972 resultados para Procedure law


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"Fourth printing."


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v. I. The modern democracy, the citizen and the law - Legal ethics - Law : its origin, nature, development - Courts : federal and state - Law of contracts -- v. 2. Law of torts -- v. 3. Criminal Law - Law of criminal procedure - Law of persons and domestic relations -- v. 4. Personal property and bailments - Law of liens and pledges - Law of agency - Law of sales of personal property -- v. 5. Law of real property -- v. 6. Law of descent and distribution, wills and administration, guardian and ward - Law of landlord and tenant - Law of irrigation and water rights - Law of mines and mining -- v. 7. Equity - Law of trusts - Law of quasi-contacts - Law of estoppel -- v. 8. Law of negotiable instruments - Law of suretyship and guaranty - Law of mortgages : real and chattel - Interpretation of statutes -- v. 9. Law of private corporations - Law of partnership - law of banks, banking and trust companies - Law of receivers -- v. 10. Pleadings in civil actions at common law and under modern statutes - Practice in civil actions - Law of equity pleading - Law of evidence - Laws of attachment and garnishments - Law of judgments and executions - Law of extraordinary remedies - Law of habeas corpus -- v. 11. Constitutional law : definitions and general principles - Organization and powers of the United States Government - Constitutional guaranties of fundamental rights - Eminent domain - Taxation - Naturalization -- v. 12. Conflict of laws - International law - Law of interstate commerce - Law of bankruptcy - Law of patents - Law of copyright - Law of trademarks - Unfair competition and good-will -- v. 13. Law of public service companies, especially common carriers - Law of municipal corporations - Law of public officers and elections - Parliamentary law -- v. 14. Law of damages - Law of insurance - Admiralty law - Medical jurisprudence - Forms -- v. 15. Blackstone's Commentaries.


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Along this work we wish to highlight the main influence of Procedural Law in some as-pects in our Maritime Law. Our point of view has been supported by new Maritime Naviga-tion Act of 2014, when including the Title X ruling "Procedures Specialities in Maritime Navigation". We are focusing on the Bill of Lading as an essential document in maritime shipping from a procedural point of view. It is particulary relevant the express recognition of its enforce-able nature through the Spanish Maritime Navigation Act, giving to the bill of lading the consideration as an true extrajudicial enforceable title. We will point out the main error of the spanish regulator in the new Maritime Navigation Act, when repeating the provided posibility in the Spanish Civil Procedure Act, of a direct procedure of execution grounded on a extrajuditial enforcement such as the bill of lading. Finally, we would like to conclude the work studying the possible uses of Small Claim Procedure of the 812 article and followings of Spanish Civil Procedure Law, for the pur-pose of safeguarding credit, so as a short mention to other procedural figures expressly in-cluded in the Title IX of Maritime Navigation Law.


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Este trabalho se propõe a uma releitura da atual concepção do Direito Processual do Trabalho, seus institutos, princípios e regras. A partir da constatação da autonomia do processo do trabalho e da inaptidão de seus mecanismos para a realização dos direitos materiais subjacentes, passam a ser diagnosticados fatores que o distanciam dos valores constitucionais e das garantias processuais fundamentais reconhecidas nos textos supranacionais, para a construção de principiologia própria e coerente com a Teoria Geral do Processo. Destacadas as seis garantias processuais fundamentais, quais sejam (i) tribunal competente; (ii) acesso à justiça; (iii) órgão julgador imparcial; (iv) ampla possibilidade de participação no processo; (v) prazo razoável e (vi) efetividade da decisão, cada uma passa a ser apresentada inicialmente sob uma ótica abstrata e geral, para, em seguida, serem considerados os pontos em que se chocam com as práticas processuais trabalhistas. Sobre tais premissas são desenvolvidas teses em prol da construção de um justo processo do trabalho.


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O presente trabalho pretende analisar alguns reflexos da incorporação dos influxos da nova ordem globalizada e do neoliberalismo na ordem jurídica nacional. Será demonstrado que os valores sugeridos ainda que essa sugestão tenha caráter quase cogente pelo Banco Mundial, por meio de sua atividade paranormativa, são incorporados pela ordem legal brasileira através de reformas processuais que priorizam a justiça quantitativa. Essas reformas, somadas a outros fatores tais como o aumento das demandas levadas ao Poder Judiciário, a influência da economia na análise do Direito, a utilização equivocada, irrefletida e mecânica de discursos de fundamentação prévia, a pobreza do ensino jurídico e a submissão dos juízes ao que ditam os tribunais, resultam em um patamar de jurisdição padronizada. Paralelamente a esse processo, a população carcerária brasileira cresce em acelerado ritmo, o que pode ser relacionado com o avanço dos valores neoliberais e da retração do estado do bem estar social.Diante desse quadro, é proposto, como forma de aproximação da teoria jurídica com a prática forense e de maneira a proporcionar abertura do direito penal ao mundo dos fatos, a dogmática funcional redutora, de modo que o Direito Penal atue como dique de contenção do estado de polícia que subjaz a cada estado de direito. Ademais, propõe-se que essa adoção se dê nas salas de aula dos cursos de direito, utilizando-se, tanto quanto possível, de diversos recursos didáticos para tornar mais palpáveis e inteligíveis os conceitos e ideias propostos.


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This thesis is about arbitration, a form of alternative dispute resolution, as a solution for the slowness of the Brazilian Judiciary. The paper starts with an approach of the fundamental rights, highlighting their positivation, important to distinguish them from human rights, the four dimensions of the fundamental rights and, lastly, the analysis of their features, emphasizing their characters of complementarity and universality. After, it starts to discourse about the “access to Justice”, an important fundamental right, and, to delimitate the role of the Judiciary and the problems related to solve cases in a reasonable amount of time. Next, it exposes other alternative forms of dispute resolutions that, like the arbitration, can help to the concretization of a faster and more effective Justice. Then, it discusses the historical evolution of the arbitration in Brazil, highlighting the contemporary features of the institute, which were more visible with the ratification of the New York Convention and the promulgation of Law nº 9.307/1996. In addition, it analyses the possible changes that will come with the New Brazilian Procedure Law Code and the PL 7.108/2014, intended to change the current Arbitration Law. It also explains the main arbitration attributes, describing the peculiarities of the arbitral convention, the arbitrator role, and the arbitral award aspects. At least, it lists the main reasons someone should choose arbitration instead the Judiciary, considering the Brazilian Courts reality.


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The problem to be discussed results from the relationship established between the insurer and insured by the conclusion of an insurance contract, namely an optional liability insurance contract, to cover the risks taken by the insured resulting from the occurrence of a claim, such as those arising from the emergence of the liability and consequent obligation to compensate damages caused to a third party. This thesis concerns thus the debate between those who consider that, in the optional insurance, the third party may require compliance with the provision to both the insured and the insurer (in the case of voluntary joinder, pursuant to Art. 27 CCP, which corresponds Art. 32 of the New Code of Civil Procedure, Law n. 41/2013 of 26 June, which entered into force on 1 September, hereinafter New Code) - insurance contract on behalf of a third party conception - in the same way that the insured defendant can bring the insurer to intervene as co-defendant in the main process, pursuant al. a) of art. 325 of the CCP (corresponding to art. 316 of the New Code - main intervention caused), and those who argue that the insurer may only intervene in the action as an ancillary party, to assist the defendant, lacking interest, therefore, in necessary or volunteer joinder, with the consequence that the insurer cannot be sued as a main party - only ancillary intervention is justifiable (cf. art. 330 CPC, which corresponds to art. 321 of the New Code).


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Cette étude présente une caractérisation du mécanisme procédural de l'intervention des tiers en droit judiciaire privé québécois. Développée en trois volets, elle aborde successivement l'origine historique de l'intervention des tiers, qui révèle sa pérennité et sa longévité (première partie). Un modèle conceptuel de sa forme contemporaine selon lequel son bien-fondé repose sur sa légitimité et son utilité est proposé (deuxième partie). Enfin, une étude critique, dans une perspective sociologique et comparative, de la place de l'intervention des tiers dans les projets de réforme de la procédure civile, expose son incompatibilité avec les modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits et trouve, dans le pouvoir judiciaire de l'ordonner d'office présent la législation étrangère, une assurance contre l'iniquité à laquelle le droit québécois devrait souscrire (troisième partie).


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En esta comunicación vamos a reflejar los pasos que estamos dando para ir paulatinamente desarrollando toda nuestra docencia en la asignatura Derecho Procesal Penal por medio de metodologías activas de enseñanza. Para llevar a cabo ese cambio hemos tomado parte en el programa ERAGIN-IKD, puesto en marcha por el Vicerrectorado de Calidad e Innovación Docente de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU), que busca formar a los profesores para que éstos puedan conocer las metodologías activas citadas e ir incorporándolas paulatinamente en el desarrollo de su labor docente


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El objetivo de la tesis doctoral es el análisis del recurso de apelación en el proceso civil desde su vertiente subjetiva. El estudio se centra en los sujetos que intervienen en el recurso de apelación, tanto en quienes han sido parte en primera instancia, com en los eventuales intervinientes o, incluso, terceros, es decir, aquellos sujetos que no han actuado en la primera instancia como partes originarias o intervinientes pero pretenden comparecer en apelación com intervinientes adhesivos. De otra parte, se ha analizado la bibliografía científica existente que trata sobre los diferentes aspectos de la teoría general de los recursos civiles, en especial sobre sus condiciones y presupuestos de adminsión. Si bien es cierto que no escasean valiosas obras relativas al objeto de la apelación, se echaban en falta, a mi juicio, estudios que abordasen específicamente y con la debida extebsión los aspectos subjetivos del recurso.


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En Ecuador una sentencia de instancia puede ser ejecutada aun cuando exista recurso de casación pendiente, que pudiera modificarla. El problema surge cuando dicha sentencia es revocada y los actos producto de su ejecución pierden sustento. Los distintos ordenamientos señalan dos posibles soluciones: a) aquel que considera que la sentencia recurrida en casación no es final y definitiva y por ello a manera de excepción a los principios del derecho, establecida legalmente, permite la ejecución provisional de una sentencia carente de firmeza, o, b) aquel que establece que la naturaleza de la sentencia recurrida en casación es la de ser final y definitiva, sujeta a condición resolutoria, por lo que su ejecución resulta también de carácter definitivo, pero bajo condición resolutoria. Este trabajo intenta establecer a cual sistema pertenece nuestra Ley de Casación.


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Cuando en la expedición de un acto procesal hay un apartamiento de ciertas formas, o bien se omiten requisitos que la ley exige para su validez, se dice que es nulo. Estos errores determinan que la nulidad sea un vicio que afecta a las formas, no al contenido del acto, por ello, para declarar una nulidad procesal -diríase el remedio extremo-, el juzgador debe atenerse a ciertos principios, en especial, cuando el vicio afecta gravemente la garantía de defensa de los justiciables. El tratamiento que otorga la legislación procesal civil ecuatoriana a la materia no es sistemático, es de esperar que un nuevo cuerpo legal, siguiendo la corriente que en la materia ha impuesto el Código Procesal Civil Modelo para Iberoamérica, corrija la dispersión en el sistema e incorpore nuevos principios y figuras.