Using a smartphone application for customer-centric banking

Autoria(s): Dohmen, Anne; Moormann, Jürgen; Rosemann, Michael



The banking industry is under pressure. In order to compete, banks should adapt to concentrating on the specific customer needs, following an outside-in perspective. This paper presents the design of a business model for banks that considers this development by providing flexible and comprehensive support for retail banking clients. It is demonstrated that the identification of customer processes and the consequent alignment of banking services to those processes implies great potential to increase customer retention in banking. It will be shown that information technology – especially smartphones – can serve as an interface between customer and suppliers to enable an alignment of offerings to customer processes. This approach enables the integration of banks into their customers’ lifestyle, creating emotional value added, improving the personal relationship and the customers’ affiliation with the bank. The paper presents the design of such a customer-process-centric smartphone application and derives success factors for implementation.



AIS Electronic Library (AISeL)


Dohmen, Anne, Moormann, Jürgen, & Rosemann, Michael (2009) Using a smartphone application for customer-centric banking. In ACIS 2009 Proceedings, AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), Melbourne, VIC, pp. 385-394.


Copyright 2006 Dohmen, A.; Moormann, J.; Rosemann, M.

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School of Information Systems; Science & Engineering Faculty


Conference Paper