999 resultados para Problematic attitudes


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître (M.Sc) en criminologie


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître (M.Sc) en criminologie


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La pratique d’un sport de type esthétique est aujourd’hui considérée par plusieurs (Sundgot-Borgen & Torstveit, 2004; Thompson & Sherman, 2010) comme un facteur de risque à l’adoption d’attitudes et de comportements alimentaires inappropriés à l’égard de l’alimentation et de l’image corporelle (ACIAI) et ultimement au développement d’un trouble des conduites alimentaires (TCA). Les études actuelles portant sur cette problématique rapportent toutefois des résultats contradictoires. De plus, certains aspects méthodologiques associés notamment à l’hétérogénéité des échantillons limitent la portée interprétative de ces résultats. Afin de pallier les limites actuelles des écrits empiriques, cette thèse a pour but de tracer le portrait de la problématique des désordres alimentaires chez les jeunes athlètes québécoises de haut niveau en sport esthétique. Pour ce faire, un échantillon homogène de 145 adolescentes âgées de 12 à 19 ans a été constitué soit 52 athlètes de haut niveau et 93 non-athlètes. Les sports représentés sont le patinage artistique, la nage synchronisée et le ballet. À partir de cet échantillon, deux études sont réalisées. L’objectif de la première étude est de comparer l’intensité des ACIAI et la prévalence des TCA dans les deux groupes à l’aide de deux questionnaires soit le Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) et le Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3). Les résultats obtenus suggèrent qu’il n’y a pas de différence significative entre les athlètes et les non-athlètes de l’échantillon en ce qui a trait à l’intensité des ACIAI et à la prévalence des TCA. La deuxième étude est constituée de deux objectifs. Tout d’abord, comparer les deux groupes relativement aux caractéristiques personnelles suivantes : l’insatisfaction de l’image corporelle (IIC), le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle envers l’alimentation normative (SEP-AN) et l’image corporelle (SEP-IC), le perfectionnisme (P), l’ascétisme (As), la dysrégulation émotionnelle (DÉ) et le déficit intéroceptif (DI). De nature plus exploratoire, le second objectif de cette étude est de décrire et de comparer les caractéristiques personnelles qui sont associées aux ACIAI dans chacun des groupes. Afin de réaliser ces objectifs, deux autres questionnaires ont été utilisés soit le Eating Disorder Recovery Self-efficacy Questionnaire-f (EDRSQ-f) et le Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ). En somme, les analyses indiquent que les athlètes de l’échantillon présentent des niveaux plus faibles de SEP-AN et de DÉ. Ce faisant, elles auraient moins confiance en leur capacité à maintenir une alimentation normative, mais réguleraient plus efficacement leurs émotions que les adolescentes non-athlètes. Une fois l’âge et l’indice de masse corporelle contrôlés, les résultats démontrent également que le SEP-AN et l’IIC contribuent à prédire dans chaque groupe les ACIAI tels que mesurés par la recherche de minceur. Le SEP-AN a aussi été associé dans les deux groupes à l’intensité des symptômes boulimiques. Les modèles obtenus diffèrent cependant quant aux variables prédictives principales. Chez les athlètes de l’échantillon, l’intensité des conduites boulimiques est associée à la DÉ alors qu’elle est davantage liée au DI chez les adolescentes non sportives. Enfin, en plus de discuter et de comparer l’ensemble de ces résultats aux autres travaux disponibles, les apports distinctifs de la thèse et les principales limites des études sont abordés. Des pistes sont également suggérées afin d’orienter les recherches futures et des implications cliniques sont proposées.


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There is currently a scarcity of research on the nature of HIV/AIDS stigma within the Thai health context. This is problematic given the negative role of stigma in hindering the provision of patient care and treatment. This study used a mixed-method approach to investigate the interrelationships between the stigma of HIV/AIDS and the stigmas relating to its various modes of disease transmission including injection drug use (IDU). Twenty interviews were conducted with trainees and qualified nurses from a Bangkok college. Participants were presented with vignettes describing a hypothetical person varying in disease diagnoses (AIDS, leukemia, no disease) and co-characteristics (IDU,  commercial sex (CS), blood transfusion, no co-characteristic). Using a Q-sort task, participants arranged the vignettes along a bipolar scale according to their willingness to interact with the persons, and were asked to explain their decisions. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses showed that IDU, AIDS, and CS were all individually stigmatizing. Strong interactions were found between the stigmas of HIV/AIDS, IDU, and CS. Interview data also showed clear biases toward patients according to their IDU and CS habits. The findings  suggest that addressing these co-stigmas could be vital to the success of efforts aimed at reducing the disease stigma of HIV/AIDS.


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This paper outlines the rise of women in management worldwide, and considers why so few women achieve senior or executive management positions. This slow advance of women into senior roles is unexpected given that the changes in organisations today are believed to require more ‘feminine leadership’. A decrease in the emphasis on masculine characteristics for managers is reported, and a requirement that more ‘feminine leadership’ needs to be adopted by organisations in order to ensure their survival in the future (Powell, Butterfield & Parent, 2002, p.189). Recent empirical research reports that there are differences in leadership style between male and female managers, and the findings suggest that women exhibit more transformational leadership than their male counterparts, with this style being strongly equated with effective leadership (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, van Engen, 2003). However, these findings are based on western research, and it may be that cross cultural research will yield a different picture (House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman, & Gupta, 2004). Leadership and leadership styles may be conceptualised differently in a more paternalistic society. To explore this possibility, a cross cultural study was conducted in Malaysia and Australia. It is hypothesised that countries that are paternalistic in cultural values will exhibit a stronger constraint on women in management roles, which may impact on workplace attitudes, aspirations for promotion and style of leadership exhibited. Therefore, it is possible that the career advancement of women may be more problematic for Malaysian managerial women than their Australian counterparts. Results from an initial pilot study in Malaysia and Australia are outlined, and highlight some interesting similarities and differences to what are reported in the western literature.


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BACKGROUND High-dose benzodiazepine dependence constitutes a major clinical concern. Although withdrawal treatment is recommended, it is unsuccessful for a significant proportion of affected patients. More recently, a benzodiazepine maintenance approach has been suggested as an alternative for patients' failing discontinuation treatment. While there is some data supporting its effectiveness, patients' perceptions of such an intervention have not been investigated. METHODS An exploratory qualitative study was conducted among a sample of 41 high-dose benzodiazepine (BZD)-dependent patients, with long-term use defined as doses equivalent to more than 40 mg diazepam per day and/or otherwise problematic use, such as mixing substances, dose escalation, recreational use, or obtainment by illegal means. A qualitative content analysis approach was used to evaluate findings. RESULTS Participants generally favored a treatment discontinuation approach with abstinence from BZD as its ultimate aim, despite repeated failed attempts at withdrawal. A maintenance treatment approach with continued prescription of a slow-onset, long-acting agonist was viewed ambivalently, with responses ranging from positive and welcoming to rejection. Three overlapping themes of maintenance treatment were identified: "Only if I can try to discontinue…and please don't call it that," "More stability and less criminal activity…and that is why I would try it," and "No cure, no brain and no flash…and thus, just for everybody else!" CONCLUSIONS Some patients experienced slow-onset, long-acting BZDs as having stabilized their symptoms and viewed these BZDs as having helped avoid uncontrolled withdrawal and abstain from criminal activity. We therefore encourage clinicians to consider treatment alternatives if discontinuation strategies fail.


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The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) has been widely acknowledged as a useful measure of student cognitive attitudes about science and learning. The initial University of Colorado validation study included only 20% non-Caucasian student populations. In this Brief Report we extend their validation to include a predominately under-represented minority population. We validated the CLASS instrument at Florida International University, a Hispanic-serving institution, by interviewing students in introductory physics classes using a semistructured protocol, examining students’ responses on the CLASS item statements, and comparing them to the items’ intended meaning. We find that in our predominately Hispanic population, 94% of the students’ interview responses indicate that the students interpret the CLASS items correctly, and thus the CLASS is a valid instrument. We also identify one potentially problematic item in the instrument which one third of the students interviewed consistently misinterpreted.


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The growth of spring break tourism in many destinations has become problematic, predominantly due to the excessive behaviour of college students. This paper examines residents’ attitudes toward spring break tourism in South Padre Island (located in Texas, USA) through the lens of community attachment. By understanding the attitudes of residents of the host communities, tourism planners and policy-makers can create policies to shape the character of tourism according to the residents’ needs. The findings suggest that, at this point in time, community residents perceive that the benefits of spring break tourism benefits exceed its’ costs. Also, the short and intense season of spring break tourism allows residents to better deal with social costs.


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Aims and objectives To establish whether mental health nurses responses to people with borderline personality disorder are problematic and, if so, to inform solutions to support change. Background There is some evidence that people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are unpopular among mental health nurses who respond to them in ways which could be counter-therapeutic. Interventions to improve nurses’ attitudes have had limited success. Design Systematic, integrative literature review. Methods Computerised databases were searched from inception to April 2015 for papers describing primary research focused on mental health nurses’ attitudes, behaviour, experience, and knowledge regarding adults diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Analysis of qualitative studies employed metasynthesis; analysis of quantitative studies was informed by the theory of planned behaviour. Results Forty studies were included. Only one used direct observation of clinical practice. Nurses’ knowledge and experiences vary widely. They find the group very challenging to work with, report having many training needs, and, objectively, their attitudes are poorer than other professionals’ and poorer than towards other diagnostic groups. Nurses say they need a coherent therapeutic framework to guide their practice, and their experience of caregiving seems improved where this exists. Conclusions Mental health nurses’ responses to people with borderline personality disorder are sometimes counter-therapeutic. As interventions to change them have had limited success there is a need for fresh thinking. Observational research to better understand the link between attitudes and clinical practice is required. Evidence-based education about borderline personality disorder is necessary, but developing nurses to lead in the design, implementation and teaching of coherent therapeutic frameworks may have greater benefits. Relevance to clinical practice There should be greater focus on development and implementation of a team-wide approach, with nurses as equal partners, when working with patients with borderline personality disorder.


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Communications are important for relationships within a marketing channel from both a theoretical and managerial perspective. Yet it is a problematic area for scholars. Thus, this research addresses the problem of how do customers of a financial services institution perceive communications with an ideal institution? This study's case research methodology used in-depth interviews with 34 carefully selected customers of a building society. The factors that make up customers' attitudes about corporate communications for an ideal financial services institution were identified and actual perceptions were compared against that ideal. The findings confirmed the importance of communications for customers in a relationship with a financial services provider and suggested communication priorities for customers in this context. In addition, the findings suggested sources of communication dissatisfaction for customers. These findings build upon the literature that speculates about customer perceptions of communications with organizations but provides little evidence to support hypotheses. The contributions arose from the emphasis on the customers' own attitudes and the patterns found within them.