988 resultados para Process-centric BI
The artefact and techno-centricity of the research into the architecture process needs to be counterbalanced by other approaches. An increasing amount of information is collected and used in the process, resulting in challenges related to information and knowledge management, as this research evidences through interviews with practicing architects. However, emerging technologies are expected to resolve many of the traditional challenges, opening up new avenues for research. This research suggests that among them novel techniques addressing how architects interact with project information, especially that indirectly related to the artefacts, and tools which better address the social nature of work, notably communication between participants, become a higher priority. In the fields associated with the Human Computer Interaction generic solutions still frequently prevail, whereas it appears that specific alternative approaches would be particularly in demand for the dynamic and context dependent design process. This research identifies an opportunity for a process-centric and integrative approach for architectural practice and proposes an information management and communication software application, developed for the needs discovered in close collaboration with architects. Departing from the architects’ challenges, an information management software application, Mneme, was designed and developed until a working prototype. It proposes the use of visualizations as an interface to provide an overview of the process, facilitate project information retrieval and access, and visualize relationships between the pieces of information. Challenges with communication about visual content, such as images and 3D files, led to a development of a communication feature allowing discussions attached to any file format and searchable from a database. Based on the architects testing the prototype and literature recognizing the subjective side of usability, this thesis argues that visualizations, even 3D visualizations, present potential as an interface for information management in the architecture process. The architects confirmed that Mneme allowed them to have a better project overview, to easier locate heterogeneous content, and provided context for the project information. Communication feature in Mneme was seen to offer a lot of potential in design projects where diverse file formats are typically used. Through empirical understanding of the challenges in the architecture process, and through testing the resulting software proposal, this thesis suggests promising directions for future research into the architecture and design process.
Our research follows a design science approach to develop a method that supports the initialization of ES implementation projects – the chartering phase. This project phase is highly relevant for implementation success, but is understudied in IS research. In this paper, we derive design principles for a chartering method based on a systematic review of ES implementation literature and semi-structured expert interviews. Our analysis identifies differences in the importance of certain success factors depending on the system type. The proposed design principles are built on these factors and are linked to chartering key activities. We specifically consider system-type-specific chartering aspects for process-centric Business Intelligence & Analytics (BI&A) systems, which are an emerging class of systems at the intersection of BI&A and business process management. In summary, this paper proposes design principles for a chartering method – considering specifics of process-centric BI&A.
To meet new challenges of Enterprise Systems that essentially go beyond the initial implementation, contemporary organizations seek employees with business process experts with software skills. Despite a healthy demand from the industry for such expertise, recent studies reveal that most Information Systems (IS) graduates are ill-equipped to meet the challenges of modern organizations. This paper shares insights and experiences from a course that is designed to provide a business process centric view of a market leading Enterprise System. The course, designed for both undergraduate and graduate students, uses two common business processes in a case study that employs both sequential and explorative exercises. Student feedback gained through two longitudinal surveys across two phases of the course demonstrates promising signs of the teaching approach.
Sustainable practices are more than ever on the radar screen of organizations, triggered by a growing demand of the wider population towards approaches and practices that can be considered "green" or "sustainable". Our specific intent with this call for action is to immerse deeper into the role of business processes, and specifically the contributions that the management of these processes can play in leveraging the transformative power of information systems (IS) in order to create environmentally sustainable organizations. Our key premise is that business and information technology (IT) managers need to engage in a process-focused discussion to enable a common, comprehensive understanding of process, and the process-centered opportunities for making these processes, and ultimately the organization as a process-centric entity, "green". Based on a business process lifecycle model, we propose possible avenues for future research.
In managing their operations, organizations have traditionally focused on economic imperatives in terms of time, cost, efficiency, and quality. In doing so, they have been a major contributor to environmental degradation caused by re-source consumption, greenhouse emissions, and wastage. As a consequence, or-ganizations are increasingly encouraged to improve their operations also from an ecological perspective, and thus to consider environmental sustainability as an additional management imperative. In order to lessen their impact on the natural environment, organizations must design and implement environmentally sustainable processes, which we call the challenge of Green Business Process Management (Green BPM). This chapter elaborates on the challenge and perspec-tive of Green BPM, and explores the contributions that business process management can provide to creating environmentally sustainable organizations. Our key premise is that business as well as information technology managers need to engage in a process-focused discussion to enable a common, comprehensive understanding of organizational processes, and the process-centered opportunities for making these processes, and ultimately the organization as a process-centric entity, “green.” Through our review of the key BPM capability areas and how they can be framed in terms of environmental sustainability considerations, we provide an overview and introduction to the subsequent chapters in this book.
The banking industry is under pressure. In order to compete, banks should adapt to concentrating on the specific customer needs, following an outside-in perspective. This paper presents the design of a business model for banks that considers this development by providing flexible and comprehensive support for retail banking clients. It is demonstrated that the identification of customer processes and the consequent alignment of banking services to those processes implies great potential to increase customer retention in banking. It will be shown that information technology – especially smartphones – can serve as an interface between customer and suppliers to enable an alignment of offerings to customer processes. This approach enables the integration of banks into their customers’ lifestyle, creating emotional value added, improving the personal relationship and the customers’ affiliation with the bank. The paper presents the design of such a customer-process-centric smartphone application and derives success factors for implementation.
Shared services is a prominent organizational arrangement for organizations, in particular for support functions. The success (or failure) of shared services is a critical concern as the move to shared services can entail large scale investment and involve fundamental organizational change. The Higher Education (HE) sector is particularly well poised to benefit from shared services as there is a need to improve organizational performance and strong potential from sharing. Through a multiple case study of shared services experiences in HE, this study identifies ten important antecedents of shared services success: (1) Understanding of shared services; (2) Organizational environment; (3) Top management support; (4) IT environment; (5) Governance; (6) Process centric view; (7) Implementation strategy; (8) Project management; (9) Change management; and (10) Communication. The study then develops a preliminary model of shared services success that addresses the interdependencies between the success factors. As the first empirical success model for shared services, it provides valuable guidance to practice and future research.
Health care systems are highly dynamic not just due to developments and innovations in diagnosis and treatments, but also by virtue of emerging management techniques supported by modern information and communication technology. A multitude of stakeholders such as patients, nurses, general practitioners or social carers can be integrated by modeling complex interactions necessary for managing the provision and consumption of health care services. Furthermore, it is the availability of Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) that supports those integration efforts by enabling the flexible and reusable composition of autonomous, loosely-coupled and web-enabled software components. However, there is still the gap between SOA and predominantly business-oriented perspectives (e.g. business process models). The alignment of both views is crucial not just for the guided development of SOA but also for the sustainable evolution of holistic enterprise architectures. In this paper, we combine the Semantic Object Model (SOM) and the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) towards a model-driven approach to service engineering. By addressing a business system in Home Telecare and deriving a business process model, which can eventually be controlled and executed by machines; in particular by composed web services, the full potential of a process-centric SOA is exploited.
eScience is an umbrella concept which covers internet technologies, such as web service orchestration that involves manipulation and processing of high volumes of data, using simple and efficient methodologies. This concept is normally associated with bioinformatics, but nothing prevents the use of an identical approach for geoinfomatics and OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) web services like WPS (Web Processing Service). In this paper we present an extended WPS implementation based on the PyWPS framework using an automatically generated WSDL (Web Service Description Language) XML document that replicates the WPS input/output document structure used during an Execute request to a server. Services are accessed using a modified SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) interface provided by PyWPS, that uses service and input/outputs identifiers as element names. The WSDL XML document is dynamically generated by applying XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) to the getCapabilities XML document that is generated by PyWPS. The availability of the SOAP interface and WSDL description allows WPS instances to be accessible to workflow development software like Taverna, enabling users to build complex workflows using web services represented by interconnecting graphics. Taverna will transform the visual representation of the workflow into a SCUFL (Simple Conceptual Unified Flow Language) based XML document that can be run internally or sent to a Taverna orchestration server. SCUFL uses a dataflow-centric orchestration model as opposed to the more commonly used orchestration language BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) which is process-centric.
Antigen-kodierende RNA wird als eine sichere und effiziente Alternative zu traditionellen Impfstoff-Formulierungen, wie Peptid-, Protein-, rekombinanten viralen oder DNA basierten Impfstoffen betrachtet. Der endgültige klinische Nutzen RNA-basierter Impfstoffe wird von der Optimierung verschiedener Parameter abhängig sein, die zur Induktion und effizienten Expansion der humoralen und zellvermittelten Immunantwort beitragen. Vor diesem Hintergrund war die Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit, die Etablierung pharmakologischer und immunologischer Parameter für die Generierung effektiver Immunantworten durch RNA-Impfstoffe sowie deren Wirksamkeit in vitro und im Mausmodell unter Nutzung von Modellantigenen zu testen. Zur Untersuchung und Optimierung der RNA-Pharmakokinetik, als einem Schlüsselaspekt der klinischen Medikamentenentwicklung, wurde der Einfluss von strukturellen Modifikationen auf die Transkriptstabilität und Translationseffizienz von Reporter-Proteinen in einer zeitabhängigen Kinetik evaluiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass ein poly(A) Schwanz von 120 Adenosinen, verglichen mit einem kürzeren, ein freies 3´ poly(A) Ende, verglichen mit einem verdeckten und eine doppelte β-globin 3´ UTR, unabhängig voneinander zu einer Erhöhung der IVT-RNA Stabilität und zu einer Verbesserung der Translationseffizienz beitrugen und dadurch insgesamt zu einer erhöhten Proteinexpression führten. Antigen-kodierende IVT-RNA mit diesen molekularen Merkmalen in Kombination führte, im Vergleich zur Standard IVT-RNA, zu einer erhöhten Dichte und Stabilität von Peptid/MHC-Komplexen auf der Zelloberfläche transfizierter DCs und dadurch zu einer verbesserten Stimulation von CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen im murinen und humanen System. Mit dem Ziel, die RNA kodierte Antigenform für die Induktion einer verstärkten Antikörperantwort zu modifizieren, wurde im zweiten Teil der Arbeit ein Antigen-IgM Fusionskonstrukt hergestellt und hinsichtlich seiner Eignung als neues Impfstoff-Format untersucht. Die Ausgangshypothese, dass die RNA kodierten Antigen-IgM Fusionsproteine polymerisieren, von transfizierten Zellen sezerniert werden und aufgrund der repetitiven Antigenstruktur im Vergleich mit dem monomeren Antigen zu einer Verstärkung der Antikörperantwort führen, wurde in vitro und in vivo im Mausmodell bestätigt. Die Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Zytokinfusionsproteinen zur selektiven Verstärkung der antigenspezifischen Immunantworten bildeten den dritten Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit. Zur weiteren Verstärkung der Antikörperantwort wurde basierend auf den Resultaten aus dem zweiten Teil ein IL2-IgM Fusionskonstrukt hergestellt. Die Ko-Transfektion von Antigen-IgM und IL2-IgM kodierender IVT-RNA führte zu einer signifikant stärkeren Antikörperantwort als die Ko-Transfektion von Antigen-IgM und IL2. Für die Initiierung einer erfolgreichen anti-Tumor-Immunantwort ist das Priming antigenspezifischer T-Zellen essentiell. Um die Effizienz dieses Prozesses zu steigern, wurde ein bifunktionelles IL2-mCD40L Fusionskonstrukt hergestellt und sein Einfluss auf die Effektorfunktion von DCs in vitro und in vivo untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass ein RNA kodiertes IL2-mCD40L Fusionsprotein als genetisches Adjuvanz zu einer Effizienzsteigerung des Priming zytotoxischer T-Zellen führt. Somit wurden in dieser Arbeit durch die Optimierung der Pharmakokinetik, die Modifikation der Antigenform und die Herstellung und Evaluierung von Zytokinfusionskonstrukten als genetische Adjuvantien, RNA-basierte Impfstoffe für eine optimierte Induktion von antigenspezifischen Immunantworten weiter verbessert.
Mainstream business process modelling techniques promote a design paradigm wherein the activities to be performed within a case, together with their usual execution order, form the backbone of a process model, on top of which other aspects are anchored. This paradigm, while eective in standardised and production-oriented domains, shows some limitations when confronted with processes where case-by-case variations and exceptions are the norm. In this thesis we develop the idea that the eective design of exible process models calls for an alternative modelling paradigm, one in which process models are modularised along key business objects, rather than along activity decompositions. The research follows a design science method, starting from the formulation of a research problem expressed in terms of requirements, and culminating in a set of artifacts that have been devised to satisfy these requirements. The main contributions of the thesis are: (i) a meta-model for object-centric process modelling incorporating constructs for capturing exible processes; (ii) a transformation from this meta-model to an existing activity-centric process modelling language, namely YAWL, showing the relation between object-centric and activity-centric process modelling approaches; and (iii) a Coloured Petri Net that captures the semantics of the proposed meta-model. The meta-model has been evaluated using a framework consisting of a set of work ow patterns. Moreover, the meta-model has been embodied in a modelling tool that has been used to capture two industrial scenarios.