen haben wir den skalaren Formfaktor, dieelektromagnetischen Formfaktoren F_1 und F_2 bzw. G_E und G_M, die beiden axialen Formfaktoren G_A und G_P und denPion-Nukleon-Formfaktor G_pi untersucht. Dabei kam ein neuesRenormierungsschema zur Anwendung, das in Zusammenarbeit mitGegelia, Japaridze und Scherer entwickelt wurde. Das Ziel der neuen Methode bestand darin, ein konsistentes chirales Zählschema für renormierte Diagramme der relativistischen Theorie zu entwickeln. Zu diesem Zweck werden über das MS-Schema hinausgehend zusätzlich reguläre Terme abgezogen und in den Niederenergiekonstanten der allgemeinsten effektiven Lagrange-Dichte absorbiert. Als Folge respektieren auch Schleifendiagramme mit inneren Nukleonlinien ähnlich wie im mesonischen Sektor ein chirales Zählschema. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit denen aus der Infrarotregularisierung von Becher und Leutwyler und bis zur Ordnung O(q^3) auch mit denen aus der chiralen Störungstheorie für schwere Baryonen (HBChPT) verglichen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschäftigte sich mit der Frage, ob der axiale Formfaktor in der Pionelektroproduktion nahe der Schwelle bestimmt werden kann. Dazu haben wir ein phänomenologisches Modell benutzt, das einerseits alle Symmetrien der Lagrange-Dichte der QCD respektiert, d.h. insbesondere die chirale Symmetrie und ihre spontane Brechung, andererseits relativ einfach nachzuvollziehendeRechnungen beinhaltet. Das Modell basierte auf denLagrange-Dichten der chiralen Störungstheorie mit derEinschränkung, dass wir keine Schleifengraphen berechnet haben. Wir benutzten diese Baumgraphennäherung, da die Schleifengraphen chirale Korrekturen zu unseren Ergebnissen liefern, die im Rahmen der HBChPT von Bernard, Kaiser und Meißner berechnet wurden und unter Kontrolle sind. Als ein Test des Modells haben wir die axialen Formfaktoren des Nukleons bestimmt und eine auf die chirale Symmetrie zurückgehende Beziehung zwischen diesen und demPion-Nukleon-Formfaktor überprüft. Der Hauptbestandteil dieses Teils der Arbeit bestand aus dem Test der so genannten Adlerschen Relation, die in Form einer chiralen Ward-Identität drei Greensche Funktionen miteinander verbindet. Wir haben explizit verifiziert, dass die Abhängigkeit der Pionelektroproduktionsamplitude vomaxialen Formfaktor eine direkte Konsequenz aus der chiralenSymmetrie ist. Durch einen Vergleich mit den Ergebnissen vonHaberzettl konnten wir schießlich feststellen, dass die sogenannte Eichableitungsmethode die chirale Symmetrie nichtrespektiert.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt den anomalen Sektor bzw. den Sektor ungerader innerer Parität in mesonischer chiraler Störungsrechnung (mesonische ChPT) bis zur chiralen Ordnung O(q^6). Auf eine Einführung in die Quantenchromodynamik (QCD) und ihrer Verknüpfung mit der chiralen Symmetrie folgt die Betrachtung der mesonischen ChPT im Sektor gerader sowie ungerader innerer Parität bis zur Ordnung O(q^4). Der sogenannte Wess-Zumino-Witten Term, welcher den Einfluss der axialen Anomalie bezogen auf die ChPT widerspiegelt, wird studiert. Anschließend wird die allgemeinste Lagrangedichte der Ordnung O(q^6) im Sektor ungerader innerer Parität detailiert analysiert. Sie enthält in ihrer SU(3)-Formulierung 23 Niederenergiekonstanten(low-energy constant=LEC). Aus Sicht der ChPT sind diese LECs freie Parameter, die auf irgendeine Art und Weise fixiert werden müssen. Es wird herausgearbeitet, bei welchen Prozessen und in welchen Kombinationen die jeweiligen LECs auftreten. Daraufhin wird versucht so viele dieser LECs wie möglich mittels Vektormesondominanz (VMD) sowie experimenteller Daten abzuschätzen und anzupassen. Hierfür wird zuerst die Vorgehensweise einer konsistenten Rechnung im Sektor ungerader innerer Parität bis zur Ordnung O(q^6) studiert, gefolgt von der Berechnung von insgesamt vierzehn geeigneten Prozessen im Rahmen der ChPT bis zur Ordnung O(q^6). Unter Verwendung experimenteller Daten werden dreizehn der LECs angepasst, wobei gegenwärtig nicht bei allen betrachteten Prozessen experimentelle Daten zur Verfügung stehen. Die Ergebnisse werden diskutiert und Unterschiede bzw. Übereinstimmungen mit anderen Rechnungen herausgearbeitet. Zusammenfassend erhält man einen umfassenden Einblick in den Sektor ungerader innerer Parität in mesonischer ChPT bis zur Ordnung O(q^6).


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Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) is the preferred tool for obtaining non-perturbative results from QCD in the low-energy regime. It has by nowrnentered the era in which high precision calculations for a number of phenomenologically relevant observables at the physical point, with dynamical quark degrees of freedom and controlled systematics, become feasible. Despite these successes there are still quantities where control of systematic effects is insufficient. The subject of this thesis is the exploration of the potential of todays state-of-the-art simulation algorithms for non-perturbativelyrn$\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved Wilson fermions to produce reliable results in thernchiral regime and at the physical point both for zero and non-zero temperature. Important in this context is the control over the chiral extrapolation. Thisrnthesis is concerned with two particular topics, namely the computation of hadronic form factors at zero temperature, and the properties of the phaserntransition in the chiral limit of two-flavour QCD.rnrnThe electromagnetic iso-vector form factor of the pion provides a platform to study systematic effects and the chiral extrapolation for observables connected to the structure of mesons (and baryons). Mesonic form factors are computationally simpler than their baryonic counterparts but share most of the systematic effects. This thesis contains a comprehensive study of the form factor in the regime of low momentum transfer $q^2$, where the form factor is connected to the charge radius of the pion. A particular emphasis is on the region very close to $q^2=0$ which has not been explored so far, neither in experiment nor in LQCD. The results for the form factor close the gap between the smallest spacelike $q^2$-value available so far and $q^2=0$, and reach an unprecedented accuracy at full control over the main systematic effects. This enables the model-independent extraction of the pion charge radius. The results for the form factor and the charge radius are used to test chiral perturbation theory ($\chi$PT) and are thereby extrapolated to the physical point and the continuum. The final result in units of the hadronic radius $r_0$ is rn$$ \left\langle r_\pi^2 \right\rangle^{\rm phys}/r_0^2 = 1.87 \: \left(^{+12}_{-10}\right)\left(^{+\:4}_{-15}\right) \quad \textnormal{or} \quad \left\langle r_\pi^2 \right\rangle^{\rm phys} = 0.473 \: \left(^{+30}_{-26}\right)\left(^{+10}_{-38}\right)(10) \: \textnormal{fm} \;, $$rn which agrees well with the results from other measurements in LQCD and experiment. Note, that this is the first continuum extrapolated result for the charge radius from LQCD which has been extracted from measurements of the form factor in the region of small $q^2$.rnrnThe order of the phase transition in the chiral limit of two-flavour QCD and the associated transition temperature are the last unkown features of the phase diagram at zero chemical potential. The two possible scenarios are a second order transition in the $O(4)$-universality class or a first order transition. Since direct simulations in the chiral limit are not possible the transition can only be investigated by simulating at non-zero quark mass with a subsequent chiral extrapolation, guided by the universal scaling in the vicinity of the critical point. The thesis presents the setup and first results from a study on this topic. The study provides the ideal platform to test the potential and limits of todays simulation algorithms at finite temperature. The results from a first scan at a constant zero-temperature pion mass of about 290~MeV are promising, and it appears that simulations down to physical quark masses are feasible. Of particular relevance for the order of the chiral transition is the strength of the anomalous breaking of the $U_A(1)$ symmetry at the transition point. It can be studied by looking at the degeneracies of the correlation functions in scalar and pseudoscalar channels. For the temperature scan reported in this thesis the breaking is still pronounced in the transition region and the symmetry becomes effectively restored only above $1.16\:T_C$. The thesis also provides an extensive outline of research perspectives and includes a generalisation of the standard multi-histogram method to explicitly $\beta$-dependent fermion actions.


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One of the fundamental interactions in the Standard Model of particle physicsrnis the strong force, which can be formulated as a non-abelian gauge theoryrncalled Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). rnIn the low-energy regime, where the QCD coupling becomes strong and quarksrnand gluons are confined to hadrons, a perturbativernexpansion in the coupling constant is not possible.rnHowever, the introduction of a four-dimensional Euclidean space-timernlattice allows for an textit{ab initio} treatment of QCD and provides arnpowerful tool to study the low-energy dynamics of hadrons.rnSome hadronic matrix elements of interest receive contributionsrnfrom diagrams including quark-disconnected loops, i.e. disconnected quarkrnlines from one lattice point back to the same point. The calculation of suchrnquark loops is computationally very demanding, because it requires knowledge ofrnthe all-to-all propagator. In this thesis we use stochastic sources and arnhopping parameter expansion to estimate such propagators.rnWe apply this technique to study two problems which relay crucially on therncalculation of quark-disconnected diagrams, namely the scalar form factor ofrnthe pion and the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the anomalousrnmagnet moment of the muon.rnThe scalar form factor of the pion describes the coupling of a charged pion torna scalar particle. We calculate the connected and the disconnected contributionrnto the scalar form factor for three different momentum transfers. The scalarrnradius of the pion is extracted from the momentum dependence of the form factor.rnThe use ofrnseveral different pion masses and lattice spacings allows for an extrapolationrnto the physical point. The chiral extrapolation is done using chiralrnperturbation theory ($chi$PT). We find that our pion mass dependence of thernscalar radius is consistent with $chi$PT at next-to-leading order.rnAdditionally, we are able to extract the low energy constant $ell_4$ from thernextrapolation, and ourrnresult is in agreement with results from other lattice determinations.rnFurthermore, our result for the scalar pion radius at the physical point isrnconsistent with a value that was extracted from $pipi$-scattering data. rnThe hadronic vacuum polarization (HVP) is the leading-order hadronicrncontribution to the anomalous magnetic moment $a_mu$ of the muon. The HVP canrnbe estimated from the correlation of two vector currents in the time-momentumrnrepresentation. We explicitly calculate the corresponding disconnectedrncontribution to the vector correlator. We find that the disconnectedrncontribution is consistent with zero within its statistical errors. This resultrncan be converted into an upper limit for the maximum contribution of therndisconnected diagram to $a_mu$ by using the expected time-dependence of therncorrelator and comparing it to the corresponding connected contribution. Wernfind the disconnected contribution to be smaller than $approx5%$ of thernconnected one. This value can be used as an estimate for a systematic errorrnthat arises from neglecting the disconnected contribution.rn


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Following the method of Ioffe and Smilga, the propagation of the baryon current in an external constant axial-vector field is considered. The close similarity of the operator-product expansion with and without an external field is shown to arise from the chiral invariance of gauge interactions in perturbation theory. Several sum rules corresponding to various invariants both for the nucleon and the hyperons are derived. The analysis of the sum rules is carried out by two independent methods, one called the ratio method and the other called the continuum method, paying special attention to the nondiagonal transitions induced by the external field between the ground state and excited states. Up to operators of dimension six, two new external-field-induced vacuum expectation values enter the calculations. Previous work determining these expectation values from PCAC (partial conservation of axial-vector current) are utilized. Our determination from the sum rules of the nucleon axial-vector renormalization constant GA, as well as the Cabibbo coupling constants in the SU3-symmetric limit (ms=0), is in reasonable accord with the experimental values. Uncertainties in the analysis are pointed out. The case of broken flavor SU3 symmetry is also considered. While in the ratio method, the results are stable for variation of the fiducial interval of the Borel mass parameter over which the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the sum rules are matched, in the continuum method the results are less stable. Another set of sum rules determines the value of the linear combination 7F-5D to be ≊0, or D/(F+D)≊(7/12). .AE


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The magnetic moment of the Λ hyperon is calculated using the QCD sum-rule approach of Ioffe and Smilga. It is shown that μΛ has the structure μΛ=(2/3(eu+ed+4es)(eħ/2MΛc)(1+δΛ), where δΛ is small. In deriving the sum rules special attention is paid to the strange-quark mass-dependent terms and to several additional terms not considered in earlier works. These terms are now appropriately incorporated. The sum rule is analyzed using the ratio method. Using the external-field-induced susceptibilities determined earlier, we find that the calculated value of μΛ is in agreement with experiment.


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The Wilson coefficient corresponding to the gluon-field strength GμνGμν is evaluated for the nucleon current correlation function in the presence of a static external electromagnetic field, using a regulator mass Λ to separate the high-momentum part of the Feynman diagrams. The magnetic-moment sum rules are analyzed by two different methods and the sensitivity of the results to variations in Λ are discussed.


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The magnetic moment μB of a baryon B with quark content (aab) is written as μB=4ea(1+δB)eħ/2cMB, where ea is the charge of the quark of flavor type a. The experimental values of δB have a simple pattern and have a natural explanation within QCD. Using the ratio method, the QCD sum rules are analyzed and the values of δB are computed. We find good agreement with data (≊10%) for the nucleons and the Σ multiplet while for the cascade the agreement is not as good. In our analysis we have incorporated additional terms in the operator-product expansion as compared to previous authors. We also clarify some points of disagreement between the previous authors. External-field-induced correlations describing the magnetic properties of the vacuum are estimated from the baryon magnetic-moment sum rules themselves as well as by independent spectral representations and the results are contrasted.


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In this contribution, we discuss a total cross-section model which can be applied to both photon and purely hadronic processes. We find that the model can reproduce photo-production cross-sections, as well as extrapolation of gamma*p processes to gamma p using Vector Meson Dominance models, with minimal modifications from the proton case.


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In this contribution, we discuss a total cross-section model which can be applied to both photon and purely hadronic processes. We find that the model can reproduce photo-production cross-sections, as well as extrapolation of gamma*p processes to gamma p using Vector Meson Dominance models, with minimal modifications from the proton case.


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The description of quarks and gluons, using the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), has been known for a long time. Nevertheless, many fundamental questions in QCD remain unanswered. This is mainly due to problems in solving the theory at low energies, where the theory is strongly interacting. AdS/CFT is a duality between a specific string theory and a conformal field theory. Duality provides new tools to solve the conformal field theory in the strong coupling regime. There is also some evidence that using the duality, one can get at least qualitative understanding of how QCD behaves at strong coupling. In this thesis, we try to address some issues related to QCD and heavy ion collisions, applying the duality in various ways.


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Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory describing interaction between quarks and gluons. At low temperatures, quarks are confined forming hadrons, e.g. protons and neutrons. However, at extremely high temperatures the hadrons break apart and the matter transforms into plasma of individual quarks and gluons. In this theses the quark gluon plasma (QGP) phase of QCD is studied using lattice techniques in the framework of dimensionally reduced effective theories EQCD and MQCD. Two quantities are in particular interest: the pressure (or grand potential) and the quark number susceptibility. At high temperatures the pressure admits a generalised coupling constant expansion, where some coefficients are non-perturbative. We determine the first such contribution of order g^6 by performing lattice simulations in MQCD. This requires high precision lattice calculations, which we perform with different number of colors N_c to obtain N_c-dependence on the coefficient. The quark number susceptibility is studied by performing lattice simulations in EQCD. We measure both flavor singlet (diagonal) and non-singlet (off-diagonal) quark number susceptibilities. The finite chemical potential results are optained using analytic continuation. The diagonal susceptibility approaches the perturbative result above 20T_c$, but below that temperature we observe significant deviations. The results agree well with 4d lattice data down to temperatures 2T_c.