964 resultados para Pecking Order theory
Rapport de recherche
Research question- This thesis investigates the determinants of capital structure of the Swedish companies. In order to do so, the two dominant theories of the corporate structure are studied and their assumptions are tested. Thus, the study researches which one of the two theories is more appealing for the Swedish market. Methodology-The study follows a purely quantitative study, by conducting an econometric analysis. The data are collected from a secondary source and more particularly the "Retriever" database, which contains financial data of the Swedish companies. Findings- The findings indicate that the determinants of the corporate structure for the Swedish market do not differ from other studies which have been conducted in other countries. However, there is a difference when it comes to tax and non-tax shields. The results suggest that in most cases the Pecking Order Theory appears to be more representative for the Swedish market, since most of the coefficient appear to be in favour of it. Moreover, the significance of the effect of the industry for the financial leverage is confirmed.
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira
Este trabalho tem por objetivo, essencialmente, estudar um dos modelos que procuram explicar as políticas de concepção de estrutura de capital. Embora já usado em 1961 por Donaldson, o termo pecking order rotula um modelo criado em 1984 por stwart Myers e Nicholas Majluf, segundo o qual as empresas, procuram financiar seus novos investimentos dando prioridade aos recursos internamente gerados e, uma vez esgotados estes, aderem ao uso de instrumentos de financiamento externo segundo uma ordem determinada pelo risco inerente a cada um deles.
A 2D Unconstrained Third Order Shear Deformation Theory (UTSDT) is presented for the evaluation of tangential and normal stresses in moderately thick functionally graded conical and cylindrical shells subjected to mechanical loadings. Several types of graded materials are investigated. The functionally graded material consists of ceramic and metallic constituents. A four parameter power law function is used. The UTSDT allows the presence of a finite transverse shear stress at the top and bottom surfaces of the graded shell. In addition, the initial curvature effect included in the formulation leads to the generalization of the present theory (GUTSDT). The Generalized Differential Quadrature (GDQ) method is used to discretize the derivatives in the governing equations, the external boundary conditions and the compatibility conditions. Transverse and normal stresses are also calculated by integrating the three dimensional equations of equilibrium in the thickness direction. In this way, the six components of the stress tensor at a point of the conical or cylindrical shell or panel can be given. The initial curvature effect and the role of the power law functions are shown for a wide range of functionally conical and cylindrical shells under various loading and boundary conditions. Finally, numerical examples of the available literature are worked out.
This article discusses property rights, corporate governance frameworks and privatisation outcomes in the Central–Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) region. We argue that while CEECA still suffers from deficient ‘higher order’ institutions, this is not attracting sufficient attention from international institutions like EBRD and the World Bank, which focus on ‘lower order’ indicators. We discuss factors that may alleviate the negative impact of the weakness in institutional environment and argue for the pecking order of privatisation, where equivalent privatisation is given a priority but speed is not compromised.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, 13 de Dezembro de 2012, Universidade dos Açores.
Doutoramento em Economia Financeira e Contabilidade
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää lineaarisen regressioanalyysin avulla paneelidataa käyttäen suomalaisten pörssiyritysten pääomarakenteisiin vaikuttavat tekijät vuosina 1999-2004. Näiden tekijöiden avulla päätellään, mitä pääomarakenneteoriaa/-teorioita nämä yritykset noudattavat. Pääomarakenneteoriat voidaan jakaa kahteen luokkaan sen mukaan, pyritäänkö niissä optimaaliseen pääomarakenteeseen vai ei. Tradeoff- ja siihen liittyvässä agenttiteoriassa pyritään optimaaliseen pääomarakenteeseen. Tradeoff-teoriassa pääomarakenne valitaan punnitsemalla vieraan pääoman hyötyjä ja haittoja. Agenttiteoria on muuten samanlainen kuin tradeoff-teoria, mutta siinä otetaan lisäksi huomioon velan agenttikustannukset. Pecking order - ja ajoitusteoriassa ei pyritä optimaaliseen pääoma-rakenteeseen. Pecking order -teoriassa rahoitus valitaan hierarkian mukaan (tulorahoitus, vieras pääoma, välirahoitus, oma pääoma). Ajoitusteoriassa valitaan se rahoitusmuoto, jota on kannattavinta hankkia vallitsevassa markkinatilanteessa. Empiiristen tulosten mukaan velkaantumisaste riippuu positiivisesti riskistä, vakuudesta ja aineettomasta omaisuudesta. Velkaantumisaste riippuu negatiivisesti likviditeetistä, osaketuotoista ja kannattavuudesta. Osingoilla ei ole vaikutusta velkaantumisasteeseen. Toimialoista teollisuustuotteiden ja -palveluiden sekä perusteollisuuden aloilla on korkeammat velkaantumisasteet kuin muilla toimialoilla. Tulokset tukevat pääosin pecking order -teoriaa ja jonkin verran ajoitusteoriaa. Muut teoriat saavat vain vähäistä tukea.
El presente trabajo aborda el estudio de los factores determinantes del endeudamiento empresarial para contrastar empíricamente la hipótesis del Pecking Order. El endeudamiento empresarial se mide junto a su madurez y para los diferentes tamaños empresariales dada la importancia de diferenciar sus posibles efectos contrapuestos o compensados. Los modelos utilizados para el contraste de hipótesis se han estimado con una muestra de 1.320 empresas manufactureras españolas proporcionada por la Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales (ESEE), para el período 1993-2001. El análisis empírico aplica un modelo multivariante de regresión logística que permite concluir que la teoría del Pecking Order es la de mejor cumplimiento, además de constatarse que las empresas de menor tamaño tienen mayores dificultades de acceso a la financiación con deuda a largo plazo.
This thesis studies capital structure of Finnish small and medium sized enterprises. The specific object of the study is to test whether financial constraints have an effect on capital structure. In addition influences of several other factors were studied. Capital structure determinants are formulated based on three capital structure theories. The tradeoff theory and the agency theory concentrate on the search of optimal capital structure. The pecking order theory concerns favouring on financing source over another. The data of this study consists of financial statement data and results of corporate questionnaire. Regression analysis was used to find out the effects of several determinants. Regression models were formed based on the presented theories. Short and long term debt ratios were considered separately. The metrics of financially constrained firms was included in all models. It was found that financial constrains have a negative and significant effect to short term debt ratios. The effect was negative also to long term debt ratio but not statistically significant. Other considerable factors that influenced debt ratios were fixed assets, age, profitability, single owner and sufficiency of internal financing.
This thesis studies venture capital investment on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The specific objective of the study is to test whether venture capitalists have a positive effect on SMEs. In addition effect of several other factors is studied in financial crisis. Used determinants are formulated based on three capital structure theories. The pecking order theory concerns favoring on financing source over another. The agency theory and the tradeoff theory concentrate on the search of optimal capital structure. The data of this study consist of financial statement data and results of corporate questionnaire. Regression analysis was used to find out the effects of several determinants. Regression models were formed based on the presented theories. SMEs with and without venture capitalists were considered separately. It was found that venture capitalists have a positive effect on SMEs. Although some results between SMEs with and without venture capitalists were mixed.
The purpose of this study is to examine and explain firm`s growth impact on capital structure decision-making in research and development intensive companies. Many studies claim that R&D has a pivotal impact on capital structure decisions, but corporate finance theories have often failed to explain these observed patterns. As sales growth is an important concept and objective for R&D firms, it is logical to assume that it plays a vital role in capital structure decisions. This study applies nomothetic research approach. The theoretical part employs a formal conceptual analysis in order to develop the propositions that are tested with empirical data. The empirical part consists of the analysis of three companies; the data is obtained from the annual reports over the period 2003 – 2008. The companies operate in IT- or ICT-industry and are publicly listed. The method for analyzing the case data is based on the financial indicators, which are obtained from the financials of the case companies. These economic indicators describe the capital structure and the financial decision-making of the firms. The method relates to the quantitative studies. Yet, this study extends the analysis beyond the indicators. Specifically, this study addresses the question of what is behind the economic indicators, therefore combining aspects of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The firms examined in this study seem to prefer internal finance during growth. However, external finance seems to be a catalyst for sales growth. Firms strongly prefer equity financing. In growth, the use of equity per capital either increases or stays in a constant level. Over the period 2003 – 2008, the firms were often associated to equity related transactions and short-term debt. Short-term debt was used as a substitute of long-term debt and equity. The case firms also adjusted their capital structure – these adjustments were carried out with short-term debt or equity. The case data also provides implications for the growth signal theory that was developed in this study. Based on the econometric indicators, arguments can be made that equity investors are `attracted` to growing R&D firms. This is because growth helps investors perceive the true type of firm. The findings of this study are best explained by the trade-off theory and the pecking order theory. These corporate finance theories are considered as mainstream. Little support can be found to the implications of the signaling theory and market timing theory.