995 resultados para Portugal – Defesa


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Esta dissertação teve como objetivo verificar qual foi e tem sido o papel do Instituto da Defesa Nacional IDN nas Relações Civis Militares em Portugal, após a Revolução dos Cravos. Fazendo uso de uma abordagem mista, a pesquisa visou avaliar a penetração do IDN na sociedade portuguesa, conhecer o impacto dos eventos, produções editoriais e capacitações, em especial do Curso de Defesa Nacional - CDN, ofertados pelo IDN, na formação de um pensamento crítico sobre as relações civis-militares e ainda verificar a interação entre o IDN, universidade e outros institutos congêneres. Foi aplicado um questionário a 39 respondentes, escolhidos aleatoriamente entre Auditores da Defesa Nacional, afim de perceber a opinião deles sobre esse tema. Para complementar os dados coletados foram realizadas duas entrevistas com pesquisadores renomados. As evidências apontam para o fato de o IDN não conseguir atingir a toda sociedade portuguesa. Apesar disso, ficou claro que o trabalho desenvolvido pelo IDN influenciou positivamente na formação de um pensamento crítico sobre as RCM. Foi possível perceber também que a ampliação desse cenário tem se dado pelas importantes parcerias que o IDN tem mantido com universidade e institutos congêneres. Por fim, percebeu-se que, apesar das dificuldades que impedem o Instituto de atingir a toda sociedade, o papel desenvolvido por ele foi e tem sido muito relevante na formação de civis e militares que atuam direta ou indiretamente nas Relações Civis-Militares.


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The global dynamics of alliances are strongly determined by the level of cooperation among states. This cooperation can be embodied in various aspects, but the level of defense and security cooperation becomes usually more doctrinal and lasting. By the nature of sovereignty that instills in the bilateral relationship, cooperation at defense and security level can leverages other forms of cooperation. The circumstances and relational balance between Brazil and Portugal seem to evolve towards distancing opportunities, despite they are culturally and institutionally untainted. The economic dynamics, the strategic projection in global sustainability terms, the scale and ambition of Brazilian regional leadership, contrasts with the actual context of Portugal, distancing himself both on the stage where they operate. On the other hand, the historical and cultural roots, the language, the affinity of the peoples of CPLP and some opportunities for economic niches, trend to attract both countries. The condition of Portugal in NATO and Europe, coupled with the ability to export technical and human resources to value-added for Brazil, seems also to become approaching factors. On the balance of these dynamics, there is a set of exogenous factors (economic, external global relations matrix, regional stability, among others), which are not always controlled by any of both countries. These factors call for strong capacity for foresight analysis and decision making, with the inherent risk. There is cooperation vectors that are not apparently penalized by geographic distance, or by the difference of realities. Among these vectors we shall highlight synergies in technological niches, highly tradable goods and, mostly, using the domain of dual technologies. The thirteen niches herein identified are: Monitoring, Navigation, Command and Control, Electronics, Optoelectronics, Communication and remote sensing, Information Technologies, Flight Simulation, Specialized Training, Fiber Optic Sensors, Materials Engineering, Nanotechnology and Communications. Cumulating with identified opportunities in traditional relational framework, both countries are growing (in geography and economic terms) into the Atlantic, making it a central element in the bilateral approach. By being at the same time a growing stage of disputes and which stability tends to be threatened, it will be done an analysis of these synergistic vectors, superimposed on the impact on Atlantic securitization process.


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Includes bibliographical references and index.


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Os Estados Membros da UE devem assumir a responsabilidade pela sua defesa e segurança, num novo quadro com menos presença dos EUA e novas ameaças. A perda de capacidades militares desde o início da crise é evidente, tornando-se necessária uma partilha que permita manter a eficiência e a economia de meios. Nesta conjuntura, Portugal e Espanha têm definido no Tratado de Baiona (2015) o mais ambicioso quadro legal da sua história para uma necessária cooperação bilateral em defesa. Uma iniciativa que pode e deve servir de primeiro passo na integração da defesa comum europeia. O presente trabalho desenha uma estratégia de cooperação bilateral, materializada num modelo de cooperação construído sobre o Tratado de Baiona, que resulta de analisar os fins, os meios e os modos de cooperação em europa nos níveis regional (OTAN e UE) e sub-regional (bilaterais e minilaterais). Abstract: The Member States of the UE need to assume the responsibility of their defense and security, in the framework of a reduced presence of the USA and increased threats. The loss of military capabilities from the beginning of the crises appears to be evident, making necessary the establishment of a sharing procedure that ensures efficiency and economy of means. Within this situation, Portugal and Spain have defined in the Treaty of Baiona (2015) the most ambitious legal framework ever in their common history, for an enhanced bilateral defense cooperation. This initiative may and must serve as first step in the integration of an European common defense. The present work designs a strategy for bilateral cooperation, materialized in a cooperation model build upon the Treaty of Baiona, as a result of the analysis of the ends, ways and means of the European cooperation at both regional (NATO & EU) and sub-regional (bilateral & minilateral) levels.


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Este artigo debruça-se sobre o período histórico do pós revolução de abril de 1974, a abril de 1976, usando como quadro concetual a noção de educação popular e como contexto empírico a fábrica de conservas “S. Francisco” da empresa Júdice Fialho, localizada na cidade de Portimão. Pretende abrir algumas ideias para perceber de que forma o operariado se organizou em comissões de base, para lutar em defesa de melhores condições de vida e de trabalho. Pretende, ainda, compreender os mecanismos usados para desenvolver um processo educativo de aprendizagem autónoma e emancipatória relativa ao trabalho e à vida social.


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Tese de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Educação Intercultural), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2010


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Geografia (Geografia Física), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 2015


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação do Dr. Rodrigo Carvalho e co-orientação do Major de Artilharia António Rabaço


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Sociologia Especialização em Conhecimento, Educação e Sociedade


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Versão corrigida e melhorada após defesa pública


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Along with the food and the comfort, safety has always been one of the human priorities. In pursuit of this objective, man developed self-preservation mechanisms, went to live in society and created rules to control the community life. In the West and in the late eighteenth century, with the creation of states as we know them today, the monopoly of security, among other powers, has been preserved untouched until the last quarter of this century. With the bankruptcy of the welfare state and the rise of the regulatory state, many of the essential tasks for the community have also been carried out by private companies or institutions, including education, health care and security. Although not easy, education and health care have been more opened to be managed by the private sector. Instead, the privatization of the security sector has seen much more resistance. Still, especially in the West, the states have delegated some of the security competences to private companies. Portugal is no exception to the rule and, after a few years of unregulated activity, in 1982 was published the first law regulating the private security. After the initial stages of development (evolution and maturation), which lasted until the early years of the 2000‘s, the private security now seems to have reached maturity. Today, now with a new legal system, composed by Law no. 34/2013, of 16 may, its regulations and complementary legislation, now private security encompasses other activities and competences - becoming, an increasingly complement to public safety. It has also increased the pre-requisites and control mechanisms for private security companies, and strengthened the rules that limit their scope of activity.


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Versão corrigida e melhorada após a sua defesa pública


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After reading about the current legal regime regarding the foreign workers we realize the high relevance this area has, nevertheless the research about these issues has been lying somewhat stagnant in Portugal, particularly as it refers to non-EU citizens. At a time when we witness a progressive increase of the migratory movements we propose ourselves, in this study, to understand more clearly the current legal system in the matter of foreign worker rights, and, from a pragmatic point of view, to question some choices of the legislator in order to understand if these serves to the best protection of the rights and duties of the foreign workers and the new situations arising from this phenomenon, considering any system weaknesses. However, we realize that much remains to be done in this field, both in terms of true equal rights between nationals and foreigners, and either as what regards to an effort to harmonize these issues by the States, which tend to favor national sovereignty and its economic interests rather than protecting the fundamental rights of workers.