994 resultados para Pedagogic intervention


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This study investigates the effects of a short-term pedagogic intervention on the development of L2 fluency among learners studying English for Academic purposes (EAP) at a university in the UK. It also examines the interaction between the development of fluency, and complexity and accuracy. Through a pre-test, post-test design, data were collected over a period of four weeks from learners performing monologic tasks. While the Control Group (CG) focused on developing general speaking and listening skills, the Experimental Group (EG) received awareness-raising activities and fluency strategy training in addition to general speaking and listening practice i.e following the syllabus. The data, coded in terms of a range of measures of fluency, accuracy and complexity, were subjected to repeated measures MANOVA, t-tests and correlations. The results indicate that after the intervention, while some fluency gains were achieved by the CG, the EG produced statistically more fluent language demonstrating a faster speech and articulation rate, longer runs and higher phonation time ratios. The significant correlations obtained between measures of accuracy and learners’ pauses in the CG suggest that pausing opportunities may have been linked to accuracy. The findings of the study have significant implications for L2 pedagogy, highlighting the effective impact of instruction on the development of fluency.


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The importance of reflection in higher education, and across disciplinary fields is widely recognised; it is generally included in university graduate attributes, professional standards and program objectives. Furthermore, reflection is commonly embedded into assessment requirements in higher education subjects, often without necessary scaffolding or clear expectations for students. Despite the rhetoric around the importance of reflection for ongoing learning, there is scant literature on any systematic, developmental approach to teaching reflective learning across higher education programs/courses. Given that professional or academic reflection is not intuitive, and requires specific pedagogic intervention to do well, a program/course-wide approach is essential. This paper draws on current literature to theorise a new, transferable and customisable model for teaching and assessing reflective learning across higher education, which foregrounds and explains the pedagogic field of higher education as a multi-dimensional space. We argue that explicit and strategic pedagogic intervention, supported by dynamic resources, is necessary for successful, broad-scale approaches to reflection in higher education.


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The importance of reflection in higher education, and across disciplinary fields is widely recognised; it is generally included in university graduate attributes, professional standards and program objectives. Furthermore, reflection is commonly embedded into assessment requirements in higher education subjects, often without necessary scaffolding or clear expectations for students. Despite the rhetoric around the importance of reflection for ongoing learning, there is scant literature on any systematic, developmental approach to teaching reflective learning across higher education programs/courses. Given that professional or academic reflection is not intuitive, and requires specific pedagogic intervention to do well, a program/course-wide approach is essential. Over the last 18 months, teaching staff from five QUT faculties: Business, Creative Industries, Education, Health and Law, have been involved in an ALTC-funded project to develop a systematic, cross-faculty approach to teaching and assessing reflection in higher education. This forum will present a reflective model that staff have used in their teaching and they will also share their ideas and approaches to reflective teaching and assessment with colleagues from QUT and other universities. A poster format will enable forum participants to talk informally with the presenters about how the approaches and resources they have developed for units have contributed to the development of the reflective model which can be applied across faculties. Participants will also be able to explore the web resources which have been developed as part of the project.


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A investigação realizada encontra-se inserida na área das Ciências de Educação, teve como objetivo principal compreender a atitude diagnóstica no quadro das situações educativas e pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelas educadoras de alguns jardins-de-infância, do distrito de Évora e como finalidade construir uma teoria de médio alcance elaborada numa estrutura explicativa do conjunto de fenómenos em contexto. Em educação de infância, o ato de cuidar estabelece-se numa relação de ajuda à criança e orienta-se para objetivos como promover o bem-estar, o conforto e o desenvolvimento em todas as dimensões. Isto implica conhecer e compreender cada criança ou grupo de crianças e as situações educativas e pedagógicas, em contexto. Compreende um exercício prático e para o qual se projeta uma prática de diagnóstico conciliadora da compreensão dos fenómenos sociais, estruturados em comportamentos, ações e atitudes específicas. Verificam-se lacunas quanto à forma como este exercício se cumpre e evolui nas diferentes fases. Repetem-se fragilidades quanto à mobilização de saberes, atitudes e competências a cada momento do agir. Constatam-se conceitos psicologizados e estruturas muito ténues e, por isso, necessitam ser estudadas, documentadas e teorizadas, particularmente numa dimensão praxiológica do conhecimento. O estudo inseriu-se no quadro das metodologias qualitativas, seguiu o paradigma interpretativo e o raciocínio indutivo. O referencial metodológico reuniu os princípios e procedimentos da Grounded Theory. A colheita de dados efetuou-se em jardins-de-infância da rede pública; a amostra teórica envolveu seis educadoras de infância e as crianças com idades compreendidas entre os três e os seis anos. Adotámos o uso de multitécnicas, entre as quais, a observação, a entrevista e a narrativa escrita. Fizemos vinte observações, repartidas pelos dois períodos do dia (manhã e tarde); vinte e seis entrevistas e seis narrativas escritas. Da análise dos dados emergiu a Atitude Diagnóstica como uma predisposição que caracteriza o ato de agir e as suas características foram-se tornando evidentes com o desenvolvimento da caracterização do processo de diagnóstico. Desta emergiu o modelo teórico definido em três eixos fundamentais. O “Processo de avaliação diagnóstica e planeamento” representativo das etapas, segundo as quais o educador desenvolve um conjunto de ações propiciadoras de um conhecimento previamente organizado, visando o bem-estar, o conforto, a segurança e o desenvolvimento. Em concomitância emerge o segundo, “Processo de intervenção educativa e pedagógica”, expressivo do conjunto de ações coerentes e evolutivas, empreendidas com vista à execução dos objetivos do ensino aprendizagem. Trata-se de dois processos sistematizados e perspetivados sob as dimensões diacrónica e sincrónica, compostos por uma sequência de pensamentos, permanentemente averbados pela “Atitude Diagnóstica” que dá um caráter coerente e evolutivo às tomadas de decisão nas ações educativas. Estes dois eixos integrados e entrelaçados são auxiliados por um terceiro, o “Processo de relação” que os harmoniza e dá especificidade a cada situação experienciada. A relação consolida-se e assume-se uma ajuda na confiabilidade necessária para a promoção da confiança entre os pares e o conhecimento vai evoluindo gradualmente em função do tempo e dos compromissos. O educador age com intencionalidade e para cada ator traça objetivos a cada momento do agir. A gestão do tempo, dos sentimentos e emoções funciona como variável importante na relação orientada sob a tríade: educador, criança e família e é concomitante com o Desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional do educador; ### ABSTRACT: The Diagnostic Attitude as an Analysis Instrument in Educational Action The conducted investigation is inserted in the area of Education Sciences. Its main aim was to understand the diagnostic attitude in the frame of the educative and pedagogical activities developed by the educators of some kindergartens in the district of Évora, and its purpose was to build a medium range theory elaborated in a structure explaining the whole of the phenomena in context. In child education, the act of caring is established in a relationship of help towards the child and is oriented towards goals as specific as promoting the well-being, the comfort and the development in all dimensions. This implies knowing and understanding each child or group of children and the educational and pedagogical situations in context. It includes a practical exercise that determines a complex scenario and for which we project a conciliating diagnostic practice towards the understanding of the social phenomena, structured in specific behaviors, actions and attitudes. We recognize some gaps regarding the way how this exercise is fulfilled and evolves in the different phases. Weaknesses regarding the mobilization of knowledge, attitudes and competences in each acting moment are repeated. We notice psichologized concepts and very superficial structures that need thus to be studied, documented and theorized, particularly in a praxeological dimension of knowledge. The study is inserted in the frame of qualitative methodologies, following an interpretative paradigm and an inductive reasoning. The methodological referential has gathered the principles and procedures of the Grounded Theory. The gathering of data was done in public kindergartens; the theoretical sample involved six child educators and children aged between three and six years. Several techniques were used, such as observation, interview and written narrative. We did twenty observations, divided between the two periods of the day (morning and afternoon); twenty-six interviews and six written narratives. The analysis of the data resulted in the Diagnostic attitude, like a predisposition that characterizes the act of acting and its characteristics became evident with the development of the characterization of the diagnostic process. From this rose the theoretical model defined in three fundamental axes. The Process of diagnostic evaluation and planning that represents the stages according to which the educator develops a group of actions that allow the transmission of a previously organized knowledge that aims well-being, comfort, safety and development. Concomitantly arises the second, Process of educative and pedagogic intervention, that expresses a group of coherent and evolving actions, undertaken to reach the goals of the teaching-learning process. These are two systematized processes, perspectivated under the diachronical and synchronical dimensions, composed by a sequence of thought, permanently confirmed by the Diagnostic attitude that gives a coherent and evolving character to the decision making in educative actions. These two integrated and intertwined axis are aided by a third one, Process of relation that harmonizes them and gives specificity to each experienced situation. The relation is consolidated and one assumes a kind of help in the trustworthiness necessary for the promotion of the trust between pairs and the knowledge keeps evolving gradually according to time and commitments. The educator acts with intent and sets goals for each actor at each acting moment. Time, feeling and emotion management works as an important variable in the relation oriented according to the triad educator, child and family, being also concomitant with the Personal and professional development of the educator.


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Tese de mestrado, Educação (Didáctica das Ciências), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2010


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e 2º CEB


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Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Relatório Final apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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A lo largo de estos años de existencia del grupo de investigación se han ido desarrollando un volumen de casos donde se comenzó a evidenciar un hecho: niños y adolescentes llegaban derivados a la consulta por problemas de aprendizaje, pero éstos no siempre respondían a que tuvieran unos procesos cognitivos por debajo de la media. Por tanto, no se explicaba su bajo rendimiento escolar. Ante estos casos nos planteamos como intervenir en esta realidad educativa. Indagando descubrimos que la mayoría de estos también tenían problemas a nivel emocional. La pregunta inmediata que nos hicimos fue: podemos llegar a pensar que quizás los procesos emocionales influyen directamente en los procesos cognitivos? El estado emocional influye directamente en los procesos cognitivos?Los procesos cognitivos y emocionales son un todo inseparable? Estas dudas son las que me llevaron a proponer esta investigación: ver la relación que puede haber entre los procesos cognitivos y los procesos emocionales, evidentemente, siempre centrados desde el Modelo Humanista- Estratégico (modelo del grupo de investigación): a nivel cognitivo, Teoría PASS de la Inteligencia; a nivel emocional, la Teoría del Procesamiento Cerebral de las Emociones. Se plantea la tesis estructurada en dos partes: Parte teórica: explicación de la Unidad de Neuropsicopedagogía del Hospital Dr. Trueta de Girona (UNPP) donde se realiza la investigación, revisión teórica de procesamiento cognitivo, procesamiento emocional y su relación mutua. 2.- Parte práctica: objetivos, metodología, resultados, análisis- discusión, implicaciones educativas y conclusiones. El objetivo general es establecer una relación entre el procesamiento cognitivo y emocional a partir de la relación de los procesos cognitivos PASS con problemas emocionales en niños y niñas de entre 5 y 16 años. Para conseguirlo se pretende: 1. Establecer la relación entre procesamiento PASS y los efectos de la intervención emocional según el Modelo Humanista - Estratégico; 2. Analizar la relación entre procesamientos cognitivos PASS y los efectos de la intervención cognitiva según la Teoría PASS de la Inteligencia; 3.Comprobar si los procesos PASS varían en el transcurso de más de seis meses sin ningún tipo de intervención ni emocional ni cognitiva, 4. Comprobar si los resultados obtenidos en los tres primeros objetivos se diferencian entre ellos para determinar el componente emocional en los procesos cognitivos PASS, y 5. Establecer orientaciones prácticas para la intervención psicopedagògica considerando la relación de procesos emocionales, cognitivos y aprendizaje. Para poder llevar a cabo esta investigación, la metodologia utilizada es: una metodologia cuantitativa ya que se realiza una investigación experimental enmarcada como un diseño mixto 3x2 con el primer factor ínter sujeto y el segundo factor intra sujeto. Y por otra parte, una metodologia cualitativa. ya que en la primera muestra se realiza una intervención psicopedagógica en base emocional a cuarenta casos de la UNPP, y en la segunda muestra se realiza una intervención psicopedagògica en base cognitiva a treinta casos de la UNPP. Los resultados comparativos nos corraboran afirmativamente la hipotesis y objetivos, facilitando realizar un analisis-discusión muy interesante aportando las implicaciones educativas que acarrean, y por consiguiente llegando a las conclusiones. De entre éstas destacamos principalmente: 1. La intervención emocional es eficaz para mejorar el rendimiento cognitivo, si tenemos en cuenta que a pesar que no se ha realizado intervención cognitiva se ha producido una mejora en el rendimiento escolar. 2. La intervención cognitiva PASS es eficaz para la mejora del rendimiento cognitivo y la desaparación de las dificultades de aprendizaje cuando el origen de estas es cognitivo. 3. En las diferencias en planificación se observa que se ha producido un incremento mayor y sustancial en el grupo que ha recibido intervención emocional. 4. Y por consiguiente, podemos decir que la emoción se interrelaciona con la cognición a través del procesamiento cognitivo de planificación.


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The work objectified to apprehend the degree of the teachers' concept concerning the territory concept and to intervene with situations of critical reflections to accompany and to analyze the process of conceptual elaboration. It contemplates on the (new)meaning of knowledge and (new)elaboration of the concept in study done inside a pedagogic intervention. The Municipal School Dr. Julio Senna - Ceará-Mirim/RN and six (6) teacher-collaborators that taught in the 3rd and 4th grades of the fundamental teaching, constitutes the empiric field of the research. Its theoretical-methodological contributions are built in the studies of Vigotski (2000a, 2000b and 2001) on the formation process and development of concepts; in the methodology colaborate (Ibiapina (2004), Bartomé (1986), Kemmis and Mctaggart (1988), Arnal, Del Ricon and Latorre (1992), Pepper and Ghedin (2002), among others) and in the critical-reflexive conception of the Geography (Soares Júnior (2000 and 1994), Silva (1998), Raffestin (1993), Santos (1994), Felipe (1998), among others). The accomplishment of the work presupposed starting from the reflections on the following subjects: which the teachers' understanding in the school space concerning the territory concept? How does happen the process of conceptual construction territory for the teachers? The analysis of the teachers' previous knowledge on the concept in study, evidenced that its apprehensions on the attributes of the referred concept went mentioned the to light of the perceptible dimension of the real-concrete relationships of the reality linked to the degree of the spontaneous concepts and followed by the ideas of the traditional, humanistic and cultural geographical conceptions (positivism and phenomenology), restricting the territory meaning the notion of State-Nation and place of the men's dwelling. In the intervention process, it was verified to real possibility of the acquisition of indispensable scientific concepts to the process of (new)meaning conceptual of geographical knowledge through the continuous practice of the educational formation, when it was evidenced that the teacher-collaborators acquired high degrees of attributions of the significance of the territory concept to the they elaborate generalizations by means of analyses and syntheses of the concept-attribute (essential and multiples) of the reference conceptual in study


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC